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Do any of the regulars around here remember Ninja Mall Cop? Why am I suddenly reminded of him?
Posts: 10780 | Location: Test Tube | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Ahh, it must be the zero drift, minor short circuit, caused by temporary failure of the two primary brain cells.

This is usually caused by complex ideas, that the bianary system, employed in his brain, cannot distingush between black and white, big or small, etc.

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Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Zero, I haven't thought of that one for awhile,lol. I still don't know if I like the secret Ninja boots or the steel plate and duct tape idea the best:O
Posts: 831 | Location: Mount Vernon, WA | Registered: 18 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Funny, I thought the topic raised was one that was fairly important.

I'm glad you don't ZD.


Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
<500 AHR>

I went to two different high schools and they had pretty much the same issues. My wife remembers there being a considerable amount of violence in here high school to, much more than you hear about today. I do hear abit about the schools from two relatives which are teachers. Kids nowadays are not as violent as my generation.

Consider this very minor thing. When I was growing up we had BB gun wars. We actually shot each other with BB guns. Before that we had the plastic rattatatat assault rifles. Neither of these things are done today.

To answer your original question better. In this area of the country juveniles are pretty well protected against adults. If a juvenile attacks me I cannot defend myself unless he is using deadly force! A good friend of mine got convicted of assault and battery for slugging a neighborhood kid after the kid attacked him. The "child" was not held responsible for his actions (he was 17). See he was just a baby and did not know any better.

The fear I have is not of the kids, but one of being arrested, prosecuted, and jailed for defending myself against some out of control punk! The dangerous game analogy of your'is bogus because we hunters can without fear of reprisal blow the animal's head off!

If we had the same degree of freedom with these punk kids the kids today would have a much greater degree of respect for others than they do. These undisciplined punks are nothing more than a troop of monkeys running loose without a cage. By the way, it is illegal to discipline your child anymore. If you raise your voice, or tell them they are misbehaving it is psychological abuse. If you spank them it is physical abuse. So the message to the child is "I can do whatever I want and there will be no reprisal". This is justified by the liberal statement "we do not want these children to live in fear", and " we do not rule by fear". The second statement is a complete joke. ALL GOVERNMENTS RULE BY FEAR! If you break the law you will be fined (fear), jailed (bigger fear), or executed (biggest fear)!

So because of liberals like you teaching buddies you get to live in the world you now enjoy! Have a nice life!

I do not wish to draw out this post any longer as I do not believe that it belongs on the Big Bore Forum.

Todd E

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My analogy was simple. The both situations are emotionally, and psychologically draining.

As for the rest of your post, you are correct.


Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
this is a sad day indeed, first off, any load from a 375 will certainly pass through a person, your house walls, the neighbors walls and then you will certainly be up the proverbial creek. even without killing an innocent person. unfortunantly i have been seriously threatened by some high school punks! before 2 back surgeries,( three fused vertebrae) there would have been some serious butt kicking going on. i tried to do the right thing, by going to the local sheriff. he told me there was nothing he could do until i was assaulted. in my case, this could easily mean paralyzed from the waist down. not an option!!! i don't care how young these punks are. by the way they showed me how easily it is to remove their police i.d. anklets so they can slip out at night. now i carry a handgun wherever i go. i would hate to use it on anybody... but i will not be crippled for somebodys shits and the way this is a very small town. fwiw,. halfbreed
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Odd you bring this up to the top again, Halfbreed.

I also have two fused disks, s-5 and 6, I think are the proper medical names.

However, couple things that bother me lately.

three gang punks came up, and, but for the cheerleading team, would have broken into my car. I saw them checking it out, watched them walk up, drop tools, and look around.

I walked up to the car, hit the alarm, and jumped in, along with the usual gang bullshit, waiting for a ride, at 4:30 PM, from them.

Second: In the gym, showing two basketball players the holes in my knee, from surgery, and the pain from it.

They BOTH hike their shirts. One says, after practice, he got knifed, and shows me the scar. Cost him the season.

The other shows me another knife cut, from living in Oakland. He's in 9th grade.

As some one with a Juris Doctrate degree, I would suggest going to the local sheriff, applying for a concealed weapon permit, and try and be legal about carrying.

I am going to follow my own advice, soon.


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Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
if your serious about home safety, a .410 birdshot round would probably be your best bet. at close ranges it is devastating (big bloody holes)but loses energy very quickly so you don't have to worry as much about whose sleeping in the next room(wife,children, or in the case of the .375, neighbors!).i have a single shot snake charmer (bought for 60$) in the bed room, short barrel, big pattern.

take care

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socrates, i do have a permit. any way ( i'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by six )you want to look at it. L 4,5,6 fused with all the accessories. texypede is your snake charmer a single shot? try a 20 gauge with #6 field loads. pump or semi auto.much safer than a single shot, without too much penetration. better safe than sorry.

overkill? how much more dead, is dead, than dead?

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It's easy. Aim at the guys uhhh, 'pelvis', and figure it won't hit anyone else.

It is a bit heavy for close range. However, if the guy had a vest, he's still done.

While I'm debating the purchase of an old 97 pump, I still like the 375...

Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
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