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What attracts you to owning and shooting big bores? Login/Join
Right now it's a .375:

1.) Peter Capstick
2.) Elmer Keith
3.) I can't stand when squirrels run off and die in my woodpile.

Reasons I'm sticking to in convincing the wife I need a .416 Rigby:

The little bitty peices of squirrel she objects to will be totally buried by dirt and debris.
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I got in with the wrong crowd. [Frown]

First, a girlfriends brother took me shooting.

He had a collection of firearms that let me try everything from 22 to 45.

I just liked 45. His gold cup was accurate,
fun to shoot, and his 308's shot 1/2 moa all day, with open sites. I had NO IDEA how good the guy was, until now, at setting up his M1A's and pistols.

Then I ran into a guy that had his own company, BRI, and he was developing a 500 grain 45 caliber
shotgun slug, now bought from him by Winchester.

Something about bench resting full house mag shotgun loads, and having a shotgun with a scope on it that was really fun.

I settled on 45 because it was easy to reload,
and got myself a 550 dillon, and went to town. Did a lot of shooting.

Got a 45 Linebaugh, and had a blast with it at the range. Used to take a case, fill it with H-110, put a 230 grain super hard cast hardball slug on top, and go to the range.

Talk about a bellering 45 colt... It made the 44 and 357 mags sound like popguns. My revenge, after having to listen to those damn 357's in snubbys, with most people that can't hit the broad side of a barn with them.

Then I went to work for a guy that was an ex-green beret.

I blew 35 grand building one of the fastest street cars ever.

I went over to his house, and he pulled out a 45 Sig sauer and said,
"This is my idea of high performance machinery."

I thought about it, and he had a point. Doing 155 on Highway 1 was only going to get me put in jail.

His sig was legal, fun to shoot, and one hell of a lot cheaper then my car.

Rifle wise, I went with a 375, since after reading about a guy hitting a cape buffalo with a 4 bore, and the bull still going 60 yards, I figure that anything that would flat out stop a cape buffalo I can't afford, or can't handle, read a 2 bore.

Getting used to the 375. Figure that like most factory ammo, the 270 Federals at 2800 fps out of my 25 inch barrel kick a hell of a lot. Probably a cheap powder. Once I get the reloading stuff going, I'm sure that I'll get similar, or better ballistics, with less recoil.

I hope to get, and stop, at about a 458 Ackley Improved.

Figure that's about the most cost effective big bore, both for buying and feeding, that I can go for.

I can use 375 brass, and all those 45 caliber bullets...

I like having 22lrs for practice, and the big bores for anything serious.

I've always liked the idea of a pre-expanded bullet, and bullet weight, rather then a light, hi-vel type load. Plus, I can always use light bullets, for caliber, like a 200 grain speer 375, or something similar in 45, to get high velocity, and still have the flat impact of the larger caliber,and the bullet weight.

I guess I'm old school in that I like large, wide, sometimes slow moving bullets over small, fast, expanding bullets.

I love 45 in handguns, and have no problem with some very heavy, almost casull loads, in my 45 Linebaugh.

I'd like the same caliber in a rifle, and I'm looking around for a458 Win mag CZ 550 to build a
458 AIM on.

One day...

Posts: 1805 | Location: American Athens, Greece | Registered: 24 November 2001Reply With Quote
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BTW, this has been an absolutely hilarious thread to read!!! I take it size matters!!!!!

Anyway for me, as someone else mentioned above, it had a whole lot to do with big bears. Maybe it was the time we were in serious brown bear country, and HE was hunting (moose) with a blasted ThompsonContender , and he was having trouble with it. There we are, in the middle of hectares of alders, with bear tracks and bear scat everywhere. Then there was the time, again in brown bear country, when we're aobut 30 yard apart, in grass and bushes over my head, and he yells,"There's a bear with two cubs headed for you!" He negelected to say if they were black or brown (they turned out to be black.)I decided I wanted something BIGGER!
So, I found out I could shoot something bigger than the .270 and .30-06 I had at the time. After I tried it, I liked it. The big BLAM, the big holes in the target, and then, finally, the big hole in the critter. I'm a little woman; does that have anything to do with it?? [Wink]
Posts: 37 | Location: Alaska, USA | Registered: 11 November 2000Reply With Quote
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So far no one have mentioned a name who is called Mr. Big Bore in gun writers.

Ross Seyfried has large contribution in building my passion for big bores.

Posts: 271 | Location: Pakistan | Registered: 28 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Are you suggesting that big bores are owned by men with a small attachment and women with a small bra size???????

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Not at all !!!!! [Roll Eyes] All I said was apparently size matters........
Face it, the fun factor of a big blam, big hole, and big kick has been mentioned several times.
Oh, and I said I was a small woman, I didn't say anything about small breasts.... [Wink]

[ 09-06-2002, 17:15: Message edited by: AnneK ]
Posts: 37 | Location: Alaska, USA | Registered: 11 November 2000Reply With Quote
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AnneK ,

Does your previous post mean that you have big tits relative to your body size?

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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It's comparible to having having sex with someone that just lies there versus someone who participates. I prefer the type you really have to hold on to! [Big Grin] Same with guns. [Big Grin]
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Bear Claw [Big Grin]
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Time out! Go sit in the corner! And get those mirrors off the toes of your wingtips!
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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mike375, ya know, mike, since you didn't put a little "smiley face" on your post to show that this was all in good fun, I'll take it you got a problem with my original comment, is that right? Have you got aproblem with what I said, with my reasons for shooting big bores, or just the fact that I answered at all?
To everyone else, since it's easy for threads to go astray, I apologize for saying ANYTHING off-topic or off-color. Heaven forbid somebody say something with double meanings on this forum. [Wink]
Posts: 37 | Location: Alaska, USA | Registered: 11 November 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by AnneK:
To everyone else, since it's easy for threads to go astray, I apologize for saying ANYTHING off-topic or off-color. Heaven forbid somebody say something with double meanings on this forum. [Wink]

You've nothing to apologise for, milady.


Posts: 1171 | Location: Wyoming, USA | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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ROFLMAO! Ditto what Holmes said Milady. [Wink]
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
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