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Anybody have one of those AR-15 type pistols?
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If so, wondering what you thought of it.
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I always wonder, should't it be classified as short range flame thrower? Cool
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Originally posted by Edmond:
I always wonder, should't it be classified as short range flame thrower? Cool

Do you guys remember the Ruger Blackhawk in .30 Carbine?

Are we talking that kind of muzzle/cylinder gap blast and flash?!!! Eeker
Posts: 49226 | Registered: 21 January 2001Reply With Quote
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We're talking about the kind of loud that you feel on your face as concussion wave!

Flash is a function of how heavily flash deterred the powder is (that is how much nitroguanidine has bee used on the surface of the powder). Loads with BL-C2 and DataPowder 2200 flash very brightly!


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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So reduced flash powders for short pistol barreled ARs would be?!! bewildered

PS - Accuracy, reliability, handling charachteristics of these AR pistols?!!
Posts: 49226 | Registered: 21 January 2001Reply With Quote
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748 seems to me to have about as little flash as any I have used.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Hello mstarling,
Might want to try some WC846/military powder and am told that it has a flash inhibitor in it?? I have shot several 8lb jugs of it over the years, AR15/M16, cheap and works fine out to around 300 yards, but not normally shooting after dark so could not verify the anti flash story. Believe Rick would know about that for he has shot the same powder I believe. Anyway, if this weather ever cools down, will give you and Rick a shout and we will go shoot couple 50 cals have stashed away or whatever you want to shoot. Other than scheduled match days, can go to Whitehorse and out to 1000 yards. Just getting started there, huh!
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you are shooting a 223 in a pistol barrel. your not going to eliminate the flash.
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Certainly won't eliminate it ... but it doesn't need to be blinding and that's what you get with DP 2200.


Yup, we'll have to get together. Rick was out late Friday afternoon for a visit. We watch a huge groundhog for a while ... one of the few times either of us had an appropriate rifle within reach. Wouldn'tcha know.

Can't help with the 50 cals ... never got into that sort of thing. Lordy, my foibles are expensive enough!


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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try a welding hood.
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So accuracy, handling, function?

Are these worth trying out?
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they are cool but are about as useful as tits on a boar hog.
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Picture of Big Bore
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No wonder they want to outlaw them again. They are too much dog-gone FUN!

Functioning is flawless. The Phantom FS does away with all the flash in daytime and almost all at night. Accuracy is about as good as you can hold it to shoot. From a BR position it will hold three inches at 100 yards and that is with a 6 inch dot in the scope. I'm quite sure it would do better with a finer optic.

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perfect weapon if you want to kill everyone in a broom closet.
boring if it dont burp.
Posts: 3986 | Location: in the tall grass "milling" around. | Registered: 09 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Accuracy is about as good as you can hold it to shoot. From a BR position it will hold three inches at 100 yards and that is with a 6 inch dot in the scope. I'm quite sure it would do better with a finer optic.

I kinda thought they would be pretty accurate! thumb
Posts: 49226 | Registered: 21 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I always wonder, should't it be classified as short range flame thrower

My 30-30 contender qualifies for that with factory ammo. 12" barrel, 18" flame!!!! Burned a huge hole in a sleeping bag I was using for a rest! Roll Eyes
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They are fun to shoot and loud, i have an aimpoint on it now, and it allot more accurate.

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Bushmaster Carbon 15 21S Pistol. Functions flawlessly, and is a ball to shoot. With the EO-Tech pop cans are an endangered species out to 100 yards. Bill T.
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I'm in the process of putting one together.
Got to be a real 'must do'... Big Grin

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Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
they are cool but are about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

Yeah, but they have em. Big Grin I think there comes a point where these things get to the point where noise and muzzle blast become the fun thing. Don't think anyone would seriously consider these for a serious purpose.

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Originally posted by Grizzly Adams:
Originally posted by KSTEPHENS:
they are cool but are about as useful as tits on a boar hog.

Yeah, but they have em. Big Grin I think there comes a point where these things get to the point where noise and muzzle blast become the fun thing. Don't think anyone would really consider these for a serious purpose.

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Is there a website for 'em?, and if they're just a short-barreled AR, they oughtta shoot into MOA or less, i'd think with a decent optic. Is there an option of putting a custom barrel on them??

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Originally posted by sscoyote:
Is there a website for 'em?, and if they're just a short-barreled AR, they oughtta shoot into MOA or less, i'd think with a decent optic. Is there an option of putting a custom barrel on them??

Rock River Arms
DPMS. not sure but think they also make them.

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I have shot both an AR 15 and an AK 47 pistol.

Both on an indoor range aswell. Eeker BOOM shocker

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What did you say Wink

Heck I find my 16" ar-15 to be loud enough. Even with double hearing protection it barks pretty good when shooting in a covered range. Shorter barrel in an indoor range would be downright nasty!

Quick question, if you buy a stripped lower can it be configured as either a pistol or rifle, or are there specific lowers that are sold and listed as "handguns"?

I need to build up a few more ar rifles, but just might have to build up a pistol someday.

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Quick question, if you buy a stripped lower can it be configured as either a pistol or rifle, or are there specific lowers that are sold and listed as "handguns"?

That's a good question. Considering the AR lower can be assembled either way and converted without any evidence it was one or the other at any time, I think it best to do some web research or even contact a firearms lawyer about this. But know this: To have a short-barreled upper while in simultaneous possession of a stocked lower constitutes "intent to assemble" a short-barreled firearm under BATFE regulations. Ever notice when you go to gunshows and see short-barreled uppers for sale, you will always see a sign reading "All NFA rules apply" to the purchase of these uppers? It's because of the "intent" clause. Having select fire trigger parts in your possession is also "intent," whether or not they are in your immediate possession or at home, miles and miles away, under lock and key. What is not illegal is to have a shotgun in the gun cabinet upstairs and a hacksaw on the pegboard in your garage downstairs. That's not "intent." Go figure...
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From experience, you may configure it as a long barreled pistol(over 16") and put a stock on it, but that is what it is, a long barreled pistol. In reality it is only a matter of wording, but wording is important to the fed. If you buy a pistol reciever, that is what it is, a pistol. If you reconfigure it with stock and long bbl make sure it fits within overall length requirements as well. No matter how it is configured it must be sold as a pistol
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Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by Paul H:
Quick question, if you buy a stripped lower can it be configured as either a pistol or rifle, or are there specific lowers that are sold and listed as "handguns"?

MUST be indicated, by the maker, (who registers sn's with the atf) that it is a pistol, or you just created a huge problem for yourself

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I've got an M92 Yugo "Krink".
Make sure the FFL marks handgun
on the yellow Fed form.

Fun to shoot and gives a whole
new meaning to CCW.

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I'm not doubting the posts because I haven't followed the recent rules but how does that jive with the TC ruling before the SCOTUS where they ruled a frame could be configured back and forth?

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:

MUST be indicated, by the maker, (who registers sn's with the atf) that it is a pistol, or you just created a huge problem for yourself

Not true. Receivers do not need to be legally "labeled" or "registered" by the manufacturer as a handgun. The receiver just must never "be" a rifle before becoming a handgun since you can't make a handgun from a "rifle". This DOES mean that you need to make sure when you pick the thing up from the FFL that he/she does not mark "rifle" and marks either "pistol" or "receiver" on the fed form. Now, most places that sell AR or AK pistol receivers DO mark them "pistol" somewhere...but that is not a legal requirement and is more about keeping ignorant LEOs off your case.


The TC ruling means that you can have a "pistol" AR (or Contender obviously) with a rifle stock somewhere in the house for a theoretical conversion into a rifle. This is not a problem...but you had darn well better also have a long rifle upper receiver around otherwise you are guilty of constructive possession. The TC ruling basically means that they CANT bust you for having the gear to create an illegal SBR...only that they CAN bust you for ONLY having the gear to create an illegal SBR. Scalia basically said "Look, we can't arrest everyone with a shotgun for having hack saw in the garage". Sounds like a very practical thought for a supreme court justice if you ask me. Smiler
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Donald....there is a conversion for AR15 out there using the 7.62x25 Tokarev and it's gas operated, not recoil, as recoil operated is more violent due to the heavy buffer and stiff spring.
I think it's a pretty cool setup.

Posts: 2864 | Registered: 23 August 2003Reply With Quote
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My partner and I just finished a 3-day tactical match (International Tactical rifleman's Championship) north of Gillette, WY last weekend.
We were the odd-ducks in that we were an all handgun team. partner used a Rock River AR Pistol (5.56) and I used a rear-grip Remington XP-100 for the long-range shooting. I used a 1911 Springfield Armory "Operator" in 45ACP in the shoot house.
Pretty amazing what one can do against rifle teams Big Grin


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