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Yup, they are only wanting to come here to work Login/Join 
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posted 11 February 2024 03:31
This guy came here from Venezuela and got here in September. Maybe he was looking for a job at the sporting goods store, when he is accused of shoplifting. Then pulls a gun and shots a woman in the leg and fires at the police that were chasing him. I wouldn't think this is his first crime, just the first time he was caught. Just another fine upstanding future US citizen. I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to defend him.
Posts: 407 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 16 April 2019Reply With Quote
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posted 11 February 2024 04:04Hide Post
It won't be me defending the criminal!!!!

They all need to go!
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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 11 February 2024 04:08Hide Post
All major law enforcement knows it's only a matter of time there is a major terrorist action to come within the homeland by these scum.


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Picture of ledvm
posted 11 February 2024 08:42Hide Post

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 11 February 2024 12:40Hide Post
Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions

The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States. Arrests of criminal noncitizens are a subset of total apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol.
Arrest Type FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24YTD
U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests 8,531 6,698 4,269 2,438 10,763 12,028 15,267 4,247

Fiscal Year 2024 runs October 1, 2023- September 30, 2024.

So, in Biden's very 1st year they grabbed over 4 times as many criminals at the border, and up from there. Telling.
Posts: 16435 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 10 April 2007Reply With Quote
posted 11 February 2024 14:49Hide Post
Originally posted by wymple:
Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions

The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States. Arrests of criminal noncitizens are a subset of total apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol.
Arrest Type FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24YTD
U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests 8,531 6,698 4,269 2,438 10,763 12,028 15,267 4,247

Fiscal Year 2024 runs October 1, 2023- September 30, 2024.

So, in Biden's very 1st year they grabbed over 4 times as many criminals at the border, and up from there. Telling.

What a fucking JOKE!

Only in America, would they make such an utterly stupid system to facilitate crimes!

I see in the news today that stupid Bush, who defunded the police, hired her boyfriend, at tax payers expense, to be her security agent!

I LOVE IT! clap
Instagram : ganyana2000
Posts: 70563 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 11 February 2024 21:09Hide Post
I see in the news today that stupid Bush, who defunded the police, hired her boyfriend, at tax payers expense, to be her security agent!

Liberal privilege, Saeed.


Posts: 20097 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Thomas "Ty" Beaham
posted 11 February 2024 21:48Hide Post
Originally posted by wymple:
Arrests of Individuals with Criminal Convictions

The term “criminal noncitizens” refers to individuals who have been convicted of one or more crimes, whether in the United States or abroad, prior to interdiction by the U.S. Border Patrol; it does not include convictions for conduct that is not deemed criminal by the United States. Arrests of criminal noncitizens are a subset of total apprehensions by U.S. Border Patrol.
Arrest Type FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24YTD
U.S. Border Patrol Criminal Noncitizen Arrests 8,531 6,698 4,269 2,438 10,763 12,028 15,267 4,247

Fiscal Year 2024 runs October 1, 2023- September 30, 2024.

So, in Biden's very 1st year they grabbed over 4 times as many criminals at the border, and up from there. Telling.


What are the USC&BP reported numbers for "known got aways" for FY17 thru FY24YTD ?

What are your extrapolated figures for criminal noncitizens embedded amongst the
recent influx of 1.8 million known got aways compared to FY 19 for example?

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posted 11 February 2024 22:48Hide Post
Posts: 407 | Location: Colorado | Registered: 16 April 2019Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2024 20:40Hide Post
Originally posted by ronco:
The charges are stacking up!

And they are gonna continue to rise.....our great governor, just needs to keep sending them to sanctuary cities!

Posts: 43003 | Location: Crosby and Barksdale, Texas | Registered: 18 September 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2024 20:50Hide Post
While the majority may “just want to work” a substantial portion are here for other reasons.

This is why you have border control.

I would suggest as someone who has travelled fairly regularly that the hoops they put up for legitimate travelers serve less purpose than the ones that they are willing to overlook on the border.

Typical USG cart before the horse stuff.
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posted 12 February 2024 21:25Hide Post
What I hear in all the hand wringing is “SoMeBOdY ShOuLd Do SoMeThInG”.

So? What, exactly? What’s YOUR solution? Build a wall that they climb over, dig under and cut holes in?

Line up every able bodied American at the border and shoot them if they enter a ‘derefugeed zone’?

What, exactly is Biden supposed do, or can do, that Trump could do better? Biden tried to get a Border Bill through, the Republicans blocked it to help Trumps campaign.

So what’s YOUR solution?
Posts: 6186 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 12 February 2024 21:50Hide Post
My solution?

Immediate rendition home for anyone without legal status.

Utilizing electronic monitoring that they are already doing to keep an eye on it.

Substantially stiffen penalties for those who hire/abet illegal immigrants.

Go back to refugee/asylum to be determined in your nation of entrance from.

Easing the ability to get legal work permits.

Not allow money services like western Union to send money out of the country- needs to be through a bank wire or credit card… monitored.

I’m not against letting more in for legal purposes, but we should know who and where and be able to get them out quickly when they don’t follow the rules.
Posts: 11590 | Location: Minnesota USA | Registered: 15 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of ledvm
posted 24 February 2024 17:11Hide Post
Chalk up another one!

UGA student killed by Venezuela illegal alien.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 24 February 2024 17:33Hide Post
US Daily Murder Statistics

The average number of people murdered per day is 44.7.
The highest number of people murdered per day is 90.
The lowest number of people murdered per day is 9.
Guns have the highest daily murder rate at 7.3 per 100,000 people.
Blacks have the highest daily murder rate at 14.6 per 100,000 people.
St. Louis, MO has the highest daily murder rate at 62.9 per 100,000 people.
Louisiana has the highest daily murder rate at 11.2 per 100,000 people.
25-29-year-olds have the highest daily murder rate at 8.7 per 100,000 people.
Males have the highest daily murder rate at 8.4 per 100,000 people.
Urban areas have a daily murder rate of 7.0 per 100,000 people.
Suburban areas have a daily murder rate of 4.3 per 100,000 people.
Rural areas have a daily murder rate of 2.1 per 100,000 people.
Metro areas have a daily murder rate of 8.2 per 100,000 people.
Males are 81% of the murder victims. Females are 19%.
Blacks are 54% of the murder victims. Whites are 22%. Hispanics are 16%.

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 24 February 2024 19:08Hide Post
I don't see a stat for the fentanyl murders there?

Also, if that illegal had been kept in detention until his immigration hearing that woman would still be alive and working towards her, I believe, nursing degree. Ultimately a more useful person to the country vs a murderous unskilled illegal.


Posts: 20097 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of ledvm
posted 24 February 2024 19:49Hide Post
100% Ann

Americans First!

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 24 February 2024 21:02Hide Post
She only wanted to work too. Just not mowing Mitchell's lawn.


Posts: 20097 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 03:33Hide Post
Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
I don't see a stat for the fentanyl murders there?

Also, if that illegal had been kept in detention until his immigration hearing that woman would still be alive and working towards her, I believe, nursing degree. Ultimately a more useful person to the country vs a murderous unskilled illegal.

Where to detain them, though. We don't have the facilities, and the GOP in Congress just shot down a bill that would have helped.
Posts: 7470 | Location: Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA | Registered: 08 March 2013Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 03:35Hide Post
Originally posted by ronco:
This guy came here from Venezuela and got here in September. Maybe he was looking for a job at the sporting goods store, when he is accused of shoplifting. Then pulls a gun and shots a woman in the leg and fires at the police that were chasing him. I wouldn't think this is his first crime, just the first time he was caught. Just another fine upstanding future US citizen. I'm sure somebody will be along shortly to defend him.

Democrates love these type of voters !
Posts: 563 | Location: British Columbia Canada  | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 04:59Hide Post

Seems you are safer among the illegals.
Posts: 16435 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 10 April 2007Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 05:09Hide Post
Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
I don't see a stat for the fentanyl murders there?

Also, if that illegal had been kept in detention until his immigration hearing that woman would still be alive and working towards her, I believe, nursing degree. Ultimately a more useful person to the country vs a murderous unskilled illegal.

I know you're too stupid and obtuse to absorb it, but I would encourage you to read Wymple's link that shows American citizens are much more likely to commit crimes than undocumented folks. I know facts confuse idiots like you but give it a try.

What happened to you to make you such a embittered hater?

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 05:28Hide Post
Would the girl have been killed if the illegal wasnt here? You seem to avoid that Mike.
Posts: 7738 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 05:41Hide Post
and the GOP in Congress just shot down a bill that would have helped.

by cutting down the numbers to 240,000 a month.
I don't think doubling the population of Wyoming every month or so is very helpful.
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posted 25 February 2024 05:46Hide Post
Originally posted by theback40:
Would the girl have been killed if the illegal wasnt here? You seem to avoid that Mike.

I'm not defending the guy. He should be killed or locked up forever.

My problem is that the vast majority of undocumented folks don't commit crimes. And trying to paint all of them as blood-thirsty killers because of this fucking idiot is stupid and not representative of why they come to the US.

My views on all of this have been stated many times. Undocumented workers commit crimes at a rate that is far lower than US citizens. Statistically, they are not a threat. Read Wymple's link. Facts don't lie. And, the problem I have with idiots like Ann and Lane is that they they'll grab one example and try to paint all undocumented immigrants as being mad-dog criminals intent on robbing and killing Americans.

And, that is a goddamn lie.

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 06:13Hide Post
It is why they need to be vetted BEFORE they are set loose in the country. Many that are committing crimes have a record, and we dont find out until it's to late.
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posted 25 February 2024 06:17Hide Post
Originally posted by theback40:
It is why they need to be vetted BEFORE they are set loose in the country. Many that are committing crimes have a record, and we dont find out until it's to late.

Yeah, but mostly they don't commit crimes. If you look at the statistics.

You're much more likely to be robbed and/or murdered by US citizens. WAY much more likely.

Do you not just get that or you don't believe it?

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 25 February 2024 08:13Hide Post
Mitchell, they can commit crimes if they aren't here in the first place.

This victim did not deserve being murdered and it never would have happened if that illegal wasn't let in. Illegals should not be loose in our streets period. They have no right to be here until they have been to court.


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posted 25 February 2024 15:29Hide Post
Illegals should not be loose in our streets period.

Again, where do we detain them all? The Republicans in Congress just blocked a bill that would have increased detention facilities and provided more hearing officers to process the claims quicker--i.e., get them deported.

Up until then--until the Republicans blocked the new bill, I mean--I thought immigration was entirely a Biden problem. Now I don't think so.
Posts: 7470 | Location: Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA | Registered: 08 March 2013Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 16:44Hide Post
This statement that only a small percentage of illegals commit crimes is the same as saying only a small percentage of drunk drivers have wrecks.

We should prevent as many illegals from entering as possible just like we try and prevent drunks from driving.
Posts: 1894 | Location: Prairieville,Louisiana, USA | Registered: 09 October 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 18:19Hide Post
MM, I do understand what you are saying. It's that you are more worried about getting your lawn mowed, than US citizens being the victims of crimes. You only want the law to be enforced on the people you want it enforced on.
Posts: 7738 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 21:16Hide Post
Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
She only wanted to work too. Just not mowing Mitchell's lawn.

There it is!

Posts: 43003 | Location: Crosby and Barksdale, Texas | Registered: 18 September 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 25 February 2024 21:18Hide Post
Originally posted by MLindsay:
This statement that only a small percentage of illegals commit crimes is the same as saying only a small percentage of drunk drivers have wrecks.

We should prevent as many illegals from entering as possible just like we try and prevent drunks from driving.

Excellent analogy!!!!!!
Posts: 43003 | Location: Crosby and Barksdale, Texas | Registered: 18 September 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 26 February 2024 02:28Hide Post
Originally posted by theback40:
MM, I do understand what you are saying. It's that you are more worried about getting your lawn mowed, than US citizens being the victims of crimes. You only want the law to be enforced on the people you want it enforced on.

Yeah, that must be it dumbass.

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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posted 26 February 2024 02:30Hide Post
All you do is make excuses for the criminals that come in MM. What do you expect people to think.
Posts: 7738 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 26 February 2024 04:26Hide Post
Such a shame Joe Biden signed an Executive Order letting Venezuelans stay...


Oh, wait, that wasn't Joe?

"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”- Donald Trump
Posts: 11464 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 09 December 2007Reply With Quote
posted 26 February 2024 05:59Hide Post
Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
I see in the news today that stupid Bush, who defunded the police, hired her boyfriend, at tax payers expense, to be her security agent!

Liberal privilege, Saeed.

No Ann.

It has nothing to do with liberal privilege's.

It is all due to the utterly stupid voters!

So brain washed by their political parties, that they end up choosing between Biden and Trump! clap
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Posts: 70563 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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posted 27 February 2024 16:52Hide Post
Originally posted by theback40:
All you do is make excuses for the criminals that come in MM. What do you expect people to think.

I really don't care what people think. At least not you people.

I don't make excuses for criminals. If you come to the US, legally or illegally, and commit a crime, you should pay the price.

If your only "crime" is wanting to come to the United States so you can work and support your family, I am all about it. It's what the country was founded on. We are a nation of immigrants.

What is it about that you don't understand?

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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posted 27 February 2024 16:57Hide Post
There is a legal way to come into the country. Coming in by other means is illegal. That is a crime. You are supporting and defending criminals. What is it about that you dont understand?
Posts: 7738 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 27 February 2024 17:00Hide Post
Originally posted by theback40:
There is a legal way to come into the country. Coming in by other means is illegal. That is a crime. You are supporting and defending criminals. What is it about that you dont understand?

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to legally immigrate into the United States?

I've pretty much stopped responding to a lot of the crap you folks post about immigration because it's a waste of time. You hate these folks because they are brown and speak a different language than you. That's it at the end of the day.

Tell me why these folks coming to the US so they can work is bad? Be specific and tell me what the adverse impact is?

And, read this before you do:

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

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