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This guy is losing his fucking mind. Threats designed to abridge rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Freedom of speech. Freedom of assembly. Students to be expelled or imprisoned. Oh, and, by the way "No masks." He's nuts. https://www.business-standard....-125030401066_1.html -"I need ammunition, not a ride." | ||
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what a country became when a dictator is ruling? what your father creators said about tyrant? | |||
Administrator |
An elected dictator! ![]() | |||
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I assume this is related to the “pro Palestinian” protests? We have pretty good evidence that most of this crap is not being led by students and a large number of the protestors are not students… yet a number of schools are standing in the way of stopping violations of law. As to protesting, like the KKK, if you need to be anonymous to protest, it ain’t a protest. These events are stopping the students from going to class. The majority of the students want to go to class, get their degree, and move on. Sorry but I disagree that these are nonviolent peaceful protests. That’s what the constitution guarantees. | |||
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..like those dear hearts and gentle people that Trump pardoned from that Jan. 6 ‘Day of Love’? | |||
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Why would you assume that? trump's threats don't mention Palestine. Read the link and then come back. -"I need ammunition, not a ride." | |||
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Did you read it? The article repeatedly refers to that. They also threw out that if there were protests related to LGBTQ or Covid lockdowns that they could be targeted. The quote of the president says nothing about which protests. The only ones there have been issues with have been the pro Palestinian ones. Frankly, I’m fed up with folks thinking that their right to protest is superior to my right to complete my daily tasks without interruption. The right is to protest government for redress of grievances not interfere with other people or commerce.
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that might be a good idea to tell your people which protests are agreeable to you and your president ... | |||
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Blocking a right of way without a permit is against the law in Canada as I understand it. It’s also against the law here, but they don’t seem to do anything about it unless it’s a pro life protestor. As far as I’m concerned any “protest” that interferes with the public by blocking roads or what not (or stopping a congressional vote) should be arrested and suffer the consequences of breaking the law. You seem to think I’m in favor of Trump pardoning all the 1/6 clowns. Nope. Civil disobedience requires you to suffer the consequences of violating the law. Folks like Rosa Parks did that. That’s commendable if you believe in your cause that much. It’s not commendable if you think because you are protesting you deserve no consequences for your behavior.
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Protest should be disruptive and non violent. Terrorism is violence. I have no problem w protest. | |||
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we all agree on a protest that is not violent which all democracy should accept it is given. but i do not see if your president is approaching the non protest issues related to violent ones or the ones that doesnt meet his agenda ... | |||
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In all honesty, I have read tge article and given the historical context, I infer he is implying to violent protest that we saw across the U.S. as pro Palestine. The article specifically mentions Columbia that was not just students and became violent. I am not a Trump fan, but I cannot quibble at funds not mandated by Congress n being withheld from Columbia when it allowed students to be attacked trying to go to finals. A protest that does not disrupt is not a protest. I draw the line at violence. I draw the line at using force to stop something. | |||
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So, theoretically here… If a protest is blocking the road and someone needs to get to the hospital because of a heart attack and they cannot quickly (and time is myocardium) because the road is blocked… is that violence? Someone was injured by the act. You have a right to speak. I have a right to ignore you. I have an issue with your contention that a protest must disrupt or it’s not a protest. Per a literal reading you have a right to petition the government for redress of grievances. You have said in the past that my rights end at your nose… your statement here is my rights end as long as you are not hitting my nose, even if it still ends up broken. | |||
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I never said police could not arrest for blocking a public road. Both things can be true. Or we can arrest for refusing to disburse for emergency vehicle. It is not one or the other. It is both. | |||
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Protest is just that, protest but that protest has no right to interfere with free movement | |||
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And you can arrest them wo going Alabama on them. Seen it done many times. | |||
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You have said that we have a right to protest, and you also said that unless it disrupts, it’s not a protest. That contradicts what you are saying here. I agree with you that the law is that if you obstruct a right of way without legal permission, you can be arrested and punished per the applicable laws. I don’t agree that you have a right to disrupt others.
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One of Us![]() |
When your protest disrupts (not at all peaceful) everyday life and harms other's freedoms it stops being a protest. It hurts people. There is nothing good or right about that ever. I am honestly surprised I have to say this. Your last sentence is very conflicting and well, wrong. Peaceful protests- voting. Put your money where your mouth is. Dye your hair pink. Carry signs. Prayer- though we know some countries are arresting citizens who do this and call themselves 'free'. Peaceful, yes, there are many ways to be such. Go for it. Blocking roads, burning property and businesses, running people out of restaurants, forcing people to be late for work, appointments and medical care, stopping business, venues, beating people up who don't agree with you, screaming in their faces, smashing their cars as they try and get around you, shutting down schools and anything else the taxpayer's dime is paying for in protest is wrong. And BTW- Protest on your own time. After work, after school and stop hurting others.
~Ann ![]() | |||
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Not all disruptions are violent. Violent is attacking a police line. Non violent is setting in the white only segregated seating. I know complex distinctions are hard on some. Other examples of non violent disruption is matching in a public sidewalk. | |||
Moderator |
there is no right to be disruptive -- apply the "shouting fire in a theater" rule ... how frickin basic does this need to be? even the ACLU says blocking a street without a permit is illegal -- there is NO RIGHT to disrupt other people's lives, without both a permit and in the public square -- you can't block a street without a permit - that's illegal ... when YOUR protest, disrupts MY life, you are impinging on MY rights -- and are therefore committing an illegal act - the right to petition the GOVERNMENT and Freedom of assembly are rights -- but, Joshua, as you OFTEN say "no right is absolute" .. or, better said, for decades, your right to swing your fist ends at my nose -- there is NO right to protest not ows, not the summer of love, and both the million man and million mom marches had permits! don't let your emotions cloud your judgement -- and you are supposed to be an upholder of the law -- opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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I did not say there was right. I said one could be arrested for it. I am glad the Civil Rights Movement was disruptive. I am glad when my college tried to bully a gay student a gay rights group came down and was disruptive, but not violent. Yes those that blocked the sidewalk got arrested. Thst is how it works. No one went the State of Alabama on it. | |||
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except YOU SAID "protests should be disruptive" .. morally and legally WRONG - opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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Yes I did. I ll say it again. They should. I did not say it was a right. The Civil Rights Movement set ins were, should, and needed to be disruptive. They were also non violent. The reaction was violent. That was the point to expose the violence of the racist regime across the South. It worked and God bless everyone. A protest that does not disrupt is not a protest. The line is drawn at violence. If the Jsn 6 crowd had not hit the police line and made threats to gang folks, they would have no problem w me. They could have made a line blocking Congress members from entering so touching or spiting on them. Surrendered peacefully when arrested for the blocking, and they would have been Mon violent. This is just a simple example. Like folks who have set in at state capitals. In some states that is not even a crime. Such trespass is a violation. So long as they surrender to arrest, and do not property damage or violence, the courts will give it 5 seconds. That is how it should work. There is no place for violence. There is plenty of place for non violent civil disobedience. What an action Should be is not a right. Often what should is not a right. | |||
Moderator |
there's no right to protest, Joshua - none- petition isn't protest -- the entire whiskey rebellion was a "protest" ... opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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Right to Assemble. To gather I. A place private or public one is allowed to be Oh yes there is. You want the S. Ct., cases. Nazis marches down Main Street protesting against Jews, Catholics, and all that constitutional. That little act of protest march was actually disruptive to the community conscious that it went all the way to the Supreme Court. You have said nothing to destroy my assertions. A protest should be disruptive and non violent. I never said disruption was a right. We had both an out law mud show of the Clan protesting dorm here right across from a trans, gay protest. Guess what, they both follows the constitutional frame work and no one was arrested. To everyone’s credit, no one was arrested for violence or any violations of the law. | |||
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I’ll say it again. Protest should be disruptive and non-violent. Folks can be arrested for it (most likely that assumed the disruption violates a relevant penal code). The arrest cannot use force that is beyond the force necessary to effect the arrest given a totality of the circumstances. One cannot wash grandma out of the street w a fire truck hose. There are many ways the Jan 6 crowd could have protested, even disruptively, without violence. When you come to do violence, violence is what happens. Trespass 3rd which is what a sit in will get you is a violation. By our Supreme Court case law that is not a crime. You cannot go to jail for it. The penalty is a 50 dollar fine. Now, if you want to fight w the police, refuse an order to disburse, things can change. | |||
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Most Americans are.......its not peaceful protest when it infringes on your rights..... | |||
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Well said!!!!! Your rights are paramount.....until they infringe on mine! Hard for a spoiled little kid to understand, his tantrum seems so important ![]() . | |||
Moderator |
you aren't listening - there is NO RIGHT to "protest" under YOUR definitional requirement requiring them to be disruptive -- show me the word "protest" in the first amendment, and then where it's your definition -- this isn't really a constitutional question, Joshua - it's your definition -- but here's the text of the 1a, just to save you the trouble of looking it up
45 words, and protest isn't one of them opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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https://www.aclu.org/know-your...ts/protesters-rights Here's the aclu guide opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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The Supreme Court. Go read the Nazi March case. Unless you do not think they were protesting. You can start there from there you can track all the times the federal courts overturn local officials who tried to prevent, block protest. | |||
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Joshua/LHeym (I’m not sure how you prefer to be addressed as- you haven’t hidden your real identity, but…) The problem is you say a protest has to be disruptive… or it isn’t a protest. Yet you also say that they cannot be violent. As I understand it, the test of a right is if it requires something from someone else. Obviously the SCOTUS is trying to do a balancing act of not infringing on someone’s right to free speech while avoiding mayhem. I think the bigger issue is that government has been inclined to allow things in the name of free speech for some groups (typically minority groups- BLM and the Nazis to your examples) that push to the fringe of fighting words. If I can walk through the crowd without getting assaulted on the grounds of a protest, I consider that nonviolent. As long as it’s not blocking traffic, more power to them. If they block traffic without a permit then they should be arrested and detained ASAP. Beaten? Only if they are resisting the police in their jobs, and then only to the extent necessary to detain them. That includes tear gas, rubber bullets, or even lethal means based on the resistance offered as covered by law- but the idea that an angry mob throwing things and setting fires is “mostly peaceful protest” is a canard. Sure, most of the individuals in the mob are not setting fires- but they are aiding and abetting those that are… and doesn’t that make them violators? | |||
One of Us |
The fact is I do not refute that. A protest needs to be disruptive. I have said it more than twice disruption can be illegal and must be non violent. That is what civil disobedience is. We have seen the effectiveness of appropriate civil disobedience. I dm all for it. Disruption can be legal as on the Nazis March. A set in of a local business that refuses to serve gay people is not even be a crime in KY as trespass 3rd is a violation by definition not a crime. It would be disruptive, non-violent, and technically not a crime here. The reaction to it might be criminal or otherwise incur civil liability. It is not zero sum. Both things can be true at once. A protest should disrupt. A protest must never be violent. Yes, one does have a right to protest. That protest can even disrupt without committing crimes. So long as violence is not used, apply the correct measure of law enforcement and judicial intervention. When violence is used apply the correct level of law enforcement and judicial intervention. I would pardon a non violent sit in. Mist would not need to as statutory expungement would catch them. I personally would never pardon someone committed of assaulting police or seditious conspiracy. That is just me. I would not pardon someone who in mass pushed through a police security line to stop elected officials. I would prosecute a cop who used excessive force to effectuate an arrest against a person protesting looking at all the facts of the particular case. | |||
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Is anyone asking the right questions? If Columbia has federal funding cancelled, can students and staff (and paid Soros shills ![]() Does cutting Federal discretionary funding constitute 1st Amendment rights? JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous. | |||
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The "right" question is, what are the criteria in "discretionary" regarding federal funding? I was thinking congress decided that. ************* Degenerate 1:1 1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it". Degenerate 1:2 2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf." "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis "Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump "Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal. | |||
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Trump is linking the protestors to antisemitism. I think that meets the legal requirements under one of the titles of the various civil rights acts. The school admits that they didn't protect the Jewish student's rights under their reactions (lack thereof) to the pro Palestinian protests at Columbia. Its the Liberal way of handling these things, just a different group choosing the winners and losers. AFAIC, if you interfere with another student's ability to attend class, expulsion should be the minimum you could face. | |||
One of Us |
Careless phrasing there at the end, Judge. I'll assume you're asking whether cutting discretionary federal funds would be a violation of First Amendment rights to free speech and peaceful assembly--in other words, to protest. And surely it would if dependent on the content of the speech. But the discretion isn't the president's--it's Congress's. | |||
Moderator |
except it is -- you need to read the constitution, jimbo - Congress allocates to the executive - and the constitution is SILENT on if it's unspent, see 10th honey (i know, i am trying to work you harder) - oh, wait, the constitution REQUIRES documentation of spend -- oh, and honey, congress hasn't passed a budget since fy'09 -- dang, man, you are in decline opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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yeah, keep encouraging the emotional infants to be "disruptive" https://www.foxnews.com/us/tes...ounce-doge-elon-musk opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, http://www.weaponsmith.com | |||
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