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Texas Ranks DEAD LAST in Personal Freedom According to Libertarians Login/Join 
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posted 11 January 2024 05:52
The Cato Institute, a Libertarian think tank, recently updated and expanded its comprehensive study “Freedom in the 50 States,” which measures economic, social and personal freedoms at the state level.

And according to the study, Texas ranks dead last in personal freedom.


Less free than "Commie California" and New York...

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posted 11 January 2024 09:47Hide Post
I like the question at the end of the article. "Which states are more free?" ALL OF THEM
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posted 11 January 2024 11:10Hide Post
Originally posted by wymple:
I like the question at the end of the article. "Which states are more free?" ALL OF THEM


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Picture of ledvm
posted 11 January 2024 15:34Hide Post

Maybe the umpteen million that poured into state fleeing the northern covid regs will disburse and leave. Maybe all the Californians will go back. Maybe the kazillion illegal immigrants will hate it here and flee to the north east.

Yessir…it is terrible here…get out while you can…take all your friends and tell everyone you know.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Picture of jeffeosso
posted 11 January 2024 18:52Hide Post
Yep, it's Hell here.

So, if ya'll aren't willing to work through hell and high water, please find another destination -

Oh, if you are from Cali or NY, the weather is terrible, it's always terrible weather, every day- everyone is mean, blah blah blah -- i just can't be bothered -

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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posted 11 January 2024 19:21Hide Post
I assume they pretty heavily weighted the abortion issue as a reason for their rating. In the institute's web site on this, the thing they stated weighed heaviest was incarceration rates.

Jeffive's article hints at that. Too bad they didn't list what the state was overall. 17. That indicates that most states are actually pretty close.

Notably, New Hampshire was #1 in overall, and (surprise, surprise, surprise! as Gomer would say...) NY was 50, HI 49, and CA 48 in overall freedom.

Kinda strangely, IA has gotten -4 and NC has gotten -4 since the last time (overall.) The economic freedoms follow red/blue state pretty closely with the conservative states predominating. The "personal" stuff is all over the map, but the southwest seems to be best for that.

Here is the source.
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posted 12 January 2024 04:27Hide Post
probably factored in the 1% public owned land and called it good.
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posted 12 January 2024 20:08Hide Post
Curious, most of the state's land is privately owned, I'd have thought that the Libertarian point of view would approve, bigly.

I like hunting BLM land, myself...


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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 12 January 2024 22:40Hide Post
The more rules there are ('laws') the less freedom there is. Being able to make your own decisions is a much better scenario. That means, though, that the ability to do that be taught when growing up.


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posted 12 January 2024 22:54Hide Post
What do you expect?

Texas leading Libertarian has told us the state must do as follows:

Force your children to pray the state sanctioned prayer to his god.

Criminalize sex between consenting adults.

Really the statute that was struck down in Lawrence v Texas applies to straight people too.

Void marriages between consenting adults.

Force women to deliver non-viable fetuses or high risk fetuses.

Force minors who have been by definition of Tex law raped, or sexually assaulted (rape requires force sex assault is sex wo consent) to deliver fetuses.

Force doctors to de-transition patients against the patient’s will, parents’ will, and recognized best practice.

Force everyone to carry their state is everywhere they go or risk being arrested as a non-citizen.

Yep, Libertarian Texas
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