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Just a few of the lies he told last night:

2020 Election
Just minutes after the town hall began, Trump claimed the 2020 election was “rigged.”

Facts First: This is Trump’s regular lie. He lost the 2020 election to Biden fair and square, 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Biden earned more than 7 million more votes than Trump did. Trump’s own campaign and senior officials in his administration found no evidence for his claims of widespread fraud.

Voter ID
Talking about the upcoming 2024 presidential election, Trump said “I hope we’re going to have very honest elections. We should have voter ID.”

Facts First: It’s misleading at best for Trump to claim voter ID doesn’t currently exist in US election.

There are several situations in which casting a ballot without showing an ID would be legal, specifically in the 15 states (plus Washington, DC) that rely on other forms of voter verification. In the rest of the states, voters are required to present some form of identification before casting ballots.

It is true that most Democrats have been against stricter voter-ID laws in the past, but on grounds that these laws could disenfranchise voters who may not have access to necessary identification – not in order to illegally obtain votes.

Republicans have wielded this Democratic position on voter ID laws to paint Democrats as complicit in election fraud despite the fact that voter fraud is exceedingly rare – and that even states that don’t require ID have other methods to prevent fraud, like signature checks.

Intelligence agents impact on the election
As part of his argument that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Trump claimed 51 intelligence agents “made a 16-point difference” in the outcome of the election.

Facts First: There is no evidence for this.

Trump appears to have been referring to a letter signed by former intelligence agents weeks before the 2020 election. The letter stated that the release of emails purportedly belonging to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which had been generating sensational stories in right-wing media, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

No proof of Russian involvement in the release of those emails has emerged, and Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit negative stories about the Biden family just before the election. But there’s also no proof that the letter swayed the outcome of the election.

Security on January 6
Former President Donald Trump tried to blame then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the violence on January 6, 2021 – when his own supporters stormed the US Capitol, claiming she was “in charge” of security that day.

Facts First: This is false. The speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That’s the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance.

Trump’s former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller also told lawmakers that he was never given a formal order by Trump to have 10,000 troops ready to be sent to the Capitol on January 6. “There was no direct, there was no order from the president,” Miller said.

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent an email saying the National Guard would be present to “protect pro Trump people” in the lead up to the US Capitol insurrection, according to the report released by the January 6 committee.

Gas prices and energy independence
Trump claimed gas prices are higher under Biden than under his administration, and that Biden ended US energy independence.

Facts First: Trump’s claims about gas prices are misleading. Trump claimed Wednesday that he got gas prices down to $1.87 – and “even lower” – but they increased to $7, $8 or even $9 under Biden. While the price of a gallon of regular gas did briefly fall to $1.87 (and lower) during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the national average for regular gas on Trump’s last day in office, January 20, 2021, was much higher than that – $2.393 per gallon, according to data provided to CNN by the American Automobile Association. On Thursday, the national average for gas was $3.53, per AAA data, not $6, $7 or $8. California, the state with the highest prices as usual, had an average of $4.8, per AAA.

Trump’s claim that Biden shut down American energy is false even if Trump was talking specifically about non-renewable energy. US crude oil production in 2022 was the second-highest on record, behind only production in Trump-era 2019, and production in early 2023 has been near record highs. US production of dry natural gas set a new record in 2022. So did US exports of crude oil and petroleum products.

Biden has also approved some significant fossil fuel projects including the controversial Willow oil drilling project Alaska, and his administration outpaced Trump’s when it came to approving oil and gas drilling permits in Biden’s first two years in office.

Phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state
Asked about the now-notorious phone call he made to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and staff about election results, Trump claimed “I didn’t ask them to find anything.”

Facts First: This is a brazenly false claim, as CNN and other organizations obtained recordings of the call, in which Trump repeatedly suggests that Georgia election officials should be able to find thousands of votes and fraudulent ballots. Specifically, Trump said, “I just want to find 11,780 votes,” one more than he lost by.

Trump also told Raffensberger, a GOP official, “We think that if you check the signatures – a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged.”

It’s worth noting that Trump’s assertions of forged signatures and missing or miscounted votes were also baseless. The state certified its election results three times under Raffensperger’s leadership and found no mass voter fraud.

January 6 violence
Trump asserted “a couple” of the January 6 rioters “probably got out of control,” comparing the insurrection to left-leaning protests that turned violent in other cities.

Facts First: This statement is false. Hundreds of rioters have been charged with violence toward police on January 6 and Trump downplaying the violence and equivocating the insurrection with social justice protests fails to recognize the severity of the attack on the Capitol.

The January 6 riot of Trump-supporters who overran the Capitol has resulted in the largest law enforcement response in modern history – because of the sheer amount of violence on the ground, especially toward police, that day.

The number of rioters on January 6 who’ve been charged with violence toward police is in the hundreds.

According to the Justice Department this week, 346 people face federal charges for assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or other employees. That includes more than 100 people charged with using a weapon or causing serious injury to an officer. About five dozen have pleaded guilty to felony charges for these types of crimes.

And the FBI is still seeking information to identify more than 220 others who may have committed violent crimes on the Capitol grounds.

Even Trump-appointed federal judges have countered claims that left-leaning rioters in Portland, for instance, acted similarly to the pro-Trump crowd on January 6.

Judge Trevor McFadden wrote when handling a January 6 rioter’s case in 2021: “Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse. In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it.”

And another federal judge in DC, Carl Nichols, wrote: “The Portland rioters’ conduct, while obviously serious, did not target a proceeding prescribed by the Constitution and established to ensure a peaceful transition of power. Nor did the Portland rioters, unlike those who assailed America’s Capitol in 2021, make it past the buildings’ outer defenses.”

Police on January 6
Trump said that the police officer who shot pro-Trump rioter Ashli Babbitt was a “thug” who “went on television to brag about the fact that he killed her.”

Facts First: The US Capitol Police officer involved in the shooting, Lt. Michael Byrd, was defending the Speaker’s Lobby, adjacent to the House chamber in the Capitol building, during the riot. Babbitt’s fatal shooting occurred as a crowd tried to push through the Speaker’s Lobby doorway while the House was in still in session, according to the House select committee investigating January 6.

The Capitol Police declined to pursue any disciplinary action against Byrd, saying that they had “determined the officer’s conduct was lawful and within Department policy.” The Justice Department also said they would not prosecute Byrd, saying there was “insufficient evidence” to support a criminal case.

Byrd later did an interview with “NBC Nightly News,” where he said that he acted because “there was imminent threat and danger to the members of Congress.” Byrd said during the interview that he came forward publicly after being the focus of vitriol in right-wing circles.

E. Jean Carroll
A day after a Manhattan federal jury found Trump sexually abused and defamed the writer E. Jean Carroll, Trump claimed that the jury in the civil trial found he did not rape her and said he “didn’t do anything else either.”

“They said he didn’t rape her, and I didn’t do anything else either,” Trump said.

Facts First: This statement requires more context. While the jury did not find that Carroll had proven rape, it did find that she proved Trump committed sexual abuse, sufficient to hold him liable for battery.

Carroll alleged Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman department store in the mid-1990s and then later defamed her when he denied her claim.

In the civil suit, the jury had to determine whether Carroll’s legal team proved that Trump committed battery against Carroll by a preponderance of the evidence.

While it did not determine that Carroll’s team had proven rape – the state’s law says that a person is liable for rape when a person forces sexual intercourse with another person without their consent – it did find that they proved Trump committed sexual abuse.

The jury had been instructed that a person is liable for sexual abuse when they subject another person without consent to sexual contact, which under New York law means “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person for the purpose of gratifying the sexual desire of either party.”

Trump claimed that inflation under President Biden has been the highest level in 52 years.

Facts First: This is false. The inflation rate has been high by historical standards but was not close to a half-century high.

Last June, the year-over-year inflation rate hit its highest level since late 1981, 9.1%, a surge that was caused by a variety of factors, including the war in Ukraine, the global pandemic and its effect on consumer behavior, and supply chain disruptions. But about 41 years does not round to 52 years, and more importantly, year-over-year inflation has now declined for 10 straight months, hitting 4.9% in April, as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

Other presidents and records
Trump claimed that other presidents took records with them when they left the White House – including Barack Obama, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

“The Presidential Records Act is not criminal. I took the documents. I’m allowed to. You know who else took them? Obama took them, Nixon took them. Reagan took them.”

Facts First: It is not true that past presidents took documents after they left office, as the National Archives and Records Administration itself pointed out in a statement in 2022. In reality, NARA was granted custody of the presidential records of former presidents (beginning with Ronald Reagan) as soon as these presidents left office, as required by the Presidential Records Act. In addition, it was NARA, not those presidents, that moved those documents out of the nation’s capital to NARA-managed temporary archival facilities near where their permanent presidential libraries would be built.

After Trump began making these false claims last year, NARA issued an October 2022 statement saying that it gained physical and legal custody of the records from Obama, Clinton, Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush “when those presidents left office.” It said of the temporary facilities to which the documents were moved: “All such temporary facilities met strict archival and security standards, and have been managed and staffed exclusively by NARA employees. Reports that indicate or imply that those Presidential records were in the possession of the former Presidents or their representatives, after they left office, or that the records were housed in substandard conditions, are false and misleading.”

In other words, there is no equivalence between how Trump handled presidential documents and how those previous presidents did. In Trump’s case, the presidential documents found at Mar-a-Lago, including documents marked classified, were in Trump’s possession despite numerous attempts by both NARA and the Justice Department to get them back.

In an April 24 statement, NARA General Counsel Gary M. Stern clarified that NARA sent staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration “to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archives.”

Stern noted that the assistance provided was in line with what NARA had done for the three previous Presidential transitions.

Finally, Trump is correct that the Presidential Records Act is not a criminal law. Yet the Justice Department has made clear Trump is being investigated because of classified records that the NARA found in boxes that he returned a year after he left office, and his subsequent actions. The DOJ’s criminal investigation continues to focus on the possible mishandling of national security information and federal records, as well as possible attempts by Trump or others to obstruct justice after the criminal investigation became known.

Aid to Ukraine
Trump claimed that the US has provided $171 billion “so far” to Ukraine in its war against Russia, while the European Union cumulatively has given $20 billion in aid. He also claimed that the US is “giving away so much” that “we don’t have ammunition for ourselves right now.”

Fact First: Both assertions are false. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine last February, the US has provided Ukraine $36.9 billion in military aid. And while some US and European weapon stockpiles have been depleted, the claim that the US does not have ammunition is false.

The US military and defense industry are planning to increase production of critical ammunition being sent to Ukraine to fill US stocks. The US Army is planning a 500% increase in 155mm artillery shells, a roughly 33% increase in Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) surface-to-surface medium-range missiles a year, doubling production of Javelin anti-tank missiles, and increasing production of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to a minimum of 60 a month.

Classification of documents
Trump claimed that the classified documents from the White House were “automatically declassified” when he took them to Mar-a-Lago.

Facts First: There is no evidence to back up this assertion. Trump and his team have not provided any proof that Trump actually conducted some sort of broad declassification of the documents that ended up at Mar-a-Lago – and, so far, his lawyers notably have not argued in their court filings that Trump did so.

The Justice Department said in an August 2022 court filing that Trump’s representatives never asserted that documents had been declassified—not in January 2022 when they voluntarily turned over 15 boxes that included 184 unique documents with classification markings, nor in June 2022 when Trump’s team responded to a subpoena by returning another batch that included 38 additional unique documents with classification markings.

In addition, 18 former top Trump administration officials, including two former White House chiefs of staff who spoke on the record, told CNN at the time that they never heard of a standing Trump declassification order when they were serving in the administration and that they now believe the claim is false. The former officials used words like “ludicrous,” “ridiculous” and “bullsh*t.”

“Total nonsense,” said one person who served as a senior White House official. “If that’s true, where is the order with his signature on it? If that were the case, there would have been tremendous pushback from the Intel Community and DoD, which would almost certainly have become known to Intel and Armed Services Committees on the Hill.”

Border wall
Trump claimed that he had finished his promised wall on the border with Mexico.

“I did finish the wall. I built a wall,” he said. “I built hundreds of miles of wall, and I finished it, and then I said we have to build some more.”

Facts First: It’s not true that Trump finished the border wall. According to an official “Border Wall Status” report written by US Customs and Border Protection two days after Trump left office, about 458 miles of wall had been completed under Trump – but about 280 more miles that had been identified for wall construction had not been completed. The report said that at the time, just 52 miles of new wall had been constructed in locations where no barriers previously existed.

The report, provided to CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez, said that, of those 280 miles left to go, about 74 miles were “in the pre-construction phase and have not yet been awarded, in locations where no barriers currently exist,” and that 206 miles were “currently under contract, in place of dilapidated and outdated designs and in locations where no barriers previously existed.”

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

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Imagine that....the convicted sexual abuser liar is caught lying again.

Trump: "Putin is a Genius" "Hezbollah is very smart"

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It would help if the fact checker wasn’t so horribly biased.

The election claim was done the way it should be. Straight numbers and where they came from.

When they pick and choose statements like it’s misleading they are doing the exact same thing.

As to the comments about no evidence… well, it’s pretty hard to get evidence when nothing is collected. I actually saw a case reported, and it disappeared. Someone signed in to vote who was dead. When confronted, the election people said that nothing could be done. They had no way of identifying who actually cast the ballot, or which ballot it was.

Intelligence agents impacted the election?
Trump gave no specifics, so he should… but their claim that the intelligence community with its defense of Hunter thing has no proof that it didn’t impact, either. If you are going to fact check, and there are no facts either way, don’t play this spin garbage to say that the claim is a lie. Read the claim. It’s written to make Trumps claim look false even though they admit there is nothing either way.

The point about Trump blaming Pelosi for security issues is rather interesting in that it seems to admit that contrary to all the postings here, it was actually the bureaucracy’s responsibility, not Trump or Pelosi. Why hasn’t this view been posted by “fact check” re the 1/6 committee?

Gas prices?

They hurt themselves there in the credibility department. True, average gas prices under Biden are not “$6,7,8 or higher” but the implication that gas is pretty close to what it was under Trump is misleading in itself.

The oil and gas permits thing also undermines their credibility. We were selling our strategic petroleum reserves to lower prices under Biden. More attempts to shade the situation to make Biden look better.

The GA SOS call… yep, that was factual and Trump was lying so fast you could feel the breeze up here. As to the comment on no false signatures… the critical part was no mass voter fraud. Trump was being deceptive in noting some was found, just not enough to matter.

The 1/6 violence claim is another mutual deception here. Trump minimizing as a few got out of hand vs the org claiming 100’s being involved in violence towards the police and implying conviction. I don’t think there have been hundreds convicted of violence. They admit it’s a couple dozen. Some, yes. But most convictions were for trespassing or obstruction of governmental processes. It’s another shading to make a point by the fact checker. If these were so solid, one would think they would be resolved and the FBI would not be looking for more information 2 years later.

The sex assault allegation again looks like they caught Trump lying, and then try and make it look like the courts said more than they did.

It’s pretty easy. If inflation isn’t the highest in 50 years, state when and how much it was. The peak of the Carter malaise was right about 50 years ago… 40-some. Close enough, and another attempt to shade truth.

The Ukraine claims… more shading.

How is planning to rebuild stockpiles not an admission that we have depleted them? I also expect that how much aid sent is very variable depending on how you account for it. The fact check offers no real data here, and admittedly I don’t buy their numbers because of all the spin they have been doing in this article.

Documents- here it is spin and counter spin. I think there is no doubt Trump took documents. I also think that the records services have been shown to be full of s$&? as to no other president taking them.

Trump’s defense is others did it, and it’s not criminal. Ok, that’s an argument… a BS one, but it is one. The whole attempt to make Trump look bad by claiming others didn’t is nonsense. More attempts to push a nuance that Trump is so much worse than others. Trump did it, he’s trying to weasel BECAUSE these clowns want to make him look worse, they are making him look better because others did it and they are not making as big a stink about them.

Border wall- it was finished? Then he’s admitting it didn’t work, and that he had not properly planned it.

This whole thing shows the media bias.

Plenty of bull from the ex POTUS blowhard, but the media again has to make us “know” he’s “eeevil” so they editorialize, spin, and deceive (aka lying) and play his game with him.

Trying to defend the left by doing what the right was doing (successfully) in the past, comparing and trying to claim he/she was worse isn’t working too well.
Posts: 10750 | Location: Minnesota USA | Registered: 15 June 2007Reply With Quote
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Notice these lefty sources don't fact check Biden's Biden????

Not enough ink to print his lies animal

But the lefties have to give him a pass, they elected a senile criminal rotflmo
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I guess it's ok that Trump lied on a lot of these things--but ok since he didn't lie on a few? BTW his promise was MEXICO would pay for the wall---did they?
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To the OP: I have never had to present IDwhere I live and vote in all the years I’ve lived here. I could walk in and say I am anyone and the little old lady checks it off and hands me my ballot. So much for voter ID I guess?
Posts: 5232 | Location: The way life should be | Registered: 24 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by carpetman1:
I guess it's ok that Trump lied on a lot of these things--but ok since he didn't lie on a few? BTW his promise was MEXICO would pay for the wall---did they?

Nope, it’s not OK.

However, making up crap so that you can convince folks is so much better.

Trump gets away with more than he should because the media gets so irrational.

Trump lied about winning the election.

Trump lied about the SOS call.

Trump lied about completing the border wall and Mexico was going to pay for it.

He’s a serial liar.

He wants to pardon the 1/6 rioters.

If I was one of the proud boys, I wouldn’t be getting rid of my soap on a rope over that one…
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Intelligence agents impact on the election
As part of his argument that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Trump claimed 51 intelligence agents “made a 16-point difference” in the outcome of the election.

Facts First: There is no evidence for this.

Trump appears to have been referring to a letter signed by former intelligence agents weeks before the 2020 election. The letter stated that the release of emails purportedly belonging to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which had been generating sensational stories in right-wing media, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

No proof of Russian involvement in the release of those emails has emerged, and Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit negative stories about the Biden family just before the election. But there’s also no proof that the letter swayed the outcome of the election.

Did not listen to the interview and have not read all of your “checked facts” yet. But I will take this one on because it likely did hav some effect and it is also the reason Elon took Twitter.

The laptop was real and the data on it is actual. The FBI new this before Oct 2020. The CIA new this before Oct 2020. These 51 former agents new this before October 2020.

Those 51 former employees (Anthony Blinken being the ring-leader and primary author of the letter) BLATANTLY LIED…in fact they conspired to lie and deceive the American people with that letter.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 36811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Intelligence agents impact on the election
As part of his argument that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Trump claimed 51 intelligence agents “made a 16-point difference” in the outcome of the election.

Facts First: There is no evidence for this.

Trump appears to have been referring to a letter signed by former intelligence agents weeks before the 2020 election. The letter stated that the release of emails purportedly belonging to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which had been generating sensational stories in right-wing media, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

No proof of Russian involvement in the release of those emails has emerged, and Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit negative stories about the Biden family just before the election. But there’s also no proof that the letter swayed the outcome of the election.

Did not listen to the interview and have not read all of your “checked facts” yet. But I will take this one on because it likely did hav some effect and it is also the reason Elon took Twitter.

The laptop was real and the data on it is actual. The FBI new this before Oct 2020. The CIA new this before Oct 2020. These 51 former agents new this before October 2020.

Those 51 former employees (Anthony Blinken being the ring-leader and primary author of the letter) BLATANTLY LIED…in fact they conspired to lie and deceive the American people with that letter.

And the pillow guy has all the evidence on a USB drive, which you can see for a small fee. 2020
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Re: Trump lying.

At least as far as having no recollection of E. Jean Carroll goes I think I believe him.

First, there's 19 other women who claim they were also assaulted by him. Then there is the fact that 90% of women who've been sexually assaulted do not report it. So, that's pretty close on 200 extrapolated to what we understand. I haven't had sex with near that many, and I doubt like hell I could remember all of them. Hell, I never even knew all of their names I don't think.
Posts: 961 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 25 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Intelligence agents impact on the election
As part of his argument that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Trump claimed 51 intelligence agents “made a 16-point difference” in the outcome of the election.

Facts First: There is no evidence for this.

Trump appears to have been referring to a letter signed by former intelligence agents weeks before the 2020 election. The letter stated that the release of emails purportedly belonging to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which had been generating sensational stories in right-wing media, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

No proof of Russian involvement in the release of those emails has emerged, and Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit negative stories about the Biden family just before the election. But there’s also no proof that the letter swayed the outcome of the election.

Did not listen to the interview and have not read all of your “checked facts” yet. But I will take this one on because it likely did hav some effect and it is also the reason Elon took Twitter.

The laptop was real and the data on it is actual. The FBI new this before Oct 2020. The CIA new this before Oct 2020. These 51 former agents new this before October 2020.

Those 51 former employees (Anthony Blinken being the ring-leader and primary author of the letter) BLATANTLY LIED…in fact they conspired to lie and deceive the American people with that letter.

And the pillow guy has all the evidence on a USB drive, which you can see for a small fee. 2020

Instead of making dumb-ass remarks…tell me where my statement above is false. It is 100% the truth. Those 51 knowingly conspired to hood-wink the American people. I don’t believe they broke any laws. I am not advocating them to go to jail. And I am not saying that was enough to change the election.

But it is now known that they conspired to lie about the laptop — fact.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 36811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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There is some discussion that the so-called Town Hall type CNN interview with Trump was a disaster.

I don't think so.

The audience laughed and applauded, which seemed odd.

But really it's telling us something that we ought to know by now.

The real Trump supporters are not going to change their minds no matter what. Trump's lies don't matter. They will rationalize, no matter what. And so will those who claim that they don't support Trump, but will vote party.

Given all that we know now, we may conclude that Trumpsters, full-on or half-assed, honor/value their ideology more than the country, the founding principles, reality, fellow Americans, dignity, the Rule of Law, The principles of free press, separation of powers and church, the democratic process, etc.

All the rest is BS.

We need to know that. Thank you CNN.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

Posts: 19989 | Location: Depends on the Season | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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There are only three kinds of people:

Those who know President Trumps is at least and lier, know he should mot be president., and care;

Those who know President Trump is at least a lier, know he should not be President, and do not care;


Those who ate too stupid to know President Trump is a lier, and believe he is what we need.

There are no other options.
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It's very strange to me.

First, I think Trumpsters are not stupid, as in low IQ. I think they may have rendered themselves stupid, as a practical matter because of belief.

Granted, aside from intellect and such, the belief that he is what WE need is where the problem is. What kind of fucked up view could possibly crave or harbor that notion? These people vote, and I support that, but --------?

How could fascism possibly be a good thing?

CNN town hall audience laughs at sexual assault as Trump reminds us how awful he is

Donald Trump took full advantage of CNN’s willingness to give him a platform Wednesday night, spouting lies faster than a sprinkler on a cocaine bender and giving Americans a reminder — as if they needed one — of how deplorable he and his supporters can be.


I still think CNN did us a good deed. Trump is so important that his message needs to be heard and understood, and his full-on and half-assed supporters need to be understood too, for what they are.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

Posts: 19989 | Location: Depends on the Season | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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The real Trump supporters are not going to change their minds no matter what

There seems to be an odd syndrome whereby a mind once surrendered remains surrendered.

There are more than a few people who seriously believe that Hitler was a heroic figure, and still advocate for his policies.

About 25 years ago we were involved in a project in the Sakha Republic, near Yakutsk. I was often told by the old timers that “Things were a lot better under Stalin”.

Trumpites will not change their minds, firstly because they hate to admit they were wrong, and secondly because they enjoy the bigotry, racism, homophobia and misogyny that he validates. To most of us, his sociopathic behaviour, innumerable lies, and complete lack of positive attributes are glaringly obvious, while his advocates willfully refuse to see them.

They will sing his praises for decades.
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So what’s in the laptop? If it has damning evidence, why hasn’t the evidence been released? It has become like Mike Lindell’s election fraud evidence; “everybody knows it” is good enough for the dipshit cult followers. Just shove your head up your ass and ride for the brand.
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There seems to be an odd syndrome whereby a mind once surrendered remains surrendered.

It's evident in many ways. Fundamental Christians, for one. Mormons, radical Islam, Trumpsters, and others.

IMO, climate science deniers are closely associated too.

It's an opening for exploitation, (tools) which Trump intuitively knows.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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If it has damning evidence, why hasn’t the evidence been released?


If the propagandists had something they would release it for the affirmation value.

Instead they make accusations in the court of public opinion. That's the way they do it, and have done it for some time.

Aside, under a real investigation, criminal or otherwise, real investigators don't "release" information to the public half cooked.

These repug investigators are not about truth at all. They are about narratives.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Just shove your head up your ass and ride for the brand.

The perfect description of a current day republican.
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Originally posted by LongDistanceOperator:
So what’s in the laptop? If it has damning evidence, why hasn’t the evidence been released? It has become like Mike Lindell’s election fraud evidence; “everybody knows it” is good enough for the dipshit cult followers. Just shove your head up your ass and ride for the brand.

Whether or not any damning evidence was on it I can’t say…the actual news is not reported any longer.

But, one thing that is for damn sure…the laptop was not Russian dysinformation — it is real and actual. All intelligence knew that long before October 2020. Yet, 51 former intelligence agents (headed by Anthony Blinken) lied to you and you and your ilk lapped it up like shoats in shit.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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I’m not sure what a shoat is is, but my ilk not a fan of Biden. I’m just less a fan of a sociopath dickhead who wants to overthrow our government and install himself as dictator.
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There seems to be an odd syndrome whereby a mind once surrendered remains surrendered.

Yes! In the real world we call them democrats!

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if you are deluded enough to believe what you are telling is truth, are you still a liar ? Big Grin


When the horse has been eliminated, human life may be extended an average of five or more years.
James R. Doolitle

I think they've been misunderstood. Timothy Tredwell
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I googled "what has Trump NOT lied about" and it's still searching.
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Originally posted by JTEX:
There seems to be an odd syndrome whereby a mind once surrendered remains surrendered.

Yes! In the real world we call them democrats!


"Real World"??? hummm Big Grin

I think in any discussion of reality, you're in over your head. You're surrendered.

What is Reality?

Your personal ID and what you believe is not the physical reality, but it is important since it's your personal reality, which varies per individual.

The problem is that people like you take your personal reality as the final truth, and group think stems from that, and you project it on everyone, in judgment.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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What organizations have a loyal,like minded,top down,leftist ideology that goes back to the 1930's and is very powerful in swing states run by Democrats with a history of corruption?

You don't know? Labor Unions and the two largest Unions in the United States are the AFL-CIO and the SEIU culinary workers, and the Postal employee Union.

What did they do in 2020? They provided the boots on the ground to count the votes and move counterfeit and falsified ballots. They provided the necessary logistics to steal the 2020 Presidential election.

Joe Biden signed a pro labor union bill passed by Democrats soon after he was sworn in.

The President of the AFL-CIO died of a heart attack in early 2021.

Remember when vote counters were all heard saying when counting votes in big Democratic city Registar of voter centers...."this is what Democracy looks like"...Now you know that Stolen Elections have horrific consequences.

You wonder why so many Americans crap in their own nests...and everyone is and will pay for the destruction of your homes.

Need proof? Hiding in plain sight....

"A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius


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First, I think Trumpsters are not stupid, as in low IQ.

I think you're wrong. Their IQs couldn't warm a room.

They're so stupid it's a mystery how they manage to grope through life.
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Originally posted by Mike Mitchell:
Just a few of the lies he told last night:

2020 Election
Just minutes after the town hall began, Trump claimed the 2020 election was “rigged.”

Facts First: This is Trump’s regular lie. He lost the 2020 election to Biden fair and square, 306 to 232 in the Electoral College. Biden earned more than 7 million more votes than Trump did. Trump’s own campaign and senior officials in his administration found no evidence for his claims of widespread fraud.

Voter ID
Talking about the upcoming 2024 presidential election, Trump said “I hope we’re going to have very honest elections. We should have voter ID.”

Facts First: It’s misleading at best for Trump to claim voter ID doesn’t currently exist in US election.

There are several situations in which casting a ballot without showing an ID would be legal, specifically in the 15 states (plus Washington, DC) that rely on other forms of voter verification. In the rest of the states, voters are required to present some form of identification before casting ballots.

It is true that most Democrats have been against stricter voter-ID laws in the past, but on grounds that these laws could disenfranchise voters who may not have access to necessary identification – not in order to illegally obtain votes.

Republicans have wielded this Democratic position on voter ID laws to paint Democrats as complicit in election fraud despite the fact that voter fraud is exceedingly rare – and that even states that don’t require ID have other methods to prevent fraud, like signature checks.

Intelligence agents impact on the election
As part of his argument that the 2020 election was “rigged,” Trump claimed 51 intelligence agents “made a 16-point difference” in the outcome of the election.

Facts First: There is no evidence for this.

Trump appears to have been referring to a letter signed by former intelligence agents weeks before the 2020 election. The letter stated that the release of emails purportedly belonging to then-candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter, which had been generating sensational stories in right-wing media, had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

No proof of Russian involvement in the release of those emails has emerged, and Republicans have argued that the letter helped discredit negative stories about the Biden family just before the election. But there’s also no proof that the letter swayed the outcome of the election.

Security on January 6
Former President Donald Trump tried to blame then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for the violence on January 6, 2021 – when his own supporters stormed the US Capitol, claiming she was “in charge” of security that day.

Facts First: This is false. The speaker of the House is not in charge of Capitol security. That’s the responsibility of the Capitol Police Board, which oversees the US Capitol Police and approves requests for National Guard assistance.

Trump’s former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller also told lawmakers that he was never given a formal order by Trump to have 10,000 troops ready to be sent to the Capitol on January 6. “There was no direct, there was no order from the president,” Miller said.

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent an email saying the National Guard would be present to “protect pro Trump people” in the lead up to the US Capitol insurrection, according to the report released by the January 6 committee.

Gas prices and energy independence
Trump claimed gas prices are higher under Biden than under his administration, and that Biden ended US energy independence.

Facts First: Trump’s claims about gas prices are misleading. Trump claimed Wednesday that he got gas prices down to $1.87 – and “even lower” – but they increased to $7, $8 or even $9 under Biden. While the price of a gallon of regular gas did briefly fall to $1.87 (and lower) during the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the national average for regular gas on Trump’s last day in office, January 20, 2021, was much higher than that – $2.393 per gallon, according to data provided to CNN by the American Automobile Association. On Thursday, the national average for gas was $3.53, per AAA data, not $6, $7 or $8. California, the state with the highest prices as usual, had an average of $4.8, per AAA.

Trump’s claim that Biden shut down American energy is false even if Trump was talking specifically about non-renewable energy. US crude oil production in 2022 was the second-highest on record, behind only production in Trump-era 2019, and production in early 2023 has been near record highs. US production of dry natural gas set a new record in 2022. So did US exports of crude oil and petroleum products.

Biden has also approved some significant fossil fuel projects including the controversial Willow oil drilling project Alaska, and his administration outpaced Trump’s when it came to approving oil and gas drilling permits in Biden’s first two years in office.

Phone call to Georgia’s secretary of state
Asked about the now-notorious phone call he made to Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and staff about election results, Trump claimed “I didn’t ask them to find anything.”

Facts First: This is a brazenly false claim, as CNN and other organizations obtained recordings of the call, in which Trump repeatedly suggests that Georgia election officials should be able to find thousands of votes and fraudulent ballots. Specifically, Trump said, “I just want to find 11,780 votes,” one more than he lost by.

Trump also told Raffensberger, a GOP official, “We think that if you check the signatures – a real check of the signatures going back in Fulton County you’ll find at least a couple of hundred thousand of forged signatures of people who have been forged.”

It’s worth noting that Trump’s assertions of forged signatures and missing or miscounted votes were also baseless. The state certified its election results three times under Raffensperger’s leadership and found no mass voter fraud.

January 6 violence
Trump asserted “a couple” of the January 6 rioters “probably got out of control,” comparing the insurrection to left-leaning protests that turned violent in other cities.

Facts First: This statement is false. Hundreds of rioters have been charged with violence toward police on January 6 and Trump downplaying the violence and equivocating the insurrection with social justice protests fails to recognize the severity of the attack on the Capitol.

The January 6 riot of Trump-supporters who overran the Capitol has resulted in the largest law enforcement response in modern history – because of the sheer amount of violence on the ground, especially toward police, that day.

The number of rioters on January 6 who’ve been charged with violence toward police is in the hundreds.

According to the Justice Department this week, 346 people face federal charges for assaulting, resisting or impeding officers or other employees. That includes more than 100 people charged with using a weapon or causing serious injury to an officer. About five dozen have pleaded guilty to felony charges for these types of crimes.

And the FBI is still seeking information to identify more than 220 others who may have committed violent crimes on the Capitol grounds.

Even Trump-appointed federal judges have countered claims that left-leaning rioters in Portland, for instance, acted similarly to the pro-Trump crowd on January 6.

Judge Trevor McFadden wrote when handling a January 6 rioter’s case in 2021: “Although both Portland and January 6 rioters attacked federal buildings, the Portland defendants primarily attacked at night, meaning that they raged against a largely vacant courthouse. In contrast, the January 6 rioters attacked the Capitol in broad daylight. And many entered it.”

And another federal judge in DC, Carl Nichols, wrote: “The Portland rioters’ conduct, while obviously serious, did not target a proceeding prescribed by the Constitution and established to ensure a peaceful transition of power. Nor did the Portland rioters, unlike those who assailed America’s Capitol in 2021, make it past the buildings’ outer defenses.”

Police on January 6
Trump said that the police officer who shot pro-Trump rioter Ashli Babbitt was a “thug” who “went on television to brag about the fact that he killed her.”

Facts First: The US Capitol Police officer involved in the shooting, Lt. Michael Byrd, was defending the Speaker’s Lobby, adjacent to the House chamber in the Capitol building, during the riot. Babbitt’s fatal shooting occurred as a crowd tried to push through the Speaker’s Lobby doorway while the House was in still in session, according to the House select committee investigating January 6.

The Capitol Police declined to pursue any disciplinary action against Byrd, saying that they had “determined the officer’s conduct was lawful and within Department policy.” The Justice Department also said they would not prosecute Byrd, saying there was “insufficient evidence” to support a criminal case.

Byrd later did an interview with “NBC Nightly News,” where he said that he acted because “there was imminent threat and danger to the members of Congress.” Byrd said during the interview that he came forward publicly after being the focus of vitriol in right-wing circles.

E. Jean Carroll
A day after a Manhattan federal jury found Trump sexually abused and defamed the writer E. Jean Carroll, Trump claimed that the jury in the civil trial found he did not rape her and said he “didn’t do anything else either.”

“They said he didn’t rape her, and I didn’t do anything else either,” Trump said.

Facts First: This statement requires more context. While the jury did not find that Carroll had proven rape, it did find that she proved Trump committed sexual abuse, sufficient to hold him liable for battery.

Carroll alleged Trump raped her in a Bergdorf Goodman department store in the mid-1990s and then later defamed her when he denied her claim.

In the civil suit, the jury had to determine whether Carroll’s legal team proved that Trump committed battery against Carroll by a preponderance of the evidence.

While it did not determine that Carroll’s team had proven rape – the state’s law says that a person is liable for rape when a person forces sexual intercourse with another person without their consent – it did find that they proved Trump committed sexual abuse.

The jury had been instructed that a person is liable for sexual abuse when they subject another person without consent to sexual contact, which under New York law means “any touching of the sexual or other intimate parts of a person for the purpose of gratifying the sexual desire of either party.”

Trump claimed that inflation under President Biden has been the highest level in 52 years.

Facts First: This is false. The inflation rate has been high by historical standards but was not close to a half-century high.

Last June, the year-over-year inflation rate hit its highest level since late 1981, 9.1%, a surge that was caused by a variety of factors, including the war in Ukraine, the global pandemic and its effect on consumer behavior, and supply chain disruptions. But about 41 years does not round to 52 years, and more importantly, year-over-year inflation has now declined for 10 straight months, hitting 4.9% in April, as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

Other presidents and records
Trump claimed that other presidents took records with them when they left the White House – including Barack Obama, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

“The Presidential Records Act is not criminal. I took the documents. I’m allowed to. You know who else took them? Obama took them, Nixon took them. Reagan took them.”

Facts First: It is not true that past presidents took documents after they left office, as the National Archives and Records Administration itself pointed out in a statement in 2022. In reality, NARA was granted custody of the presidential records of former presidents (beginning with Ronald Reagan) as soon as these presidents left office, as required by the Presidential Records Act. In addition, it was NARA, not those presidents, that moved those documents out of the nation’s capital to NARA-managed temporary archival facilities near where their permanent presidential libraries would be built.

After Trump began making these false claims last year, NARA issued an October 2022 statement saying that it gained physical and legal custody of the records from Obama, Clinton, Reagan, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush “when those presidents left office.” It said of the temporary facilities to which the documents were moved: “All such temporary facilities met strict archival and security standards, and have been managed and staffed exclusively by NARA employees. Reports that indicate or imply that those Presidential records were in the possession of the former Presidents or their representatives, after they left office, or that the records were housed in substandard conditions, are false and misleading.”

In other words, there is no equivalence between how Trump handled presidential documents and how those previous presidents did. In Trump’s case, the presidential documents found at Mar-a-Lago, including documents marked classified, were in Trump’s possession despite numerous attempts by both NARA and the Justice Department to get them back.

In an April 24 statement, NARA General Counsel Gary M. Stern clarified that NARA sent staff members to the White House in the final weeks of the Trump Administration “to assist with the move of the physical records (including artifacts), in coordination with the DOD team that NARA employed to transport the records from the White House complex to the National Archives.”

Stern noted that the assistance provided was in line with what NARA had done for the three previous Presidential transitions.

Finally, Trump is correct that the Presidential Records Act is not a criminal law. Yet the Justice Department has made clear Trump is being investigated because of classified records that the NARA found in boxes that he returned a year after he left office, and his subsequent actions. The DOJ’s criminal investigation continues to focus on the possible mishandling of national security information and federal records, as well as possible attempts by Trump or others to obstruct justice after the criminal investigation became known.

Aid to Ukraine
Trump claimed that the US has provided $171 billion “so far” to Ukraine in its war against Russia, while the European Union cumulatively has given $20 billion in aid. He also claimed that the US is “giving away so much” that “we don’t have ammunition for ourselves right now.”

Fact First: Both assertions are false. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine last February, the US has provided Ukraine $36.9 billion in military aid. And while some US and European weapon stockpiles have been depleted, the claim that the US does not have ammunition is false.

The US military and defense industry are planning to increase production of critical ammunition being sent to Ukraine to fill US stocks. The US Army is planning a 500% increase in 155mm artillery shells, a roughly 33% increase in Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems (GMLRS) surface-to-surface medium-range missiles a year, doubling production of Javelin anti-tank missiles, and increasing production of Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to a minimum of 60 a month.

Classification of documents
Trump claimed that the classified documents from the White House were “automatically declassified” when he took them to Mar-a-Lago.

Facts First: There is no evidence to back up this assertion. Trump and his team have not provided any proof that Trump actually conducted some sort of broad declassification of the documents that ended up at Mar-a-Lago – and, so far, his lawyers notably have not argued in their court filings that Trump did so.

The Justice Department said in an August 2022 court filing that Trump’s representatives never asserted that documents had been declassified—not in January 2022 when they voluntarily turned over 15 boxes that included 184 unique documents with classification markings, nor in June 2022 when Trump’s team responded to a subpoena by returning another batch that included 38 additional unique documents with classification markings.

In addition, 18 former top Trump administration officials, including two former White House chiefs of staff who spoke on the record, told CNN at the time that they never heard of a standing Trump declassification order when they were serving in the administration and that they now believe the claim is false. The former officials used words like “ludicrous,” “ridiculous” and “bullsh*t.”

“Total nonsense,” said one person who served as a senior White House official. “If that’s true, where is the order with his signature on it? If that were the case, there would have been tremendous pushback from the Intel Community and DoD, which would almost certainly have become known to Intel and Armed Services Committees on the Hill.”

Border wall
Trump claimed that he had finished his promised wall on the border with Mexico.

“I did finish the wall. I built a wall,” he said. “I built hundreds of miles of wall, and I finished it, and then I said we have to build some more.”

Facts First: It’s not true that Trump finished the border wall. According to an official “Border Wall Status” report written by US Customs and Border Protection two days after Trump left office, about 458 miles of wall had been completed under Trump – but about 280 more miles that had been identified for wall construction had not been completed. The report said that at the time, just 52 miles of new wall had been constructed in locations where no barriers previously existed.

The report, provided to CNN’s Priscilla Alvarez, said that, of those 280 miles left to go, about 74 miles were “in the pre-construction phase and have not yet been awarded, in locations where no barriers currently exist,” and that 206 miles were “currently under contract, in place of dilapidated and outdated designs and in locations where no barriers previously existed.”

Ignorance is bliss....While Pedo Biden fiddles all America burns. A mind effed nation is a scroomed nation.

"A long life, and the good sense to live it." ...Quintis Arrius


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Trump is so full of shit, his eyes are brown. And Biden is simply a senile old fool. Wow, what a choice… 2020

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
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Originally posted by jdollar:
Trump is so full of shit, his eyes are brown. And Biden is simply a senile old fool. Wow, what a choice… 2020

What is really worrying is that there are folks who advocate for either of them.
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Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
First, I think Trumpsters are not stupid, as in low IQ.

I think you're wrong. Their IQs couldn't warm a room.

They're so stupid it's a mystery how they manage to grope through life.

I will bet you dollars to donuts that mine is higher or at best (for you) equal to yours.

All one has to do is go to the southern border of Texas and they would vote Trump over Biden…unless of course they hate USA.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 36811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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You all have ZERO IQ!

Otherwise you would have found a half decent individual to rule over you!

Being a VOTER immediately gives the impression of ZERO intelligence! clap
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My sister and I had a related discussion recently.

She's a fundamentalist Christian, all the way down the rabbit hole. She complained that Christians are considered by some to be of deficient intellect; just another aspect of the persecution syndrome.

Later she said she had studied the Bible thoroughly, an ongoing and repetitive thing, and was soon going to study The Book of Revelation.

She already has apocalyptic beliefs.

So I told her that she's not lacking intellect, just wasting it.

IMO, it's harmful. Not just to herself but on a much broader scale. She really does think, for example, that Tucker Carlson "tells it like it is" and Trump is truthful and persecuted by the evil left. She's representative.

Lots of people misdirect their intellect in harmful ways.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Lots of people misdirect their intellect in harmful ways.

100%…just look in the mirror…you’ll see a shining example! Wink

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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Opinions vary. Facts are facts, but obviously can be interpreted variously, depending on one's view, and skew.

Either way, I rather dwell in facts, and avoid mind-bending rants of an insane person, like the Book of Revelation. That's also why I avoid Fox News.

BTW, belief is the fulcrum of the misdirection of intellect, which is not stemming from IQ nor facts.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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You don’t dwell on the facts.

You carefully cherry-pick the facts you like and then immerse yourself in them.

As I said…look in the mirror.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 36811 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Alright. In our future discussions, lets dwell in facts and see how that goes.

That way I don't immerse myself in cherry picked facts, or made up BS.

Same for you.

Start now. Big Grin dancing

One suggestion - lets sort our posts into sections, such as:

1. Facts as we know them in support of the following premise or conclusions or inferences or opinion (pcio):

2. pcio: (opinion which has supported background in facts and evidence)

3. Opinion with no support in facts or evidence.

4: Other, which is where this post is, thus far.

I'll start -

1. The Book of Revelation. The author, John Who? No one knows. Its meanings are so widely and wildly interpreted, because the wording and structure is so obscure. There is agreement that it's apocalyptic and prophesy, etc. There's no agreement as to relevancy, context, in the past and certainly present and future.

2. IMO, the author was a madman. Thus, study it only if one wants to be influenced by the rants and delusions of an insane person.


I could easily follow the same logic in reaching the opinion that Trump is a madman, with all the associated implications of voting for him, again, knowing what we now know, for sure.

Do I really need to do that with you?

Would it do any good?

In part, my point is that I try to NOT post stuff that has no support in verifiable facts and evidence. Mostly I skip that part and go straight to the conclusions.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

Posts: 19989 | Location: Depends on the Season | Registered: 17 February 2017Reply With Quote
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