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Moderators: Canuck
High Fence Hunting Poll
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This is a scientific survey so don't vote more than twice and no pontification please.

There is alot of controversy over hunting behind wire in NORTH AMERICA. You can vote for or against, no qualifications on size or terrain.

"I support hunting or shooting of Game Animals within enclosures".


You are limited to one succinct sentence in support of your vote.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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And good luck on getting just one succinct sentence onthis topic.... [Wink]
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Posts: 580 | Location: Mesa, AZ | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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NO! I consider killing animals inside of a fence slaughtering them not hunting.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Two words; fair chase.
Posts: 71 | Location: Saskatchewan, Canada | Registered: 30 October 2002Reply With Quote
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I personally don't support it in N. America, but Money = Power, and we are going to lose this battle. Hunting WILL be a sport for the Rich in the next 50-100 years, here in the US. It's all about the almighty Dollar. To me my hunting heritage IS NOT FOR SALE! [Mad]
I am one of the most Law abiding hunters I know, but I am scared to think that when I am in my 60's, I may be sniping a fence to go poach one of the King's deer. Sad. [Frown]
(I'd quit hunting before I would stoop to that, but you get my point!)

[ 04-17-2003, 21:43: Message edited by: Mark G ]
Posts: 358 | Location: Stafford, Virginia | Registered: 14 August 2001Reply With Quote
<Rogue 6>
Yes, shooting an animal on someones ranch for money should be legal.

No, it is not hunting! It is shooting.
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<Doc in Texas>

Doc in Texas
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NO! The day I have to hunt inside a high fence is the day I give up hunting!
Posts: 549 | Location: SW Montana | Registered: 28 December 2000Reply With Quote
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It is not a scientific survey. You cannot get a random sample off an Internet web site. You cannot control who answers at all, let alone who answers more than once.

I think it's a great discussion topic, or it would be except you stand up like you have authority and tell people they can only have one sentence worth of support.

Sorry to sound irritated, but I am.

Posts: 1224 | Location: Southern Ontario, Canada | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote
Unbunch your panties kk, it's just a poll.


It's not hunting, though, just the killing of farm animals. If that get's you off, go for it.
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Originally posted by kk:
Bullshit. It is not a scientific survey.

Really? [Roll Eyes] [Big Grin]

Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Posts: 8005 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001Reply With Quote
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What happened to Fair Chase?
Posts: 631 | Location: North Dakota | Registered: 14 March 2002Reply With Quote
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No. That stuff is for fat-boy, turd-tapping dingleberries.
Posts: 100 | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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NO to calling it hunting.
Yes to calling it shooting.
Posts: 700 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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[Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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I won't personnally spend my money on it, but I don't have a problem with anyone else doing it.
Posts: 196 | Location: MN, USA | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I hate canned hunting as much as anyone, but I will not condemn the fellow that hunts whitetails on 10,000 acres of fenced brush country.
Posts: 7121 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
Yes, If it is a large, privately owned farm or ranch. No if it is penned.
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Picture of Wstrnhuntr
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Originally posted by Mark G:

I personally don't support it in N. America, but Money = Power, and we are going to lose this battle. Hunting WILL be a sport for the Rich in the next 50-100 years, here in the US. It's all about the almighty Dollar. To me my hunting heritage IS NOT FOR SALE! [Mad]
I am one of the most Law abiding hunters I know, but I am scared to think that when I am in my 60's, I may be sniping a fence to go poach one of the King's deer. Sad. [Frown]
(I'd quit hunting before I would stoop to that, but you get my point!)

Well said Mark! I do hope that your wrong about hunting becoming a sport for the rich only, but the indications are certianly there. The scraps that are left over for the general public after all the "pay for trophy" hunting is done are becoming less and less all of the time, but I am still hopefull that one day that bullshit will be exposed for what it really is (stealing the General Publics forest and wildlife for gain) and that wiser minds will prevail like my signature suggests. [Wink]

to keep to the subject, YES! If a canned hunt gives someone a thrill then fine, even worthless yuppie dweebs should be entitled to some sort of a hunt. Hopefully they will shoot themselves in the process. [Big Grin] As long as the animals killed are NOT PUBLIC WILDLIFE and the program is not funded by the taxpayers dollars then go ahead.. Just keep it the F*@K out of the gun rags and off of my TV because I would rather watch little house on the prarie than that shit... [Wink] Oh! was it just supposed to be one line? [Big Grin] [Embarrassed] [Big Grin]
Posts: 10160 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Yes to exotics(they should be kept within a high fence anyway).

No to native game(not realy wild then). Some ranches are big enough to keep it fair chase but I won't be spending my money there. I live in one hell of a hunters paradise. [Big Grin]
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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yawn, yawn......this kinda topic belongs on the politics page
Posts: 466 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 20 December 2000Reply With Quote
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A fat-boy, turd-tapping dingleberry (I think I got that right),who has two freezers filled with Axis, Blackbuck and Elk.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
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no but the size of the enclosure has got to count for something.
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Posts: 42 | Location: Wild and Wonderful New Mexico | Registered: 12 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Not everyone can spend their whole life scouting for deer, some folks have to get out and work for a living.
Posts: 336 | Location: Alabama, U.S.A. | Registered: 19 February 2003Reply With Quote
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NO!!!! For all the reasons already listed!
Posts: 258 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 10 March 2003Reply With Quote
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id hardly call it hunting
Posts: 121 | Location: Central VA | Registered: 13 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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Originally posted by Greenhorn:
No. That stuff is for fat-boy, turd-tapping dingleberries.

Could you define that??

It seems like a really fun insult, but I'd like to know what it is before I use it.. [Big Grin]
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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As long as unwelcome deer dogs can legally run through my property and under my stand [Mad] All the handler has to do is make a good faith effort to stop them. Right!!

Posts: 105 | Location: Alabama | Registered: 04 February 2003Reply With Quote
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As long as the area is big enough. Don't care for pen shooting.
Posts: 3942 | Location: Kansas USA | Registered: 04 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Drive 10 miles east. Drive 10 miles south. Drive 10 miles west. Drive 10 miles north. Inside that 100 square miles find a whitetail buck. Not fair chase? Please. How many deer roam over more than 100 sq miles in their life? Size must be taken into account or you can't have a serious conversation about the topic.

PS I've never done it but I might under the right conditions.
Posts: 167 | Location: Woodland, CA USA | Registered: 11 February 2002Reply With Quote
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YES! If lots of acres and habitat!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Not for me, thanks. I enjoy the *hunt* too much. Coming home empty-handed isn't the end of the world.

Originally posted by Mickey1:
"I support hunting or shooting of Game Animals within enclosures".

I see it as shooting , not hunting .
Posts: 2629 | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Not only yes but "HELL YES" So long as there is enough territory. I don't have to try and prove my manhood by traipsing all over the country and going home smelling like a man and thumping my chest and screaming "I am a hunter" uggg ugg ooh ooh! Now spread your legs woman! [Mad]
Posts: 11 | Location: Nebraska | Registered: 23 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Wait a minute...I think our "scientific" survey, has gotten a little confusing.
Do you mean, as previous stated "high fence" hunts, aka, the animal cant leave the vicinity, or the range of the hunter???
Or 1000's of acres of private hunting land, that allows the game to leave the private land, at their leisure??
I hunt the latter. And see nothing wrong with that...period.
This allows me to get off work, board an aircraft, and fly to my hunting area, and compete with all that nature has to offer, but NOT compete with 100's of other hunters, scaring game, loose dogs, etc.
Iam self employed, I get very little free time to hunt, fish, or even see my family unit, for Pete's sake.
These types of private ranch hunts, give me the best opportunity to harvest a trophy class animal.
High fenced hunting, on limited land, or "guaranteed kills", is not MY idea of hunting, mind you...but, that's their rodeo.
I dont have time to scout for my own game, God knows I wish I could.
You see, my idea of a long weekend, is Sat. and Sun. off from work.
"guaranteed hunts", not fair chase, NO...
Private land, w/ the animal able to leave said private bet....sakofan...
Posts: 1379 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 11 March 2003Reply With Quote
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So if high-fence hunting is unethical, regardless of the parcel's size, then that makes fishing on lakes unethical, as well. Where can the poor fishies go to escape???

It's ridiculous! Just like you don't always come home with a stringer full of fish from a lake every time, so you don't always bag an animal on a fenced parcel.

As alluded to above, it's not the fence that makes it unethical, but any "guarantee." The two don't always go hand-in-hand. Anytime that word is used in reference to a "hunt," then there's an ethical problem, no doubt.

On a related note, the increasing recurrence of Texas- and SW USA-bashing, however subtle, is getting old around here. We don't need to be dealing with this self-righteous crap from each other.

It may surprise some folks, but there are not a lot of public land hunting opportunities down here. So, unlike some of our more ethically enlightened Northern brethren, we have a little more invested in our hunts than the cost of a box of shells (amortized over 15 years) and half a tank of gas for the trip to the National Forest.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Posts: 785 | Location: Central Texas | Registered: 01 October 2001Reply With Quote
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