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Feeding pond...?? We leave the bow hunting of fish to our colonial cousins. "whilst plaid-clad lads unload from a perch" Alas it appears you have confused fiction which reality. | |||
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Out of all of the above, you actually got ONE and ONLY ONE correct and yes thewy were imported to the U.S. Are muntjac native to England? Have you ever shot one of those? Several thousand Axis deer roam the Texas Hill country on low fenced acreages, and it some locations actually out compete the native white tails. Not all places supplementally feed the animals, native or exotic that access the land and there are hundreds of thousands of natural water sources in the Hill country of Texas. One other question, have you ever actually been to Texas, and I am not talking about the major metropolitan areas? Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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I guess pheasants and wild boar are also livestock because they were introduced species. | |||
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None of which applies in your case.
Its remarkable how you continue to foot yourself in the foot. Yes I have been to Texas and have traveled and stayed away from the major metropolitan areas. Its been a while since I was last there. I understand there has been much urban spread. | |||
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Heck might as well jump into the fray, [QUOTE]Originally posted by Jools: Q1.Would they be there if they hadn't been imported. Q2.Would they be there if they weren't artificially feed and watered. Q3.Would they be there if they weren't fenced. A1.No no argument there. So if agreement with point number 1 makes two and three "no" Then you are correct. However, if you subscribe to the following........... "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is." then at least in the Texas hill country........... A2.Yes A3.Yes And after this brief musical interlude, I'll tell you how I know. I've hunted four different low fenced/no fenced ranches in the hill country over the last 13 years or so. The ranches were 2,000, 3000, 50,000 and 100,000 acres respectively. All were near had access to the Nueces, Sabinal, or Frio rivers. The area I describe is +/- 100 miles in diameter. Mostly ranches, hills and valleys, few people, but lots of stuff ungulates such as Axis thrive on. These ranches are operating ranches where mohair production once was king, due to the subsidies. These ranches also raise cattle and horses. All had populations of axis that had bred and thrived due to the topography and climate of the area. They've been there since the sixties at least. Axis range, kinda like hogs. One season they will be there, the next gone. They do return. In fact if you put axis and white tail deer in an enclosure, over a period of time you will have no white-tail but plenty of axis. It's nothing to see 20 or thirty along the side of he road (live even, not road kill) of SH 187 between Sabinal and its junction with SH-39 north of Vanderpool, or along SH 41 between Mountain Home and Rocksprings, or along SH 83 between its junction with SH-41 on the north and Uvalde to the south, or along SH-337 between Medina and Leakey or Spur 55 between Uvaled and Rocksprings or back up the SH between Brackttville and Rocksprings. I’ve a friend that has a lease just north of Kickapoo State park on the original Kickapoo Ranch where there are a couple herds of free ranging elk. Oh yeah, almost forgot http://www.nsrl.ttu.edu/tmot1/cervaxis.htm Simple as that ![]() and just the way it is! Best GWB | |||
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Let's see....what is your preferred term for the ponds filled with corn and ducks, and a boat that drives around flushing them to the waiting line of pass shooters? I don't care how you do it Mr.Expert-on-Everything-Hunting.....but do you Brits hunt ducks over decoys? No you don't.....you prefer the "more sporting" approach described above. You're a blowhard, and don't represent the gentlemanly English hunters I'm familiar with. Why don't you give it a rest? | |||
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I believe what you are trying desperately to describe and failing miserably at is whats known as a flight pond. These vary is size from less than 100sq m to several acres. Some are part of a series similar pond, some operate in isolaion. Using a boat to flush ducks over waiting guns would be considered extremely unsporting and would prove completely unproductive. I have never heard of any sporting estate using any such method. Perhaps your over vivid imagination has got the better of you again. Yes we do occassionally use decoys. It simpley depends on the situation. I seriously doubt you are familar with anyone outside you immediate associates. Certainly not gentlemanly English hunters. The more you post on this matter the greater the clutz you show yourself to be. | |||
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Good for you. ![]() | |||
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The only boar we should be talking about is spelled "bore" and it's jool the tool, LOL! I'm with Norton as to why anyone continues to responding to this "over the pond" expert. As my dear departed Daddy once told me, an expert is just defined as a drip under pressure!!! | |||
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Oh Jools, still haven't came up with an answer for this one??????
Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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TG, I resemble that remark. I tell folks quite often I'm an ex-spurt. An ex is a has-been and a spurt is a drip under pressure. Best GWB | |||
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Now Jools, here is another question for you if you care to answer it. Have you EVER shot ANY of the following animals in Britain? Fallow deer Muntjac deer Chinese water deer Sika Deer Rabbit Hare Grey squirrel Did you know that all of them are exotics/non-native and were introduced into Britain? Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Your "Daddy" was obviously as misguided as you. Its better to be considered an expert. Than a shooter of semi-domesticated fenced stock. | |||
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Look above. There are none so blind as those that will not see. | |||
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Isn't Google wonderfull. European Brown Hare is not an introduced species to Gt Britain. You've left off Canada Geese, Mink ............ | |||
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Yes, ANYONE can consider themself an expert, for it to mean ANYTHING, OTHER PEOPLE have to consider that person as being an expert. Considring ones self an expert is like standing in a garage and considering ones self as being an automobile. Forgot about the Canada Goose, THANKS for the correction. Funny, but I did not notice your answer to the question. Have you ever shot/hunted any of the listed species? As to your answer about Texas, could you possibly enlighten me a little more, such as where you traveled and how long you were here? Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Who said anything about condsidering themselves an expert? Your deperation to try and find some means of saving some face is becoming increasingly obvious. Perhaps your time would be better spent shooting some more stock on a high fenced ranch. The point of your questions regarding what I have hunted and where I have travelled is what precisely? As I fail to see any relevence to this discussion over the ethical choices one makes when deciding to shoot stock on a high fenced ranch and then try and call it hunting. You see I have a policy of never agruing with an idiot. Due to a lack of experience. | |||
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![]() CHC, I had not paid any attention to Jools until this thread yesterday. He reminds me of a certain Fawkian miscreant that once plagued the ARPF. Only there to stir shit. Never would answer a question with a straight answer. Always maintained an air of superiority. The guy's a troll. I'm done. Hey Jools, you ought to meet your long lost brother Nakihunter in the Varmint hunting forum for a circle jerk and ol' time hootenanny. You guys would go together like Yin and Yang, or at least Bob and Ted. ![]() GWB | |||
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Oh just to try and see if you have actually hunted anything in your entire life, which I am firmly beginning to believe you haven't. Also to try and expose you for the fraiud you are. You are an anti hunter, nothing more. You are the one that posted his little bit of wisdom(??):
Since the discussion was between me and you and I do not consider myself an expert on anything that leaves you considering yourself an expert. You also made a comment about my Dad which works out to a personal attack on my family, which only adds to the evidence of your being a troll. I am not trying to Save Face. 1. I am not oriental, and 2. everyone on here knows that I am an ass hole. Unlike you however, I am an honest ass hole that does not try to manipulate people in an effort to further my own personal agenda. I do not have an agenda, and as has been proven in the discussions about closing lion hunting and the others you have insinuated yourself into, you do have an agenda and as an Anti-Hunter that agenda is to get on sites such as this andcreate and promote as much divisiveness among hunters as is possible. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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![]() I believe the word you meant to use was Fawkesian, not Fawkian. ![]() I'll leave the latent homosexual acts to you guys thanks. You appear far more familiar with them than I will ever be. I have never seen a post by your nemisis Nakihunter. Does he still post? | |||
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Rest assured I have hunted ethically all of my entire life. I have hunted in many differnt places and still do given the opportuity and the inclination. I'm about as far from being anti-hunting as you can get and still remain ethical. It appears that you believe there is some kind of kudo's to be gained by stating that you have a closed mind on most subjects and enjoy being an asshole. Each to his own!I'm sure there is nothing I could say to dissuade you otherwise. Being of a closed mind tends to blinker one for such persuasion. I have never posted on any discussion regarding lion hunting. Again you have me confused with someone else. I am at a loss to fathom which of you 2 stated characteriscs might cause that to be. I'm also disinclined to bother trying to determine whether its the closed mind or the assholeness, as I have no interest in either. | |||
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That is a Lie, I have never stated that I have a closed mind about ANYTHING. Not agreeing with another persons opinion or beliefs does not make a person close minded. It merely means that after reviewing the evidence given, they just do not believe the same way. And I really do not believe I have you confused with anyone else Jooly. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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My apologies Randell. What you actually posted was
Just how open is a closed book? ![]() Oh, you have me confused alright. This must be the 3rd or 4th time you have referenced some thread or topic on which I have never posted.I appreciate that as you get past the prime the memory fades, and confusion often plays its trump card. But you sure do seem to get dealt some bum hands. | |||
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Wrong again. The only things my mind is closed about is your identity and motives. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Well Randall. Just as with the ethicacy of shooting imported stock on high fenced ranches we're just going to have disagree on your closed mind and my identity and motives. That old hat of yours must be getting mighty moist . What with all the spitting and spluttering you've been doing of late. Till the next time Randall. Till the next time. Too-da-loo. | |||
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Don't Let The Door Knob Hit You Where The Good Lord Split You! Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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It never has and never will. Both the mind and the feet are too quick. ![]() | |||
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