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Re: What We Have Here COMPLETE Failure to Communicate!
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I am wondering, "how ethical is it to hire a guide and go hunting after an animal you know nothing about". Some spend all year shooting, but only a few days hunting and zero days scouting. I can't figure it out, but how ethical is that? I don't think it is ethical at all and shows disrespect for the animal.

Outdoor writers do this all the time, get a gun in the mail, shoot it all year, write about it and some special scope, then get a hunt with Big Jim's Guide Service, hunt a few days and smack an animal, then write an article, subsequently everyone considers them an expert on whatever animal they smacked over the course of the few days. I would read them (the articles), but I subscribe to hunting magazines only for the pictures and the advertisements, preferring to gain my knowledge in the field year round, season or no season. Just the facts Ma'am.
Posts: 46 | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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#5 We all think of ourselves as smart, it is other people who think we are stupid.
Posts: 46 | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Amen LD, even to the guy that "hunts" behind tall fences. It doesn't appeal to me, but that's only my opinion. I can see nothing wrong with it. Hell, don't even hold a grudge against folks who think my 300 yards, and beyond, shooting is reckless "sniping". Oh, one other thing, I read VG's posts. What the hell are you talking about VG?
Posts: 866 | Location: Western CO | Registered: 19 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Just got around to reading your last post about where you live and where you'll be hunting this year.

WOW!!! You're sure "living the dream". I hope to retire in just a few short years and hunt a lot more...

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Varmint guy. Lighten up will you. You sound like you're one heartbeat away from a massive stroke.
Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Cold bore: You still are posting without specious (without merit) and ambiguous slurs!
Get specific and i will tear you apart live I keep doing to ldhunter!
Long live THe Riflemans Rifle the wonderful, beautiful accurate and safe pre-64 Winchester Model 70's!
Try and disprove any of those contentions there lap dog!
Hold into the wind
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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PaulB: No need for me to lighten up what so ever! I have so soundly trounced all semblence of credibility out of ldhunter that I didn't even need to work up a sweat! And his incredibly ridiculous utterances are so easily knocked out of the park I am surprised you are even tempted to side with them!

Or maybe you think "disagreeing" is a bad thing also! Get on the record here BIG Paul! What do you contend!

But be advised YOU better be prepared for your very own trip to the cyber space wood shed for a VERY sound thrashing, should you dare espouse such a ridiculous bit of tripe as ldhunter has!

Keep an eye on your own self PaulB - you are not very well up to speed on reality as of now!

Hold into the wind

Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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PaulB: No need for me to lighten up what so ever! I have so soundly trounced all semblence of credibility out of ldhunter that I didn't even need to work up a sweat

Maybe in your mind you did,but many others here would disagree with you.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Thank you but really there's no need to defend me or attack VarmintGuy. His accusations don't hurt me because they are untrue and I trust everyone here to form their own opinions from what they see here on their own screens.

I don't mean to tell you what to do but I suggest that you, and I, and everyone here just continue to talk about big game hunting or whatever the topic is in the forum we're in and ignore those that don't want to participate but rather disrupt.

That's what I intend to do. If he/they really annoy you then there's always the IGNORE feature of the Infopop forum software.

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I trust everyone here to form their own opinions from what they see here on their own screens.

I was simply stating that opinion.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Don't you dare disagree by saying that disagreeing is bad! Agree that we should disagree!

Is this like saying "I am a liar."

Ha Ha.

Please don't take me to the shed, I'm just having some fun!
Posts: 159 | Location: Bozeman, MT | Registered: 11 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Bob, maybe its just me but after about 20 ranting posts I still have no clue what the hell Varmint Guy is trying to say ! All I see now is * You are Ignoring This Looser....err I mean User *
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
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I really don't know either. I pissed him off a few days ago and he's been ranting and raving about it ever since. There are several threads where he goes on and on and on ad nauseam and I think everyone's getting a little tired of it.

I don't feel obligated to read every word of every post and when I encounter a pissing match I usually just skip over it. I come here to read about big game hunting and the other topics on AR and tend to ignore the personal squabbles.

He'll either burn out or keep at it... No difference to me. Insults don't hurt me. I care about what my family and close friends think about me but don't really worry when others disagree with me or dislike me.

I'm very outspoken and often piss people off. I don't really mean to do it but am not a mealy mouthed, politically correct man. I'm blunt and direct and expect others on hunting and shooting forums to be fairly tough and have a thick skin.

After all... We're hunters right? We regularly hunt down and kill animals and eat their flesh and wear their skins and mount their heads, antlers etc. on our walls to brag about what we did.

Those of a "sensitive nature" that hang out on these forums and wear their feelings on their sleeves are going to get their feelings hurt on a regular basis and aren't going to get much sympathy from other hunters.

Anyway.... That's probably WAY more than you wanted to know about what I think and why I act the way I do but like most people I like to talk about myself....

Anyway... Back to talking about Big Game Hunting again...

Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I just have one question ? What does politicly correct mean ????

Chuck. Political correctness is an oxymoron promulgated by morons.
Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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PaulB: No need for me to lighten up what so ever! I have so soundly trounced all semblence of credibility out of ldhunter that I didn't even need to work up a sweat! And his incredibly ridiculous utterances are so easily knocked out of the park I am surprised you are even tempted to side with them!
Or maybe you think "disagreeing" is a bad thing also! Get on the record here BIG Paul! What do you contend!
But be advised YOU better be prepared for your very own trip to the cyber space wood shed for a VERY sound thrashing, should you dare espouse such a ridiculous bit of tripe as ldhunter has!
Keep an eye on your own self PaulB - you are not very well up to speed on reality as of now!
Hold into the wind

VG. I have no problem with disagreement on any subject. I do have a problem with people who in order to hide their shortcomings, trash someone who posts an opinion that they disagree with in such a manner as to be insulting, demeaning and as far as I am concerned, nothing more than an ego trip for someone with an overinflated superiority complex.
I don't know what LD said that really set you off, but it must have been something that really hit home.
You can take me to the woodshed all you want if that floats your boat. I'll just consider the source.
Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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We have a couple of participators on this thread that could use a bit more fiber in their diet.
Posts: 201 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Bob, maybe its just me but after about 20 ranting posts I still have no clue what the hell Varmint Guy is trying to say ! All I see now is * You are Ignoring This Looser....err I mean User *

OK... I finally looked it up and here's what seems to have VarmintGuy's panties in a wad.

Go to the page 1 of this message thread and read everything that VarmintGuy and I wrote. Then everything he wrote after that in this whole thread.

As far as I know that's what got him started.

He seems to not want to just let it go and I'm pretty bored with it all but people keep asking me what started it so I looked it up to satisfy their curiosity. I think it's all (or at least most of it is) on the first page.

There's also a thread in the Varmint Hunting forum that was something about the 22-250 and Benchmark powder. I chimed in there and he got his bowels in a huge uproar about my avatar...

So that's all I know and I sure wish we could stop talking about what he says/said. I consider the whole thing to be a bit childish and it reminds me of a soap opera....


... please don't feed the trolls and closet liberals....
Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Do liberals provide a good source of fiber ???
Bob, I have to say I take great exception to your avitar as well ! Don't ask why I'm not quite sure yet but I haven't had a bran muffin yet today so I feel the need to dissagree about something.
Remember the key to a happy life is a healthy colon ! I guessVG is going to outlive us all ! LMAO
Posts: 1010 | Registered: 03 February 2004Reply With Quote
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