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Winchester Supreme?
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Just to give you an idea, I loaded the 130gn BT in my 270 Wmagnum, 71gnIMR4831, and have shot hogs as close as 40feet, dropped dead,no extraordinary entry hole.In your case,150gn 270win/325yd exploding on impact very unlucky. I suppose in some strange way, at the other end of the pendulem, my bullets performance was as bizzare as yours! Strange thing is,I tried NP 130gn and found them to hard for side on shots, pigs ran more, then to blow your mind more, the 230gn FailsafesSupremeAmmo I use in my.338 drops them like a bag of crap in excess of 300yds away.
Every now and then a parachute fails to open as well.Thats life.
Posts: 2134 | Registered: 12 May 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BigNate:
Originally posted by Jarrod:
Originally posted by BigNate:
That same ammo and rifle combo used to put that bullet BEHIND the shoulder may well have dropped it in it's tracks.
I think people read to much about shoulder shots and wind up missing the jointy area where it actually does work the way the story goes. Often times the deer, or whatever, that runs after the "shoulder shot" is because the bullet hits a bit low and misses everything that really works.

JMO but I suppose thats what we are all throwing around here. I don't aim for the shoulder at all unless it's behind the heart or in front of it. Nate

How about try hitting it high in the shoulder. Most of the time drops them right there or they may take a few steps.

Thanks for quoting me.
The shoulder iswhere it was hit. Now if you had read why I said what I said you'd understand that I don't think many people execute the shoulder shot with enough consistancy. If done perfectly it is very effective. I don't think deer need a tough bullet to work its magic. People don't hit animals where the vitals are and then blame the bullet. I hear people say things like "it ran off after I shot it through both shoulders!" and I know they missed the bones. The shoulderblade on a deer isn't a big target, and if they are unfamiliar with the anatomy the shot generally is to far down and slighty behind the bone. This may catch the aorta or front lobe of the lung(s) but it can also pass through missing the important stuff. My point was that shooting the deer behind the shoulder would have been better. I've never seen an animal shot through the lungs go unrecovered or very far. I have seen animals with broken bones go an awfully long way.

If you recommend shooting shoulders that's your opinion and choice. Much the same choice, and opinion, this hunter of subject matter must also have as that is his "typical choice" of shot placement. You are recommending the exact shot this guy took. If this shot were executed perfectly, this thread would have been more of a congratulatory rant.

I won't ever believe I have seen it all, but my opinions are based on my experiences in the field, and not based on how many people agree on something. This is clearly demonstrated by my lack of favor for the .270 Win as an Elk rifle. I've seen less than impressive reults more often with the .270 than most others. That isn't saying an elk can't be taken with it at all. What it means is that the .270 is on the small side for Elk and because of this, the shots need to be spot on. Sierra GameKings are also flamed constantly by the Nosler Partition crowd. They are actually very effective on game if they are placed into the vitals. I've not yet recovered one, as I have always had pass-throughs and I aim for the top of the heart. I suppose if I were to use the same rifle for everything, with the same load, I'd catch one eventually and someone would claim that was a bullet failure.

In this case, the .270 with the BT is a fine deer rifle. I think the shot placement was probably the culprit above all else! The shot taken( and made) was for the shoulders, and the result was less than hoped for. The heart/lung shot would have been a larger target by far and if the bullet landed a bit to one side or the other it would have still been leathal.

To me the bottom line is everyone needs to be able to hit where they want in the field. A well placed bullet that expands will result in rapid death. In this case the animal died a slower death than expected. Without any of us getting to see the guts and the carcass were just guessing.

I actually use much smaller caliber rifles for deer than many others do, most of the time. But shot placement is everything! Nate

Thanks for the reply, That's what i'm talking about. How can a guy in shiner, tx tell me what happened out of my blind? I was there as were several people who witnessed the shot and the dismal performance in this instance.
And Bobby, maybe my account of the kill wasn't 100% accurate but who are you to question my statement! I'd venture to say that i've killed as many head of game as you have or maybe more and most were"autopsied" just not this one, as previosly stated this was was poor performance, regardless who made the bullets or ammo, and as a side note, nothing intended against the .270 Winchester.

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Posts: 1326 | Location: glennie, mi. USA | Registered: 14 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Here is what may have happened. If the bullet hit on the shoulder bone, as the bullet traveled foward the bone can be driven out the exit.
I have a photograph that shows a high velocity bullet hitting an apple. The photo shows the bullet about 3 inches past the apple.
If you cover up the bullet and ask someone to tell which is the entrance, and which is the exit they cannot tell. Shoulder bones can be hard so the bullet may have fragmented, however if there was enoiugh left to reach the heart I would not call that total failure. A heavier constructed bullet might have caused the same type of entrance wound, but probably have penetrated deeper. Thus the advantage of a premium bullet.

I shot a deer at 100 yards in the neck [nice buck] with a 165 grain Ballistic tip out of a 308, the entrance wound was about twice as big as the exit.

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A "Kid" I hunt with used a .243 and failsafes to take deer here in Wisconsin. It just plain worked like a champ for him.

I've never tried them personally but this one witnessing was a positive result.

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