Just museing how many people still carry a pocket knife on their person? My Grandad was never without his and I guess it rubbed off on me. I miss placed mine yesterday and it about drove me nuts, then I wondered how many people still carry one. I ask the guys at work and only one old timer still carried one, none of the younger fellows did. How about you?
I hate carrying anything big in my pockets, not much extra room , but I do have one of the small Swiss Army knives on a clip on my pants typically. I use it often at work. When hunting I generally carry something bigger...often in duplicate.
Most guys I know that hunt seem to carry. Unless they can't of course.
Posts: 649 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 29 August 2001
I have a very small Swiss Army knife on my keychain that I always have with me and sometimes carry a larger folding knife (though usually not to work as I'm in and out of the courthouse all day).
Posts: 992 | Location: AL | Registered: 13 January 2003
If I got my pants on you can bet theres a knife in my pocket. Just old school I guess, but then it was ok to take a knife to school when I went to school. Then again I am 40 I got a nice little browning knife my daughter bought me for a gift. I've to walked back and put in the truck more than once because I couldn't take it into a place.
Posts: 1739 | Location: alabama | Registered: 13 November 2001
Like 6.5x55 said, if I've got my pants on, there's a knife in my pocket. Actually, I almost always have at least 3, plus two blades on my Gerber, and if my pants are on, my belts on, and if my belts on, my Gerber's on. Don't really understand a man without a knife. I try and teach my grandsons that a man should always have a pocket knife in his pocket, but they have to leave them home from school. How idiotic!
Posts: 747 | Location: Nevada, USA | Registered: 22 May 2003
I have been carrying one from the time I have been five years old. I am still from the era that very boy had one even in school. I had on stolen in gym one time repported they caught the kid and I got my knife back. Most of the time know I carry a cold steel extra large voyager with 5 in blade along with a leatherman tool. Thats when I am not working at work I carry a med voyager with a 4 in blade.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001
I've taken to carrying a Leatherman Micro rather than a bona-fide knife. I find that I use the scissors as much as its little knife blade. Of course I generally have my full-size Leatherman on my belt, which includes the knife blade.
Posts: 3310 | Location: Southern NM USA | Registered: 01 October 2002
I carried a pocket knife from about age 8 to 23. During all that time, I was either living in west Texas or in School, and wore jeans everywhere I went. I have a great Uncle Henry my granddad gave me at age 8 as my first, a Moormade that my dad gave me when I graduated from High School, a stag handled Case XX I bought myself when I graduated from college, plus about 3 dozen others.
Sadly, when I graduated and moved to the big 'ol city, I started having to wear slacks during the day and choose to wear shorts most other times. Having anything slinging around in those loose pockets drove me crazy, so now the only thing I ever carry in my pockets is a single key to my pick-up. I keep 1/2 dozen knives in my truck, and, oddly, can probably count on one hand the number of times I've missed a knife in the past 3 years.
I use mine every day. It's a Swiss Army, with two blade screwdrivers, a phillips, awl, and small pliers.... oh yeah, two knife blades. There's always a box to open, a screw that needs to be tightened, a sight that needs to be adjusted, or whatever. I find it extremely irritating that I can't take it on an airplane. I mean, suppose the airplane broke, or something? How's a guy to fix it?
Posts: 2281 | Location: Layton, UT USA | Registered: 09 February 2001
Been carrying one since I was about 5 years old. Now I usually carry one along with my Gerber tool. I feel naked with out one. Even when I am hunting along with my hunting knife I carry my Gerber & pocket knife.
quote:Originally posted by denton: I use mine every day. It's a Swiss Army, with two blade screwdrivers, a phillips, awl, and small pliers.... oh yeah, two knife blades. There's always a box to open, a screw that needs to be tightened, a sight that needs to be adjusted, or whatever. I find it extremely irritating that I can't take it on an airplane. I mean, suppose the airplane broke, or something? How's a guy to fix it?
Could not put it better myself!
I almost always have a medium size Swiss Victorinox in my pocket. In particular the scissors are often in use. And it goes without saying that the blade always is keept sharp!
Posts: 2068 | Location: Goteborg, Sweden | Registered: 22 May 2002
I had occassion to "set up camp" frequently in my former job. I started out with the full sized "hunting" knives but soon figured out that the Swiss Army knife (Huntsman model or something similar, I believe) was just the ticket. It weighs nearly nothing, its mostly stainless steel, it saws branches and opens the shit out of any MRE you'd care to ingest. The tweezers and small blade are wonderful for performing all manner of minor surgery on yourself and as long as you don't crank too hard, the screwdriver sure beats using your thumbnail. Even though its stainless, saltwater will lock it right up, so carry some oil with you. The big knives have their place but are not nearly as useful.
Posts: 130 | Location: Davenport, IA | Registered: 20 March 2003
I've carried a pocket knife just about every day for over 50 years. Habits are hard to break. Pocket knife in the left front pocket, hankerchief in the right back pocket. I don't use my knife for many things, anymore, but its always razor sharp and always there. I'd just as soon leave my keys behind as my pocket knife. HockeyPuck
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002
Well i have 2 a older Timer i carry in my pockets well it depends on what i wear lol might carry it in my knee pockets and also carry a leg strap knife. carry both to school most the time good i dont have gym anymore huh... LOL
Posts: 174 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 14 December 2002
Gents, I Always have a knife handy,usually 'cuz I can't carry a 1911 at work! I carry a Buck Dual Blade Crosslock,has a belt clip that makes it easy just to slip right in my rh pants pocket and keep it right where I know where to expect it. I work at a retail lumberyard and I would rather be without a tape measure than my Buck. About the only thing I can't cut are the steel bands that still hold some units of lumber together,anything else is fair game. And a Buck knife holds an edge..Nothing ruins my day like forgetting my knife. 45nut
Posts: 538 | Location: elsewhere | Registered: 07 July 2001
If my pocket knife aint welcome neither am I carry a victornox at work around I carry a gerber multi plier and either a case xx russlock or old timer lock blade or if I'm dressed nicer I have a small scharade copenhagen knife in a belt sheath like I said if my knife aint welcome I don't go Also go no where without a small bic lighter I figure that witha knife and fire I should be able to survive
I always carried a Gerber Gator when working but I lost it fighting a HUGE RAT in Austin,TX. Then I replaced it with the Beast carried it on my belt. Always handy then I broke the tip off pulling glass at a junk yard.
Finally replaced it with a Cold Steel Voyager!!!!!!!!
I've carried a multi-purpose Swiss Army knife for a long time and all throughout my flying in the navy. I use to put it in the zippered pocket of my flight suit. I figured that if I ever had to eject, at least I knew I had that little knofe with me! jorge
Posts: 7157 | Location: Orange Park, Florida. USA | Registered: 22 March 2001
Yup...at least one knife unless in a place that specifically prohibits them.
I wear a Leatherman, carry a razor sharp Benchmade folding knife in my right front pocket along with a 4" "Cresent" wrench. I also have one of those little Gerber clip on skeleton knives clipped to my little black book (right front pocket too). I keep a #11 surgical blade and 4-0 Ethilon suture in my wallet.
[ 07-18-2003, 15:36: Message edited by: David King ]
I've carried a Victorinox ("Tinker" model, I think) pocket-size Swiss army knife everyday for the last 16 years. I have a half dozen of them, which I rotate as the blades get dull. When I'm down to my last sharp knife, I'll sharpen all the rest of them in one session at the bench.
I like the Victorinox in every way. The steel is excellent and sharpens easily, it stays sharp, and the bolsters do not loosen. They out-perform every other pocketknife I've tried, including some that cost much more.
Carry constantly, everyday use is a Buck Odyssey, non-serrated, sharpens fairly easily, locks open, one handed, big enough for serious social work it the need arose and I consider it to be an excellent skinner. And, not so expensive that if I happen to lose it, usually by leaving it laying somewhere, I don't wail and moan. Although, so far, I've always managed to find it....EVENTUALLY.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001
I will admit that sometimes I don't carry a knife. But almost all the time I do. Even at work in the slacks, I have a small Hen and Rooster with stag handles, if I can get away with it I carry my 2 blade Puma. And my favorite for shirt and tie is a Brazilian knife that goes in my pocket and looks like just another pen. Much better than your typical pen knife, as not made with a cap or anything, just all stainless with a folding blade and an excellent lock. They are called Executive Edge. (mine is about 15years old and came from brazil before they started getting imported).
I too think everybody should always carry a knife. but then again, I love knifes almost as much as guns. :-)
Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003
I always carry my little multi-tool with knife, file, can opener, pliers, couple of scredrivers, etc. Feel like I'm not wearing pants if I go without it....
Posts: 425 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 07 March 2002
A swiss army knife is where its at. I have always carried a pocket knife. Since I watched a buddy of mine overhaul a chain saw, in camp, fifty miles from the hardtop road, with his swiss army knife, I have carried a Swiss.
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001
I don't leave home without it.When I forget it on a very rare occasion i feel naked.I have a gerber folder, with pocket clip. Lost a benchmade. this gerber is the best $16.95 I ever spent.Wore a belt sheath with a buck 500 for years, until I got a cell phone.One item on belt is enough.I carry my door keys, and padlock keys on a carbinder clip on left side, phone on right side, knife in right pocket. Also wallet on right side rear, and cash right front.Carring alot of weight each day.When I unbuckle belt, pants and shorts drop, before I can unbutten
During the week i carry a benchmade, kershaw, gerber - hell some times i carry two three knives - one in each front pocket. On the weekends i have gerber's smaller gator around at all times.
You will all appreciate this then. My love for knives is pretty good, and I have had quite a few at times (I find they make great gifts so have fewer now and need to restock). But my uncle REALLy loves knives. He must have 75 various knives. mostly pocket, but other stuff too, big bowies, Spanish Dueling swords etc. And he likes his stuff razor sharp.
Anyways, he goes to breakfast with me, my fiancee and a bud of mine one morning. Orders a steak. My friend about fell out of his chair laughing when my uncle put down his steak knife, pulled out his folder and proceeded to cut the steak with it. He just said,"Damn thing wouldn't cut butter." (about the steak knife).
Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003