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Big Bull Productions, convicted of poaching.
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From Mr. Berrys explanation: "The bull stopped on the ridge, and gave me enough time for a shot. The herd ran over top into Idaho. I was unable to find my arrow and was unsure if I hit the bull." ... and on the next day... "When I reached the very top of the ridge, a 6x6 bull stuck his head up. Thinking it was the same bull I had shot the previous afternoon, I shot the bull and the hit was in the neck. "

There may be more to the story then that, but I find it a little unethical to loose another arrow at an animal without verifying if its the same animal you already shot at, since he only had one tag. What if he had hit and killed the first? Would he then have left it there since the second provided a shot before he could look for the first? Like I said there could be more too it but it just didn't sit right with me when I read it.
Posts: 135 | Location: New Jersey, USA | Registered: 02 November 2005Reply With Quote
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My point above is that it is possible Berry did NOTHING wrong and is therefore "innocent". In an attempt to increase the appearance of his innocence and avoid conflict, he made himself look guilty. If this is what happened, I feel bad for him (but he should still have been ticketed for failing to put the MT tag on the bull).

"Everything" definitely includes breaking the law if it is constructed in such a way that a hunted animal is likely do die a slow and needless death.


Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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he made himself look guilty.

No Sh*t! On this we agree.

Go back and read all of your "ifs", "shoulds" and "I thinks" concerning this, John. Enforcement doesn't work like that in the real world and you know it. Berry is guilty.

I do agree very much that there is the letter of the law and then there's the spirit of the law. Good enforcement officers know where the fine line is on both. But your last 2 sentences say it all. Any means to an end. Jails and courts are full of folks that think like you. Ask Berry. I'm calling D. Chester, Esq. on you right now! Wink

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This was posted on in response to Glen Berry's post of his side of the story. The two versions are far enough apart that they can't really be reconciled as a misunderstanding.

On the other hand, we don't know that either are truly from who they claim to be. Note the part where the elk wasn't even gutted, certainly that could be verified and would go a long way to identifying which version is more accurate.

This is the first time I have ever been on this site, and don't know anybody posting on this site except one person, Glen Berry. I am the officer that Mr. Berry refers to in his "story". I had originally told Mr. Berry that I had no interest in announcing on the internet what he had done, however, since he has gone public with a story I guess there should be no problem with me setting the story straight.
The story that Mr. Berry posted above is far from the truth. I am not going to go into the entire story on this site. If anybody is bent on wanting to know the true story I can be reached at the Idaho Fish and Game Region 6 office. Just ask for the officer that worked on the Glen Berry investigation.
I will tell you some of the facts. I initially contacted Glen about 4:00 in the afternoon the day he shot the bull. The bull had been shot between 10:00 and 10:30 that morning. Glen had bought the 2nd elk tag at about 2:00 that afternoon. Glen said they had done some scouting that morning but not really any hunting.
About 8:00 to 8:30 that evening I, along with a Clark County Deputy contacted Glen, Chad and Glen's friend. (I wont' be the one that mentions his name)The three people were riding atv's coming down from the Continental Divide. They had been hunting in Montana. This is an area that has been closed to off-road vehicle use for 10 years.
From the very beginning Glen Berry denied there even being a dead elk in Idaho. After denying the dead elk I interviewed Glen's friend. He told me that Glen DID NOT wound a bull in Montana the previous day. The friend told me Glen DID kill an elk in Idaho that morning. The friend told me there was "confussion" as to whether they were in Idaho or Montana, BEFORE the elk was shot. Just to let you know there is a 4 strand barbed wire fence along the state border. It's the Continental Divide. It is very easy to tell what state your in. In fact Mr. Berry contacted some people in a camp the night before and explained to them just where the Montant border is and tried to talk them into hunting lower in the valley.
After the friend told me what I believe was the true story I told Mr. Berry I was going to give him one more chance to be straight with me. I even told him if an accident happened he needed to be straight with me. Glen continued to deny there being a dead elk on the hill. When I had his friend repeat what he told me to Glen, Glen told me it wasn't true and that his friend didn't know what he was talking about. In fact I even ask Mr. Berry what was going to happen to the elk (was he going to allow it to waste)Berry's response to me was "What elk".
I told Chad and the friend that it was not their responsibility but if the elk stayed on the hill until the next mornig I was going to charge Glen with waste. I told them I would not charge them with bringing the elk down, but I was going to seize the elk meat and antlers. They brought the elk out that night between midnight and four am. I can tell you they had to go back to camp to get pack boards and knives so there was no intentions of bringing out the elk that night, until I contacted them.
The witness stated they saw Glen and Chad at the elk with the video camera. The only reason the witnesses were interested in the elk was they recognized Chad and knew they were supposed to be hunting Montana. They never did see the friend at the site. After Berry's left, the witness went down and found an ungutted elk covered with pine boughs. They took GPS cooridinates, DNA sample and pictures. They followed the blood trail and found where the elk had been shot. The blood trail was about 80 yards. The kill site was almost one half mile inside Idaho.
Again for Berry to say I didn't want to go to the kill site and look at what happend is not true. Berry didn't even admit an elk being dead until he was in jail. I don't have any motives except for people to know the truth. I am not an bowhunter, however, I have friends that try to talk me into taking it up.
I had no clue who Glen Berry was until this incident took place.
I will let the witness know about Berry posting on this site in case he wants to post anything.
Idaho Officer
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The plot thickens!

Very interesting. Since Mr. Barry didn't fight any of the charges, I wondered if the story he posted was the true one.
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Me Thinks I SMELL a SKUNK, and it has an ARROW thru it..............
Posts: 289 | Location: Holladay,UT (SLC) | Registered: 01 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Our passion for Soap Operas amazes me...

I have not a clue who this g.berry guy is, but i am most certainly under the impression that he is full of sh#t!!!

I am here to tell you right now, that I know exactly where i am in my GMU without the use of GPS. I have a map & compass in my pack and know how to use both correctly!
Not knowing what state you are in? that blows my mind, it angers me!! (The state of: Ignorance is Bliss)
it angers me b/c you are the type of hunter that scares the hell out of me. you're clueless, and shouldn't be hunting because its just a matter of time before you hurt yourself, or somebody else.
Be responsible in all of your hunting activities or quit hunting!!!

Take away this guys hunting privileges in all 50 states!
Posts: 16 | Registered: 18 August 2005Reply With Quote
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or is it Hayduke?

arguing on point for mr. berry... is Fool's Progress.

being as familiar with Edward Abbey as you appear to be, you should understand where I am coming from.
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Berry may very way be guilty of all sorts of things. It really just bugs the hell outta me to see the legalities of hunting possibly discourage moral behavior regarding animal recovery. This was seen in sheep country too where they found that, with minimum age and horn length requirements, they lost MORE animals because "hunters" just abandoned any downed sheep that was "borderline legal". I'm sorry, I'll do the time and pay the fine if need be to recover and utilize an animal properly.


(with cigar lit and monkeywrenching backpack ready to go)
Posts: 4697 | Location: North Africa and North America | Registered: 05 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Think Berry's film career is over? His my be deader than OJ's.

The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese!
Posts: 35 | Registered: 26 July 2005Reply With Quote
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I thought that Berrys own statement smelled rotten. What is with all of the "they didnt punish me for what I did, but for who I am" drivel? How arrogant is that? Sounds to me like he is trying to get special consideration because of "who he is" and is full of self pitty.

It is unfortunate that hunting has become the big money sport that it is. That is what crap like this all comes down to. We all spent huge dollars on hunting and this is our reward for making it so commercialized.
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