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RMEF Banquet
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I never said I supported the pitman act 43deer and by the way you do enougf swallowing for everyone. Money goes towards this act regardless of wether I want it to or not. You and goatfucker need to learn how to read.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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So, you claim that "Considering that a percentage of every dollar spent on sporting goods goes to conservation. I'd say with the 3 or 4 grand I spend every year on sporting goods,I've contributed more to wildlife then goatfuckers magazine subscription has." However then you spout out "I never said I supported the pitman act 43deer and by the way you do enougf swallowing for everyone. Money goes towards this act regardless of wether I want it to or not. You and goatfucker need to learn how to read."

So RMK, essentially what you're saying is that you are the conservation donation master of the world with the $$ you spent on sporting goods last year, however you don't support the tax that comes from your $$$???

Just what I would expect from a slob like yourself. You only donate money because you HAVE to. Some conservationist you must be...

Posts: 1029 | Registered: 29 January 2004Reply With Quote
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No goatfucker,you're the only self proclaimed conservationist on this thread.

I was only stating that under your definition of conservation (a fuckin' bugle magazine subscription),that the pittman act places more of my money towards conservation.Then your beloved membership in the fence riding assholes known as the RMEF does.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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dutch & madgoat: I will attempt again here to convince you of the idiocy of your ways, this try will be with facts from an article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle titled: ELK NUMBERS PLUMMET, WILDLIFE MANAGERS RESPOND BY REGULATING HUNTERS!
Dated January 8th 2,004!
Just by reading the title of the article, you two apologists for the rmef should be on the phone to that bunch of greens and demanding that they take an absolute and immediate stance to slash the numbers of Wolves from their present 700+ to the previously agreed upon 325! Or maybe you can keep your heads warm and cozy and all filled with happy thoughts while its way up your digestive tract outlets (like the cretins at the rmef!) and KEEP PRETENDING there is no problem!
That new policy issued by the happy word greenies at the rmef as posted February 2,004 is a slight improvement - VERY SLIGHT though, and completely unacceptable to ANYONE who values ELK Hunting! I hope I had something to do with that recent change!
I will not resort to calling you characters profane names but I will tell you this - you are both stupid - you say stupid things and you stupidly endorse a stupid organization!
Don't waste your time berating other Hunters (by the way I would not be surprised if I Hunt more every year than both of you characters combined)! Do something for the Elk! Work to diminish the numbers of Wolves and try and change the policies of both Govermental and private organizations that endorse the hordes of Wolves that we are now beginning to suffer under!
I will attempt to link this full article for your perusal. I am not sure either of you are smart enough to read and interpret the facts therein and combine them with observations of the recent wintering conditions the Elk have had in these areas and come up the correct answer - and that is - there are to many Wolves! They are eating THE ELK! There should be WAY MORE Elk now in these areas than there is!
Duh, you say - maybe there have not been enough - lets get drunk and think happy thoughts, rmef banquets in the area? Or just maybe there are TO FUCKING MANY WOLVES?!?!
The rmef is gone way to green for the long term benefit of the Elk! That is now a fact! Try and change them, if you think you can!
Please copy and paste that article and then review the recent idiocy you both have espoused and get to work trying to SAVE THE ELK not letting unrestricted hordes of Wolves decimate them!
Hold into the wind
PS: IF this link does not work to the article I will send you both a private E-mail with the artcile enclosed.
Wake up you so called Hunters! Think, observe, gather and interpret information (reality) for your selves - do not take as Gospel what some green organization "happy words" along to you!
Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Read Alston Chase's book "Playing God in Yellowstone". As
Chase demonstrates, the park and surrounding ecosystem were massively over-populated with elk as a result of mismanagement by the Park Service and Department of Interior. The Park was heavily over-grazed prior to re-introduction of the wolf. [As an example, there are no beaver inside the Park, but Beaver are plentiful outside the Park. The reason is that over-grazing of stream banks prevents willow growth andre-growth which are essential for Beaver habitat.] Re-introduction is a good thing, so long as wolf numbers are kept in check.

Posts: 3478 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Jordan: How nice to hear from you!

Elk don't eat willows! The Beaver decline can not be blamed on an overabundance of Elk. Perhaps you are alluding to Moose or some other creature over grazing the willows and diminishing the Beavers?

Irregardless the Elk ARE being decimated in areas of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming due to overpredation by the overabundant Wolves! Those folks in Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico (maybe even Oregon and Washington!) just wait your turn in the Wolf barrel!

Your turn is coming!

There are several areas in Montana (as yet not overpopulated by Wolves!) that the Game Management folks are at their wits end trying to reduce the numbers of Elk! This year in those Wolfless areas the regulations will allow greatly enhanced Cow Elk Hunting and in some areas the taking of TWO adult Elk! That is part of my point - the range conditions and extremely mild winters the last 6 years (at least) and sound Game Management have made for RECORD numbers of Elk in many Game Management Units! But where the Wolves are embedded and overpopulated the Elk herds are diminishing - RAPIDLY! No other reason is valid in these Elk population reductions!

The Hunters through their various means have worked extremely hard for decades to achieve these herd levels and now the Wolves are growing bold and fat on the backs of the Hunters labors and sacrifices! Hunters, guides, business owners and those that depend on Hunters for some of their income will now pay for this obscene deception by the greens (both Governmental and private greens!) and pay dearly we will I am afraid. Reduced Hunting opportunities, reduced business opportunities, stressed out Game Herds etc etc etc! Jordan, I thank madgoat's and dutch's buddies at the rmef and the Wolves for this

I do not mind well regulated Wolves one bit. I have Hunted them!

But this pretention that the Wolves are not NOW a problem is short sighted and out of touch with reality!

In stark contrast to the "hide your head in the sand" and every thing will be OK attitude as expressed by some on this venue - I am very willing to espouse my views and to argue them at any time.


The rmef should be held accountable AND punished for its endorsement of the Wolves!

Concerned Hunters should now redirect the fight for healthy Big Game Herds at private "over-green" organizations like the rmef as well as the many and varied "green" Governmental agencies!

No happy words here! Just reasoned observation and interpretation based on lots of experience with these obstructionist entities and their ilk!

Jordan I also remeber the killing of Elk in the Park by Rangers. Saddened me! I thought how much I would loved to have had the chance to harvest - or just Hunt those Elk! Well the agency finally figured out that most all the Elk migrate OUT of the Park and YES they could be controlled by HUNTERS! Hunters would would gladly pay to Hunt, pay to travel and pay to stay in the Rocky Mountains - just for a chance to harvest these same once over populated Elk! Its called proper Elk management.

Last fall my oldest son and I travelled to and spent time in Yellowstone Park. I live about 95 airmiles from Yellowstone by the way! It was rare to see a calf or yearling Elk! Elk numbers in the Park were way down from years ago when the Wolves were not over abundant! I consider this situation both tragic and unnecessary! The Wolves are to blame!

Hmm... I contend that - yes, human Hunters have and can still control the Game Herds around Yellowstone very easily (and eagerly)! An overabundance of Wolves is a bad thing! A VERY BAD thing!

These Hunters are also quite willing to pay hard earned money for licenses, lodging, food, guides, photo developing, 4x4 vehicles, horses, taxidermy, butchering, new firearms, ammunition, knives, packs, boots and on and on!

Wolves are not!

Hold into the wind

Posts: 3067 | Location: South West Montana | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Reintroduction of a predator like the wolf is never a good idea.Especially since there never will be a real management plan and remote wilderness is gone in the lower 48.

I've spent plenty of time in the back country of yellowstone and have yet to see the riparian damage that this author claims. What damage I did see wasn't caused by elk,but instead buffalo.Wolves have little impact on buffalo in the park.

A wet beaver is a wonderful thing,but who gives a fuck if the fourlegged version isn't at record numbers in yellowstone. I highly doubt that the park service is crying over the loss,considering how destructive beaver are on streams and the secondary problems of washed out roads and culverts becuase of beavers.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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WTF? A healthy riparian system has beaver ponds and willows in it. Not much of that going on in Yellowstone. Granted, beavers can plug up culverts and wash out roads, but it's better overall to have them there. Yet another reason that Yellowstone is such a fine example of a "natural ecosystem."
Posts: 28 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 01 March 2004Reply With Quote
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I don't belong to any orginazation(SP).I don't believe in it and what they do or get accomplished.Born and raised in Idaho and the more people(From out of state) or organizations that get involved make it worse.Stay in your own State and leave us(Locals) alone...

Just my opinion.....Jayco.
Posts: 565 | Location: Central Idaho | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Damn jay,you sound a little bitter. Everybody knows that california and texas cocksuckers add to the enjoyment of ones state. Hell we couldn't have got wolves reintroduced without these assholes helping out.

Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Cute-But atleast in Idaho not the out of state people in the Fish and game are running the wolves it's the Nezperce Indians trying to make a buck.

Last year busted my butt.My wife got a once in a lifetime Moose permit only to meet poaching SOB's(Not tribal) but brought a drunk at 7 AM Indian with them to make it legal.I called the 800 number with owe well can't do nothing about it....

Shit happens...Owe well..

Bottom line-Why would any body try and tell the people of Idaho what to do or not to if they don't live here.???I could care less what happens in Montana or Wyoming-Colorado or what ever.None of my buisness....I don't live there..

Clean up your own backyard before tackling others.

Idaho is doing fine with out you...Thank you...


Posts: 565 | Location: Central Idaho | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Jayco, I'm not sure what you are getting at, but here's my point. We all want wolves delisted so the states can manage them and give us (hunters)the option to shoot them and hopefully control them. Few if any of us in here were jumping for joy when the feds let the wolves loose in the Yellowstone area. Personally, I wish they would have never done it, but they are here and we must deal with it. Idaho and Montana's management plans have been approved but Wyoming's was not. Wyoming had a plan closest to most wolf hater's dreams, which means we could shoot them on site in most of the state. The feds rejected the idea, even though the peer review group of wolf experts said Wyoming's plan was fine. Rather than all of us bitching at each other, and disowning the RMEF, our opinions should go to the feds. Ya, I know they won't listen, and probably don't give a shit, but they are the man right now. Most of the wolf bitching has been directed at the initial decision to release them in the first place. Well, that was long ago and can't be reversed. Kind of like people bitching about us being in Iraq. We are there and must make the best of it.

I'm not a wolf lover, but I do think they are cool. And I will jump at the chance to shoot one when/if it's legal.

Congrats to all of the Colorado folks. You have wolves now. See tomorrow's Denver Post.

Dead willows mean there's too many elk or moose, or a really bad drought.
Posts: 96 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 28 January 2004Reply With Quote
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No dead willows mean too many buffalo grazing riparian habitat.

The issue of wolf management is a joke. The states don't have any balls to stand up to the feds. Wyoming of all states should tell the feds to go fuck themselves. You have a state with less then a million people in it,that generates millions of dollars every year in coal,methane and oil. Wyoming has enough resources to sell that it doesn't need federal funding and federal funding is what gets held over every states head if they don't do what the feds want.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Jellystone is overgrazed becuase of Bison. And what kind of management will the greenies allow of Bison. I heard today that Montana is going to try and allow a very limited Bison season out of the park. I hope they can pull it off.

THe wolf was brought in to try and reduce Bison numbers as well as elk. Only thing, it has back fired, elk have been substantially (and Moose) reduced while the Bison population has exploded.

I still think the RMEF is to green for hunters. I don't belong any longer and don't support them! My choice, I wouldn't give them the fuzz balls from Madgoats nut sack if that is all it took to keep them solvent!!!!!!!!!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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According to 43deer,he's in charge of any fuzz balls that are subsequently harvested off of goatfuckers sack. Its alot of responsibility for 43deer,but he says he's up to the task and the RMEF aren't getting any extras.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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BULLSEYE!!!!!!!!!! < !--color-->

AR Members: Please pardon me while I stoop to the lower levels of a few...

RMK and Kudu: You guys kill me. You have finally proven yourselves as not just guys with idiotic ideas and opinions, but complete fucking jackasses... Darwin fuckups that lived... A complete waste of space who do nothing but suck in oxygen and push out poop... I can't believe that you guys even know how to read. You must hate everything in the world, and find evil in everything you see. Hell, I think I just saw RMK on TV, driving his bulldozer through the town of Granby, CO.

I like to think that everyone who hunts cares about wildlife, even if they can't shoot it. I think that when RMK and KUDU see an elk in June, they probably bitch about it, because they can't legally shoot it that time of the year. They probably shoot robins in the morning because their songs wake them up while they are trying to sleep off a good drunk.

From day one, I suspected RMK was fucked up, but I had faith in Kudu. But now, it's obvious that they just blow each other and then find something in the world to bitch about.

RMK's idea of contributing to wildlife is by buying sporting goods and assuming that that tax (Pitman-Robertson) will go to a good cause. As much as RMK hates the government, this just reinforces what a dumbfuck he is. RMK probably slaps his wife when she does not swallow.

My point? I'm not sure anymore, but I think it was that RMK and Kudu fuckups. RMEF is a good cause and have contributed much more then these morons ever will.

thread hijacking in progress
Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Its the douche bag from the politics forum rmiller. I thought you were going ignore my posts? I guess you can't can you. You couldn't take care of a wet dream miller,let alone hijack a thread.

Rmiller yells bullseye every time goatfucker,pushes his shit in for him.

Miller needs to pull goatfuckers dick out of his mouth while typing,so he can do something besides quote other asswipes like himself.

If you're going to quote things miller,at least get them right. "I didn't have to smack 43deers wife,she always swallows and I wiped my dick off on RMillers wifes hair".
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Wow RMK, once again you have proven yourself are a genius. You have no grasp of vocabulary besides what you read off internet porn...and no grasp of anything that is happening with wildlife but have to interject your idiotic beliefs on the rest of us. Then when bitchslapped by AR users, you resort back to your name calling because you have nothing to back your butt up. I'm sure you'll retort back to namecalling after my post.

You are a travesty to Darwin's theory.

Posts: 1029 | Registered: 29 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Oh goodness goatfucker has responded.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I will quote a wise old man.

"No sense in being stupid, if you don't show it."

Posts: 3 | Location: Hillsboro, OR | Registered: 12 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Don't stoop to low RMiller, Madoat will shove it in. Yeah from the rear the way you like it! Go pound sand, RMEF and wolves go hand in hand, and I could give a red rat ass less. I don't belong, any longer, nor will I ever again. I have better places to spend my money, like real conservation groups and pro hunting and pro gun organizations.
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Good god RMiller! I should hope that the RMEF has contributed more wildlife conservation, than me and more than I ever will!

What a Rocket scientist you are! You,(rmiller) Madgoat, 43deer, it is better to be thought a dumb ass, shit for brains, than open your mouth and remove all doubt!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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I watch RMEF "Elk Country" every week on the outdoor channel. RMEF sure seems pro hunting to me.


Posts: 9823 | Location: Montana | Registered: 25 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Kudu, I suspect you simply are in the dark, somewhat uninformed and have been told quite a bit of false info, but RMK, you simply are a trash talking, shamefully filthy talking, uninformed blowhard who goes to quite a bit of effort to publicly display your ignorance. I certainly don't know, but you definitly come across as a young, mouthy hothead who never listens to other than what you want to hear. But you sure can talk trashy and sure can call folks bad names!
Posts: 747 | Location: Nevada, USA | Registered: 22 May 2003Reply With Quote
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In the dark about what? Uniformed? The RMEF publicly denounced my letter to the editor about 3 issues ago, stating that they think the wolf is an important and contributing factor to good, sound wild life management. The letter was in the issue of Bugle. It was direct contradiction to the RMEF mission statement.

Plain and simple, wolves baaaaad! Elk gooooood! And RMEF supports wolves and wolf reintroduction and has never publicaly denounced or condemed the the illegal reintroducion. They have the pull and power to demand some kind of control of the wolf. I know we will have to live with canus lupus for ever but we need some control and NOW!

So YADA YADA YADA! The argumetn will go on and on! I am on the elks side! Sorry I just can't stand to see all the millions of dollars and years an years of sound management thrown out the window because of the wolf!
Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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