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Went to a "Land Between the States Chapter" RMEF Banquet this weekend in Hebron, KY(just SW of Cincy) and had an absolutely outstanding time. They served a fine meal and then had a presentation by Charlie Logsdon, Biologist for the KY Dept. of Fish and Wildlife. He told us all about the "Appalacian Iniative" which is intended to get Elk once again living all along their natural range of Eastern mountains. He mentioned the herd is having a 90% breeding rate and 92% calf survival rate due to the somewhat mild Kentucky winters, lack of preditors(Clinton's wolf man Bruce Babbet didn't get a chance to hose-up this area) and excellent forage base. The Western USA herds indicate 30% and 34% rates respectively. So, he is very excited about how well this herd is doing. Currently 4500 Elk roam Eastern KY. Now get this, that is 11 years ahead of schedule with their target to reach 7400 by 2008. When the herd reaches 7400, Hunt Permits are projected to be issued at a 1500/year level for both in and out of state hunters. The herd is about 15% larger weight wise for the same year class when compared to the Western Elk. Just amazing! They had a Kids Bugling Contest which was a "hoot". Probablly 14 kids under 16 years old got up and bugled. Some of the sounds even resembled an Elk and it was great. The raffles and auctions were a lot of fun. And my buddy Al even won a 44Mag Win M94 which was a "2003 RMEF Banquet Rifle". Hand fitted with a select-grade walnut straight-grip stock, polished to perfection so it looks like you can reach into the bluing, gold barrel bands, and lots of fancy gold inlay adorn his rifle. Oh yes, one very important point, 94 cents from every dollar raised by the RMEF goes directly to on-the-ground conservation. You can verify that through "The American Institute for Philanthropy" if you doubt the validity. ... So, if you haven't been to a RMEF Banquet recently, I can highly recommend you make an effort to attend one. You can contact them at www.elkfoundation.org or 1-800-CALL ELK to locate a Banquet near you. I believe one is scheduled for Louisville later this year. ... Have any of you guys been to a RMEF Banquet? Any chance one of you went to the one at Hebron? | ||
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I've been a member for 12 years and it is a GREAT conservation group. Their target is to preserv land for the Elk which due to the nature of the "beast" preserves ALL species ![]() There should be at least 1 banquets in just about every state during the course of a year. I was involved for 6 years with the Central Ohio banquet untill my daughter got old enough and involved with her activities that I havn't had the time but I will in 4 years once she goes to collage ![]() Thanks for brining it to eveyones attention Hot Core! | |||
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Well good, when the wolves, which the RMEF supports, have deminished our elk to non huntible populations we can come back east to elk hunt. That is good news that the elk are doing so well back east. Our documented statistics on elk growth in the north west part of this state is less than 10%. Wy. G&F also say that average weight has dropped 35 to 50 pounds for a mature elk. They say, stress and harassement from preditors. F&W and pro wolf folks blame the drought. Fact: Elk are least affected by drought in Wyoming than any big game animal. We are having a nice wet spring and forage is excellent. So we will see. | |||
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Ya the RMEF funnels 94 cents of every dollar into preservation. The problem is they only funnel so many dollars into preservation. The RMEF has plenty of upper management making salaries approaching and making six figures a year. Hell yes the elk will gain weight and do well under mild climates with little or no weather. The western states don't have the luxury of heavy year round forage and mild winters. You can see a large differance between wild western elk and those raised on ranches in the west. Same weather conditions and twice as much food for the ranch elk and they are larger both body wise and antler. The reintroduction of elk has come under pretty heavy fire also in areas in the southern and eastern US,because of lack of remote areas and the heavy toll elk take on food crops. As for wolves,they'll continue to kill off the elk populations and the WYGF will continue issuing large numbers of elk tags,long after the elk herds can support these tags. You'll have both the wolves and so called management hammering the elk. | |||
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I have been told that elk tags are being reduced in the NW part of the state. Wonder why? ![]() | |||
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Quote: Hey Kudu56, Could you expand on that a little. | |||
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Quote: Hey RMK, I believe the "salaries" begin at the Regional Director level. I'm not real sure how many steps there are to the top of the ladder. None of the folks at the Chapter level get a salary. I guess I see it a bit different than you, but maybe not. I don't know of any other organization that has put as much money into actual on-the-ground programs for Elk(and all other wildlife that roam the same areas) as has the RMEF. According to the last report I saw, it was something like $458 million that has gone to either conserve or permantly protect over 3.9 million acres of wildlife habitat. All of this since 1984. I do agree it would be nice if every dollar could go directly to on-the-ground programs, but it seems to me the "Management" is being fairly efficient. Not challenging you at all, but curious if you know of any other organization that has done "so much" for "so little" overhead? ... I don't take the paper cause it is controlled by DEMOCRATS. Not interested in any of their slanted views. So, if there have been any articles about "Elk Specific" crop predation in the Eastern herds, I'm just unaware of it. We do have a lot of Predation Permits issued in the Carolinas due to all the small Deer working the crops over. And yes there is some "complaining" about the damage they do. But those same Plantations and Farms also reap quite a few dollars each Fall from "Deer Leases". It appears to balance out fairly well when the Game Department along with the farmers and hunters are all working for the same goals. I'd be interested in anything you can remember hearing related to Eastern farmers concerned about Elk Crop Predation. | |||
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Quote: Hey Mr. Greg, You are welcome. Best of luck to your daughter's education. I feel sure there will be some more of the Banquets down here in KY and I'll try to post about them as I hear of them. If you have a chance, come on down to one and we can sit together. Maybe some of my buddy's luck will rub off on us. ![]() | |||
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Hey jbmi, Did you leave any prizes for the other folks? ![]() I just tried to see where you are located and don't see it in your profile. Where was the Banquet you attended(and wiped out)? Congratulations on all the goodies! | |||
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Hot core, if you have followed the letters to the editor in RMEF magazine the past 12 months you would hear RMEF's reply's to wolves. About 3 or 4 issues ago they stated that they feel wolves are an important part of healthy elk populations. A direct contradiction to the RMEF mission statement. I wrote them and pointed it out in a letter to the editor. They responded with a very pro stance on wolves. Now, come ask hunters and outfitters in North West Wyoming about wolf re-introduction! They, who spend months each year in elk country, not, a day or two and weeks in an arm chair position, will tell you a very different story. Ask the WY G&F why moose are almost non-existent in and around Yellowstone. Some time take a drive through Yellowstone and see how many elk you see period, as compared to 6 years ago. About all you see is bison. No elk and no moose. RMEF has never denounced the wolf reintro, they supported it whole heartedly. Naturally occuring packs could have been dealt with not large packs planted. Go to Yellowstone Park web page and read biologists report on the wolves. Pretty negative stuff for the elk. | |||
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Hot core I also think DU has the RMEF beat in funds and fund raising as well as habitat preservatoin. | |||
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Kudu56: My sentiments exactly! My complaints and initial inquiries to the rmef regarding their original SUPPORT (not just tolerance) of the re-introduction of the now incredibly over-populated Wolves went unanswered and uncontested. They (the rmef) are just to "green" for me to support in any way, shape or fashion anymore! Now that the rmef's "beloved" Wolves have more than doubled the population that even the greenest of the green organizations foisted upon the west as their "goal" - the nit wits at the rmef will not say word one regarding the devastation the Wolves are creating in many areas! By devastation I mean not only Elk but Moose, Big Horn Sheep and Deer herds! I no longer Hunt Elk in the Big Hole Valley just west of me here in SW Montana due to over-predation by Wolves! I have a very close friend that has lived in, Hunted and trapped the Big Hole for more than 50 years (he is 84!) and his first hand accounts of the decimation of the Elk and Moose by Wolves in that area is sickening and irrefutable! He has offered to take F&G types to the scenes of wanton slaughter of large numbers of game animals for the last several years. They don't seem to want to see it. He travels his trapline all winter long both on foot and via quad runner and snowmobile. The Moose in that area are so rare (due to Wolf predation) now that I no longer apply for a Moose tag for that drawing area! Damn shame! Hunters in the west have worked so hard over the last many decades to get our Elk and other game herds up to record levels just to have the Wolves become immensely over populated and are now destroying those hard fought for game herds! I blame the rmef directly as a co-conspirator in this regard! To hell with them and their banquets and "green" leanings! And fuck wayne carleton and the happy word horse he rode in on! The Elk Country Journal episode I saw with "Happy Word" wayne espousing the glories of and the need for Wolves in amongst our game herds LITERALLY made me sick! My complaints to the greenies at rmef about this TV show did not seem to have any effect at the time. But I have noticed not seeing that stupid piece of drivelling shit repeated since its initial showing some time ago! The people at the rmef should get their heads OUT OF THEIR DIGESTIVE TRACT OUTLETS and take a defined stand against this outrageous overabundance of Wolves in the Rocky Mountain west! You folks down in Colorado and New Mexico and Arizona just you wait! Your turn is coming! Avoid supporting the rmef at all costs! Hold into the wind VarmintGuy | |||
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Hey Kudu56, Thank you. Now that I know where to look, I'll check it out. From what you have said, it appears we will be in agreement. At one time, when Warren Cassady had the reins of the NRA, he had it headed to give away all of our "Rights". Don't know beans about the RMEF leadership cause I'm in the learning mode. I'd thought about dropping out of the NRA during Cassaday's time, but decided that would allow his programs to continue. I worked closely with folks I knew to elect people who would eventually remove him. So, I do know the membership got rid of Cassady and perhaps the same thing could happen in the RMEF. I do see getting $485 million spent on land conservation and preservation as a good thing. And I can also see "no Game" to conserve as an extremely bad issue. Also agree that DU is an outstanding conservation group. I believe they are focusing the majority of their efforts on preserving the breeding grounds of Canada. I used to be more in touch with their efforts when I lived along the coast. Thanks for the info. | |||
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Good grief. If an organization is not out there encouraging to shoot wolves on sight, it is turned into the enemy. Yes, the RMEF pays decent salaries. What, you want a bunch of flunkies that can't keep a job in the real world to run the outfit? The RMEF is about as efficient as any organization out there. I hate the rumor mongering. Last year, we had committee members here get there panties in a twist because of the salary issue. I did a little checking on salaries. The guy they were complaining about made barely 1/3'rd of what the rumors where. So little, I would not want the job if you gave it to me. Second, on the wolf issue, the RMEF should have taken it's own position to heart, and that is stay the H*** out of political issues. An organization whose supporters are 98% hunters will have multiple view points, and wolves are no different. The reality is that many, MANY big game hunters are fundamentally pleased the wolf is back. They may not be happy with how, how many, or the management issues, but they are pleased to hear or see wolves while hunting. Had the RMEF taken the SSS position, they'd have ticked those people off. No win situation. Same thing with elk farming, same thing with 4-wheelers. We've lost committe members over both those issues. No way to make everyone happy. Heck, even conserving habitat is ticking off the developers. Can't make everyone happy. One last question to Kudu: What did YOU do for wildlife last year, other than complaining? FWIW, Dutch. | |||
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Well said Dutch! | |||
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There is no doubt that wolves have decimated elk. When you consider that the northern yellowstone elk herd,which according to wygf was at over 19000 head of elk just ten years ago and is today at less then 8000 elk. There is little doubt that wolves are a major issue. The RMEF is just like any other corporation. They want to raise money and spend large chunks on upper management. Yes the RMEF does spend large amounts of money on conservation. Yet they still spend large sums on certain peoples salaries.Money which should be going to conservation,but isn't. The average RMEF member really gives less then a shit about elk or conservation. The majority do nothing but attend the annual banquet and drawings,to get shitfaced and try to win something. The RMEF won't stand on any point for long,unless they think it will make them money. The wolf issue is one that the RMEF doesn't want to cause waves with,since the goverment is involved. A nonprofit organization is under the scrutiny of the goverment and needs no IRS looking into it constantly. The biggest mistake RMEF made was fucking with elk ranchers. Plenty of these guys donated large sums of cash and pulled their memberships and support when the RMEF started talking shit about them. One ranch owner in my area was a founding member of a local chapter,that raised and donated thousands of dollars for the RMEF. Needless to say,the guy told the RMEF to go fuck itself and quit, taking half the members with him. The chapter is now nothing but a bunch of beer drinking assholes,that support the chapter only when dinners and raffles are held. As for cases of crop damage in the southern and eastern states due to elk. Do a search on the internet. | |||
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I gladly pay my dues to RMEF every year. Sure I don't agree with all their positions on issues, but you can't please everyone. What I do know, is that they are very active trying to secure the places in elk country that are rapidly dissappearing. You all may bitch about the RMEF and wolves, but just wait until you're trying to fill your tag in a subdivsion. What would YOU all rather have??? At least they put their $$$ where their mouth is. MG | |||
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Madgoat, Old Son, you're fulla shit and you're dead assed wrong. They put OUR money where their mouth is. There is no such thing as THEIR money. Got that??"? Bogner F'd up S.C.I. and he's gonna do the same with the REMF. Checkout my questions regarding S.C.I. on the Africa forum. Meanwhile, get your head out of your ass. Dungbeetle. | |||
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Yea, conservation easements and habitat projects aimed at protecting elk and the places they live for future hunting generations is a freaking waste of time. I wish the RMEF would just give up and pave the forest. Actually, if you give someone or some organization money, doesn't it become THEIR money?? You no longer have a say as to what happens to it!!! If you don't like them, don't contribute. Go back to pushing around your ball of shit... MG | |||
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Only time will tell how well the conservation easements work. Plenty of these easements have stipulations in them that allow housing development within them. Conservation easements are a term thats thrown around and they come in many forms. When you start looking at the income the RMEF recieves and what they actually spend on conservation,you have large sums of money not going into conservation. These organizations start out at the grassroots with good intentions and direction and as soon as they become popular. Some douche bag with a vision of making millions takes over and destroys the organization. SCI was fucked from the start. It was started to allow entries of inferior animals into a record book by limp dicks that just want their name in a book. SCI just capitalized on this mentality and made plenty of money. Most active members are the good old boy club,made up of trustfund assholes that live off dead relatives earnings. In my area,the latest effort by sci has been to give toothbrushes and shoes to africans. You now have millionaire dipshits that lay down 60 or 70 grand on hunts every year going around to every dentist and shoe store asking for free toothbrushes and shoes. | |||
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I'm not going to repeat things I've posted before but I've been surprised more'n once around town to see RMEF stickers sharing bumpers and back windows with greenie organizations' monikers. Many more times than once, in fact. Conservation organization, maybe. Elk hunters' advocate? You decide. "That's all I have to say about that." Redial Not a member | |||
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Dutch: Perhaps I am on another wave length but I find you are just like the fucking rmef! I see their mouths moving and I read their words but they are making no sense and where in the hell do they stand on Wolves? And where do YOU stand on Wolves? Are you so fucking naive that you think the Wolves can just keep exploding in numbers and our game herds will just be fine? Well if you think that you might as well start your own "green" organization! Maybe you should call it the rocky mountain Wolf foundation! And try to solicit funds from all the folks that own motels in the west and country stores and camp grounds and guide services and game butchering services and taxidermy shops and game wardens about to retire (except no one will be buying the expensive Elk tags anymore because your buddies the Wolves ate em all - this is where much of the FWP depts. retirement moneys come from by the way)! And how about trying to solicit from the folks that sell Elk Rifles, boots, clothing, 4X4 vehicles, tents, game retrieval services, folks that rent cabins during Hunting season and on and on! Yeah you will be real succesful protecting the Wolf after all the game is gone! LOL! Don't believe that could happen - just do a search for the last several years of cow Elk to calf Elk ratios in areas where there are Wolves. The Elk herds are not able to sustain themselves in those places - let alone increase! Where do you and your buds at the rmef think it will stop? The FUCKING WOLVES ARE DECIMATING THE ELK! If you do not believe that then you are as much a problem as the nit wits at the rmef! So then Dutch - is it your contention that we should just let the Wolves keep on exploding population wise and spreading out and decimating more of our game herds? Who gives a rats ass if a committee head is pissed off?!?! Try rejuvenating a decimated Elk herd with a double overabundance of Wolves in the area! Then my fine feathered friend YOU will have a problem! Don't try to dance around the issue and the facts! Right now there are at least 700 Wolves that officials know of (admit to!) in the ecosystem your buddies at the rmef and the greenies and the dipshits at the USFWS wanted ONLY 325 Wolves!!! What the fuck - over! Sorry irate committeee heads do not compare with this appalling situation and the way the issue is now being fought via lawsuit and politcal pressure from the rmef's buddies in Berkely and Long Island! Uhh - Dutch - wake up! We have a problem now! What do you and your buds at rmef plan to do about it? Keep your heads inside your assholes and hope the problem will go away? Great solution! One of my specific suggestions and plans of action is this - do not give another red cent to the idiots at the rmef until they start to fight this Wolf problem they are helping to create! Not one cent! Buy all the land and easements you want! The Elk have done well here in western and SW Montana for some time now with the land they have been able to get at! Sure more land dedicated to them would be wonderful but the Wolf will follow them right onto the land whether its owned by the rmef, the USFS, the BLM, private landowners or whomever! The problem is the Wolf! Not committee heads or hard feelings or drought or anything else its Wolves! Wolves over-predating on our hard fought to raise game herds! Well Dutch there may just be "many many many Big Game Hunters" that like to see Wolves like you posted. I have never seen one! I spend about 60 days a year Hunting Big Game and another 100 Hunting Varmints, Upland Game, Waterfowl and Wild Turkey! In addition I spend more than my share of time at meetings and committees and functions that cater to Big Game types! I have yet to run across a Hunter that relishes the present situation with the Wolves and the game herds! Are you FROM this planet? By the way before you burp up an out of your ass allegation - I do not want to see every last Wolf shot and killed and shovelled over. But the deceitful bastards at the USFWS and other entities now have at least twice the number of Wolves as they origianlly changed policy for! And now they are refusing to uphold their end of that bargain! Do you think the rmef should just keep "trusting" these types or "ignoring" the basic Wolf problem? I would appreciate some specific answers Dutch not just rmef like happy words, excuses and more dancing! You say the rmef is in a no win situation! That Dutch is simply assinine and absurd! The rmef should come out and state emphatically and specifically what they feel the governmental regulators of the Wolves should do about the amazing overabundance of Wolves! The rmef should state they are against the continued over predation of the Elk herds by the Wolf and make specific recommendations as to how to stop this herd decimation in areas where there are to many Wolves! There are any number of specific and correct actions the rmef should take! You sound like an apologist for the rmef! You should not apologize for anyone that is making a glaring mistake! You can do so if you wish - its no skin off my nose but for you to make up these specious and irrelevent excuses for the rmef is diminishing of yourself! Shame on you! If you do not believe there is a problem with the overabundance of Wolves then say so! But be prepared to be corrected by people like myself who have dealt with environmental extremists, Berkely types, governmental agencies and various other "I know better than you" types! I have seen this same band of intellectual idiots (minus the rmef) make the same goofy fucking mistakes and lawsuits and obstructionisms and in doing so completely destroy a native run of Steelhead on a river in Puget Sound! Thats right bureaucrats and idiots completely killed every last Steelhead in a river I was born and raised on! Those fish and their genetics are gone for ever! I imagine there was a mad committee head somewhere along that line (this travesty took over ten years to achieve!) but who gives a fuck? Those Steelhead are gone! Excuses, idiotic ideas and heads up asses was their killer! I fear with thinking like yours and the rmef (and others!) that bad things will be in the future for our Elk herds! Please reconsider your excuses and build a fire under your own ass! Do something for the Elk! Help solve their most immediate problem! The Wolf! Long live the Elk! Hold into the wind VarmintGuy | |||
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Holy dogballs varmintguy,you wasted all of that typing on dutch. What you should have asked,is where the fuck dutch came from before moving to idaho. That would have answered most of your questions about wolves. The only people that support wolves in the western states,are assholes from outside the western states or fuckin' transplants that have moved into the western states. Anybody that has spent enough time in the areas prior to and after wolf reintroduction and enjoys hunting big game, is fully aware wolves aren't worth a fuck. I'm afraid the only solution to the wolf problem,is a little cowboy logic. Strycnine killed these cocksuckers off well in the past and it'll work again. | |||
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Disagree, RMK. Parvo works better. Dungbeetle | |||
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Varmintguy, what can I say? Only that your reasoned, well documented arguments and flawless logic have pre-empted the need for any further discussion? Dutch. | |||
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Parvo is the answer! Dutch, I am a life member of DU, I chair or help with a banquet every year, I also donate one limited addition print to Du to be auctioned off. Last year my donations and purchases exceded $1500 to DU and conservation. I also belong to SCI, and a life member of the NRA. I Do the same for the NRA as I do, DU! I try not to run my mouth negatively about any wildlife group, but RMEF has a mission statement that they contradict, with thier support of wolves. You say many hunters want wolves, I think they are the minority, many outfitters support the RMEF and they also give more than the average hunter, (you) by means of hunts and trips to the RMEF. Some are starting to waiver To green for me. Wolves are here to stay, we need to deal with them soon,even though it is to late in some parts of Wyoming. Me and my son have seen single wolves with in 35 miles of town. They are establishing new range, as long as the food supports them. (ELK) The law suit is going forward to give this state more control. I am pretty sure the state will lose the battle but at least they have a stance and put a little fight. | |||
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Hot Core, I am glad you didn't drop the NRA! It is all we have that protects the 2nd! | |||
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While we're on the subject of pro-hunting org's, does anyone have an opinon about the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership org? | |||
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Hey Kudu56, Help me out on my numbers if you don't mind. A couple of the posts have my interest up about the money "wasted" on RMEF Management salaries. I don't begrudge a fellow making a living, and see this as a separate issue from the wolves. As our old buddy Rush used to say, lets run the numbers. Feel free to correct me if you see a gross "Assumption Error". I base my "guesses" on a long career in the Southeastern USA, so some of the costs in Montana may certainly be a bit different. And I'll do some rounding off. The original quote was a bit over $458 million going to on-the-ground projects which was 94% of the total income. So, we take $458 and divide it by .94 and come up with $487.234 million, or $29.234 million used to administer the RMEF. The numbers were from 1984<=>2004 so we divide $29.234 by 20 which gives us $1.46 million/year admin cost. I've no idea at all if they are buying the Headquarters building, leasing it or what. So, I'll guess the yearly building(lease cost or mortgage), electricity, land line telephones, fax, internet access, web site, water, gas heat(?), grounds care, cleaning crew and maintenance at $12K per month or $144,000.00 per year. Could be a bit more or a bit less, I don't know. (If anyone does, correct the numbers and re-run them.) That leaves us with $1.316 million per year. Now we need to account for Management and Regional Directors(RDs) travel, cell phones, brochures, pencils/pens, paper, propaganda, etc. How about $10,000 per month since the travel and phones will cost a whole lot. That is $120 thousand per year and gets us down to $1.196 million and we can call it $1.2 million. $1.2 million and we need to remove health insurance and retirement which "has been" about 40% as the old Personnel folks used to claim.(May be more today.) Which leaves 60% for salaries or $1.2 million times 60% which is $720K per year spent on salaries for all the Montana Management, Secretaries, and Regional Directors. Now, how many folks are in those positions? I know some of the RDs have 3-4 states where they assist with the Banquets and keep the various Chapters active. If we can round it out to 3.5 states for each RD against 42 states, that would be 12 RDs. If they make $30K-$40K per year($35K rounded) that would be $35K per year times 12 RDs for $420K per year. I really have no idea at all how many RDs there are. Anybody know? Then $720K minus $420K leaves $300K per year for the Montana Management and Secretaries. I've no idea at all how many folks are in the Headquarters. If they had 2 secretaries at $25K per year that would nock off another $50K and get us to $250K for all the Management per year. If there are 3-5 folks in Management, that really knocks it down. And of course there is a "Sliding Pay Scale" for the positions. So, if any of my "guesses" are fairly close, it looks like quite a bargain to me. Lots of you are more familiar with the RMEF than I am, so anywhere you can adjust the figures better, let me know cause I'm just guessing. | |||
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Varmintguy: I'm glad you put in words how you feel. I feel the same. RMEF doesn't even support hunting; they're preservation only. | |||
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Hot Core, full time RD positions start just under $40K (with 50% travel expected, and 60 hrs per week work load -- wanna job?). Anyone complaining about the RMEF headquarters building has not seen the current headquarters. Or seen the rent they have to pay for that dump. Kudu, if you want to, I'd be happy to compare notes on time and $ spent. But, I'll give you a hint. I spent more money on fencing and plantings on my farm for a Pheasant Forever project than the number you quoted. And that's much less than I spent last year on my primary habitat organization donations. FWIW, Dutch. | |||
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Hey Dutch, Thanks for the insight. If you have a few minutes and have a better handle on the numbers I guessed at, I believe we would all appreciate it if you would correct the dollars as you see fit. I know one "new" RD, but we've never discussed what he is making. I would say your estimate of 50% travel is real close and maybe a bit conservative. And your hours are probably real close too. I think he was on the go from about 10AM until probably 2AM the next day for this Banquet. I know he wa still going strong when we left just before midnight. | |||
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Dart was making $188,000/year at SCI and he told people he was getting a substantial raise to leave. SCI would have paid part of that salary to get rid of him. ![]() I can't see Dart, with his record, running a much larger corporation on less money. | |||
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See madgoatfucker is right on top of shit again. "Delist the wolf". Thats an original idea there goatfucker,I'm glad you mentioned it.Nobody has had the presence of mind to think of delisting,you're just a genius. I'm sure with your ability to change things through positive words goatfucker,we'll all be shooting these wolves in season here shortly. I'm sure the USFW will read what goatfucker had to say and immediately get together with local wildlife agencies and delist the wolf and open up a season on them. Goatfuckers statement about delisting,is a testament to just how fucking stupid he is. Yellowstone is a national park,which in turn means its federal and wyoming will never have jackshit to do with controling it. Thats why wolves were released in yellowstone to begin with,so there would be no say other then from the feds. If it wasn't for yellowstone,these wolves would have never been released.The state wouldn't have allowed it. They have a hell of a time deciding when to hunt buffalo around the park and they aren't endangered. You can imagine how easy it will be to kill wolves. Madgoatfucker reminds me of another local asswipe that quit the RMEF because in his words "I've been a member for five years and these fuckers still haven't helped me kill an elk". Now you have the opposite from goatchoker "I've got a subscription to Bugle Magazine and that puts me right up there with Teddy Roosevelt,I'm a regular fuckin' conservationist". Considering that a percentage of every dollar spent on sporting goods goes to conservation. I'd say with the 3 or 4 grand I spend every year on sporting goods,I've contributed more to wildlife then goatfuckers magazine subscription has. Not to mention the time I donate to DU,and the forest service. I can't speak for Kudu,but I do know he donates time with a local game warden and I'm sure he spends thousands every year on some form of sporting goods. Either way,its more of a contribution then your magazine subscription there limp dick. | |||
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My post was about RMEF, they are pro-wolf. That is a direct contradiction to thier mission statement. Read it some time. ![]() ![]() Oh the viloent tendencies we vent on here! ![]() | |||
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Here are the RMEF's position statements http://www.rmef.org/pages/foundfacts.html At least they are smart enought to realize that wolves are here to stay whether we like it or not. They support delisting and state management. MG | |||
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RMK, you have the trashiest mouth I believe I have ever heard. Really impressive! I note you are quite adept at name calling as well. The computor keyboard makes for some brave, tough people! I'll help fire you up some more. Since you are not part of the cure, then you are part of the problem. There is no middle of the road. Sorry, but I don't think you deserve, or should even be allowed, to hunt elk. Wyoming has a problem with wolves, no doubt, and about 3 of you want to blame it all on someone or something because your state didn't take care of business in this matter. Why don't you do some work within your troubled state instead of rant and rave with a trash mouth about the wolf problem in Wyoming? Anyone so narrow minded as to evaluate an entire large national organization (the only one working in behalf of elk) based on one issue is to be pitied. Got any suggestions regarding another group doing more (or anything of significance) regarding elk? I'd sure be interested. Incidently, the once great DU is now not just in favor of habitat preservation and restoration, they are opposed to hunting, especially of ducks. Well, there you have it. Get after the trash talk and the name calling! Nothing better than a computer keyboard to be tough from! Have a good day! | |||
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AR Members: Please pardon me while I stoop to the lower levels of a few... RMK and Kudu: You guys kill me. You have finally proven yourselves as not just guys with idiotic ideas and opinions, but complete fucking jackasses... Darwin fuckups that lived... A complete waste of space who do nothing but suck in oxygen and push out poop... I can't believe that you guys even know how to read. You must hate everything in the world, and find evil in everything you see. Hell, I think I just saw RMK on TV, driving his bulldozer through the town of Granby, CO. I like to think that everyone who hunts cares about wildlife, even if they can't shoot it. I think that when RMK and KUDU see an elk in June, they probably bitch about it, because they can't legally shoot it that time of the year. They probably shoot robins in the morning because their songs wake them up while they are trying to sleep off a good drunk. From day one, I suspected RMK was fucked up, but I had faith in Kudu. But now, it's obvious that they just blow each other and then find something in the world to bitch about. RMK's idea of contributing to wildlife is by buying sporting goods and assuming that that tax (Pitman-Robertson) will go to a good cause. As much as RMK hates the government, this just reinforces what a dumbfuck he is. RMK probably slaps his wife when she does not swallow. My point? I'm not sure anymore, but I think it was that RMK and Kudu fuckups. RMEF is a good cause and have contributed much more then these morons ever will. | |||
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![]() I couldn't have said it any better LOL!!!!!! MG | |||
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