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Hunting's been good lately....
one of us
After a somewhat shitty fall things seem to be picking up a little. I have a post under Varmint Hunting "coyote hunting at it's finest." My purpose of that post was to bring up experiences and opertunities that other members have or had living in rural areas. Like I said before , it brings back old memories when I was a kid living on the praries. The other purpose was to ridicule my self for being a lazy a$$ hunter, hunting off my livingroom sofa.
Anyways, I got this dead horse in my yard(I put it down for a neighbor) that I was planning on using for baiting wolves later this winter in some remote area. The other day, while at the computer, I look out the window and there is a coyote eating my dead horse. I reached over and picked up my .222, poked it out the window and I got this coyote hanging in the shed. I was back on the computer in less than a minute. Since then and my post under Varmint H., I took anouther coyote.
This morning, I look out the window and I see ravens on the horse. Later, I looked again at what I though were ravens until a big black wolf stuck his head up. After turning the X-mas music down that my kids were listening to, I open the window again and poke the .222 out. The wolf stands up and turns broad side looking at the house. He did not go far and I put the .222 back in the corner. Like I said, hunting doesn't get any easier.
I know of instances where a farmer shoots a huge whitetail from the kitchen window. A guide's hunter who kills one of the biggest moose taken that year, right from the campfire. As well as the biggest grizzly taken one year right from the tent.
Heck,the way things are going, I think I am going to leave that dead horse right were it is.

Anyone have any similar luck or heard any good ones about being in the right place at the right time.

Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
Yukoner, dead horse in the yard? Hope you at least hung Christmas lights and a pine scented rear view mirror hanger on it for the wife and kiddies! [Big Grin] Had you seen wolves in you area prior to this?

In my 20 acre neighborhood all of the neighbors go further out to hunt quail so they can watch the local one's run around their yard...I have been shooting them in my yard for years (.22 cal head shots) with no obvious depletion of stock. [Wink]
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LOL, the dead horse is frozen solid and not long after I shot it. The only presense of wolves that I seen were thier tracks through my area. I shot one 2 years ago about a 1/4 mile from my place. Residents in the area have found wolf kills(mule deer) on the Yukon River which is less than a mile from me.
Only 10 min. from the time I went out to retrieve the wolf a coyote showed up on the horse.
My wife would not let me shoot it cause she had just put down our youngest daughter for a nap. The noise from shooting off the back of the couch would wake her.
I have killed a few grouse in the yard but I had decided not to shoot them. I hear those quail are good eating.

Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wendell Reich
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I have always found a warm comfortable house to be the best blind known to man.

Congrats on your critters. [Wink]
Posts: 6255 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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I think its going to be a good cold winter, which means the animals are moving more. In my area alone, we are OVER an INCH more rain this year then last years TOTAL, and its not even Xmas yet!!

Im not going to fault anyone for shooting from their porch so long as you arnt going to call it something its not. Just last year I remember shooting crows and squirrels off of a porch!
Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of D Humbarger
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Please post a photo of the horse, varmit, house , etc.This is too good! ROFLMAO [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Needs to be on worlds funniest video.
Posts: 8346 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Great post! We have a tamer version here in Kentucky.

I have a taxidermist buddy that gets bogged down with checking deer into his shop, but not to worry, he can poke his 300 Weatherby out the dining room window, or bedroom window and blast a buck down in the meadow. He has done this several times. He has even had his brother come down from Indiana and do the same.

I think he manages feed plots in strategic places to lure the deer to the shooting lanes of his homestead "blind."

His labrador retriever (Meathead) drags in groundhogs from the same field, and shows them off to his family then takes them over to the neighbors to show them, and greets the mailman with a 20 pound groundhog dangling from his mouth and tail wagging. Mighty proud of himself, that dog.

Sometimes the taxidermist blasts the groundhogs from the bedroom blind, but most of the time the dog runs them down.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
Yukon I am about to do the same to a couple of stray dogs that keep coming up on my back porch and messing up the bird feeder. I just hate to get blood stain all over that pretty white snow deck at the momment. I have killed a few crows that way in the past. Good luck on your wolf kills. Hope you get them all before the spring thaw and the horse gets soft. [Eek!] [Big Grin]
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