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Oregon Black Bear, and the 180 NOS/Part.
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Picture of JAG
posted 19 October 2002 10:47
Well I had a good hunt yesterday. I went over to my fathers mountain home to try to find this bear that had been in the area. I set up on a small hill about 100 yards above the flats of the river. After about an hour and about 30 mins before sunset, I picked up movment about 200 yards out. The brush didnt allow me to get a clear view until about 175 yards. And then a clear view, a really good looking black bear, cinimon in color. So I sat and watched. Every so often I would be set for a shot and, then he would turn, or walk beside a tree or brush etc. After about ten minute of watched I relized that he was onlyu about 60 yards away heading right at me. With the breeze in my face and the setting sun at my back I was set up great. Finally at about 35 yards as he approached the base of the hill he stepped out. The only shot I had was downhill square ontop of the head. Just as he took the first step up the hill he dropped his head to sniff the ground. I let loose with a 180gr nos/par at about 2700 +/- (58gr 4350) from the muzzle of my grandfathers belgium BAR. He dropped dead in his tracks. THe bullet passed square thru the top of his head and blew out his neck below the jaw. After digging around I was able to find the slug about 6" into the ground below his jaw. It weighed in at 110gr and picture perfect Partition expansion. The top of his skull was shattered, and the exit was quite tramatic. I am very pleased woth the Nos/par family of slugs, as this is their performance nearly every time out. Here is a few pics. I am off to my buddies house to celebrate. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Hood River, OR




Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 19 October 2002 11:46Hide Post
Wow! I guess I'm speechless. The last time I saw photos like that they were of a crime scene. These "may" be just a bit more graphic than needed, don't you think? I've shot a lot of animals but I've always tried to treat them with at least a little dignity in death...even the varmints and especially so in any photos. The only thing missing is your foot on it's chest with blood on your hands up to your elbows. [Frown]
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of CaptJack
posted 19 October 2002 12:07Hide Post
Well done JAG - nice Bruin...
180PT through the top of the head at 35yds will definitley do it every time [Eek!]

jee whiz- DB
if he had washed the blood out of the back of the truck and cleaned up the bed the fur would have been all wet for the pictures [Roll Eyes]

Posts: 474 | Registered: 18 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 19 October 2002 12:09Hide Post
Wow! I guess I'm speechless. The last time I saw photos like that they were of a crime scene. These "may" be just a bit more graphic than needed, don't you think? I've shot a lot of animals but I've always tried to treat them with at least a little dignity in death...even the varmints and especially so in any photos. The only thing missing is your foot on it's chest with blood on your hands up to your elbows.
I am speechless as well! I can not believe that I am getting this tree hugging, bunny lover crap from a person I had a great deal of respect for as an active member of this forum. I have seen videos here of blood shooting in the air, exit wound pictures up close to show ballistic performance etc. and you have the nerve to say this about a little blood in the picture? Sorry I dont hunt from a truck california, and I dont pack my camera into the feild, not on my list of important items in the pack. Had to wait to take the pic at home, AFTER I GUTTED HIM!

My intent was not to ofend, however I wasnt expecting that, from a forum of this kind, especially in the big game hunting area. DB, and anyone else I have offended I am sorry, but this is what it looks like.

Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 19 October 2002 12:12Hide Post
Thanks! He is I nice lookin one. We dont get alot of cinnys around here so that was a nice bonus. I am guessing he will weigh in at about 250-275. Will be weighing in about an hour and will get that out in the morning.

Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
posted 19 October 2002 17:32

Good job on a very clean and quick kill! You showed a lot of patience and were about as responsible as a hunter could be. A good example, if you will. Who would have thought that DB Bill would suddenly become Mr. Sensitive? Maybe we should have board sensors to clean the pictures up a little before we show them! [Roll Eyes]

You definitely aren't the one who needs to appologize.


[ 10-19-2002, 08:33: Message edited by: inGobwetrust ]
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posted 19 October 2002 18:01
Awwwwwwww........DB give the guy a break! Lookit all the cans and bottles he picked up to take to the recycling plant.

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Picture of cchunter
posted 20 October 2002 02:51Hide Post

Congratulations to your Bear, it looks really great.

I had no problem to stand the pictures and would post similar at the forum if I thought that they would be appriciated by some of the members. I appriciated that you shared yours.
Posts: 2121 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 08 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bob in TX
posted 20 October 2002 03:15Hide Post

Congrats on a nice cinnamon phase bear and a well executed hunt!

Good Hunting,

Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 20 October 2002 03:29Hide Post
Hey JAG, Congratulations on a fine kill! Has the adrenalin worn off yet?

Everything I've ever "shot" ended up with a bit(sometimes a lot) of blood getting on things too. Never has bothered me to see some blood in a flick and wouldn't hesitate to post one that way myself.

DB's post caught me a bit off-guard too. I've never gotten the impression he leaned toward the Ultra-Liberal "Politically Correct" and I still don't. Perhaps he just had a bad day. I know when I "occasionally" have to deal with any Democrat, it always puts me in a rotten mood.

Once upon a time, long l-o-n-g ago(how's that for a Radical-Leftist start [Big Grin] ), a young fellow that hunted with us killed a particularly large Doe. He wanted to weigh it, but we didn't have a hanging scale. "No Problemo!" His brother convinced him to hold the Doe up on his shoulders and step on a scale. Idea was to subtract his weight. [Wink]

All went well until the Doe shifted slightly and a large quantity of "Doe Innards" came pouring out the Exit Hole. He had that mess on him inside and outside his clothes, front and rear, in his hair, on his boots, everywhere - smelled just devine too!! [Big Grin]

Now, if I had the ability to put one of those pictures in this thread, all thoughts would be off the miniscule amount of blood shown in your flick.

PS: If you had used a Lazzeroni, he probably wouldn't have noticed the blood.

Congrats again!
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 20 October 2002 04:11Hide Post

Great Bear.


Jim b.
Posts: 1115 | Location: Huntsville, Alabama | Registered: 07 August 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 20 October 2002 04:18Hide Post
Very nice bear and a job well done on the shot. But I must say that you could have taken the picture with the bear on the ground before you lifted it in the truck and it would have been very nice. As it is, it looks like roadkill in a pile of garbage. Its not a judgement of you, you seem to have been very careful to make a clean kill, but a matter of aesthetics. I don't think you would put that picture on the wall of your den? I think you would be much happier with a good photo in a more natural pose.
Posts: 1568 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 20 October 2002 08:31Hide Post
Thanks all for the kind words. It is a fine bear. He came in at 261 - insides. I am happy with him.

Kevin, First thank you for the complement and I understand where YOU are coming from but this pic is not the important part to me. The hunt, the time spent in the feild, the memories, thats what counts . I actually took those pics, to share them with the members of this board, and report the bullet perfomance more then any other reason. I think that is why I am kinda touchy about DB and now your replies. As fare as hanging a picture on the wall, you'll notice that I am not in the picture, " with your foot on it's chest with blood on your hands up to your elbows" as someone said here. The memory and the rug on the wall will be PLENTY.

Again thank you everyone, kind words and good memories last forever, everything else is just bckground noise!

Hood River, OR
Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 20 October 2002 19:38Hide Post
Me Mr. Sensitive? [Roll Eyes] Me a tree-hugging, bunny-loving, ultra-liberal snob who only shoots a Lazzeroni? [Roll Eyes] I guess I need to plead guilty as charged.

I am sensitive and as someone else posted it does offend me to see a fine, trophy fairly taken pictured amongst garbage etc.

Yep I am a tree-hugger and a bunny-lover who is also professional environmentalist who works for sustainable resources that are used wisely but you will never hear me talking about "harvesting" an animal.....we kill them and sometimes it isn't pretty but I can't think of a single person to whom I would show those photos.

Ultra-liberal....not guilty as I'm a little to the right of Curtis LeMay.

Snob? Not a chance but I am careful of the company I keep. [Razz]

Lazzeroni lover? [Wink] Guilty but I think if you ask all those who queried me about them from AR they would tell you I said they weren't for everyone as they are expensive and since the WSM's and SAUM's have come out no longer fill a special niche. I like and enjoy mine but, in truth, everything I've shot with them could have been just as easily been shot with a 375 H&H and 30/06 that each cost $500.00. I figure if you earned the money you can spend it as you like.

JAG...congrats on shooting a very nice bear.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 09:17Hide Post
I must also partake in this little discussion here.


While I understand you value the hunt, maybe even the animal, its NOT at all about what OTHER people think about it, but how the dead animal was treated. Surely when you die you dont want to be placed among a pile of trash do you? So why treat this beautiful creature with a little more respect? Yeah, Ive had my arms elbow deep in a carcass, I even admit to using a "buck-pole" on occasion, left a little blood I washed out in my cousins 6x Gator, but as DB Bill said, I would not at all want those type of photos as a momento to something that posesses our lives, and the life of the animal.

Its not at all about being PC, there has to be a point when the right thing to do is not the PC thing to do. Its not about enviromentalists nor hunting, really, its about giving a little respect to the life you have taken. No, you dont need to give the bear a bath, but you do need to be a little more cautious of where you take such photos.

Nice bear BTW,

Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 01:53Hide Post
Originally posted by DB Bill:
Ultra-liberal....not guilty as I'm a little to the right of Curtis LeMay.

Snob? Not a chance but I am careful of the company I keep. [Razz]

Lazzeroni lover? [Wink] Guilty but I think if you ask all those who queried me about them from AR they would tell you I said they weren't for everyone as they are expensive and since the WSM's and SAUM's have come out no longer fill a special niche. I like and enjoy mine but, in truth, everything I've shot with them could have been just as easily been shot with a 375 H&H and 30/06 that each cost $500.00. I figure if you earned the money you can spend it as you like.

JAG...congrats on shooting a very nice bear.

Hey DB, Now that is the guy I expected to see posting.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 21 October 2002 05:14Hide Post
DB, Buell. I am not going to piss and moan about this as it is not worth the effort. You both have your views and are by all means entitled to them. I dont agree and thats ok. I will tell you though, next time I post a pic of an animal I have KILLED, it will look the same. I will not "pose" game for you or anyone. Not here not anywhere. I dont take pics to hang on the wall, that crap makes no difference to me. As far as respect for the dead, kinda a catch 22 for hunters as at what point when you are elbow deep in gutts can you be respectful.

I take your comments into consideration, thats it.

THanks for the complements and I will see you in other forums talking about things that really matter, our guns!

Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 15:38Hide Post

We are all hunters here. Yes, hunting is not pretty, atleast for someone who has a straight head. Shattered the skull? We dont need to glorify ourselves in that do we?

I asked you a question earlier. When you die do you also want to be placed in amongst trash in a pickup truck?

How do you get off on this?
Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 21 October 2002 16:08Hide Post
Whooooo there Nelly!!!! I was all but done here but you had to go and start in on me again. Screw you!

I asked you a question earlier. When you die do you also want to be placed in amongst trash in a pickup truck?
Do you honestly think for a second I give a rats ass about my corpse after I die? Not at all. My spirit will be long gone. Also, what the hell should I have done, cleaned out the hunting truck for the dead bear? I dont think so.


How do you get off on this?

At what point do you think I am getting off on this?

It seems you DB have a problem with this, not me.

Buell, again it doesnt matter at the end of the day what you or I say here as it will not change anything. You will not change, and neither will I.

I agree to diagree and thats all.

Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 16:34Hide Post

Well, yeah, you arn't going to change, people don't change.

Well, I have my opinions to go an think over..


Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
posted 21 October 2002 17:08Hide Post
I'm not offended by the photos at all...

I've got some photos of a bear I shot that are not all that dissimilar to yours. There was no opportunity for taking phots where he died, not that I had a camera in my pocket, anyway. It was pitch black and no photo would have worked...

By the time we got him into the truck and back to camp, there was blood all over the place. We took a few photos by holding his head and front paws over the (white) tailgate. There was blood all over, and the pics aren't pretty in the "traditional" manner, but they show a nice big mature boar, and a couple of dead tired cold and wet hunters.

There is even some junk in the box of the pick up, as well...I'd even post them here if I had a scanner- no reservations [Big Grin]

You cannot kill an animal with a gun, cut open it's carcass, and expect to see no blood.
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 21 October 2002 17:16Hide Post
Thanks Gate for the support.


A Canadian bear hunt is on my to do list!
Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 18:13Hide Post
Dang.I just found out I've done a dis-service to several deer,gray squirrels,quail,grouse and even one black bear by not cleaning out the back of the rig before putting them in there.

I know I won't be able to sleep tonight.

Posts: 529 | Location: Humboldt County,CA | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 18:26Hide Post
Ignorance is bliss.
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Picture of Gatehouse
posted 21 October 2002 18:51Hide Post
Originally posted by Buell:

We are all hunters here. Yes, hunting is not pretty, atleast for someone who has a straight head. Shattered the skull? We dont need to glorify ourselves in that do we?

I asked you a question earlier. When you die do you also want to be placed in amongst trash in a pickup truck?

How do you get off on this?

What's the difference between saying that the bullet shattered the skull and saying that you shot an elk throughthe shoulder, shattering it and destroying the lungs?
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
posted 21 October 2002 18:57Hide Post
Originally posted by Buell:
Ignorance is bliss.

Knowing everything must be wonderful...
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 19:10Hide Post
Yes it is...

I guess "shattering" the skull was, in my humble opinion, a little more info than I needed to know, just as any other such description of the wound, as it has nothing to do with the hunt and furthermore detracts from the value of the story. "I made a nice chest shot." " The bullet went through the vitals." These would be what I have in mind for a nicer, more meaningful story. Please, this is only my opinion, and that is what these boards are here for...
Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of JAG
posted 21 October 2002 19:31Hide Post
OK buell, you pissed me off..
Here is a email exchange that resulted from an attempt to let this be.


> Buell,
> I really dont want this to continue as it is not the best use of our time. I
> am sorry to have offended you and attack you as I did, it just struck me
> funny thats all. Anyway, no hard feelings and I will see you back in the
> forums,,
> Regards,
> Jason

> Jason,
> Please understand that although I completely condone hunting, I dont condone
> unsportsmanship like qualities in my fellow hunters. Would it be too much to
> ask that you treat your taken game with SOME respect. In essence tossing
> your bear in the back of your truck along with the garbage, you are treating
> the two the same.
> Im not asking you to clean your truck out before placing the bear in the
> bed, but it was in distaste to not even move the bottle from the bears legs
> for the pictures you posted.
> I long for the days when hunters were kind, caring and compasionate people,
> that took care of their enviroment and their quaries habitat. Please do not
> mistake that statement with anything you have done, its more or less just a
> broad sentence.
> There are always going to be the gory aspects of taking another life, but it
> doesnt need to be glorified nor broadcast for all to see. Yes, is a
> place for hunters, shooters and the like to come and share their thoughts,
> just as we have both done. Neither of us need to feel ashamed, just take
> what others and I have to say into consideration, that is the point of a
> discussion group, no?
> You may not give a damn what the non hunting community thinks of our hobby
> if you will, but you also need to understand they represent the largest
> voting block. I am sure it would look much more favorable upon them if they
> had a better image of what hunting is, and more importantly what hunters do.
> Thanks for the email,

ok, listen I tried to leave this alone but you insist on pushing everytime. I will push back!

I agree with alot of what you say but HELL YES its to much to ask, from you anyway. I am a very responisble hunter, take my time, sure of every shot. I take only game that that I feel is worthy. I dont waste anything and try to use everything. I leave no trace behind other then a pile of guts and blood which is recycled into the land. Let it go. Dont try to tell me what is tasteful or not. Thats not your call to make. The pops bottle between his legs is a result of traveling in a truck??? uh.. didnt even see it until after it was taken. Again, no posing for you or anyone. Again dont treat this like the first gory pics posted there. Take a look around my freind, look at some of the video, mine is pale in comarision. Dont keep this going it really is not worth our time any longer.


Now, you are giving me lessons on what to write,

""I made a nice chest shot." " The bullet went through the vitals." These would be what I have in mind for a nicer, more meaningful story""
You know this is getting pretty damm funny. I never would have thought this kind of shit, yes SHIT, would be coming from the mouth of a hunter. I guess one of our other members was right, REAL hunters are vanishing rapidly. Most are just weekend warriors, Buell you seem to be a fine example of that!

Enjoy your happy go lucky, jolly fantasy world,
I'll stay here on earth!
Posts: 510 | Location: Hood River, OR | Registered: 08 May 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 19:49Hide Post
I hope some of you blokes don't ever get to see the back of a truck after a nights spotlighting shooting of kangaroos.

Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 20:15Hide Post
Well, certaintly nice of you to post private emails, what a man you are, and to furthermore tell me what I told you was shit. You are the disgrace to the hunting community, not I sir.

Because I dont come from a white trash family, I treat animals with the respect they deserve, and make every attempt to do my part to further our relationship with the non hunting community I am not a real hunter? I have emotions and feelings like any other decent human and I dont go around treating animals like garbage, Im not a real hunter? Yeah, my dad makes $13,000 a month, so does that mean I am not a real hunter? Fuck you pal.
Posts: 935 | Location: USA | Registered: 03 June 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 20:18Hide Post

I think it kinda sucks that a post about a beautiful bear taken in the most beautiful state had to become a bitch-fest. Some people on this forum (just like people on other forums) need to chill out a bit and just use the forum for what it was made for...exchanging information and making friends. I just don't get why some people have to act like dumb-asses or know-it-alls....either online or in real life. There are a lot more important things in life than a few empty pop cans in the back of a pickup.

Jag, congratulations on a great bear and a great hunt. Show us some pics when you get the rug back.

Joel Slate
Slate & Associates, LLC

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Picture of cchunter
posted 21 October 2002 20:35Hide Post

Take a deep breeth and remember your promise.

My reasons for choosing to no longer post or read threads on are simple. As I mentioned, I no longer look forward to logging on, too much stress have been created in my mind, and I fear it’s the same in many others.

I was caught up in a single thread that ultimately led to many arguments that were not in a manner I want to be associated with anymore, not that I ever did, so you will no longer see posts by Buell. I am in no way laying guilt away from me, I messed up and now I have to pay for it by punishing myself.

A real hunter shows respect to other people as well as animal!


JAG, once again congratulations!


Mike375, when will you share your stories and photos of your kangaroos.
Posts: 2121 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 08 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 20:44Hide Post
congratulations, Jag, for a great hunt and a great trophy!
and thank you very nuch for sharing your story and your pictures with us.
Posts: 875 | Location: Madrid-Spain | Registered: 03 July 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 21 October 2002 20:47Hide Post
I would rather break a promise then let some slob like this think no one believes his retched pictures are OK. I come from a upper class family, so I guess I am not used to slob antics, nor do I conduct myself in an ungentlemanly manner to those who deserve the oppisite. Respect is earned, not given out like candy, so I am not going to act like a rag doll.

I had hoped I wouldnt be getting into arguments again, but shit happens I guess, and posting private emails and accousing me of not being a real hunter is not respect getting acts, you have to agree.

I dont give a shit what this slob thinks is ok, since he obviously has no concept of the matter of respect towards game animals as well as the opinions of others. Sportsmanship is not even in his vocabulary, self admitted BTW. Slobs like this are what give us a bad rap, and my pursuits come onto the chopping block because of this type of attitude, so I am not going to apologize this time, especially to this slob hunter, even a slob in general based on the trash he likes to hoarde.
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posted 21 October 2002 20:58Hide Post
Do you all really care about conservation or just your egotistical mindsets?
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posted 22 October 2002 02:01Hide Post

A little late but congratulations on your bear and thanks for sharing the details. I cannot believe some "hunters" are so squeamish on this board. I had to go and find the dreaded pictures after reading someone's mention of them in another thread. Geesh, what is all the fuss about? Does someone think that peta types are going to be all warm and fuzzy if we post bloodless photos of dead animals? For Pete's sakes, animals bleed and dead gutted animals bleed more. If you don't like blood, don't shoot 'em.

Again, nice bear, and I throw my deer in the back of my ranch truck full of debris all the time. They don't care, they are dead. Geesh.


You are a very poor example of someone who should wave such terms as "sportsman" and "respect" around so freely. The first measure of a man is whether he keeps his word or not. Failing that, all the preaching and excuses in the world mean nothing. Grow up and don't validate yourself by your FATHER'S INCOME or background as some excuse for your politically correct viewpoints.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
posted 22 October 2002 02:56
I have never heard a bigger bunch of pussies cry and complain about pictures. Find something else to do.
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posted 22 October 2002 03:21Hide Post
First thank's for sharing your bear photo's. [Wink] I don't think that anyone is trying to condem you for the photos that you posted but as resposable hunters these day's it would have been better to have washed of as much of the blood as possible before taking the photos. Myself I do not have a problem with it, but it may offend others and I don't like to give the anti's any fuel for their fires. [Big Grin] Besides an animal that has the blood cleaned off and posed with the hunter in a more natural setting(even a yard with some trees) makes allot better photo to post or place in your hunting photo's. Well, I have said enough, Good looking Bear and I hope to hunt them some time in the future but we don't have many bears in Oklahoma.
Good Luck and Good Hunting.
Great Photo of my favorite bullet
Posts: 223 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 11 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
posted 22 October 2002 04:25Hide Post
Originally posted by Buell:
Well, certaintly nice of you to post private emails, what a man you are, and to furthermore tell me what I told you was shit. You are the disgrace to the hunting community, not I sir.

Because I dont come from a white trash family, I treat animals with the respect they deserve, and make every attempt to do my part to further our relationship with the non hunting community I am not a real hunter? I have emotions and feelings like any other decent human and I dont go around treating animals like garbage, Im not a real hunter? Yeah, my dad makes $13,000 a month, so does that mean I am not a real hunter? Fuck you pal.

I don't come from a white trash family, either. In fact, I grew up in Canadas most affluent community, West Vancouver. My parents still live there, and recently sold their house for about $1 000 000.00, and bought another one that suits their needs better these days, for about the same price.

BIG DEAL. My father told me that it was up to me to make my own way. "Nothing is worth a damn unless you earn it yourself"

When I see the kids that still rely on their parents handouts after they left home, I just laugh. They will never feel the same sense of accomplishment that their father did, and doing a job well and building something to be proud of. It's all been handed to them.

There's nothing wrong with coming from a wealthy background, or a poor background. It's people believing that their circumstances somehow give you a right to pass moral judgement on others that's wrong.
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 22 October 2002 04:41Hide Post
Nice Bear! Thanks for sharing.
My only point would be to think how some folks(not members of this forum but visitors)could/would use those pictures as a display of hunters ethics.
Your point about not careing about pictures is valid and I don't want to belittle it just make a point that sometimes the best intentions can be turned. Case in point the thread in the Politics section - Topic: More Guns, Less Crime - and the various thoughts about the media slant on the issues.

As much as we believe or don't believe it, if someone can take sometihing out of context it will be done.

Again NICE Bear. Congratulations!
Posts: 1525 | Location: Hilliard Oh USA | Registered: 17 May 2002Reply With Quote
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