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Do you believe in Big Foot??
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Picture of SkyJacker
And if you were to be hunting and a Big Foot happened upon you in the woods, would you shoot it, or would you let it go on its merry way chalking the sighting up to another unique experience in the woods?
Posts: 177 | Location: Savannah, GA | Registered: 13 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Depends ... do I hear the Deliverance banjos?

If I'm hearing banjos ... if it's brown it's down. Otherwise I'm taking pictures, video and trying to sign the mf'er to a professional sports contract.

OK back to reality, there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Sasquatch ... just reasonable facsimilies for entertainment purposes only.
Posts: 58 | Location: Bemidji, MN | Registered: 20 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Believe in it, kind of!

Shoot it? Hell yes!
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Yes, Every time I have to go out and buy boots. animal


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I would love to think that something like Bigfoot exsists BUT... I think that by now someone would of hit one with a logging truck or a camper, hiker or hunter would of found the remains of one dead by now if they have been roaming around.
Posts: 173 | Location: Jackman MAINE USA | Registered: 29 July 2006Reply With Quote
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For me it is simple:

BANG question answered.
Posts: 304 | Location: Prince George BC | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I don't believe in bigfoot. But if I was hunting and saw a Big foot, I would not shoot it. I don't know why anyone would unless they felt threatened. If I was threatened, I would defend myself. Outside of that, I would savor the memory that I was one of the very few people who have encountered big foot, and I must be doing something right with my hunting skills. I don't need to bring back his foot to mount on my wall as evidence. But that's just me.

I asked the question because a fellow hunter friend of mine asked me. He felt that the question was a good indicator as to what type of hunter you are. Whatever that means.
Posts: 177 | Location: Savannah, GA | Registered: 13 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gaviidae_Esq.:
Depends ... do I hear the Deliverance banjos?

If I'm hearing banjos ... if it's brown it's down. Otherwise I'm taking pictures, video and trying to sign the mf'er to a professional sports contract.

OK back to reality, there is no Santa Claus, Easter Bunny or Sasquatch ... just reasonable facsimilies for entertainment purposes only.

LOL!! No banjos, just Big Foot out in the middle of nowhere. A non threatening encounter if you will.
Posts: 177 | Location: Savannah, GA | Registered: 13 June 2006Reply With Quote
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I wished I could believe they existed. I don't think the lack of dead bodies is a good indicator though. How many dead cougars or bears get found in the woods? We know they die but we don't see it very often. If I came upon one I would hold it at gun point until the police arrived, ha, ha.

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You’d be in a lot of trouble once the teenager with the video camera filming the thing runs off and reports that you killed the other teenager, who was dressed up in the monkey suit.

They’re just trying to make a buck generating photos to sell to the tabloids; your best course of action would probably be to leave them alone.
Posts: 358 | Registered: 15 September 2002Reply With Quote
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If they exist and if I saw one, I wouldn't shoot it. I figure if they'd done such a good job of avoiding detection all these hundreds of years, the fact that I saw one would clearly be an accident.

If someone saw one and shot it, that's one bullet that would likely have an attorney attached to it... PETA, ACLU... who knows, everybody would want a piece of you for that one.


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My brother and I have discussed this topic at great length and you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.
I am under the belief if you were fortunate enough to see one you should revel in the moment then run like hell looking over your shoulder the whole way back to the camp! Trouble is no one would believe you or believe even your photos of the encounter for lack of any physical evidence.
However if you shot one a handful of people would think of you to be a hero finally proving their existence yet others would damn you forever for killing the rarest being on the planet as a bloodthirsty kill everything hunter.
My decision, like my brothers, would be to only witness the creature and share the story with a select few who would appreciate the seriousness of the sighting.
Don't go calling the Sheriff or your local news as they would make you out to be a wack job before you could convince anyone otherwise.!

By the way previous poster Brian 1 is right on the money with the lack of a body analogy. I have hiked all over the West and Pacific Northwest as well as Colorado and some in Alaska and have done so in some very remote areas, never in my life have I found a dead Bear or a dead Mountain Lion or any part of their remains. I've never talked to another hunter or logger or miner for that matter that has either...............
Just something to think about!
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Some Sheriffs Dept Detectives photographed a very large footprint in the sand in the Morongo Desert of S. Cal with a caption "Is this Morongo Man"? it was a very well contrived spoof published in the in house gazette.
Posts: 1116 | Registered: 27 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Kamo Gari
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This seems to get asked every few months here, and I'll supply my standard answer. I'd not shoot him, but entice him in close with food. Once in close, bonk him with a rock, then into the truck in chains he'd go. Within 6 months of full-time training (with food deprivation methods and shock collars as necessary and if applicable) I'll introduce to the world the best damned duck retriever EVER.



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Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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bonk him in the head with a rock?

A ten foot animal/human which is very powerful and if he attacks you it`s probably like a mix of a gorilla and baboon, it would rip you in half.

He is probably very fast so you wouldt have much chance against it ,so what would you do ??
Posts: 1196 | Location: Kristiansand,Norway | Registered: 20 April 2006Reply With Quote
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There is no such thing as Bigfoot - therefore the question of shooting it is moot.

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Posts: 258 | Location: Houston, Texas, USA | Registered: 18 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Eric those are the words of a proud skeptic.
If you are not afraid that scientific research, eyewitnesses and facts may change your mind please read the book "Rain Coast Sasquatch".
I grew up in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and B.C.
Local legends there have existed hundreds of years before Roger Pattersen's video and even before Lewis and Clark. Take a walk in the woods of the Northwest instead of the bushes around Houston and your eyes will open to the possibility of an un-discovered creature.
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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cealokamps(sp) are extinct
there is no such thing as a GIANT squid
There is no such thing as a bongo
there is no such thing as a moutain gorilla
there are no 10-15 foot lizards running around, dinosaurs are extinct
the earth is the center of the universe
the earth is flat.

Personally, if only ten people over 20-40 years had seen it, I would figure hoax.
ALL over the world for hundreds of years there have been the stories and sightings, and no one had the intent of geting on Springer 300 years ago.
They saw SOMETHING and they painted on the cave walls and painted pictures and carved them on the totem poles for a reason.

personally I hope they exist along with bunches of other things the cryptozoologists will discover.
life is too boring to say, we have discovered it all.

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Posts: 624 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 07 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Well, the most important question is ...

What should I use to shoot a Bigfoot? My .30-06, or should I take my .338 Win. Mag.??

Nosler Partitions or Barnes Triple X??

And should I carry as a backup, my 9mm Beretta or my Colt's .45 Acp?? Cool


"A 9mm bullet may expand but a .45 bullet sure ain't gonna shrink."
Posts: 349 | Location: S.W. Idaho | Registered: 08 January 2005Reply With Quote
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First off, the no one has ever found a dead bear, mountain lion etc.? I have, twice, both a lion and a bear. A dead Big Foot, someone would stumble across one.

Second, why hasn't one been hit by a log truck? All kinds of animals get wacked by vechiles every year, not Big Foot? Please.

Third, why hasn't anyone shot one? Come on, at some point someone would have to wack one. The head, a hand, at least and a femor, if you have the time, would set the world on its head. The reprocussions for anthropology would be nothing short of earth shaking.

Even so, I'd love to believe that there is something out there, something unknown to the world of rationalism. Something that is still perfectly wild and unknowable and hopefully just a bit dangerous.
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Well "Big Foot" definitely exists in the Hills and Mountains of the Pacific Northwest....

However it is not some sort of lost world cave man/neanderthal that TV paints them as... and we can't shoot them because they are human...

"Big Foot" is actually still just a bunch of left over tall hippies that have been here since the 60s... just like hippies they all think they are alergic to good hygene and the barber shop is all...

Heck go thru Cave Junction Oregon and there are all sorts of them walking around on the streets.. from 5 ft tall to 6 ft 5....and every size in between...

They even have tons of little "big foots" for kids.. the local schools are full of them....

Alot of their daily diet consist of pyschodelic mushrooms, marijuana... and just about anything once they get the munchies...which is usually after 8 am....once they get stoned for the day...

But despite smelling bad and being all fuzzy, they are still considered human, so you can't legally shoot one....

hope that clears that one up...

Posts: 16144 | Location: Southern Oregon USA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Cheers, Seafire. Smiler


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Posts: 2897 | Location: Boston, MA | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I think that kamo gari is on to something with the bonking him on the head thing. But Bigfoot would be very strong so I think that I would drink a Mountain Pack of Kokanee beer with him first and get him a little screwed up before I bonk him and then he would go down a little easier.
Posts: 304 | Location: Prince George BC | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Yes, I would shoot it. Then the world would know that they exist. I'd be rich. I'm willing to accept any ramifications from attorneys, PETA, etc.

But there's no such thing.

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LAWCOP, that was quite possibly the best answer anyone could write on this subject. Kudos.
Posts: 177 | Location: Savannah, GA | Registered: 13 June 2006Reply With Quote
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Here's how I see it, I've never seen one, I've never seen a UFO but I don't say they DON'T exist! that would be narrow minded in my book. Now before you skeptics start flammin' on my comment have you ever seen God? Later,

Posts: 166 | Location: Right in the middle of Oklahoma, USA | Registered: 04 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Hell I believe in them... but I also believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Claus! Big Grin

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Posts: 7558 | Location: Victoria, Texas | Registered: 30 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Here is an excellent scientific report relating to "Bigfoot:"

Speaking of Bigfoot

Posted by Robert M Oregon
February 05, 1999 at 11:19:57

We Northwesterners have wondered for quite some time why the Pacific Northwest is the habitat of Bigfoot. Scientific evidence has recently come to light that shows these creatures have developed their large feet as a result of an evolutionary trend due mainly to climate conditions.

The rainy conditions that causes a layer of mud to cover much of the terrain, it has been discovered, has caused an adaptation to occur which allows Bigfoot to walk on the surface without becoming mired ankle deep and therefore stranded in the rush of oncoming mudslides. (This is supported by evidence of sightings of the Yeti, or more commonly, the Abominable Snowman, in the Himalayas whose feet have grown to snowshoe size proportions. They are able then to scamper away from oncoming avalanches.)

Fossils have been found of a creature that pre-dates Bigfoot. This animal was known as Patella Rex-literally, King Kneecap. Big Knee ruled the Northwest Rainforests when the climate was even wetter, and the mud was knee deep. Again, Indian legend speaks of Big Knee with awe and reverence. Unfortunately, most records of this monster were lost in the Y1K heiroglyphics crash when the bark libraries were demolished by the now extinct Bark Bug.

Scientists and other explorers are excited however, by the recent discovery of two large smooth indentations nearly eight feet across found in a sample of slaty mudstone that appear to even predate Big Knee. One of the researchers was quoted as saying, "This discovery clearly indicates the effect of climate on the evolutionary trend that leads us to Bigfoot. The Pacific Northwest was even wetter in the past, and we now have proof of the existence and origin of Big Butt."
Posts: 1103 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Posts: 304 | Location: Prince George BC | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey, don't shoot.

I don't buy it either. I live just outside of a small Oregon timber town that had lots of "sightings" back in the day. Deer and Elk tags are avaiable over the counter so even city kids can go hunting on short notice here. But nobody ever shot one?

There are also lots of treehuggers hiking around with cameras, and guys out fishing. No pics either.

Trail camera images? Nope.

BTW I stole this name from my dog. I named him this because I wanted the neighbors to hear me calling in Bigfoot.
Posts: 116 | Registered: 27 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Ksmirk:
Here's how I see it, I've never seen one, I've never seen a UFO but I don't say they DON'T exist! that would be narrow minded in my book. Now before you skeptics start flammin' on my comment have you ever seen God? Later,


I'm narrow minded. I do not believe Big foot exists.

And we haven't had tons of people claiming to see God that weren't a taco short of a combination platter. You're speaking of a deity vs. a hoax. But I did run across this website that was fun. Check out the 911 phone calls from people claiming to see bigfoot:

scroll down to where it says: Listen to sound recordings. Very entertaining.

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Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jarrod
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Originally posted by Ray:
Here is an excellent scientific report relating to "Bigfoot:"

Speaking of Bigfoot

Posted by Robert M Oregon
February 05, 1999 at 11:19:57

We Northwesterners have wondered for quite some time why the Pacific Northwest is the habitat of Bigfoot. Scientific evidence has recently come to light that shows these creatures have developed their large feet as a result of an evolutionary trend due mainly to climate conditions.

The rainy conditions that causes a layer of mud to cover much of the terrain, it has been discovered, has caused an adaptation to occur which allows Bigfoot to walk on the surface without becoming mired ankle deep and therefore stranded in the rush of oncoming mudslides. (This is supported by evidence of sightings of the Yeti, or more commonly, the Abominable Snowman, in the Himalayas whose feet have grown to snowshoe size proportions. They are able then to scamper away from oncoming avalanches.)

Fossils have been found of a creature that pre-dates Bigfoot. This animal was known as Patella Rex-literally, King Kneecap. Big Knee ruled the Northwest Rainforests when the climate was even wetter, and the mud was knee deep. Again, Indian legend speaks of Big Knee with awe and reverence. Unfortunately, most records of this monster were lost in the Y1K heiroglyphics crash when the bark libraries were demolished by the now extinct Bark Bug.

Scientists and other explorers are excited however, by the recent discovery of two large smooth indentations nearly eight feet across found in a sample of slaty mudstone that appear to even predate Big Knee. One of the researchers was quoted as saying, "This discovery clearly indicates the effect of climate on the evolutionary trend that leads us to Bigfoot. The Pacific Northwest was even wetter in the past, and we now have proof of the existence and origin of Big Butt."

The first paragraph ruined it all because their is no such thing as evolution.

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
Posts: 3504 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 07 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Evolutioon works just fine if you have something there to start with. Even Darwin was arare of the fragility of his hypothesis.

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Originally posted by Dr. Duc:
Evolutioon works just fine if you have something there to start with. Even Darwin was arare of the fragility of his hypothesis.

no such thing as evolution.

"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
Posts: 3504 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 07 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Of course I believe in them. They do exist.

But their name is "sasquatch" and I understand that they get extremely upset when you call them "bigfoot". It's an insult actually, and sasquatch are very sensitive about the size of their feet.

The shooting of a sasquatch would violate the game laws of any jurisdiction where they exist. And depending on the post mortem DNA test results, might get you indicted for murder besides.

So just live and let live, and be careful out there, nimrods.


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Originally posted by Ray:

Scientists and other explorers are excited however, by the recent discovery of two large smooth indentations nearly eight feet across found in a sample of slaty mudstone that appear to even predate Big Knee. One of the researchers was quoted as saying, "This discovery clearly indicates the effect of climate on the evolutionary trend that leads us to Bigfoot. The Pacific Northwest was even wetter in the past, and we now have proof of the existence and origin of Big Butt."

I know for a fact that "Big Butt" still exists. I call this nasty creature: "Mother-in-law"...
Posts: 2662 | Location: Oslo, in the naive land of socialist nepotism and corruption... | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ErikD:
Originally posted by Ray:

Scientists and other explorers are excited however, by the recent discovery of two large smooth indentations nearly eight feet across found in a sample of slaty mudstone that appear to even predate Big Knee. One of the researchers was quoted as saying, "This discovery clearly indicates the effect of climate on the evolutionary trend that leads us to Bigfoot. The Pacific Northwest was even wetter in the past, and we now have proof of the existence and origin of Big Butt."

I know for a fact that "Big Butt" still exists. I call this nasty creature: "Mother-in-law"...


"Science only goes so far then God takes over."
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Originally posted by mrlexma:
Of course I believe in them. They do exist.

But their name is "sasquatch" and I understand that they get extremely upset when you call them "bigfoot". It's an insult actually, and sasquatch are very sensitive about the size of their feet.

The shooting of a sasquatch would violate the game laws of any jurisdiction where they exist. And depending on the post mortem DNA test results, might get you indicted for murder besides.

So just live and let live, and be careful out there, nimrods.

Would the game laws protect Bigfoot? Even though he is, as of now, a mythical creature.
Posts: 2153 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 23 October 2005Reply With Quote
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The shooting of a sasquatch would violate the game laws of any jurisdiction where they exist. And depending on the post mortem DNA test results, might get you indicted for murder besides.

Ah ah ah ahhhhhhh ha hahahahahahahah....gasp gasp, bwaaaaaaaaaa hahahahahahahahahah....oh oh oh whoooo, I'm ok, I'm ok. chuckle.

are you for real? animal

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