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Arizona fall 2005 draw Changes
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Applying for a hunt permit-tag in this fall's draw? Significant changes have been made to the process this year:

The online application process has been suspended. For the fall 2005 draw, a manual system with paper applications is the only way to apply.

To apply: 1) fill out a paper application. 2) include a check, cashier's check or money order payable to the Arizona Game and Fish Department for all applicable license, hunt permit-tag and application fees. 3) mail or deliver to any department office by 7 p.m. (MST), June 14. Note: The department must receive completed paper applications by the deadline; postmarks don't count.

Inside tip: On deadline day all Arizona Game and Fish offices will be inundated with people who waited until the last minute. Save time: apply early. If you apply by May 27, the department will review your application and attempt to contact you if any errors are found.

Pick up the new regulations and hunt draw permit applications at department offices, at license dealers or download them from the department's Web site. Regulations and applications will be available first from in downloadable PDF format on May 2. Hard copies will be available at all department offices and license dealers around May 20. Throw away any old applications. Due to process changes they are no good. The new applications are yellow; the old ones are white.

All applicants must buy a hunting license. In the past, applicants could ask that a license be issued only if they were drawn. This year, all applicants must have a hunting license to be eligible for the draw. Hunters who don't already have a license can apply for one on the hunt permit application form. If you choose to apply for a license at the time of application, you must include the license fee with each application you make. However, only one license will be issued and the other license fees will be refunded.

Buying a license to enter the draw? For twice the fun, buy a combination hunting-fishing license. Take advantage of Arizona's wettest winter in a decade - fish Arizona!

Hunt permit-tag fees must be paid up front. All application fees, hunt permit-tag fees, and license fees (if applying for a license at time of application) must be included with the application. Hunt permit-tag fees will be refunded if the applicant is unsuccessful in the draw. A bonus point may be purchased for the cost of the license (if needed) and for the application fee only, instead of paying the entire tag fee.

A loyalty bonus point has been created. A single loyalty bonus point will be awarded for people who buy a license and apply for big game hunts for five consecutive years. The point is genus specific and will be retained as long as the hunter continues to apply each calendar year for that genus. The starting year for record keeping purposes is 2001. So, anyone who applies for a genus, and has applied for that same genus every year beginning in 2001, will earn a loyalty bonus point for that genus in this drawing. A proposed conservation bonus point that hunters can earn for volunteer effort is in the rulemaking process and will not be in place for the fall 2005 draw.

The bonus point pass percentage is higher. The bonus point pass percentage has increased from 10 to 20 percent, meaning that 20 percent of tags will be set aside for applicants with the highest number of bonus points.

A set-aside percentage of bighorn sheep hunt permits for nonresidents has been created. Fifteen percent of the total available bighorn sheep hunt permit-tags in any calendar year will be set aside for nonresidents.

Eager to hear draw results? By July 29, customers will be able to get draw results through and by telephone at (602) 942-3000. Permits will be mailed to successful applicants in late July.
Posts: 337 | Location: flagstaff az | Registered: 16 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of AZ Pete
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Thanks for the post Coues.

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Posts: 310 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 24 January 2005Reply With Quote
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So am I reading this right? If you want a bonus point you have to buy a tag?

If that is true, it will effectively reduce the number of NR permits. As I predicted, the state's response will hurt the everyday hunter.

Thanks Taulman.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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If you don't get drawn can you get a refund on the license?
Posts: 421 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 15 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Having to buy the license even if you don't get drawn is just a way to try to keep NR's from applying.
I think it's more BS and after everything I've read on this, I think if I ever hunt in Arizona again, I'll just call old George!
Posts: 175 | Registered: 27 December 2001Reply With Quote
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It sounds like another state that I won't be hunting in again, the list is getting pretty short.
Posts: 421 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 15 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of bowhuntrrl
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Everyone can thank George Taulman for this mess!!! I've lived both in and out of AZ(currently out) and have been following this whole situation for over a year now. Don't blame AZ or its residents. Georgie Boy and his greed are to blame. Other states will soon follow as the list of lawsuits by USO increases against other western states.As for me, I'll still apply, not much is changed. You always had to buy a license to qualify for a preference point. I finally drew my archery elk tag last fall after 9 years, got a nice 6x6 too !! I get a kick out of some folks, why aren't they bitching about Montana's excessive license fee structure?? I know I'll personally never hunt there just because of the fees.

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You always had to buy a license to qualify for a preference point. I finally drew my archery elk tag last fall after 9 years, got a nice 6x6 too !!

Assuming you "bought" liscenses for the 9 years on a non-res basis to get the points, then the hunt, how much did you have tied up - total - in liscense fees?
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Picture of Redhawk1
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It won't be long before all the non-residents back out of AZ, and the AZ residents will have to foot the bill of there own game. When your resident prices for tags and licenses goes up don't complain, you all wanted it that way.

I for one and a bunch of my hunting companions will not hunt AZ ever. I know the residents of AZ a glad for that, but it is just a start for the end of hunting as you know it.

Don't blame George, blame the Game & Fish Department of AZ.

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bowhuntrrl, you are right about Montana, they have been screwed up for a very long time and I don't apply there anymore either.
Posts: 421 | Location: GA, USA | Registered: 15 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Again with the resident lumping? Sorry not all the AZ residents wanted these high fees nor no non residents.
Making assumptions again. Did you participate in any meetings or online surveys. By the way there were a bunch of each. Did you express your thoughts and Ideas to the AZGF dept in any way?
I know that I and thousands of folks from all walks of life did. What about you?
The AZGF commission went against the majority of opinions that were expressed and on their own decided the new rules and regs, the bogus point schemes and the High fees. Not the people of AZ and not the non residents who hunt this state.
Its a minority that wants non residents priced so high, out, not all the residents of AZ. I would suggest to you to write letters, make phone calls if you find all that's happened so outrageous instead of the constant bashing you do on AZ residents.
There was a post on another board about a question that was asked to the chairman of the AZGF commission about how a family of seven is supposed to pay to hunt with all of the high fees and such. The commissioners answer was if you cant afford it then leave the tags for those who can. The view of the commission these days, Hunting is a rich mans sport.That view is not one of all the AZ residents.
As a resident I do blame the AZGF, the governor and the AG for this mess as well as Taulman They all acted against common sense and more like 3rd graders fighting over the toys in the sand box.
Not bashing you personally redhawk1 but you should quit lumping everyone in this state together in your rants.
I think all the resident and non resident bashing is way over the top. It serves no purpose other than to let the Taulmans and petaphiles of the world know that they are winning. It will take the entire hunting community to fix these problems and I for one do not want to this community split into such factions as resident, non resident, for fed management or against fed management of state wildlife regulation. In the end we will all lose.
Posts: 337 | Location: flagstaff az | Registered: 16 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by bowhuntrrl:
Everyone can thank George Taulman for this mess!!! I've lived both in and out of AZ(currently out) and have been following this whole situation for over a year now. Don't blame AZ or its residents. Georgie Boy and his greed are to blame. Other states will soon follow as the list of lawsuits by USO increases against other western states.As for me, I'll still apply, not much is changed. You always had to buy a license to qualify for a preference point. I finally drew my archery elk tag last fall after 9 years, got a nice 6x6 too !! I get a kick out of some folks, why aren't they bitching about Montana's excessive license fee structure?? I know I'll personally never hunt there just because of the fees.
Posts: 175 | Registered: 27 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I screwed up the first one so I'll try again.
I personally couldn't give a rats ass about George Taulman, but it's not all his fault, it's AZ Game & Fish.
He tried to find a way to sell more hunts and did it legally.
If I was in business to sell something and had a good resource, I'd do whatever it took to access it. Thats the American way of doing business.
By the way, residents can book with George just the same as Nons do.
I wish no NR's would hunt AZ then your G&F could enjoy operating without those high NR fees.
Can you say higher license fees for Residents?
I don't hunt Montana for the same reason. It's nothing but gouging, but hey, I'm getting used to it with gas 2.25 per gallon. Frowner
Posts: 175 | Registered: 27 December 2001Reply With Quote
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coues, you may be right about lumping all AZ residents in one class. But you got to see it from my point of view. Every time a resident, non-resident debate comes up here, a lot of AZ residents jump right in on the non-residents. Not all, but it sure is a lot, as well as the Montana, Wyoming and Colorado boys.

I think some of there guys will get what they deserve. Hell I have family in both AZ and Colorado, I lived in both States, but relocated to Delaware while in the Military. But to most "not all" AZ residents that don't mean shit.

You ask if I have written any letters, I have written tell my hand fell off, and still have never gotten one reply. Did all my letter help, it is obvious "NOT".

AZ game and fish is just plain greedy.
I can afford to do the hunt, but I am not going to piss away my money for 10 years to accumulate points and when and if I draw a tag, the price will be out of this world for a non-resident hunt in AZ.

I can go on some awesome hunts to Canada, Alaska, or even Africa for the money I would put out for an Elk tag in AZ.

Like I said in other posts about this topic, I supported the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation for years and never hunter an Elk. I always thought one day I would like to go to AZ and hunt Elk. I even booked a hunt with George at USO, then all this shit hit the fan. I canceled my hunt as well as 3 others in my group.

Sure I rant a lot here, and it does no good. So the best thing I found is to boycott States that want to rape the non-resident hunters. The Western States are not the only States with good game. Wink

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The commissioners answer was if you cant afford it then leave the tags for those who can. The view of the commission these days, Hunting is a rich mans sport.That view is not one of all the AZ residents.
As a resident I do blame the AZGF, the governor and the AG for this mess as well as Taulman They all acted against common sense and more like 3rd graders fighting over the toys in the sand box.

You said it better than anyone here.
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Picture of bowhuntrrl
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Originally posted by Dungbeetle:

Assuming you "bought" liscenses for the 9 years on a non-res basis to get the points, then the hunt, how much did you have tied up - total - in liscense fees?

Some of those years I was a resident, and for a few , I was not. As I recall, the non-res license fees were about $85. Look at it this way: worst case scenario is 9 years at $85/yr =$765 plus a $385(last year if I remember correctly) tag fee. $1150 is kind of steep, but of course it was done on the installment plan. Was it worth it?? You bet!! To be 15 yards away from a 380 class bull elk roaring at you because he is to hoarse to bugle is priceless!!I'd do it again in a heartbeat to hunt what is arguably the best elk hunting terrain in the county.It seems like some of the new changes might actually allow me to draw sooner. I did however, apply for other hunts(deer,antelope) and accumulate points for them as well. I see your point though, it's just more subtle than the way Montana puts it too non-residents.

EDIT: I should mention that this was my 3rd elk hunt. I got drawn the first year I applied, then I got drawn 2 years after that. These 2 tags were as a non-resident. I guess It just depends where you want to hunt in AZ. I probably would have been drawn much sooner if I hadn't put in for just the "dream hunts".

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Thx, Bowhuntrrl,

Yeah, I was comparing the math. For a guy in his late 40's/50's, Montana might not be such a bad alternative, time wise. Agree that they dish out a hit to nr's.

You done good with that 380. I'll bet that was a rush
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