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As someone who worked in the sporting goods business for well over a decade, granted we are talking late 90's early 2000's here, I can tell you that I was shocked at the number of people who don't take up hunting until their 20's or later... This was foreign to me because in the rural are I grew up in my entire family consisted of farmers and commercial fisherman. Hunting and fishing was not just a hobby it was a way of life.... Fast forward to today and my little corner of the world is now one of the fastest growing areas in the entire US. The place where I killed my first deer with a bow now has a Home Depot on it and I have completely given up duck hunting, which I used to average 58 mornings in a 60 day season, because there are soo many people it's not worth getting up at 2am to sit on a spot just to hunt for an hour at day break. Land we leased to hunt in the 90's for less than 0.50 an acre is now over $10 and acre and disappearing at an alarming rate. I see every single thing that gets built and or planned in my municipality and unless something changes the population will more than double in roughly the next 4 years. We are literally getting crushed by the tidal wave of humanity. The number of hunting license sold is really irrelevant unless you can do a comparative analysis on a per acre basis.... We don't need fewer hunters.... we need fewer people... And yes, I hate social media and am quite happy to have never participated in it. | |||
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Funny you mention McDonald's... I once had an archery stand that was about 400' from the drive through speaker... I had another spot near a Chinese restaurant about the same distance from the back door. I could hear everything the cooks said on their smoke breaks...
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Double population growth in 4 years. Modern man, he has no natural predators; except for other men and cancer. When I was in late high school and early college, there was a thesis that the First World would flatline in population growth. I guess, that has proven false. With full respect, that is as much as I can give you Baxter. | |||
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For that to be possible, you would have to spread hunting out much more than it is now. Not to be flip, but housewives could hunt rabbits, businessmen in the city could hunt pigeons, kids could hunt invasive birds such as starlings, etc. With the total population of deer, elk and antelope in the US being less than 50 million it would be impossible for everyone to hunt them. But that is not the current direction of hunting. If you ignore overall hunter numbers, and look at the different types of hunting the picture becomes more clear. The overall number of individuals who hunt may have increased or decreased by a small amount over the past half century, but there has been a shift away from small game and there are more hunters targeting big game than ever before. Also, it may seem like the finger is being pointed at out of state hunters, but the issue is far bigger than that. Most states cap out of state licenses at something like 10%, so it is obvious that they can only be a small part of the problem. A likely larger reason for the increase of hunters in western states is the population increase that the western states are currently seeing. And the people moving from Michigan to Montana, or California to Wyoming are "not doing it for the nightlife". Matt Rinella and myself are part of that problem. Yes, he and I are the assholes, not you out of state hunters who make a trip out every couple of years. When I moved to Wyoming ten years ago, hunting was the main motivation. And I'm sure that I'm not the only one. In fact the Rocky Mountain states have seen a population increase that is double the increase the the rest of the US has seen in the past 50 years. When you look at the numbers it's not hard to guess why old timers lament the hunting in the "good old days":
Do three times as many residents have an impact on wildlife? And it's not just hunting, much of the prime wintering range is now populated by humans. The population growth shows no sign of slowing. Habitat and access is continuing to shrink. There are more people but less available habitat. Unless there is a correction in the population growth, it is clear that hunting is most likely in its twilight. As far as R3, the real question as I see it is will increasing the number of individuals who hunt prolong the viability of hunting? On the surface it would seem that would be the case. But my question is this: how far can you degrade the quality of hunting before it implodes on itself? There are no easy answers, but I'm damn glad that we are having the discussion. Jason "You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core." _______________________ Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt. Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure. -Jason Brown | |||
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JBrown: I also am not being flip, but the scenario you you describe with businesses men hunting pigeons etc, is exactly what I envisioned. That is also how I live my hunting life, which means nothing to this conversation. I am off to hunt ducks in the first snow of the year. Glad someone took me for the first time this year. | |||
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Glad to finally see some discussions on our population. For years I’ve been bringing this up and generally get blank stares or the old trope that our economy depends on immigration and population growth. Well if you destroy the country what’s it worth anyways? Fact is the frontier closed well over a century ago. Where in the hell are all these folks going to live? And it isn’t just that, it’s also the massive infrastructure increase to handle this monster. I’ve a neighbor woman who is intelligent, educated and sympathetic to immigration. You know, the old give us your poor…, I asked her where she wanted the new houses. Perplexed she said what do you mean. I asked, beside your house or across the street? To her credit she said, I’d never thought of it like that. I further asked, where do you want the new Wal-Mart? Would you prefer the McDonald’s in store or out front? And how many lanes should we add to the freeway? If 6 is good wouldn’t 8 be better? It boggles the mind. If you want an idea of what America looks like with half a billion people look at India and China. Massive pollution, massive litter, dwindling wildlife and dwindling wild places. The only places to see wildlife will be national parks and the state parks that have not been opened to settlement. At the very least we need to be thinking and discussing this on a National level…openly. Before it’s too late. A huge part of the charm of our wonderful country is our wide open spaces, purple mountains, amber waves, clean streams, cool lakes, dark forests, green pastures. Let’s not wait for Mark Zuckerberg to buy a third of Yosemite National park for his ranch. I’ve been to Africa and was astonished at the trash and litter. What’s the number? How many is too many? | |||
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And PS when’s the last time anyone hunted India or China? Do Chinese citizens get to buy a hunting license? | |||
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While I’m fired up…who here thinks their grandchildren will have as many hunting opportunities as yourself? Who here believes there will be any hunting with another 100 million people? | |||
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As far as people…all one needs to think about is Kenya…in 1900 there were about. 1.5 million people. Today, about 54 million. The country went from islands of people within a sea of animals and frontier to islands of animals and parks within a sea of people. There are of course areas where the population is not dense, but neither are there many animals. But, just get on Google maps and follow the boundaries of most parks and around Mt Kenya etc. the shambas run right up to the park fences. Here in Idaho the phrase “I remember when that was a field” is so common it’s now a t-shirt. We hunters change it up and say “I remember hunting birds there.” | |||
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I truly worry that a Progressive Congress with a President that is intelligent will say: 1) We have these low population Western States; 2) Being rural those States are Red making life tough in the Senate; 3) Those states have all this public land that is “undeveloped.” 4) Everyone agrees our large inner city housing stacked on top of one another is a breeding ground for drug crime; 5) When those large and concentrated housing projects catch fire the whole block burns down; 6) We hate hunting and firearm ownership; 7) We can argue the hunting model of paying for these places is a) barbaric and b) unsustainable and not making the bill Here is what we do. We make the argument that if we want to solve that violence, if we want to correct the sins of racism in this country, if we want to get enough people into these Western States to vote correctly let us pass a law giving our public housing citizens from designated areas homes in those Western States on that Federal Land. We can argue the building will stimulate the economy with that construction as well. I know they have kicked this idea around for Native Americans. We are not going to stop population growth. The best we can do is make as many hunters as possible to pay for what wildlife we will have and vote against urban, Progressive agenda until whoever’s God gets tired of the parasite of man. | |||
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That does not really matter as habitat did increase proportional to population growth either. In fact…it did not grow at at all as it is a finite resource. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Lane Easter, DVM A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991. | |||
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Good conversation. I have mixed feelings. But, I agree that social media has done hunting no favors — or society for that matter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Lane Easter, DVM A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991. | |||
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It does matter and Outdoor Writer has answered the question because it tells us the real number of hunters versus who is not hunting. When hunting participation diminishes to a certain percentage of the population that is when it will end. Now, that is a conclusionary statement on my part. Before that happens the economics of the North American Model of Conservation will fail, animals, and habitat will shrink further. This will add to the justification to end hunting. | |||
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The nail is hit squarely on the head. There is a finite amount of habitat. The amount of viable habitat shrinks every day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ J. Lane Easter, DVM A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991. | |||
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I 100% agree on the fewer people thing. Won't happen though. Too bad Trump never got the wall done. We must be up to over 3 million more illegals since 0biden? One thing about social media. With so many people feeling the pinch with their grocery and fuel bills they are probably looking my posts over on how to butcher, etc. Some of them may not be too quick to turn their noses up over squirrels anymore. ![]() ~Ann ![]() | |||
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I find your post disingenuous. My reasons; You and I have gone around and around about posting hero shots. You know my stance, I know yours. You simply cannot on one hand be "against" the Ted Nugent/Pig Man demographic, yet all for posting hero shots on AR. What are your rules? Blood in picture? No blood? Tongue hanging out? Sitting on trophy? Firearm in or out? The delta of acceptable and unacceptable is different for everyone. As we both agree, hunters simply cannot agree on anything or form a unified, cohesive front. To me, the problem is, those that do, remove the ability for those who agree with me to try it our way. By me NOT posting pictures, it does exactly zero. Those that are in your face, have in my opinion permanently screwed the rest of us, having no choice in the matter. Yet you believe we should be in your face and FORCE acceptance as your example of the LBGT community. OK, lets run that to ground. Who decides what pictures are or aren't offensive? You? Me? Shit, we can't even agree what constitutes a legal Lion. I've faced the realty. We are antiques, we have obsoleted ourselves into the dust-bin of history, by our enormous egos that need to put distasteful (to some) pictures on the internet for anyone to see or save, absolute insanity. We simply cannot help ourselves. I've had a great run. I've hunted pretty much everything on the African continent. I will continue my quest for North American species. But as far as Africa goes, the gun permits, surly gates agents, idiots counting ammo and trying to find serial numbers, the shakedowns the airline regulations, I've lost interest. There are far to many other things to do, places to hunt to tolerate that shit. Formerly "Nganga" | |||
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Because I see a difference between a picture and vulgar language that imparts no information. I see a difference between a photo and a picture of a hog with its Gus hanging out. You sir can call me a goat sodomizing , crooked tooth, whatever. However, do not ever call me disingenuous. I find your surrender and hide attitude pathetic. By the math, you will be dead before me, and folks like you are surrendering hunting that I still enjoy and want to enjoy in the future. Comparing a photo like you see here on AR most hunting photos to those two is like comparing the Bible to Hustler. Yeah, they are both are made paper, and you can turn the pages. I condemn Ted Nugget and Pig Man for what they speak specifically. I do not condemn them for how they sound. Your method of hiding hunting is the culture in the UK, and they are losing hunting opportunities every year. They lost the shooting of depredation crows of all things. | |||
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I'll not argue what you think of me, because it really doesn't matter. To answer your questions, yes, I see the difference between Ted/Pigman and A Cape Buffalo posted in the hunt report forum. Problaem is the people who hate us, and even some who don't hate us necessarily do not see the difference. Can you at least see that? My method isn't hiding. It's simply not posting pictures of dead things on the internet. My style of hunting and support for hunting through advocacy is defined as, working for a conservation organization. I was on the BOD of SCI for 11 years. In those 11 years, we raised hundreds of thousands of dollars, we donated ten's if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to the AZGFD. Some of our donations went directly to fund parts of the Ben Avery shooting range. I personally took the Make-a-Wish hunting portion for sick and dying children under my wing. I cannot tell you how many kids we sent hunting. I can tell you how many died, 3. We sent one kid to Montana for a deer/elk hunt. He killed pretty quick. We sent the hides NDA to my taxidermist, who used a donor hide and mounted both trophies before the child passed. It was one of the proudest, yet saddest moments of my life. I've carried bags on concrete to mountain tops to build drinkers for elk, etc. I've done plenty for successful conservation through hunting. I'll just assume you've done your part as well. I wish no ill will, but am unbending in my stance as to not understanding how me not posting pictures is bad for hunting? or hiding. You cant shoot crow in Arizona either. Formerly "Nganga" | |||
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Hi Steve, Happy New Year. Good discussion. However, I must correct the record for clarity. There is indeed a season for crow in Arizona. The regulations for which can be found on page 67 of the 2021-2022 Arizona hunting regulations under commission order-14 "other birds and mammals" Perhaps you were thinking Ravens (they ARE protected), which is a common mistake even amongst seasoned outdoorsmen? Ty . | |||
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Well, I stand corrected. Yes, I was thinking Ravens. In all honesty, I do not know the difference. And Happy New Year to you as well. Formerly "Nganga" | |||
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I wish I could say it does not matter what you think of me either. Yet, I take the strongest umbrage and insult to disingenuous. I allow a lot of things. I will not allow you to insult my integrity in this conversation without receipt. I come to these conversations with the basic assumption that anyone who comes here, speaks openly are all coming from good faith, and honesty. Dialogue should be attack the positions and not the person. You violated that with your insult of my integrity and good will. No sir, you may not intend ill. However, there is no venom you can speak to me than calling me disingenuous. That is an attack on my honesty and motivation. Honesty and motives I have never questioned in you. I am not sensitive. I mean it, you can call me whatever curse you wish. However, I draw the line at integrity. As for crows and England had been shooting crows for over a decade on depredation permits. The Urbanization and lack of main streaming hunting saw farmers crops decimated by bad policy. When I was also there a cull trapping got shut down farmers were needing. They do not see the difference because we do not try hard enough to show the difference. Your approach leaves others to define us. They are going to propaganda against us regardless of where we are. If I were to hunt lion tomorrow. I would post it on AR (if I can figure out how to post photos again). However, I would not post pictures of the lion beheaded, skinned out, gutted, nor blood and dead. | |||
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For the record, I believe saying your "post" is disingenuous, is not an insult. If it was taken as such, that wasn't the intent. I'll discuss this no further, As you may notice, I didn't take offense to you calling my position "pathetic". Formerly "Nganga" | |||
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It is best that we are just going to agree to walk away on this one. I do not accept your I was calling your post disingenuous. You called my thoughts and expressions disingenuous. You called me so. I did not start this. I do not do personal attacks unless my person is so besmirched. You are right. I should not have met your insult to me with insult. I apologize to you for calling you “pathetic” in the first place. I am walking away now. | |||
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