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Moderators: Canuck
Are you an NRA member?
one of us
posted 24 April 2004 14:01
I am just curious how many of you are NRA members. I find it interesting that some of the most hard core hunters I know are not members, and refuse to be members, even though they are gun freaks like me. I know the NRA is not perfect, and at one time or another has probably pissed us all off, but it just amazes me that people can spend their lives looking forward to the next elk hunt, the next trap shoot, the next pistol match, etc and not seem to care about gun rights. I'm just curious what others' thoughts are, especially those who are not members. I know this should be on the politics and gun ownership forum, but that would defeat the point. I'm only interested in hearing from hunters.
Posts: 96 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 28 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of SnakeLover
posted 24 April 2004 14:42Hide Post
Yes I am. I upgraded to a Life Membership this past winter.
Posts: 472 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 26 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
posted 24 April 2004 15:10Hide Post
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posted 24 April 2004 15:22Hide Post
Life Member.

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posted 24 April 2004 15:32Hide Post
Yes, I am.
Posts: 157 | Location: The Edge of Texas | Registered: 26 January 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 15:35Hide Post
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Picture of Matt Norman
posted 24 April 2004 15:54Hide Post
Life Member NRA and SCI
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posted 24 April 2004 17:02Hide Post
My son and I are NRA life members like my father before me.
Posts: 5543 | Registered: 09 December 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 17:12Hide Post
Lifer, I wonder if I can buy another one of the coats (life member embroidered bomber jacket), my wife snagged the 1st one......DJ
Posts: 3976 | Location: Oklahoma,USA | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 17:15Hide Post
Life member since 1990. Annual up to that point.
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 17:24Hide Post
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 17:28Hide Post
Yes, annual. Usually the hard core hunters who are not in the NRA complain about a couple actions the NRA did, or they blind themselves whenever they hear "politics" and think the threat doesn't exist. They always reply, "There is no way they could do that, or they can pry my cold dead fingers from my gun if they want it". We all know if it were to come to that, we would all be dead. Shot buy the better armed, equipped, and funded National Guard, fed agents, police, and military.
Posts: 185 | Location: IL | Registered: 25 March 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:02Hide Post
Posts: 2368 | Location: KENAI, ALASKA | Registered: 10 November 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:08Hide Post
Lifer as well.
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posted 24 April 2004 18:09Hide Post
Since 1970, a junior member. Now a Patron. Rob
Posts: 36 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:18Hide Post
NRA member since I was a kid and joined in 1951. Life Member since 1970.

I have nothing but disgust and contempt for gun owners who refuse to join the NRA. They are all parasitic leeches. We carry their lazy, pathetic asses on our shoulders and they are indeed, an extremely heavy burden.

Were it not for the NRA, they/we would not own even one gun legally, nor would the Constitution still exist. A tyrannical Gestapoesqe/KGBesque government would be in place, having destroyed this country in order to confiscate all the guns.

They are all a gigantic liability to us gun owners who care, donate, and work to keep our RIGHTS. The Bill of Rights is not a Statement Of Government Granted Privileges.

Posts: 253 | Location: S.W. Idaho | Registered: 30 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of CaptJack
posted 24 April 2004 18:20Hide Post
Life Member since 1963- went through the Civilian Marksmanship Program as a youth all the way through "Distinguished"
Qualified "Expert" with all weapons through basic and infantry AIT- Army- last training company at Ft.Polk to qualify with both the M-14 & M-16. Squad leader in the QueSon valley- Americal(23rdID) in Vietnam.

my grandfather was a ballistic engineer for the Army at AberdeenPG- he gave me my Life Memebership in 63 and enrolled my in the CMP when I was 10.
Posts: 474 | Registered: 18 August 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:25Hide Post
VERY well expressed, LW. Wish I were so eloquent. Rob
Posts: 36 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of hm1996
posted 24 April 2004 18:31Hide Post
Annual member, 1952. Benefactor currently.

Puzzled that all hunters do not belong. As has been previously stated, NRA is a major player at very least, if not the major player in securing the rights of our grandchildren to enjoy our beloved shooting sports.

Posts: 932 | Registered: 21 September 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:40Hide Post
Annual for a few years, will be lifer soon. Although their focus may stray from the issues I immediately care about at the time, all gun issues are connected. One right loss is a piece of the whole. They are a loud, organized chorus singing out the dangers of firearms banning versus control. Of more laws affecting the non-criminal versus enforcing laws to protect society from the criminals.

so I take it a step further, I don't think that only gun nuts, hunters, and recreational shooters should join; all Americans who value their freedom, the way of life they enjoy, and the country that our forefather's wanted to create for us, should be members.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 18:45Hide Post
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Picture of prof242
posted 24 April 2004 19:22Hide Post
Yep, annual in '68; life in '73; am now a Benefactor. Too bad that, in order to get a hunting license you don't have to show your NRA membership.
Posts: 3490 | Location: Colorado Springs, CO | Registered: 04 April 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 19:42Hide Post
Life Member.
And for those who don't feel like it's important enough to be an NRA member for the price of a box of projos and a can of powder, go spend a few years living in another country where guns are completely banned, or you have to BEG PERMISSION to own one or hunt. Countries like the UK, Germany, Italy, Japan, Australia, etc. Then see how you feel about it.
Posts: 762 | Location: Kansas | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 20:13Hide Post
Wow I am amazed...EVERYBODY is a member of the NRA. Seems there'd be at least a couple on AR that aren't members. That's pretty impressive. And yes, I'm a member too. In a way I would like to cancel my membership because of how the NRA supports canned hunting. Just look in the back of one of their magazines and you'll see lots of ads for "hunting" on private land, no license required, and "no kill-no pay." Why they support this I don't have a clue.
Posts: 199 | Location: Rochester, Washington | Registered: 02 February 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 24 April 2004 21:10Hide Post
A couple of years ago I was having financial trouble due to ruptured disks in my back and a new born child, both arriving within a couple of months of one another. I failed to renew my annual membership that year. Due to that I recieved a letter from the NRA that stated "It is because of people like you that we are going to loose our gun rights!"

That pissed me off!! If I had the money I would have renuwed my membership but at that time it was more than I could do on my own to provide for my family.

I'm truely sorry that I could not pitch in at that time but facts are facts and the fact is I did what I felt I had to do for my family, they come first to me if it puts the whole world on hold!!

Thoughs days are behind me now and I'm not seeking pitty but I can't bring myself to join the NRA after that letter at a time when I litteraly couldn't afford a stamp muchless membership dues!

Since I have been "back on my feet" I have made numerous contributions to the NRA because I feel that they have the loudest voice when it comes to defending our constitutional rights but can not bring myself to renewing my membership.

P.S., it is sad that we Americans have to defend our constitutional rights against other Americans.
Posts: 231 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 02:34Hide Post

The NRA certainly utilized a very bad choice of words in their reply letter. You should have been at least coaxed to rejoin instead of chastised. I apologize in their behalf, if it helps any, and encourage you to rejoin. The easy pay life system really cannot be beat. Every three months you get a bill for $25. My wife and I have both become life members this way. We need all the help we can get to defeat the foes of firearm ownership. Please reconsider!

To the others, good going! But remember, we all must try to sign up as many as possible, as well as being members.
And above all, vote your sport!
Posts: 323 | Location: Keithville, La. USA | Registered: 14 February 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 02:51Hide Post

Lifer, I wonder if I can buy another one of the coats (life member embroidered bomber jacket), my wife snagged the 1st one......DJ

Hey DJ, Yes you can. Check out and look for Item# SS732(Black) or SS733(Brown). Both are $250. Or call 1-888-607-6007 and tell them to send you a 2004 Spring Catalog. In fact you should already have it. Check with the Boss and see if she snagged it out of the mailbox.


Patron Member and looking forward to eventually becoming a Benefactor. Other than my Hunting(and Fishing) Licenses, I get the most pleasure when contributing through the NRA to finance the constant aggravation and defeat of clinton, algore, heil-ery, schumer, kennedy(s), kerry, boxer, carvelle, mccain, and ALL the people who think as they do, desiring to errode our "Right to Arms".

The Frazier Firearms Museum opens in Louisville, KY during May. It will contain an amazing display of firearms including Teddy Roosevelt's very own and favorite .405Win. The reason I bring this up is because it is getting "some funding" from the Democratically controlled local government who would much rather be spending the money on Ultra-Liberal, Radical-Leftist programs. I'm smiling just thinking about it.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
posted 25 April 2004 03:04Hide Post
Yes, Life Member at both the NRA and SCI.
Posts: 70525 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 03:44Hide Post
damn right i am a member
Posts: 315 | Location: SOUTHEAST USA | Registered: 26 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of RMiller
posted 25 April 2004 04:01Hide Post
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Picture of Steve
posted 25 April 2004 04:05Hide Post
You bet!!
Posts: 2781 | Location: Hillsboro, Or-Y-Gun (Oregon), U.S.A. | Registered: 22 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Slingster
posted 25 April 2004 04:14Hide Post
NRA Life; also:
Law Enforcement Alliance of America (LEAA) Life
California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) Life
SCI Annual
Posts: 1079 | Location: San Francisco Bay Area | Registered: 26 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hobie
posted 25 April 2004 04:31Hide Post
Yes. For all my adult life.
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posted 25 April 2004 04:33Hide Post
I'm a member, but it looks to me like they would have a lot more money for use against the gun grabbers if they curtailed about half of their mailings.
Posts: 1450 | Location: Dakota Territory | Registered: 13 June 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 06:13Hide Post
I've been a member for many years and I agree they have pissed me off a couple of times with their rabid approach. I just keep thinking that they are the most powerful organization between me and the anti-gun/hunting crowd and I find comfort in that.

Someone took offense at the NRA accepting advertising from companies offering enclosure hunts. The NRA represents all shooters. We have to stand together whether we agree on the other guys ethics or not. The more fragmented we become the more we become vulnerable to the antis.


Posts: 13168 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of holzauge
posted 25 April 2004 06:34Hide Post
Yes, for a long time.
Posts: 621 | Location: Commonwealth of Virginia | Registered: 06 September 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 13:09Hide Post
Became a Life Member in December 1968 after returning from Veit Nam. Christmas present to myself for returning. Lawdog
Posts: 1254 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 22 December 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 25 April 2004 14:07Hide Post
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Picture of TCLouis
posted 26 April 2004 12:06Hide Post
I have been starting a long LONG time ago.

Amazed at the number of gun owners and hunters that are not.

SADDENED by the statement of a guy that used to work for me when he haid we should just compromize with the ANTIS.

I explained that we have compromised long ago and the line is NOW IN THE SAND!

Just the view of a crotchety old guy!
Posts: 4280 | Location: TN USA | Registered: 17 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of gas57
posted 25 April 2004 14:41Hide Post
NRA Life
CCW license
Six full auto and looking for number seven
My gun safe runneth over
Life is so much better now!!!
Posts: 903 | Location: Texas | Registered: 14 July 2002Reply With Quote
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