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Ultimate Reloading Software
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I�ve read a lot of posts on AR and other sites about which reloading software does what to whom and how well it did it and I�ve checked into a lot of them. After many tries and disappointments I realized a guy could spend a fair bit of money on reloading software and still not have all the features he wants. [Eek!]

Well, I believe I ended my quest for the best when I acquired AccuLoad by AEM Enterprises, Inc. Although I�ve been using the full-blown version of this software about a month now, I�m still amazed by the features in this program and all the neat things it will do for me at the press of a key. While this program blows away the competition, it's not the most expensive reloading software on the market. (But this can be our little secret. [Wink] )

Accuload runs on any modern PC with a reasonable amount of memory, a CD-ROM and any version of Windows 9X or above. I put it on my Windows XP machine at home and then tried it on my NT Server machine at work, with permission of course, and it runs like a Swiss watch on both machines. But enough computer babble; let�s talk guns and reloading.

So far, I feel that AccuLoad is truly the program with everything. The enormous databases alone are probably worth the cost of this software by themselves, but scads of searchable/printable databases are just the beginning of a program that is so Feature Rich I hardly know where to start to tell about it.

First, if all a guy wants in his reloading software is a program to generate loading data, pressures, etc. he can buy just this feature of AccuLoad separately as a stand-alone module called "CalcuLoader." It generates loads from user-selected cartridges, bullets, powders and works like lightning. Cost is little more than a pound of powder...$29.95 for this module.

But I recommend getting the full program, AccuLoad. Naturally, the "CalcuLoader" engine comes with AccuLoad plus you get all the databases for things that you won�t believe: all the ballistic programs (internal, external and terminal) are there as well as prepared forms and targets, but perhaps the most far out features are in their load assembly and precision target analysis options. There is even a Ballistic Wizard for anyone who feels "Ballistically Challenged." Simply select what you want to know and the wizard will lead you step-by-step to the answer. I�ve spent hours playing with the internal and external ballistics engines and learned LOTS of things I didn�t know...proving once again you�re never too old to learn. [Smile]

AccuLoad is a program geared for the shooter and reloader. You can use the program "casually" and just enter a skeleton amount of data only in the areas that interest you, or you can use it to keep detailed records of your shooting and loading activities down to a degree of detail that would make an Enron accountant cringe!

There�s no way I can elaborate on all the features of AccuLoad in a post here, but I�ll try to answer any questions by email or as follow up posts, if it will help anyone. Let me just say that AccuLoad has ALL the features of every other reloading program on the market...and a lot of features the other programs will never have.

Best of all Accuload is still growing by leaps and bounds. AEM, Inc. has been in business for four years, but the program itself has only been available for less than a year. In this time it's spread around the world and already has some commercial users as well.

It�s the brainchild of three computer whiz kids, "Geeks with Guns" they call themselves...but long before any of them knew what a computer was they were hunters and target shooters. AccuLoad is the marriage of their lifelong love affair with firearms and reloading plus their professional skills. They tell me the program started out as a hobby but it has totally taken on a life of its own.

Impressive as AccuLoad is, there is an even more powerful and feature packed version just about ready for Beta Testing�.which means it won�t be long before it will be in YOUR hands, if you get the program.

Speaking of what gets in your hands, I�ve learned that when you become an AccuLoad customer, you automatically get all of the upgrades free, as well. Free upgrades are a beautiful thing! [Big Grin]

Check out their website at It�s a beautiful thing, too.

I can truthfully say, try Accuload. You�ll like it.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote

I have been continplating purchasing a reloading software program.

How would you compare the Accuload to Quickload?

How accurate are the modeled loads you develope to actual Chrono'd loads?

Just doing some research.

Thanks for your help.

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Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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Strange you should mention this. I was looking at the software earlier last week. I wrote to the guy for more information and he was prompt in replying. I was considering QuickLOAD but, after looking at this product, I might try the latter. I was going to go with CalcuLoader initially because of cost. I'm just not sure. I just don't feel I can spring for the full package right now.

Can you tell me, does CalcuLoader have loads for:

.444 Marlin
.375 H&H Magnum
.416 Remington Magnum
.308 Winchester
.45 Colt ("NOT" ACP)
.357 Magnum
.35 Remington?


Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Big Dog - Comparing Accuload to Quickload is like comparing a battleship to a row boat. If all you want is to get to the other side of the river, quickload will probably suffice. Honestly there isn't any comparison in my books.

Accuload is VAST as in two compressed CDs! [Eek!] But this is not to say it's difficult to use. It's very well thought out and very intuitive to use with an actual printed manual (rare these days) to help you along.

I don't currently have a chrony, so haven't been able to compare my loads with what the program projects. But I have compared their projections with several loading manuals and they are obviously very accurate.

One thing Accuload allows a shooter to do that I don't think any other software does is calculate ballistic changes according to altitude and temperature. You can even factor in wind and inclines or declines! [Eek!]

Like I said, I've spent hours just playing with the ballistic engines alone. It's a fun program.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Russell, I ran a quick search of your cartridge list and found everything but the 45/90. It has the 50/90 though. [Smile] Actually the cartridge database goes from some .10 caliber thing I never heard of all the way up to and including the .50 caliber machine gun cartridge and some of its variants. (And scads and scads of European cartridges with those funny metric names. [Big Grin] )

Now, let me say this...I BELIEVE you can enter or create your own cartridge in the database if you've got the specs. I just haven't tried it yet. Everything I've ever owned is in the program.

As for whether to buy Calculoader or the full program, I was tempted to go this route myself and there is nothing wrong with this as you can't lose any money this way. If you bought Calculoader and then a while later decide you want Accuload, they will deduct the total price of Calculoader from Accuload. So you haven't lost a cent. [Big Grin]

The only problem with going this route is you scarcely see the tip of the iceberg. Calcuload is a good load generator, but Accuload is the whole store! Your call. Either way you won't lose.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
<500 AHR>

How in the hell can you say that a software program is great without validating the software's predictions by shooting the loads over a chronograph! You sir are obviously either a fool or a liar, or perhaps in your inexperience YOU have simply been lead astray by the dazzling databases of this software.

Why don't you make up some of the loads your software says are great and go shoot them over a chronograph and see how closely the velocities match up. YOU can also try them at different altitudes, humidities, and temperatures to see if the software is making accurate performance predictions. Once YOU have done this then YOU can spout off about how great the software is!

Unitl then save us all the pathetic sales pitches. Is this company paying YOU a commission?
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Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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Originally posted by Todd E:
You sir are obviously either a fool or a liar...

Well, "sir," I guess you'd know all about lying, wouldn't you?


Originally posted by Todd E:
I would like to apologize to everyone here as I have been pulling your collective chains.

I originally told everyone I was a LEO, I am not.

I then told everyone I was a PhD in Mechanical Engineering, again I am not.

I do not even hold an engineering degree!


For the record I do not own a 416 Rigby, 500 AHR, 475 No2, or a 9.3X74R.

I am not even much of a gun person.


I have never shot anything bigger than a rabbit, and then I felt terrible about shooting the rabbit afterwards.

Todd Edwards


So, telling ANYONE ELSE to "validate" anything, to call ANYONE ELSE a liar... well, "sir," you are certainly no class act yourself, you pathetic, lying, sack of shit.

Go f**k yourself, buttwipe.

Russell E. Taylor

[ 07-04-2002, 08:55: Message edited by: Russell E. Taylor ]
Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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The version II of Accuload is on the way. More wildcats, more cartridges,....

I agree with you this software is great.
Posts: 831 | Location: BELGIUM | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Todd E, (or whomever you might be today),

The mechanical device capable of measuring my indifference to your opinion on any firearm related topic has yet to be invented.

Have a care, sir.

Posts: 1171 | Location: Wyoming, USA | Registered: 03 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Todd. Todd. Todd. You are so funny and predictable, I'd probably like you if you weren't such a pathological liar. [Big Grin]

By the way, Russell, thank you for your support. If you shoot as accurately as you nailed the Toddster tonight, you don't need any software...just a bullet and a place to stand! [Cool]

Now let me flush the latest contribution to this website from our resident prevaricator Mr. Todd E.

Originally posted by Todd E:
Pecos45, How in the hell can you say that a software program is great without validating the software's predictions by shooting the loads over a chronograph! You sir are obviously either a fool or a liar, or perhaps in your inexperience YOU have simply been lead astray by the dazzling databases of this software.

Gee, Todd E., such explosive rancor! Calm down boy before you give your silly ass a heart attack. [Big Grin] I'm going to treat you just like a you were a real person tonight and answer every one of your questions.

1. How do I know the software is any good? Well, I've been in the computer business since I retired from aviation in 1990. That gives me 12 years to get a pretty good "feel" for software. This program is mighty powerful...but I don't recommend you get it. (It would just confuse your little mind.) I posted my little blurb about it in a couple of places tonight just because I was excited about what I'd found and wanted to share it with everyone interested.
Same as I hope they do me when they find something neat for guns.

2. How do I know the software's predictions are valid without shooting them over a chronograph?
Wow! Isn't this a little hypocritical of you Todd to demand this standard of me when you come onto this website and post 900 pieces of pure bullshit about this fantastic battery of rifles you have and all these wonderful animals you've killed when the only thing actually mounted on your wall is a rabbit? [Big Grin] Anyhow, ya got me there. I don't positively, absolutely know the program's predictions are totally accurate. But if you will go back and carefully read my original post again, you will note I did not claim to have chronographed anything. I currently have no chronograph. The loads were thus not tested to your exacting standard. (Too bad you don't apply this standard to yourself.)

See the difference, Todd? Unlike you, I don't lie and make crap up everytime I open my mouth. This makes my life a lot more simple because I don't have to go around wondering what bunch of crap I told to who. I KNOW you understand what I'm saying there. Someday I hope you are smart enough to understand this principle.

3. You say I'm either a fool or a liar. OK, I'll plead guilty to being a fool. You can be the liar. [Razz]

4. My inexperience? Hmmmm. Heaven and all it's angels know for a fact that I don't know everything about anything...including guns and reloading. I haven't been able to afford to go to Africa for buffalo or Alaska for the big brown things or Canada for their delights. Shucks, I haven't even been to Mexico, least wise not with a rifle. About all the experience I've got is 46 years worth of shooting and reloading. My FIRST rifle was a 30/06 and I had to reload for it if I wanted to shoot. Over the years I've managed to own, shoot and reload for everything from the .17 caliber up to .458. I've even designed and built my own wildcat cartridge! The best I've been able to do hunting is across several states down here in the Southwest. I'm pretty much a varmit and deer/antelope guy. But I ain't got time or interest in telling you what I've seen and done and learned. Most of it would be over your head anyhow. I don't go spouting off crap that I don't have a clue about...or if I do I begin the sentence with "I don't know but I THINK MAYBE..." If this fits your definition of INexperienced, well I reckon you tagged me again, Todd. [Frown] (You're hot tonight, boy!)

I won't ask about YOUR experience since you've already posted it once and I'm too polite to embarrass you or make you start lying again and try to create a better resume.

Originally posted by the idiot Todd E.
Why don't you make up some of the loads your software says are great and go shoot them over a chronograph and see how closely the velocities match up. YOU can also try them at different altitudes, humidities, and temperatures to see if the software is making accurate performance predictions. Once YOU have done this then YOU can spout off about how great the software is!

Unitl then save us all the pathetic sales pitches. Is this company paying YOU a commission?

Afraid I can't do all your grand suggestions, Todd. No gottee a chronograph. Maybe you'd like to loan me one of yours for a year or so why I go do all these tests you want. Until your loaner arrives, I'm gonna have to just muddle thru as best I can. And if you knew anything about guns and reloading you would know that if a person loaded and chronographed ten rifles with the same load, they would most likely get ten different results. Guns are kind of like people, Todd. Each gun is a little different. Just like people. Some are good and some are assholes. But if you knew anything about guns and reloading, you would know this and wouldn't have suggested such a stupid thing.

Finally, am I being paid a commission? Nope. Outside of exchanging a few emails full of my dumb questions and one phone call full of more of my dumb questions to the fine fellows at AEM, I don't know anymore about the company than what I've told everyone here tonight. But don't take my word for it, Todd. You call them up and ask them for yourself. They will think you are as funny as I do. [Big Grin]

I would urge anyone with a question about this software to call them up. Perhaps even Todd...he's got to start learning somewhere!

The guys at AEM are mighty "approachable." They don't get calls much dumber than mine, so I know they'll talk to just about anyone.

Now, Todd...if you have no other burning questions for me I think I'll put my tired butt to bed. Thank you for your interest in my post tonight.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BER007:

The version II of Accuload is on the way. More wildcats, more cartridges,....

I agree with you this software is great.

007 - YES, they told me about it and I'm very excited about Version II. And I made a point to ask them if my upgrade was FREE. [Big Grin]

There are some features in Version 2.0 they guaranteed would knock my socks off. Can't wait!
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Pecos45:
There are some features in Version 2.0 they guaranteed would knock my socks off. Can't wait!

I haven't had my socks knocked off since... since... um... um... since, um... damn. I've never had my socks knocked off.

I'm sold. Plus, I live for wildcats. I'll buy this software and give it a go. I'd better get a free upgrade to version 2.0 because that's what made the sale.

By the way... I've been messing with computers since my days in college when I had a part-time job with the school of running its Burroughs 1900 and making TAPE backups regularly. I don't quite go back to the punchcard days. (Thankfully. I'm way too Type-A for punchcards. I'd have never survived.)


[ 07-04-2002, 15:15: Message edited by: Russell E. Taylor ]
Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
<Don Martin29>
I hope this is the way to go. Before this recomendation there was no consensis. I have LoadBase and other Powley programs but nothing except Point Blank beyond that. I am really getting by just fine. To answer the comment that there is no chronograph I have found that the loading manuals are very close and the small difference does not matter. But they don't cover all wildcats.

This winter I think I will treat myself to this program.
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Russell - Don: I believe if you guys are into wildcats, you're in for a treat with Accuload. [Smile] The current version of the software has over 400 cartridges in the database, but version 2.0 (which we get free) will have over 1,000 cartridges...many of them wildcats. There is even Ackley's .228 Double-Shouldered Magnum. All of these have detailed case drawings and full dimensions. Many have narratives about the cartridges. The fellow I've talked with at AEM is quite a "wildcat nut" as well. The program also includes an index of references to the American Rifleman going back to 1923! In fact, the NRA calls AEM when they want to find something.
The new version's bullet database will include 4,000 bullets and over 200 powders.

This is all the funny story behind Accuload. Three gun nuts with a lot of professional skills came together and decided just for the fun of it they would make their own reloading program. They did...just for their use. Then one of them popped off and said, "What if we added this feature?" The did that...but then another said, "Yeah, but it would be even neater if it would do this!" And they added THAT to the program. In fact, this adding things to the program has gone on, I believe they told me, for the past four years. Their little "hobby program" grew into a 600 lb gorilla that they knew they had to market. Their compulsion (or is it an obsession?) to make the program ever more capable and powerful hasn't stopped yet. Everything is still growing!

Russell, this kinda tugged on my socks already. I sent them an email a few weeks ago and suggested a minor feature in the Calculoader program might be easier for a user to interpret if it did this and such. I half expected them to tell me to go jump in the lake...but instead they emailed me back and said, "You're right...we will change it in the next version!"

This, my friends, is customer responsiveness. We speak, they listen. Try emailing Bill Gates and telling him you wish he would change Excel to do something you want. [Big Grin]

Accuload is growing every day and AEM isn't too proud to take our input and ideas and try to use it. This is awesome to my simple mind. [Smile]

[ 07-04-2002, 21:57: Message edited by: Pecos45 ]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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[/QUOTE]007 - YES, they told me about it and I'm very excited about Version II. And I made a point to ask them if my upgrade was FREE. [Big Grin]
There are some features in Version 2.0 they guaranteed would knock my socks off. Can't wait![/QB][/QUOTE]

There is in this forum at least one person from AccuLoad. I have sent the link of your post about Accuload to this person. May be you can arrange smth with him.

I think the upgrade will cost few bucks. I can't remember the price. [Smile]
Posts: 831 | Location: BELGIUM | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BER007:
[b]I think the upgrade will cost few bucks. I can't remember the price. [Smile] [/QB]

It will cost postage and handling only, BER. But I guess this will be a few bucks more for you in Belgium than it will me. [Frown]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Can you model your own cartridge designs, or those not included in the "stock" database?

Has anyone modeled straight walled, moderately bottlenecked, and heavily bottle necked cartridges and compared the calculated results with the real world results? I know some of the software packages on the market do well with some fundamental cartridge designs and poorly with others.

Pecos45, I see that you have the software, but haven't been able to do any correlation work between your rifle/pistol and the calculated prediction. I have a chronograph and several firearms. I would be willing to test your loads over the chrono therefore performing a correlation test if any of your loads match up with any of my cartridges. Let me know if you are interested. I will be upfront here and say I am a rather busy individual so my turn around time may be a little long.

What is the cost of the complete software package?

Posts: 292 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 04 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Afternoon folks,
BER007 did indeed sent me the link to this message this morning and I've been jotting down notes as to what questions need to be answered and what needs to be addressed. I've also been running out to the barbeque grill and trying to keep up with eight grandchildren that are sucking down steaks, hot dogs and watermelon as if a famine of biblical proportions is just around the corner. This should either make me stronger or speed me toward a dirt nap.
The most common question is cost of the program and the cost of the upgrade. The cost of AccuLoad is $129.99 plus S&H. It comes with CalcuLoader which is also a stand-alone product at $29.99.
If a purchased buys CalcuLoader alone and decides to upgrade to AccuLoad later, we will apply the purchase price of CalcuLoader to the purchase of AccuLoad. After all, AccuLoad comes with AccuLoad anyway.
Upgrade costs. Upgrades and updates are free. Our intent is to keep every one of our customers happy and confident that we will address every one of their ideas and requests as quickly and completely as possible. When we came out with CalcuLoader, it was to answer a user request. So we sent free copies to the current owners of AccuLoad. I'll admit, paying for our shipping folks to make the boxes, address the labels, package them up and deliver to the post office took us by suprise. Added with the postage, it ran us just under $7.00. Not counting the cost of producing the CD. So, upgrades that we can send as an email attachment is completely free. If it is a major upgrade, like version 2 is going to be, we only ask for the S&H costs. If you think you might not be happy with it, heck, we'll bite that bullet, too.
AccuLoad version 1 has 405 cartridges in the database and version 2 now has 1,079 right now. You can add your own cartridges if you want to. If you decide to go that route, the only data you've got to enter is the cartridge name, bullet diameter and which "collection" it belongs to (SAAMI standard, CIP, Proprietary, wildcat and other). This is because it's a sort field, so it's got to be there. Naturally, the more data you enter, the more functionality you gain. Upgrades will not remove, or overwrite, your data, unless you specifically want it to.
CalcuLoader uses the current version 1 database. If your cartridge isn't in the database, you can add it to CalcuLoader as well. CalcuLoader will be fully integrated into AccuLoad in version 2, so you will have the database of over 1,000 cartridges available as well as the bullet database of over 4,000 different bullets. (Heavy stress on the word different!)
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have to apologize for any spelling errors or syntax errors and disjointed streams of thought in the previous post. My 2-year old grandson crawled up on my lap to kiss me goodby and managed to post the reply before I finished it, or even reviewed it. With your tolerence, I'll return to this after they have departed for their homes.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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SRS - Thank you for the offer to chrony my loads. This is assuming you have the same rifle calibers I do. However, mailing or shipping my loaded ammunition across the country to you would be another matter under current laws.

Chronographing the loads presented in Accuload is really a non-issue to me personally. When you can compare their computer generated loading data and for example it says that 55 grains of ABC powder loaded behind XYZ bullet in such and such cartridge will produce 2,850 ft/sec...then you check several loading manuals for the same charge and bullet to see what their tests show and everyone's results are within 100 fps or less... Well, I think you can relax and put the issue to bed. No two guns will turn in the same results anyway.

Also, everyone should remember Accuload's reloading data is what I would call a "COMPUTER GENERATED PROJECTION" based on all sorts of data and formulas of which I haven't the first clue. These guys are way over my head. [Eek!] But even loading data from manuals where the company has exhaustively tested loads with pressure guns and chronographs etc.......even all this still amounts to an "educated guess" or "projection" of what results YOU and I will get when we try the same loads in our individual rifles. This is why every reloading manual and all the loading software on the market is dripping with the words "WARNING...." The data in no software or manual can be taken as gospel.

Sure it would be interesting to know what EVERY load produced in my individual rifles, but I'm afraid I'm not interested enough to run out and buy a chronograph. I had one a few years back but never used it that much and finally sold it to someone who thought they wanted it worse than me.

Time would be a problem for me as well even if I had a chronograph. [Frown] But thanks for the thought. [Smile]

[ 07-05-2002, 02:12: Message edited by: Pecos45 ]
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Pecos it's funnt to see how that Todd bloke left after a barrage of counterfire... [Roll Eyes]
In any case, I might still nuture some doubts as to whether or not you are on comission with AEM [Wink] But I'm sold anyway.
I want to buy this program, as I don't currently own, or never have owned a ballistics/loading progran. That said, I ask you if you need any particular computer skills(which I don't have) to work it.
Thanks for the tip off.
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by EXPRESS:
Pecos it's funnt to see how that Todd bloke left after a barrage of counterfire... [Roll Eyes]
In any case, I might still nuture some doubts as to whether or not you are on comission with AEM [Wink] But I'm sold anyway.
I want to buy this program, as I don't currently own, or never have owned a ballistics/loading progran. That said, I ask you if you need any particular computer skills(which I don't have) to work it.
Thanks for the tip off.

OK, Express, I'll fess up. AEM bought me that sexy Italian sports car I've been needing and has given me unlimited use of their company jet and all I had to do was write this bumbling little post for Accurate Reloading to get this.
[Big Grin] Pretty sweet deal huh?

Only problem is it ain't true! You're making me tell lies like the Toddster now. [Eek!]

Seriously, you really don't need any great computer skills to use the program. It's very intuitive and works about like any other Windows based program. If you can use any of them, you'll not have trouble with this.

There is a nice little manual included with the program that will walk you thru most things and many features of the program are obvious how to work them.

My only problems with Accuload have been the result of my own stupidity, I'm ashamed to say.
There is an old saying among computer geeks that goes like this: Garbage is...garbage out. Naturally if you enter a bunch of dumb data, you're going to get some dumb answers and error messages.

But I rank myself on a skill and intelligence level with most average 5th grade school kids, and I'm getting pretty good with Accuload! (If you don't mind me bragging a bit. [Big Grin] )

It really is a vast program and if a guy wants to set it up this way, he can keep track of what color socks he wore to the rifle range on any particular day. [Roll Eyes]

I'm sorry for my bubbling enthusiasm about this product. My motivation is not the non-existant sports car and company jet. Instead I'm afraid I'm just like a kid in a candy store with a nickle in his hand. (Make that a 5$ bill to adjust for inflation [Big Grin] ) Anyway, Accuload is a hell of a new toy for me and I figure there are a LOT of shooters out there who can make damn good use of it as well.

Will you use every feature in Accuload? I doubt it. There are too many! But that's better than not having enough. You CAN just use what you want and set the program up to do what's important to you. That's good enough for me to get excited...even without the car and jet. [Cool]

[ 07-05-2002, 02:35: Message edited by: Pecos45 ]
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Pecos 45, it was only a suggestion. Would you be willing to run some calculations for me with this software? If so please contact me via email.

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pecos45:
Hi Pecos 45,
I would have to agree with you about the accomplishments they have made with the Accuload Soft ware. It is so complete in detail that the bench rest shooters should have a copy of this program just for the records it enables them to keep and the references available. I was given the opportunity to participate with the Beta testing but wasn't much help due to a very poor computer that had problems running the original program and a lack of computer skills at the time. I'm really glad to hear that they have their program out for load pressures with a variety of different powders and bullets. This is the portion that I thought would be of the most interest to myself but it wasn't up at the time. If they did as good a job with this portion as the rest of the program I could fully understand your anticipation. I send my best wishes to Ed and the crew and hope they have great success with their product.

470 Mbogo
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
Pecos45. would you check CalcuLoader and see if any of these calibers are listed.
25-06 AI
257 STW
257 Weatherby
thanks a bunch
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Hello again,
It's a little quieter now, so perhaps I can complete the post I started earlier.

Express...Pecos45 isn't on our payroll or receiving a kickback. He will receive a free copy of version 2, just like everyone else, but if I'm ever down his way, the first mug of fresh kool-aide is on me. Probably the next two or three as well! Of even greater importance is knowing that he's pleased enough with our software to go out of his way to inform his friends and open himself for the abuse and accusations that he's so graciously endured on our behalf. I recall his emails and the phone call where we covered how certain features work. He often refers to version 2, which isn't a sales pitch. In our emails and phone conversation, I would answer his questions by opening up my copy, which is the "version 2 in progress", so I would have to name off the tabs of fields I saw to find out where he was in the software. He isn't the only person with whom I've spoken at great length to describe our program and what it can do. Some have gotten the software and some have not. Their choice. I often send data pulled from our software for whomever asks for it. Not just in this country either. Many from Australia where ADI powders reign as king of the mountian. I have often told those that purchase our product that if they have a problem or an idea, tell me. If you're happy and feel that you've received more value than you paid for, then tell everyone. With the cost of commercial advertising so high, we rely primarily on word of mouth by satisfied customers. Evidently, Pecos45 took this to heart. He just happens to have a lot of friends.

Pecos45 had several ideas to improve CalcuLoader and AccuLoad. Some were already in version 1 where he hadn't found them, yet. Others were already in version 2. Still others we could do and have done. One in particular was really super for hunters, but we're too close to starting the beta test of version 2 to incorporate into the new version. It will be done in our next version or issued as an update to version 2. AccuLoad version 2 isn't some far off, nebulous date in the future. It's already three days late entering beta. Our self-imposed goal was 1 July, but we added so many new things our programmer probably won't speak to the rest of us for months! We are still hopeful for the end of this week or next week.
Someone asked about a 45-90. The .45-90 Winchester is in the version 2 cartridge database.
I'm a sucker for a wildcat cartridge and there are a bunch of them in both the version 1 database and a lot more in version 2. Naturally, it's not all inclusive, but we are trying. There's so many Ackley's alone that I know I missed a lot of them that are somewhat common. We just had to stop somewhere.
I will try to answer as many questions as I can, but may have to delay some answers until I have the opportunity to discuss the answer with the programmer. In my opinion, he's the best programmer around and, as a shooter and hunter, he knows what we're looking for. That's a big plus.

BER007 - thank you for the early morning link to this thread. My wife thinks that you're so nice that we should adopt you. I never argue with my wife...or Critter Chick....and I never carry a knife to a gun fight!
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Cartridge Version 1 Version 2
.25-06 AI No Yes
.25-.284 Win Yes Yes
.257 STW Yes Yes
.257 Weatherby Yes Yes
6.5-.284 Win Yes Yes
6.5-.284 Norma Yes Yes
7mm STW Yes Yes
7mm RUM Yes Yes

470 Mbogo - Dave, good to hear from you again. Thank you for the kind wishes and good words. If memory serves me correct, you loaded AccuLoad OK on a friend's PC, but headed off on a hunt and were several beta releases behind when you returned. I hope things went well for you. I've answered several posts on our web site about running data calculations on the 470 Mbogo. To a man, they seem to be impressed with it's performance.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Mbogo - I just checked out your website and you've got some impressive stuff there. It sounds to me like you need to jack up the old computer and put a powerful new machine beneath it. [Big Grin]

[ 07-05-2002, 04:59: Message edited by: Pecos45 ]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Russell E. Taylor
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How are wildcats entered? I have a .444 Marlin wildcat necked down to .35 caliber, but it has more body and a shorter neck than the .358 Bellm. Does the user just enter, say, neck length, overall length, "base" cartridge, and caliber of the new cartridge?

Also... do you have a few loads for the .280 Ackley Improved?


Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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To enter a wildcat in the cartridge database, you would have to enter the name, collection (wildcat), bullet diameter and that's it. Of course, you won't get much use out of it. I don't mean to sound flippant, just factual. To make it useful, you'd need capacity, case length and OAL length. You can record every external case dimension you want, there are fields for them all.
If you are speaking of calculating a load, call up the .444 Marlin cartridge, change the bullet diameter to .358, change the case length, change the OAL length and case capacity and click on the calculate button.
I captured some screen shots of the cartridge file for you and ran data on the .280 AI for a 130-gr Sierra Pro-Hunter. Both are saved as PDF files. Email me your email or postal address and I'll send them to you tomorrow, either by email or snail mail.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by HockeyPuck:
Hi Ed,
It's great to see your posting here. You will be able to offer a great amount of knowledge to the forum. My work takes me all over the country and I kept getting sent off for two and three week periods as well as a hunting trip. I'm truly sorry I couldn't have been more help to you guys but you've developed a great overall program and I thank you again for including my cartridge in your data base.

Take good care,
470 Mbogo
Posts: 1247 | Location: Sechelt B.C. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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My question is , does Calcuload work similar to Quickload , in that you enter your own powder and charge/bullet combination , and it kicks out a pressure number , or does it generate a range of loads for a particular powder , with pressure numbers for the ligh and low end of recomended loads ?

Will Calcuload ,like Quickload , enable you to enter data from your own gun such as length of throat , bore and groove dimentions a, and rate of twist ?
Posts: 1660 | Location: Gary , SD | Registered: 05 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I have not used Quickload, so I can only address how CalcuLoader performs. With CalcuLoader you select a cartridge from a list of cartridges or input your own data. If you are using CalcuLoader from inside AccuLoad, you can select a bullet from the AccuLoad bullet database which will pull the weight and length from the database, otherwise, you will have to enter it. The case capacity has to be entered, if not pulled from the db. Input the OAL and barrel length and click on calculate. CalcuLoader calculates which poweders in its database are optimum for that cartridge and presents a listing graphically and in table form for those powders. For each powder a starting load and maximum load is calculated. It gives charge weight for each, load density, percentage of case capacity used, pressure, velocity and energy. You have the option of selecting a single powder from that list or selecting multiple powders from the list which also includes powders that are slower and faster, but still close to optimum and recalculating for just that powder or those selected powders. The graph is graduated, so you will have to extrapolate the position of your load to the pressure graph, if you're interested in a closer value. It does not give you the option of inserting a single powder and charge weight and calculating on that single value.
AccuLoad enables you to enter data for length of throat, bore and groove dimensions, weight, rate of twist, etc. These values are used by AccuLoad when computing the various ballistic functions. CalcuLoader does not use these values in its computation of estimated powder charges.
In the design of CalcuLoader we thought that a safe range of loads from very safe to less safe, but not dangerous, would be what folks would want. A comfortable range of values to start from and a warning zone. All other values would be obtained from the range data recorded on firing the work-up loads. Thus the focus on ballistic data generation and less focus on making the calculated charge weight an exact feature. It never occured to us (well, me, to be more precise) that a shooter would want, or expect, an exact charge weight for a load. The view was "Give me a safe range and I'll load some up and try them out to see what is the most accurate." Once the accuracy feature was obtained, work up the ballistics to see how it will perform under various conditions that I may, or may not, encounter in the field , but be unable to simulate at the range.
If other customers express an interest in such a degree of accuracy on a calculated load, we'll work on providing that functionality for you.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by HockeyPuck:
If you are speaking of calculating a load, call up the .444 Marlin cartridge, change the bullet diameter to .358, change the case length, change the OAL length and case capacity and click on the calculate button.

Would the software understand, then, that this would be a bottleneck case made from a straightwall case? I do understand, though, that entering caliber and case capacity (water displacement, I presume), and OAL should help get a fairly decent load recommendation... and, in a roundabout way, via "case capacity," give the software some indication of neck length.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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I just ordered CalcuLoader. It's the best I could do for right now. I'll get the whole package later.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi Russ,
I answered your question as thoroughly as I could, but I defer a more complete explaination to our programmer who actually wrote the code and formulas. I will send him your question and post your reply as quickly as I can. Thank you.
Posts: 235 | Location: Ladson, SC, USA | Registered: 02 April 2002Reply With Quote
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You're welcome, and thank you, too, Ed.

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by HockeyPuck:
I have not used Quickload, so I can only address how CalcuLoader performs. Ed

Ed - I have looked at Quickload prior to my getting Accuload. Quickload costs $20 MORE than Accuload yet Quickload has few of the features contained in Accuload. [Eek!]

But that's no reason for you guys to raise your price. [Big Grin]
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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AccuLoad sounds like a great program but so far no one has mentioned any feature that can not be found on QuickLoad

[ 07-07-2002, 00:12: Message edited by: Todd Allen ]
Posts: 17 | Location: Shelbyville, Ky. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Todd Allen:
AccuLoad sounds like a great program but so far no one has mentioned any feature that can not be found on QuickLoad

Gee, I guess I must have missed where I could buy smaller modules of QuickLOAD on the NECO website. Gosh! If only I'd known before I purchased CalcuLoader for $29.99! [Eek!]

Posts: 2982 | Location: Silvis, IL | Registered: 12 May 2001Reply With Quote
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