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Craig, thank you for your service, and other remarks.
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Originally posted by Craig Boddington:
To all (including 500 grains)--
I really appreciate your interest (I guess). As a couple of folks have said, I have no idea what this has to do with hunting and shooting. I have tried very hard to keep my military and writing careers separate--only rarely do I let editors talk me into writing stuff that touches on military subjects. I really doubt that I can clear the air on this one, but I'll try.
First off, it really doesn't matter to me whether my stuff is bylined as Col. or just plain Craig. I prefer the latter, and that's the way I send in my stories. But some editors prefer the tradition of using military titles--Col. Whelen, Col. Askins, Maj. Nonte, etc.
I am very much still a Colonel, although I have been a "Brigadier General (Select)" for 30 months now (I think a Marine Corps, if not all services, record). This is confusing. It is further confused by the fact that I have now served in three General Officer billets, and although it isn't proper a lot of Marines--too many to correct on a daily basis--address me as "general" or "general select." Please note that the magazines I make my living writing for--Primedia titles (HUNTING, GUNS & AMMO, RIFLESHOOTER) have consistently kept it correct, IDing me as Col. or just plain Craig. Some of the other magazines I occasionally write for have, without my approval, "jumped the gun" and bylined me as Brigadier General. This has been embarrassing enough, but especially so in light of the situation recently in the news. The AP story quoted in this thread is factual and correct. MARINE TIMES had a more detailed version, sorry but I'm not sophisticated enough on a computer to know how to post it! In short, I was improperly "frocked." The matter is absolutely concluded insofar as the Department of Defense, Department of the Navy, and the Marine Corps is concerned, and I have some expectation, although no certainty, that in due time I may still be promoted.
Regrettably, none of the newspaper stories commented on whether I did a good job or not, and few dwelled upon the fact that my superiors, who are very good leaders and fine officers, took the action that they took, albeit improper, based on their assessment of the tactical situation at that time. No reports mentioned that, at the conclusion of the six-month deployment I volunteered for, I voluntarily extended in theater at the request of my superiors, and remained there for another four months until (as reported) the investigation triggered my replacement. For those who understand military jargon, I was not "relieved for cause" (fired); I was replaced four months after I was due to be replaced, received the best Performance Evaluation (Fitness Report) of my career, and was recommended for an award (which I may or may not receive, for obvious reasons). I conducted an orderly turnover with my relief before returning to the States (wearing eagles) and resuming my duties there. I "deactivated" at my request six weeks later and went on a desert sheep hunt, then returned and continued to serve through July (on drills and short-term orders) as Deputy Commanding General I Marine Expeditionary Force (Camp Pendleton), as a Colonel or BGen(sel), whichever you prefer.
However, the facts of the situation are that my frocking was improper. The investigation determined that I "permitted myself to be frocked" improperly, and I, together with my superiors, were held accountable. My part in this was concluded in a private meeting with the Acting Secretary of the Navy. I am satisfied with the outcome, and I regret the embarrassment to the Marine Corps. What was done was done without malice and without any expectation of personal gain (in my case, quite the opposite--I knew that the ultimate result could well be that I would never be promoted). We, my superiors and I, were focused on the mission (as Marines tend to do). We accomplished our mission, but we erred in this aspect of our methodology. Although I have no control over this, I do hope that the Senate will confirm me and that I will be promoted and allowed to continue to serve. Failing confirmation and promotion, I will soon reach 30 years of commissioned service and mandatory retirement as a Colonel (or BGen(sel), whichever you prefer). As I said, this matter has been formally and properly concluded--so can we just get back to hunting and shooting???
One final comment, with a story:
Charlie Askins was a good friend of mine--my mother knew him (and had a crush on him) in the 1930's. He could be the consummate old world gentleman, and he could also be an irascible old cuss. One time at a show a young fellow came up to him and said, "Mr. Askins, I've read your stuff all my life and I'm so pleased to meet you."
Charlie immediately replied, "Son, in the Army we address warrant officers as 'Mister,' and that's a rank I've never held." And he turned and walked away.
I really don't care what you call me, and I wouldn't do that to anyone (well, I wouldn't now. I don't know what I might do when I'm 80). But I really do prefer plain old Craig. "Col." works just fine for now if you wish, but "Mr." makes me feel REALLY OLD!
Best wishes to all, and to most of you, my sincere thanks for your support.
Semper Fi,
Plain Old Craig

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Craig, I'll, leave the issue of military rank out of this - I understand very little of this anyway. But let me say, the impression I have have always got of you, and which is reinforced by the above post, is one of a complete gentleman. I'll just leave it at that.

Had not seen that post 500grains, I kind'a got a bit fed up with the other CB threads. Thanks for posting that. Good on you, mate!
- mike
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I would like to thank you for 27 years of dedicated service personal sacrifice that you have given this nation through the U.S. Marine Corps. Reserve. It is seldom enough that citizens thank our armed forces for what they do for us, and I would like to thank you and all of the other fine men and women in uniform for all that they have done.

I was going to let a dead horse breathe its last breath, but for reading your response above, which must be the most disingenuous piece that I have seen in recent times. Some specific comments are below.

As a couple of folks have said, I have no idea what this has to do with hunting and shooting. I have tried very hard to keep my military and writing careers separate...
You must think that your rank and hunting/shooting are related because you have been signing your writing with your rank for years, so the above statement does not ring true. Especially when a certain magazine where you are an editor places your rank on articles...

Certainly if you requested publishers to publish your works under 'just plain Craig' as you indicated is your wish, they would respect that wish. But when words and practice differ, I find practice more persuasive.

Please note that the magazines I make my living writing for--Primedia titles (HUNTING, GUNS & AMMO, RIFLESHOOTER) have consistently kept it correct, IDing me as Col. or just plain Craig.
Please see the HUNTING magazine website for a counter-example.

In short, I was improperly "frocked."
This is misleading to the point of deception. First, Marine Corps. regulations are printed in black and white and are very clear that an officer is not to assume flag rank without Congressional approval. We are not talking about a battlefield elevation of a corporal to a sergeant here, and Congress retains ultimate control of promotion to flag rank. Both the regulations and the authority of Congress are well known, and could not possibly have been a secret to any of the individuals involved. The regulations were simply disregarded. Perhaps you can advise us on whether orders which contravene both Marine Corps. regulations and the authority of Congress are to be carried out. Apparently the Marine Corps. thinks not.

Second, a man of character will take responsibility for his mistakes rather than shifting the blame to another. I am disappointed to see that you blame this entire debacle on "improper frocking" rather than admitting that in the excitement of an imminent promotion to flag rank coupled with a bit of personal pride and ego, you acceded to the enthusiasm of General Hailston. Regardless, as a citizen of this country I would be more impressed with the character of a man who would like to hold flag rank if he admitted to the mistake rather than claiming he was 'just following orders'. We did not accept that excuse at Auschwitz, and Marine Corps. regulations are written to prevent such an excuse from being employed.

Regrettably, none of the newspaper stories commented on whether I did a good job or not, and few dwelled upon the fact that my superiors, who are very good leaders and fine officers, took the action that they took, albeit improper, based on their assessment of the tactical situation at that time.
Irrelevant, since it was a clear and blatant violation of Marine Corps. regulations. Better to have done a good job within the scope of the Marine Corps. own rules.

What was done was done without malice and without any expectation of personal gain (in my case, quite the opposite--I knew that the ultimate result could well be that I would never be promoted).
There is no need to fall upon your sword. Certainly the USMC has at least one B.Gen. who could have legally filled the billet. Simply pointing out the impropriety of General Hailston's idea of an impromptu frocking to him could have resolved the entire issue.

30 months must be a very long time to wait for the Senate to take action, and my sympathies for the distraction that it must cause. Best wishes in all that you do incluidng achieving whatever rank that you may aspire to.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Oh boy, here we go again. I have a feeling I'll tire of this thread pretty quickly as well. Ah well, what did I expect?
- mike
Posts: 6653 | Location: Switzerland | Registered: 11 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Persistent little shit aren't ya.
Posts: 2753 | Location: Climbing the Mountains of Liberal BS. | Registered: 31 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Found another guy to pick on, 500whines? Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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500grains: Geez, can't ya drop it? This garbage has nothing to do with hunting or shooting. The only thing you show is how small your pea brain really is. If you disagree with something Craig Boddington has written, you ought to show enough intelligence to disagree in a constructive manner. The Col.'s military duties/responsibilities have nothing to do with his writing. Would think you could show a little more respect. If you've got the time to vent your rath here, maybe the time would be better spent at the range popping some caps. My $0.02 & probably not worth that. Bear in Fairbanks
Posts: 1544 | Location: Fairbanks, Ak., USA | Registered: 16 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm not a very religious man, but this seems to fit the situation:

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, `Let me remove the speck that is in your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye! Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck that is in your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:1-5)

Words of wisdom no matter what faith you practice.

-Bob F.
Posts: 3485 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 22 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dutch:

Or, 500 Gripes...
Posts: 3523 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Well JEEZUS!! This is a hunting site. You wanna bitch about the man's frocking, take it to or some such shit. The man just said he does what he can to keep the hunting and the military parts of his life separate, and you are intentionally mixing the two up right here. Can't ya just freaking DROP IT?
Posts: 425 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Folks, nobody wants to let this die more than I do. So this is my final post on the subject. No, I do not have control over what editors call me, or much of anything else they do. Editorial titles actually mean very little in my business, except for one: Editor. I did that job for a long time, but have been out of the office for 10 years. The masthead carries a title that ends in "editor", but regardless of the implication, I edit nothing. I simply write for the magazines, and I send my stories in with " by Craig Boddington." Some Editors (capital "E") desire to use the military title as a matter of tradition. Some don't. I don't care and I don't argue about it. Not worth it. If any Primedia entity has ID'd me as anything above a Colonel I am not aware of it (shoot, guys, I don't see half my own stories, let alone what's on the websites)--but it is in error and needs to be corrected.
As to the rest, I don't know if anyone else was available--or as qualified--for that specific job over there or not. Not my call. I was asked to volunteer for it, and I did.
The part of this that I didn't mention, and hasn't been made clear, is that the long delay in my promotion has been due to "headspace." Not the cartridge one, but the fact that all branches of service are limited to a specific number of general/flag officers. In the Marine Corps Reserve we are allowed just ten; there has long been a backlog, we're chronically short of general officers, and our "BGen(sel)'s" are almost immediately put into one-star billets (as selected Colonels). I would have waited quite a while anyway, but after 11 September retirements came to a standstill. Legal "Frocking" (wear the rank but don't get the pay) is an option, and does indeed require Senate confirmation. When I was given the assignment in Kuwait my superiors understood (obviously erroneously!) that I would be confirmed in a matter of days, and while headspace would not have allowed promotion, proper frocking would have followed immediately. Unfortunately confirmation didn't happen, and probably the expectation that it was going to was altogether erroneous. Whatever. I have accepted my portion of the blame for the improper frocking. I accept that 500 Grains is a better--or at least smarter--man than I am and would have figured out a better course of action. I did not, and have accepted the consequences. Finally, after 30 months, I am Number 11 on the 10-person list, and if the Senate chooses to confirm me I will be promoted relatively quickly. If the Senate chooses not to confirm me because of what transpired, I will have to accept that as well. Now, that really is my final word on this subject. Appreciate all the kind words, and I don't mind the potshots. Goes with the territory.
Posts: 265 | Location: central california | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Craig,whenever you deal with an inbred buttfuck like 500grains. You'll end up with an inbred thread.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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500Grains: useless, jealous fuck.
Posts: 2206 | Location: USA | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm a big fan and really enjoy your writing. Hope you take a break from hunting now & then to drop in and post. If you think this is bad, you should stick around and participate in one of the ".270 Win isn't adequate for Elk" aguments that go on. I know from your writing how much you'll enjoy that one in particular [Wink] .

Best Regards,

Posts: 333 | Location: Dallas, TX, USA | Registered: 15 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Craig - welcome to AR, look forward to your contributions to the various knowledge / experience arenas - KMule
Posts: 1300 | Location: Alaska.USA | Registered: 15 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I've read most of the threads where you have been under attack and wish those involved would just bury it and move on. However, this being a mirror of society in general there always seems to be one or two that can't let it go. For this I am sorry and would hope all of this will not keep you from posting on AR in the future. Hunting sites need people of your credentials to participate and I for one would welcome you to post on the African section and bring some of your experience in that sector of hunting.

BTW: We haven't spoke in many years but I remember a conversation we had long ago about elk hunting when you were working with Art Kolp of Int. Hunting Consultants.
Posts: 1148 | Location: The Hunting Fields | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by craig boddington:
I accept that 500 Grains is a better--or at least smarter--man than I am and would have figured out a better course of action.

That would make more sense if I read it in a Pat McManus story. [Smile] (no offence to Pat McManus, more of a compliment to his abilities at writing humor).

POC (Plain Old Craig), thanks for taking the time to explain your side of the story. I was not personally concerned about your military issues (none of my business, really), but as a member and "representative" of this website I do appreciate your efforts in adressing the concerns of the petty individuals that frequent this site (every site has a few). A totally unnecessary thing to do, and appreciated all the more because of it.

I sincerely hope that you will continue to visit our forums and look forward to "seeing you around" AR. Your experience and knowledge will be very sincerely appreciated by the vast majority of our members, I am sure.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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500 grains is a closet faggot,that wants to suck boddingtons dick,but he's just playing hard to get.

As a service to this board,I'm going to ask Mr. Boddington,if he'll just let 500grains of faggot love come over to his house and blow him.

There you go 500grains,your faggot crush on Boddington is out of the bag.
Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Pay no mind Craig, there have been a few Brevit Generals around, some of them turned out pretty good , Like Joshua Lawrance Chamberlin and yep George Armstrong Custer, Adelbert Ammes just to mention a couple. Ok they were Army types and not Marines. As for your Star, they would have never had done that if you were not going to be a General. To become a BG you have to get a 100 % thumbs up from the promotion board as you know. This is nothing but one of the little speed bumps on the road of life.
Posts: 1070 | Location: East Haddam, CT | Registered: 16 July 2000Reply With Quote
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I think that I can conclude something from the quality of the opposition:

Originally posted by RMK:
Craig,whenever you deal with an inbred buttfuck like 500grains. You'll end up with an inbred thread.

Originally posted by Orion 1:
500Grains: useless, jealous fuck.

Originally posted by RMK:
500 grains is a closet faggot,that wants to suck boddingtons dick,but he's just playing hard to get.

As a service to this board,I'm going to ask Mr. Boddington,if he'll just let 500grains of faggot love come over to his house and blow him.

There you go 500grains,your faggot crush on Boddington is out of the bag.

Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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This thread and others like it are a complete embarasment. I enjoy visiting this sight and these forums to learn about a sport I very much enjoy. In my opinion these few threads have nothing to do with why I visit here. Everyone's hunting and shooting experience is appreciated in my opinion and I like to add what I agree with to my experience (which I consider limited). There are some who seem to feel brave posting behind a mask, which is unfortunate. I disagree with what 500grains has done here (completely). However, his last post is right on the money. That kind of foul attack goes against everything I stand for and is appalling. It does however say alot about the poster and their values.

Posts: 2659 | Location: Southwestern Alberta | Registered: 08 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 500grains:
I think that I can conclude something from the quality of the opposition:

Originally posted by RMK:
Craig,whenever you deal with an inbred buttfuck like 500grains. You'll end up with an inbred thread.

Originally posted by Orion 1:
500Grains: useless, jealous fuck.

Originally posted by RMK:
500 grains is a closet faggot,that wants to suck boddingtons dick,but he's just playing hard to get.

As a service to this board,I'm going to ask Mr. Boddington,if he'll just let 500grains of faggot love come over to his house and blow him.

There you go 500grains,your faggot crush on Boddington is out of the bag.

None of that changes the fact that you are a petty little loser, who was apparently sodomized by the cop and the soldier of the Village People. [Big Grin]

[ 09-18-2003, 03:02: Message edited by: Orion 1 ]
Posts: 2206 | Location: USA | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I haven't frequented this site for a while, but am impressed that Craig Boddington would take the time to visit here. Some of these internet enthusiast sites can get pretty malicious, and I see some of you getting pretty profane in reply. Y'all show some class. Appreciate what's good here and ignore those that try to stir the pot for its own sake. Of course if you do, and this is a long shot, you'll be the first site I have visited to do so. Enjoy the sport, respect one another, peace. Mike.
Posts: 140 | Location: Irmo, SC | Registered: 16 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Hey Craig, let us know how your pronghorn hunt went when you get back? OOOOOPS am I on the wrong forum for hunting.
Posts: 105 | Location: Gulfport MS | Registered: 04 July 2002Reply With Quote
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500 grams

Posts: 2034 | Registered: 14 June 2003Reply With Quote
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500 grains, thank you I needed that. I just got home from a long stressful day and needed a laugh. Your stupidity has again made me laugh out loud while reading it. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] It goes along with your stupid posts about how the 270 is totally inadequate for elk because you can�t kill one with a 416. [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Posts: 2339 | Location: Moses Lake WA | Registered: 17 October 2000Reply With Quote
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500 grains,

Remember how you got stung buying Teenut's action. You made many postings on what you saw as an injustice.

Can I make a suggestion to you?

Why not use all the energy and capabilities that have allowed you to put your various big bore rifles together to the good use of moving you further forward.

Personally, I think Craig Boddington's articles are not much more than factory ballistic quotings. However, he will have done a lot to get where he is. He is not writing to satisfy readers such as you and I.

Again, use your energies and talents to move forwars as opposed to trying to justify your position on the ladder of life.


PS. I think you will find Boddington knows far more than his articles would indicate. His arrticles are directed at an audience. He would (I am sure) assume that people like yourself are far enough advanced in guns and hunting to know how it all works.
Posts: 7206 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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John M. Browning once looked at a new rifle and looked back at his wife and said, "I can build a better lever action then that". His wife replied "then do it", and he did!

I see a couple guys in this thread who talk a good story but it ends there. Do you still not see what the military has to do with hunting? Do you think that Mr. Browning could answer that if he were still around? What is the single rifle that has taken more deer than any other in the US, and who designed it? Could it be the model 94? Designed by the same man who gave us the BAR, 50mm cannons, remington autoloaders and over 120 other patents on weapons for both hunting AND military use.. Isnt that wierd?? Where is the correlation?? [Confused]

Is accuracy not at the forefront of disgussions in this forum and a huge headliner in hunting? Where was the man who shot JFK trained to shoot? Could it be that same institution that fires more rounds EVERY DAY than any other in the world??

You really are a petty little dipshit 500G. Until you prove that you can write better material than Craig why dont you go piss up a rope.

[ 09-18-2003, 08:01: Message edited by: Wstrnhuntr ]
Posts: 10169 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Can anyone say; "500 Groans"...
Posts: 3523 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Thanks for taking the time to visit our forum. I hope this thread does not discourage you from returning. Please do. In any future visits don't feel any need to respond to this c-r-a-p any further. For those of us willing to listen you have already went above and beyond the call of duty to lay out an explanation for what is really none of our business. For those of us who are not willing to listen anyway, your revisiting it further is unlikely to be constructive. Topic closed as far as I'm concerned.

I'm sure that the majority of us, if we were to find ourselves seated next to you on an airline flight, that we would quickly find something much more meaningful and rewarding to discuss --- like hunting, adventure, camp, travel, and firearms!


[ 09-18-2003, 09:47: Message edited by: ELKampMaster ]
Posts: 289 | Location: Denver, Colorado | Registered: 16 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I just pray that we all are not plagued to loose the experience you have to offer, the gentlemanly manor that you have written in here, and in your magazine articles, and the experiences that you might share with us in the future, all based on the negativity given you by one person ( 500 Grains).

People who have served in our armed forces, give us the right to exercise our first amendment right of free speech. 500 grains does have the right to say whatever he feels he needs to say, because people in Craig's capacity have defended his right to live in a nation to do so. I am just at a loss to understand why 500 grains has to abuse his first amendment right so much, attacking someone who is a gentleman and been one of the people who have given him the existance of that freedom and right.

Those that attack 500 grains are not right either. Ignoring him is the best thing you can do. Craig shows us that he is a gentleman because he has not criticized or attacked 500 grains back. I am sure deep down he must be fighting the urge to bite his tongue.

We all should take example from Craig if we really respect both him and what he stands for. what this country stands for.

500 grains is much like the hippies spitting on the returning soldiers from Vietnam. By the grace of God, they are still living, and those they attacked resisted the urges of just taking them in the alley and beating the life out of them./

Craig in the attacks you have gotten from 500 grains ( it is evident he is anti military), You have shown what Integrity is, by not stooping down to his level. I pray you continue to grace the rest of us, with your presence and your experiences.
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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WesternHunter is correct. Also, the use of a man's military rank as a title even in a sporting article is well established. Can everyone say Col. Townsend. Perhaps it was to give additional credence to the authors firearms expertize. Or perhaps, quite correctly, it is a title he has earned and has a right to display. Whether on a business card, the door to his office at a Ad agency or on a sporting article.

500, I think you should be given a field promotion to troll, first class. You, quite apparently, have too much time on your hands as Asst Night Mgr down at the Quik Shop.
Posts: 2037 | Location: frametown west virginia usa | Registered: 14 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Yes, I'm about to bleed to death from biting my tongue. It ain't easy, but I try not to be thin-skinned. It goes with the territory, and that's the way it is. Needless to say, since I'm the one under attack I think 500 Grains is an incredible jerk (my tongue feels better now), and I wonder what in the world I did (other than being born) to piss him off. But he is entitled to his opinion. I really, really appreciate all the kind words and support from all of you. I need them right now--the last 18 months have been the most difficult time of my life (10 months overseas, knowing the whole time this thing would blow up sooner or later--and the last 8 wondering what the outcome would be), and it ain't truly over until I know whether the Senate will confirm me or not. That said, some of the comments made, albeit in my behalf, are a bit rough for a site like this that can be accessed by your kids and my kids. I think we should keep it clean and fight fair. Come to think of it, I don't think we should fight at all. The most objectionable comment 500 grains made isn't about me, but his use of the word "opposition." Opposing teams? Opposing armies? Opposing political parties? I didn't know we were opponents here! I thought we were all hunters and shooters sharing views on a subject we love (which, for damn sure, shouldn't be my personal life!).
Re. the .270 and elk. You guys know I'm a big bore guy on elk. Prefer .30's and over, especially the 8 mag and the .33's, up to the .35's. However, it's worth nothing that, of the 20 or so bull elk I've taken, the longest shot and the bull that dropped the most quickly with a body shot (as opposed to neck/spine) was taken with a .270 Winchester and 150-grain Nosler Partition. Hmmmmmmmmm . . . . . . . . . . .
Off to shoot an antelope, then a quick elk hunt. Maybe when I get back we can talk about something else!
Regards to all, Craig
Posts: 265 | Location: central california | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by craig boddington:
Maybe when I get back we can talk about something else!

I for one am looking forward to it.

Best of luck in both your professional situation and your forthcoming hunts.

Posts: 7122 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Col. Boddington, glad to see you finally stopped biting your tounge! I would have let him have it a lot earlier than you did.

As for you promotion, I am sure the politicians will approve your star. You are more than deserving of it!

As for elk cartridges, do you think the 8mm Mauser loaded with Norma 196gr Vulkans at 2525 fps is enough for elk? Just curious as is it the little brother of the 8mm Rem Mag.

Otherwise, thanks again for your many years of service. I did 10 with the Army and that was enough for me.
Posts: 66 | Registered: 06 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by craig boddington:
Yes, I'm about to bleed to death from biting my tongue. It ain't easy, but I try not to be thin-skinned. It goes with the territory, and that's the way it is. Needless to say, since I'm the one under attack I think 500 Grains is an incredible jerk (my tongue feels better now), and I wonder what in the world I did (other than being born) to piss him off. But he is entitled to his opinion. I really, really appreciate all the kind words and support from all of you. I need them right now--the last 18 months have been the most difficult time of my life (10 months overseas, knowing the whole time this thing would blow up sooner or later--and the last 8 wondering what the outcome would be), and it ain't truly over until I know whether the Senate will confirm me or not. That said, some of the comments made, albeit in my behalf, are a bit rough for a site like this that can be accessed by your kids and my kids. I think we should keep it clean and fight fair. Come to think of it, I don't think we should fight at all. The most objectionable comment 500 grains made isn't about me, but his use of the word "opposition." Opposing teams? Opposing armies? Opposing political parties? I didn't know we were opponents here! I thought we were all hunters and shooters sharing views on a subject we love (which, for damn sure, shouldn't be my personal life!).
Re. the .270 and elk. You guys know I'm a big bore guy on elk. Prefer .30's and over, especially the 8 mag and the .33's, up to the .35's. However, it's worth nothing that, of the 20 or so bull elk I've taken, the longest shot and the bull that dropped the most quickly with a body shot (as opposed to neck/spine) was taken with a .270 Winchester and 150-grain Nosler Partition. Hmmmmmmmmm . . . . . . . . . . .
Off to shoot an antelope, then a quick elk hunt. Maybe when I get back we can talk about something else!
Regards to all, Craig

opposition: a person or group of persons that opposes, criticizes, or protests.

Nonetheless Craig, I wish you the best. An error of judgment should not haunt you forever, but I expected better of flag rank. It is disappointing to see how irrationally people act when asked to something quite simple, like comply with written rules. You have quite a strong fan club here, and they know quite a lot of profanity, so I wonder if they served in the navy. Have a good hunt.

[ 09-18-2003, 23:13: Message edited by: 500grains ]
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm Happy to see you on this site. Sorry you have to deal with people like 500 grains. The things we have to go through in our lives, hopefully they make us grow some how.
I am also a big bore kinda guy. I Just got back from Wyoming, where I got my ninth Elk. I shot him with my 338 RUM pushing a 250 gr. Swift-A-Frame. At max. vel. of 3050 fps. The Bull was standing at about 200 yards when I gave him three pounds of throttle. Let me tell you,that Bull looked like a freight train hit him. Bamm Slammed Him.
It would be nice to see you on here now and again. We could talk hunting and such. Best of luck this year. I hope you have a great hunting season. You are always welcome at my camp fire.
Hammerdown <Randy>
Posts: 146 | Location: Northern California | Registered: 06 January 2003Reply With Quote
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More eloquence from the opposition:

Originally posted by 475Guy:
500 grams


Originally posted by Wstrnhuntr:

You really are a petty little dipshit 500G. Until you prove that you can write better material than Craig why dont you go piss up a rope.

[ 09-18-2003, 23:18: Message edited by: 500grains ]
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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oops, duplicate.

[ 09-18-2003, 23:02: Message edited by: 500grains ]
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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That said, some of the comments made, albeit in my behalf, are a bit rough for a site like this that can be accessed by your kids and my kids. I think we should keep it clean and fight fair.

Unfortunately, you're wasting your time with the above here. [Frown]

Good luck on the prairie goat hunt. -TONY
Posts: 3269 | Location: Glendale, AZ | Registered: 28 July 2003Reply With Quote
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