Moderators: Canuck
Re: I Went, I Saw, I Liked....
Picture of Bakes
Can't see your pic's Ann
Posts: 7987 | Location: Bloody Queensland where every thing is 20 years behind the rest of Australia! | Registered: 25 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Stock up on cream of mushroom soup, green jello and those little marshmallows. Then learn to use them all in the same dish, ya'.

Application for Minnesota Citizenship

Personal Information:
Name ___________________son
Sex: ___ Ole ___ Lena

Home Address ________________ Cabin Address ________________

Religion: _____ Lutheran ______ Catholic

Income: ____We do OK ____We're Blessed ____None of your beeswax

Qualifications: (check all that apply)
___ I own a gas powered ice auger.
___ Fargo floods hit a little close to home.
___ I can name a dozen celebrities who've stayed at the Mayo
___ I can name a dozen celebrities who've stayed at Hazelton
___ I've been trick or treating in two feet of snow.
___ My grandmother made me eat lutefisk. ___ I liked it!
___ I've been to a block party.
___ My first beer was an Old Milwaukee.
___ My snowmobile has more miles on it than my car.
___ I have a back up set of jumper cables in my trunk.
___ Despite what everyone else says I DON'T HAVE AN ACCENT! (For sure,
you bet I don't.)

True/ False:
___ I actually listen to telemarketers.
___ "Have a Nice Day" is an ORDER!
___ TV news anchors are celebrities.
___ Part of my tongue is on a flagpole somewhere.
___ It's not a rubber binder! It's a rubber band.
___ They mistake pop for "soda" or "coke" in most other states.
___ Hot Dish is neither a beautiful woman nor an overheated plate.
___ Paw is both a hand and the male parent.

Multiple Choice:
It's time to wear a hat when.
A) The temperature is below 10 degrees.
B) Your mother tells you to!
C) The temperature is -10 and the wind chill is in double digits.

Essay Question:
What "UFF-DA" means to me ____________________________________

You know you're from Minnesota when.....

Your idea of a traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a tractor.
"Vacation" means going to Brainerd for the weekend.
You measure distance in hours.
You know several people who have hit deer more than once.
You often switch from "heat" to "a/c" in the same day.
You use a down comforter in the summer.
Your grandparents drive 65 mph through 13 feet of snow during a blizzard, without flinching.
You see people wearing hunting clothes to social events.
You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both doors unlocked.
You think of the major food groups as venison, walleye, and Old Milwaukee..
You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them.
There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at the grocery store at any given time.
You design your kids Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
You think sexy lingerie is tube socks and flannel p.j.'s.
You know all four seasons; almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction.
It takes you 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're a rush because you have to stop to talk to everyone in town.
You actually understand these jokes and forward them to all your friends from Minnesota.
Posts: 1295 | Location: 3rd Planet from the Sun | Registered: 24 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Your humor survey almost (notice, I said "almost") make me want to move there. As I like small towns, winter weather and friendly people ;-)

Posts: 626 | Location: The soggy side of Washington State | Registered: 13 July 2003Reply With Quote
Problem is, we dont' have any good mountains. We have the sawtooths, which are just basically foothills along Lake Superior, but no good mountains where Elk and Sheep and Goats Live. Otherwise, its a fairly decent place to live.

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Picture of Blacktailer
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My wife went to school there. She said they had a Norwiegan exhange student who said it was colder in Bemidji than back home in Norway! I guess it's OK if you like to shovel the weather.
Posts: 3829 | Location: Cave Creek, AZ | Registered: 09 August 2001Reply With Quote
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How about the mountains of BS with all the story telling going on?
Posts: 309 | Location: kentucky | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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