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Moderators: Aaron Neilson, ledvm
505 gibbs is an idiot
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The only thing I say to you: A foolish words, deaf ears. You pass that character.


I am Spanish

Posts: 1131 | Location: Spain (Madrid) | Registered: 11 June 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I would side with 465 H&H and Lane on this one. Add one more vote for "Yes!"

If you actually OWNED a 505 Gibbs I might could take you seriously.



psst.. Rich, your ass is showing.

I think you appear obsessed with a few other people's opinion on Lion management though.

appearances can be deceiving, especially when you have a preconceived opinion.

If this thread was designed to garner attention, you have succeeded.......

This thread was "designed" to make a point to one of the moderators of this forum, it has been made.
Posts: 5232 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
appearances can be deceiving, especially when you have a preconceived opinion.

Interesting!! A "preconceived opinion". I love the psychic abilities of people on internet forums. If my personal reading won't cost me too much how about devolging my "preconcieved opinion"?

At the very least my post will keep your personal thread alive for you. Big Grin

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He might sometimes (perhaps often) be acerbic, sarcastic and confrontational..... Often entertainingly so but I'd say he's about as far from an idiot as I can imagine.

If anything, I reckon he's got more Africa experience and uses more analytical thought than many/most of our other members.

Some might not enjoy his posts but one thing he ain't, is an idiot.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Interesting!! A "preconceived opinion". I love the psychic abilities of people on internet forums. If my personal reading won't cost me too much how about devolging my "preconcieved opinion"?

At the very least my post will keep your personal thread alive for you.

My apologies for my spelling error, I still am stuck in 2nd grade where "i before e except after c" is my guiding light, I hope you are comfortable with me "devolging" my weaknesses. sofa
Posts: 5232 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It is not just the Lion Forum topic area. 505 and his brother SmarterThanU seem to pride themselves in going from one topic area to the next and stirring the pot, does not matter tnhe subject.

They both seem to have a real big problem with issues concerning law enforcement especially in the area of dealing with poachers.

The biggest part of the problem deals with their manner of argueing, in that one of their first moves is to openly lie about whoever they are argueing with.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
Interesting!! A "preconceived opinion". I love the psychic abilities of people on internet forums. If my personal reading won't cost me too much how about devolging my "preconcieved opinion"?

At the very least my post will keep your personal thread alive for you.

My apologies for my spelling error, I still am stuck in 2nd grade where "i before e except after c" is my guiding light, I hope you are comfortable with me "devolging" my weaknesses. sofa

I wasn't bashing your spelling, hell I didn't even notice it. I'm still wondering what my preconceived opinion is. Let me know what your tarot cards say.

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
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Posts: 7645 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by shakari:
He might sometimes (perhaps often) be acerbic, sarcastic and confrontational..... Often entertainingly so but I'd say he's about as far from an idiot as I can imagine.

If anything, I reckon he's got more Africa experience and uses more analytical thought than many/most of our other members.

Some might not enjoy his posts but one thing he ain't, is an idiot.

Frankly, I don't think 505 is an "idiot" either. But, he's the one that start the post with that "tag line"????

Analytical thought is one thing, trying to prove your point, by being the loudest screamer, isn't gonna work.

If 505 and others want to put a stop to the current lion management practices, they are gonna have to prove the most available science/professional opinions at the moment, as in-accurate. Do that, and I'll be the first guy screaming right along side him.

Aaron Neilson
Global Hunting Resources
303-619-2872: Cell

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trying to prove your point, by being the loudest screamer, isn't gonna work

who is "screaming"? this is an internet forum, there is no verbal interaction.

If 505 and others want to put a stop to the current lion management practices, they are gonna have to prove the most available science/professional opinions at the moment, as in-accurate.

Who wants to "put a stop to the current lion management practices"? What are "the current lion management practices" for that matter? As far as proving "the most available science/professional opinions at the moment" innacurate, I and other "dissenters" have only contested the given scientific opinion as inaccurate when it is applied outside of its self stated study area. I have also heavily contested (and continue to contest) some peoples inaccurate interpretation and consequently presentation of the "science". I have also heavily contested what some offer as "science" but per their own description, clearly is not. I also have contested your organizations unwillingness to share access to quoted information, apparently the LCTF will filter all knowledge on this subject before disseminating it to us simpletons, and heaven forbid we question that practice. I and others have also questioned the strategy being applied in this fight (uplisting of the lion) just to be degraded by others who are clearly off base. I would say that it is one of the "leaders" of your organization who is completely unaccepting and brutally debasing of others questions and opinions if they suggest that he may be wrong.

Brad - We have put all the info, that we support, out to you and others, many, many times. My lord dude, are you blind and illiterate?

Ok, so your opinion is we/they are all wrong or "inaccurate", as you put it. OK great, then show me your "expert" supporters, the organizations, the PH organizations, etc, etc, etc, that support your theory?? Whatever it is, cause I've never seen anything concrete, other than we are ALL wrong!

Trust me, the USFWS and U.S. Interior Dept isn't going to listen to that. So, come up with some verifiable, substantial info, with qualified supporters, and I too will be with you. Until that time, you're just arguing so you can be right, but no one is listening!!!!
Posts: 5232 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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505 Gibbs quote,
Hey Walt, see below in the bold to see where Aaron answered the question I asked, get it now? Now sit quietly and let the adults talk (and yes, I use the term "adults" liberally)

505 Gibbs,

I didn't know that you had been appointed moderator of this forum and had the authority to tell anyone what to do.

In all due respect, I think that you would be taken more seriously here if you refrained from the personal attacks that seem to appear in most of your responses. Although I have to bite my tongue, I will not desend to that level in responce.

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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505 Gibbs,

I didn't know that you had been appointed moderator of this forum and had the authority to tell anyone what to do.

I am not and I do not, but I am glad to see you felt the poke in the ribs.

In all due respect, I think that you would be taken more seriously here if you refrained from the personal attacks that seem to appear in most of your responses. Although I have to bite my tongue, I will not desend to that level in responce.


Did you not quote me then ask if I was trying to prove that I am an idiot? Perhaps people should think twice before taking you too seriously if you cannot descend 2-3 levels into a conversation without completely forgeting what you said moments before.
Posts: 5232 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by 505 gibbs:
505 Gibbs,

I didn't know that you had been appointed moderator of this forum and had the authority to tell anyone what to do.

I am not and I do not, but I am glad to see you felt the poke in the ribs.

In all due respect, I think that you would be taken more seriously here if you refrained from the personal attacks that seem to appear in most of your responses. Although I have to bite my tongue, I will not desend to that level in responce.


Did you not quote me then ask if I was trying to prove that I am an idiot? Perhaps people should think twice before taking you too seriously if you cannot descend 2-3 levels into a conversation without completely forgeting what you said moments before.


I remember exactly what I said and why I said it. My comment wasn't a dig or poke in the ribs but a subtle suggestion to reread Aaron's post as what he was saying was very evident to most if not all of us. But it apparently flew right over your head.

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My comment wasn't a dig or poke in the ribs but a subtle suggestion to reread Aaron's post as what he was saying was very evident to most if not all of us. But it apparently flew right over your head.


How is it not a dig or poke in the ribs or a personal attack for that matter, to suggest that I am proving myself an idiot because I did not understand or believe what you say is "very evident" to others? There was nothing "subtle" about your statement, and to be honest, I was concerned that he meant exactly what he ended up clarifying for me and everyone else, I was just having trouble believing that a grown man would suggest such foolishness.

never the less, carry on. Roll Eyes
Posts: 5232 | Registered: 30 July 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Holy Jeebus! Not this crap again!!!

I've always considered myself a conservationist and have tried to live according to those principles. Having said that...I seriously think that I might be willing to snuff a couple dozen lion cubs myself, just to hasten their demise and hopefully ensure the demise of these threads as well.

But carry on, gents. At the very least, the level of passion displayed here, on every side (there seems to be far more than just two!), is probably beyond the capability of true idiots.


p.s. 505, congratulations on probably the most intriguing, gotta-open-that-and-read-it thread title I've seen in ages! Smiler
Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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First of all I never said that you were an idiot and I don't believe that is the case. If you inferred that from my post, that is your problem but it wasn't my intent. But that was the way that some could construe your response to Aaron. I asked a question so that you had an opportunity to clarify.

By the way, you opened this thread by asking if anyone thought you were an idiot. Then when people responded with an answer that you didn't like you resorted to personal attacks against them (to name a few, Hitler, ass showing, childish etc.) It becomes a personal attack when one resorts to talking about the person rather than the persons behavior. Behavior or statements are always open to criticism. If you didn't want truthful answers why did you start this thread? It appears (but I could be wrong about this) that you just wanted a forum to attack those that you perceive as your enemies.

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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