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1903 reciever failures
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Yes you are correct, he was there AND (if anyone bothered to read his WHOLE book), they would see he was very detailed in all areas. Count em'up, see how many are unexplained, contrast that with the 1,000,000 plus low number guns (double that of pre 64 model 70s) and drawn your own conclusions. (Old P.O. has some interesting facts on "blown up" Model 70s !)
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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This debate seems to rear it's head on every forum at least once a year with the very same argument.
I have not seen anyone in this discussion (or I missed it) say they have shot a L/N rifle.
The fact remains a low percentage of L/N rifles that were manufactured failed.

Unfortunately, Hatcher's notes have spawned a morbid fear amongst many, much like Nader condemned the Corvair. I bought one and thought it might catch fire in my garage, and believing the media, sold it. :-) Such is the hoopla surrounding any controversial subject.

Michael Petrov has done extensive testing on L/N rifles and has done everything he can to blow one up has yet been able to succeed with various receivers.

Personally, I have no problem shooting them with ammunition with the same loads they were designed for.

Posts: 14 | Registered: 01 May 2010Reply With Quote
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maybe he should hit one with a hammer instead.... Big Grin
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The photo of the one "hit with the hammer" has been around for decades and has no attribution, copyright or credit line. It's just more BS.
Petrov has forgotten more about 03's than Hatcher ever knew.
It is a bunch of BS but there are those who believe in UFOs and that Bush blew up the WTC so........
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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Okay, so we know you are a "true believer" in the integrity and strength of the LN Springfield '03s.

I hope it doesn't get to the point you feel compelled to wear a suicide vest to prove your faith to the infidels.

My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still.

Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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A "true believer" goes on faith. I go on those pesky things called facts. You have NO FACTS to refute my position. I don't post on sites dedicated to brain surgery as I know nothing about it. Perhaps you should adopt that same approach when pontificating about low number 03s ? Have you read Hatcher ? I doubt it. Have you developed a statistical table of Hather's cited failures ? I doubt it. Just how many gunsmithing books do you own ? How many books dedicated to the 03 ? How many low number 03s do you own, have shot, have even seen ? I would make a friendly suggestion that when you are into a subject of which you know nothing you stay out of the fray.
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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I probably read Hatcher first when you were still a young lad. I have read it completely through at least 10 times since then.

As to your assumptions about me and my knowledge, they are laughable. As to my other gunsmithing books, just to put the rest of your assumprions in context, I currently have a personal library of gun books and gunsmithing books which fills three rooms completely
...something just over 3,000 hard bound many, many periodicals, etc. I have read every one of them cover to cover.

I am not going to play your "fact" game, because you already have your mind made up. That is all too obvious.

If you want to trust steel which was "cooked" without the benefits of accurate temperature determinations during its manufacture (a first, and primary "fact") you are free to do so.

Until you become the official God on the subject which you already seem to believe yourself to be, I am free to NOT use such products. So I don't very often, and generally won't.

You are becoming personally unpleasant enough to not be worth my further time. So please enjoy your LN Spingfields the rest of your life. And continue as a paradigm example of a True Believer.

Sorry, but you'll have to rant to yourself and any choir you might be leading on this particular subject from here on. You will have to engge in pissers with someone else.

Have a lovely life.
Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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3000 books ! I am impressed. I have about 30,000 in my warehouse guess that means I win.

You will not be missed as you DNS on the subject and your "experience" with LNSs amounts to repeating what you have gleaned from your massive library.

Now I'm sure you have another room full of blown up LNSs you can share with us dolts.

As for my being a youth compared to you, I rather doubt it. But , as with The Library of Congress that is sinking your house, the credibility on that would also be null.

Interesting that for all your knowledge you could not identify any of the 03 photos I posted, here's another you can take a crack at.... chuckle

Some people own them, some people just quack a lot......
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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I am not interested in identifying your rifles. Pictures of your rifles is not what rthis thread is about. Nor is it about the weaknesses of pre-'64 or later Model 70s.

Let me ask you a few last questions:

1. Do you think Springfield and Rock Island changed their method of manufacture because THEY felt the older rifles were just as safe as the ones made with the new heat treating?

2. Maybe it was just that they weren't busy enough right then and needed something to do to fill their time so they thought they'd redo the whole heat-treating process?

3. Do you not think that maybe they knew as much or just a little bit more about the rifles they were producing than you do?

4. Does your spread sheet of "failures" cover the serial numbered actions which were never made into completed rifles or distributed to the troops because the actions failed QC inspection at the arsenals after the old style heat treating?

Sorry, got carried away there. Forgot I am just one of the poor ignorant fools who believes the arsenals (AND Julian Hatcher) might have actually known what they were talking about.

I bow before your omnipotence on the subject.



My country gal's just a moonshiner's daughter, but I love her still.

Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
3000 books ! I am impressed. I have about 30,000 in my warehouse guess that means I win.

You will not be missed as you DNS on the subject and your "experience" with LNSs amounts to repeating what you have gleaned from your massive library.

Now I'm sure you have another room full of blown up LNSs you can share with us dolts.

As for my being a youth compared to you, I rather doubt it. But , as with The Library of Congress that is sinking your house, the credibility on that would also be null.

Interesting that for all your knowledge you could not identify any of the 03 photos I posted, here's another you can take a crack at.... chuckle

Some people own them, some people just quack a lot......

I'll take a WAG guess and say it's a Springfield. BFD. Crappy picture, too.... chuckle....
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Really high quality ya got here...

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Ho Hum tired old pictures w/o attribution of receivers that are not even documented to have ever made it on to rifles. You might have heard of a concept called QUALITY CONTROL ? Not every product made by every manufacturer is actually put on the market ! The heat treating process was changed because pyrometers became available and allowed double heat treating (which BTW were the best 03 actions ever made). Amazing that this BASIC information is not available in your THREE THOUSAND book library. The BS continues and all you can do is toss out already discredited information since you never owned, shot or probably have ever seen a LNS. At least you have finally admitted that I have forgotten more about 03s than you'll ever know. Here's yet another 03 by RF Sedgley that you will have no idea about why it is so unique (one of three). Better take a ladder down in that hole you're digging or you won't be able to get out ! (chuckle)

Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Actually no one cares that you collect crappy Springfields. That is the point of this thread.
The worst way to spend money is on a rifle that you do not use.

BTW a Sprinfield was not originally intended to be put "on the market". It was military hardware and a pretty poor copy of a Mauser at that.

Why the low number debacle when millions upon millions of Mausers were manufactured all over Europe without that problem?

Why the crappy safety lug and the raised bridge?

Why the crappy 2 piece striker?

Why the square threads?

Why the coned breech?

None of those features were necessary and they all made the function of the design worse or made it more difficult to manufacture or both.
Posts: 13978 | Location: | Registered: 03 December 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SR4759:
Actually no one cares that you collect crappy Springfields. That is the point of this thread.
The worst way to spend money is on a rifle that you do not use.


BTW a Sprinfield was not originally intended to be put "on the market". It was military hardware and a pretty poor copy of a Mauser at that.


Why the low number debacle when millions upon millions of Mausers were manufactured all over Europe without that problem?


Why the crappy safety lug and the raised bridge?


Why the crappy 2 piece striker?


Why the square threads?


Why the coned breech?


None of those features were necessary and they all made the function of the design worse or made it more difficult to manufacture or both.


Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
Originally posted by SR4759:
Actually no one cares that you collect crappy Springfields. That is the point of this thread.
The worst way to spend money is on a rifle that you do not use.


BTW a Sprinfield was not originally intended to be put "on the market". It was military hardware and a pretty poor copy of a Mauser at that.


Why the low number debacle when millions upon millions of Mausers were manufactured all over Europe without that problem?


Why the crappy safety lug and the raised bridge?


Why the crappy 2 piece striker?


Why the square threads?


Why the coned breech?


None of those features were necessary and they all made the function of the design worse or made it more difficult to manufacture or both.



OK, you're the expert. Everyone else is a "pseudo expert". Care to share what makes you the all knowing expert on Springfield rifles? You know, qualifications, credentials, experience, a resume of sorts, stuff like that.

Simply put, put up or shut up.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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What do you wish me to "put up" ?
I already explained an analysis of Hatcher's data, said I have been shooting low # 03s for years, said no one ever took up my bet on blown up guns and (even after selling my collection) still have 6 RF Sedgley sporting 03s and two military ones. None have yet to blow up ...... even the 22-06 (yes 22-06) which is a "bit" hotter than any stock 06' round. Seems to me all you can "put up" is recycled misinformation backed up by ZERO experience with these rifles.....

6.5x55 and 22-06 deluxe Sedgleys ..... both probably "one of one".

Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
What do you wish me to "put up" ?
I already explained an analysis of Hatcher's data, said I have been shooting low # 03s for years, said no one ever took up my bet on blown up guns and (even after selling my collection) still have 6 RF Sedgley sporting 03s and two military ones. None have yet to blow up ...... even the 22-06 (yes 22-06) which is a "bit" hotter than any stock 06' round. Seems to me all you can "put up" is recycled misinformation backed up by ZERO experience with these rifles.....

6.5x55 and 22-06 deluxe Sedgleys ..... both probably "one of one".


It's LARRY ROOT ! AKA Interthem, oldman 1942, bosslady, rootmanslim, twister999, tangledweb, longbored, victory2012, and on and on.

So Larry, it's been well established that you are a poseur/troll of the first order. Do you really think I believe the pictures you posted are actually pictures of rifles you own?

AR is a great site. Go pollute somewhere else.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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You know I just spent a bunch of time carefully reading these pages. I thought I was going to learn some things I didn't know. I did in fact learn something. I learned that I totally wasted my time.

Happiness is a warm gun
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I'm sorry I didn't out his sorry ass sooner.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Yup "craister" that was a real service. I sure your shocking disclosure from another troll from "Bin's bin" had totally discredited all the hard facts I have presented.
Now as to the ownership of the rifles...... you fellow troll Bricktop still owes me a ton of money on a welched bet.
AS CA is much closer to WY than OK, why don't you lay down ..... let's say 10 grand (cash) that the rifles pictured are not mine. You can drag your sorry butt up here and I'll lay them all out for you and you can hand over the money. You know the old saying among attorneys ? "Never ask a question you don't know the answer to." The same holds with making up wild azz lies my friend.
Maybe you can stage a fake trip to WY too ?
As I said:"put up or shut up.", otherwise you're just another liar troll.
You really are on the lost coast but in lotsa good company as soon you and Pelosi will be alone. (chuckle)
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
Yup "craister" that was a real service. I sure your shocking disclosure from another troll from "Bin's bin" had totally discredited all the hard facts I have presented.
Now as to the ownership of the rifles...... you fellow troll Bricktop still owes me a ton of money on a welched bet.
AS CA is much closer to WY than OK, why don't you lay down ..... let's say 10 grand (cash) that the rifles pictured are not mine. You can drag your sorry butt up here and I'll lay them all out for you and you can hand over the money. You know the old saying among attorneys ? "Never ask a question you don't know the answer to." The same holds with making up wild azz lies my friend.
Maybe you can stage a fake trip to WY too ?
As I said:"put up or shut up.", otherwise you're just another liar troll.
You really are on the lost coast but in lotsa good company as soon you and Pelosi will be alone. (chuckle)

Yup, heard it all before. The only person you are impressing is yourself. A douchebag of your magnitude has the capacity to cleanse a whale's vagina.

BTW, you might want to go over the syntax, spelling, and grammar in your last post. Pretty pathetic for a "book seller and publisher" with over 30,000 books in his library.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Well your focus on "proper English" on an Internet blog at least tell me who you really are. Kenny.
Now that you are such an expert, tell us all about all the books you have written and published .... the world waits.
See you are still using "Troll 101" techniques:
Pirate a thread, go way off the subject, start insulting people you have never met and hide both your identity and VAST gun collection. Ho HUM !
Go back to the Bin bin ..... good times are coming.
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Who's Kenny?
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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You are Kenny, the only poster I have ever run across on the Net that has an obsession with trying to be an English teacher.
Dragging your troll buddies over here to try and wreck another site will fail, as nobody will play your childish game.
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
You are Kenny, the only poster I have ever run across on the Net that has an obsession with trying to be an English teacher.
Dragging your troll buddies over here to try and wreck another site will fail, as nobody will play your childish game.

It's apparent you like to play your childish game here as well as a lot of other places.

And no, I'm not Kenny. Nor am I an English teacher. I'm a deacon in The High Church of the Painful Truth. And, the truth is, you are Larry Root, poseur/troll of the first magnitude. It must suck being you.
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You are still confused about the library.
I did not say I had a library.
I do not need a library to know the Springfield low number rifles as a class are crap.
I did say the 1903 Springfield was a shoddy rifle off of the Mauser design.
Proof is- the Springfield is history.
Mausers are still being manufactured as commercial hunting rifles.
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Larry Root is always confused. He's mentally unstable.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have always thought Springfield was guilty of WWHUA, they went on a junket, they returned with the Craig Jorgensen, they could have had a Mauser, they settled on a rifle with one locking lug because they could not build the rifle with 2 locking lugs, then they built 800,000 + rifles we are still talking about today, we do not know if the 03 is going to go or let go. Then there was Browning, Browning was just down the freeway from Springfield in Connecticut, in those days the the trip was considered ‘just a buggy ride away’, who knows? Springfield couls have taken a train and rented a rig.

Or, the government could have closed Springfield and hired Browning, or the government could have put Browning in charge of Springfield, we know the 94 Winchester was not called the 95 Winchester, Browning would not allow the 94 to go onto production in 94. Browning used nickel steel in the 94 Winchester, it went into production in 95, Springfield did not find nickel steel for 25 years, The P14 & M1917 used nickel steel and it goes on and on etc..

Then there there are square threads, like everyone else I have books, not the same ones, my books have little to do with guns? most of my books were printed before the Internet, some 75 + years, one set covers threads, designs and strength, square threads? Number ONE, Acme? Number TWO. etc., on and on. The 98 Mauser barrel face seated on a torque “C” ring, does not mean much to anyone but sealing the barrel face sealed the barrel threads.

Like everyone else, I have an Eddystone M1917 that is cracked, the Eddystone type M1917 had square threads, then there was the question, Has anyone ever fired a M1917 with a cracked receiver? Then there is the belief the receiver cracked when the barrel was removed, Point? The cracked receiver with square threads is stronger than a receiver with standard threads.

Yes, I am aware, Eddystone used a locomotive to secure their barrels, or they used an old locomotive plant to house the equipment used when securing barrels or the equipment was steam powered, I know if tight is good Eddystones were the best because they were tight.

F. Guffey
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Then there is the matter of the third lug, in the big inning of the Internet I was told Springfield never saw a 98, and that settled that.

The Mauser has a third lug, when the bolt is closed, the lug is out of site. The 03 has a a third lug that is visible when the bolt is closed, forever I thought that was brilliant until I was told by those that said Springfield never saw a 98 Mauser that the third lug exposed on the right side of the receiver ahead of the rear receiver ring was not brilliant and they claimed there was no purpose for it being there.

They did all the research for me, they said “Hatcher said....” , now? I claim I never read Hatcher, having never read Hatcher affords me the luxury of disagreeing. Because I have used the gap in front of the rear receiver ring and behind the third lug to determine the ‘HEADSPACE’ as in the difference in length between the chamber from the bolt face to the shoulder of the chamber and the length of the case from the head of the case to the shoulder of the case, then for those that have head apace gages a head space gage could be used/substituted for the case to be fired, the difference? The person using the gap can determine head space in thousandths instead of go? NO/Go? and Beyond?

Then there is the purpose of the exposed lug and back to WWHUA, Had Springfield and Hatcher thought about the design they could have had a daily running record of the length of the chamber in thousandths from the bolt face to the shoulder of the chamber. I do not shoot gages, I shoot ammo, it is not a lot of trouble for me to determine if a go-gage allows the bolt to close, I had rather have the length of the chamber in thousandths, I am not surrounded with tools up to my arm pits, I use the feeler gage when determining head space?* on the 03.

F. Guffey
Posts: 453 | Location: Dallas, Texas | Registered: 16 February 2010Reply With Quote
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And on the 22 RF models (not Hoffers) that had no front lugs, the safety lug was used BOTH to hold the action closed and set the headspace.

(they don't blow up either)
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Picture of Miles Massey
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
And on the 22 RF models (not Hoffers) that had no front lugs, the safety lug was used BOTH to hold the action closed and set the headspace.

(they don't blow up either)
This dickhead was also kicked off 24HCF while posting with the username "JawnHenry."
Posts: 209 | Location: Up in yo' gree-ill... | Registered: 06 December 2011Reply With Quote
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This "dickhead" welched on a $10,000 bet claiming the photos of my guns were not my guns. This "dickhead" threatened to come to my home and "straighten me out". This "dickhead" faked a trip to my home (complete with out of season pictures)
This "dickhead" is a serial liar, foul mouthed stalker who is neither (as he pretends) a negro or a professor at OU. This "dickhead" shoots nursing female animals so all the offspring can starve to death. This "dickhead" thinks everyone who takes exception to his BS is me.
He is only here to be a troll and unload a bunch of Rugers as, apparently, his hero's (Obama) policies have caught up with him.
BTW, he does NOT live in Pinedale or anywhere else in Wyoming ...... right Robert ?
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Miles Massey
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
This "dickhead" welched on a $10,000 bet claiming the photos of my guns were not my guns. This "dickhead" threatened to come to my home and "straighten me out". This "dickhead" faked a trip to my home (complete with out of season pictures)
This "dickhead" is a serial liar, foul mouthed stalker who is neither (as he pretends) a negro or a professor at OU. This "dickhead" shoots nursing female animals so all the offspring can starve to death. This "dickhead" thinks everyone who takes exception to his BS is me.
He is only here to be a troll and unload a bunch of Rugers as, apparently, his hero's (Obama) policies have caught up with him.
BTW, he does NOT live in Pinedale or anywhere else in Wyoming ...... right Robert ?
Some of Larry's history on 24HCF:

Hey, Larry, how's 'bout you tellin' us how you wuz some kinda shit-hot F105 pilot in Vietnam along the Red River and how you bunked wif Marine snipers along the DMZ? How 'bout dat, Larry?
Posts: 209 | Location: Up in yo' gree-ill... | Registered: 06 December 2011Reply With Quote
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Larry Root claiming to have "roomed" with a USMC sniper platoon during Tet:
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Gentle reader, I'll save you the time of plowing through the 60 pages the serial liar fake Negro, fake Professor, bet welcher has cited. The posts he cites were posted by six different people, but his paranoia has forced the powerless site owner to group them under one user name. As a point of fact I was in SEA in 1968 while he was in diapers, never flew F 105s and did have a Marine Sniper platoon leader (just the LT, not the whole platoon) bunk in my hootch during Tet as things were a bit exciting in Vietnam.
All he does is make it up and I'm sure the adults here are catching on to that. He has been nailed in every lie ..... time after time.
Consider ..... what kind of a "man" is so filled with hatred and envy toward someone he has never even met that he chases then from site to site trying to stir up trouble and contributing not a thing to any discussion? (except to line his pockets). What he needs is a stern talking to .... but that will never happen as he's hiding under his desk ..... right Robert ?
Can a guy who lies about where he lives be trusted to tell the truth about anything ?
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
Gentle reader, I'll save you the time of plowing through the 60 pages the serial liar fake Negro, fake Professor, bet welcher has cited. The posts he cites were posted by six different people, but his paranoia has forced the powerless site owner to group them under one user name. As a point of fact I was in SEA in 1968 while he was in diapers, never flew F 105s and did have a Marine Sniper platoon leader (just the LT, not the whole platoon) bunk in my hootch during Tet as things were a bit exciting in Vietnam.
All he does is make it up and I'm sure the adults here are catching on to that. He has been nailed in every lie ..... time after time.
Consider ..... what kind of a "man" is so filled with hatred and envy toward someone he has never even met that he chases then from site to site trying to stir up trouble and contributing not a thing to any discussion? (except to line his pockets). What he needs is a stern talking to .... but that will never happen as he's hiding under his desk ..... right Robert ?
Can a guy who lies about where he lives be trusted to tell the truth about anything ?

Can a guy who lies about his time in SEA bunking with Marine snipers

"just the LT, not the whole platoon bunk in my hootch during Tet as things were a bit exciting in Vietnam."

be trusted to tell the truth about anything?

So Larry, tell us about your time in the service, who you were with, when were you there, and exactly where you were. What was the Marines' unit attachment. And what were you doing there? Ever hear of the term "stolen valor "? Veteran's don't take it lightly. And I'm a Marine Vietnam Veteran.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Miles Massey
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
The posts he cites were posted by six different people, but his paranoia has forced the powerless site owner to group them under one user name.
You have variously claimed to be yourself, your wife, a person named "Roger," a person named "Duane," as well as a host of other people, yet each post uses the same language, same syntax, has the same IP address and is ultimately traced back to a single person, Larry -- you.

You've claimed to be a member of a "gun club" in Pinedale where each member shares usernames, yet upon speaking with the gun club there, no one has heard of you.

You project a lot, Larry. Among your countless personality flaws, that one stands out the most. You lie pathologically and believe everyone else must do the same, but it's just you, Larry. YOU. You get kicked off 'sites multiple times and believe that must also happen to everyone else, Larry. But it's just you. You get involved is oddball "layaway/pawnbroker" schemes and believe everyone else must do the same, but again, it's only YOU, Larry.

All of your problems trace back to your dickhead personality and actions. Problems with various forums run in straight lines back to you, Larry.
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Yes Craigster I have heard of Stolen Valor but just to catch you up, the law has been declared unconstitutional as it was being used by liars like you and "Miles" brickhead to smear people.
All you are using this thread for is to affirm that bboth you and brickhead are serial liars that can't even keep your lies straight. A while ago you liars claimed you knew all about me as you has stolen my DD 214, so I see no need to tell you anything....OR was that just another of your lies. Yup you were a heroic marine and another of your troll buddies was President Reagan's hand picked guide on the Iowa during Miss Liberty's 100th birthday. You trolls just lie, lie and lie some more. Tell US where Bricktop lives in Pinedale ? Tell us why another liar troll can't even get up to date pictures for his faked trip to my home ? Tell us why Miles brickhead cannot produce a SINGLE photo of a gun which I stole off the net and claimed as mine ?
Tell us why you are so filled with irrational hatred of someone you hope you will never meet FTF, that you trolls are sending him text to voice messages making threats ? (Love Voicemail, all saved, recorded and added to the you know whats, you know where), tell us why the chief troll, Kenny hasn't the balls to answer a direct PM filled with SIMPLE questions ?
Why not ? YOU CAN"T ! All you can do is try and change the subject and add to your list of lies.
Just go back to Bin's bin where you belong with the rest of your butt buddies and leave this site to adults.
Posts: 801 | Location: Pinedale WY USA & Key West FL USA | Registered: 04 February 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Miles Massey
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Originally posted by 45-70 shooter:
Yes Craigster I have heard of Stolen Valor but just to catch you up, the law has been declared unconstitutional as it was being used by liars like you and "Miles" brickhead to smear people.
All you are using this thread for is to affirm that bboth you and brickhead are serial liars that can't even keep your lies straight. A while ago you liars claimed you knew all about me as you has stolen my DD 214, so I see no need to tell you anything....OR was that just another of your lies. Yup you were a heroic marine and another of your troll buddies was President Reagan's hand picked guide on the Iowa during Miss Liberty's 100th birthday. You trolls just lie, lie and lie some more. Tell US where Bricktop lives in Pinedale ? Tell us why another liar troll can't even get up to date pictures for his faked trip to my home ? Tell us why Miles brickhead cannot produce a SINGLE photo of a gun which I stole off the net and claimed as mine ?
Tell us why you are so filled with irrational hatred of someone you hope you will never meet FTF, that you trolls are sending him text to voice messages making threats ? (Love Voicemail, all saved, recorded and added to the you know whats, you know where), tell us why the chief troll, Kenny hasn't the balls to answer a direct PM filled with SIMPLE questions ?
Why not ? YOU CAN"T ! All you can do is try and change the subject and add to your list of lies.
Just go back to Bin's bin where you belong with the rest of your butt buddies and leave this site to adults.
How's 'bout producing the name of this "unit" to which you claim attachment in Vietnam, Larry? And not the chapter of Dykes on Bikes or Pink Pistols to which you belong.
Posts: 209 | Location: Up in yo' gree-ill... | Registered: 06 December 2011Reply With Quote
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