Yes, I tried to more or less duplicate the early factory 98/08 sporter and the Army Hunting rifle . I think the receiver sights give them an upgraded look.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002
Nice guns, I can see the advantage of a long bolt handle. ? have you considered some checkering on the pistol grip only. Most of the "older" Mauser conversions have this feature.
Just an opinion from an old gunnut but to my eyes a hunting rifle without checkering just doeesn't look "finished".
I have some pics. of what I mean and can forward them to via Email to anyone interested. --- John303.
Thanks for the compliments. I have a nice semi-inlet for a 98 sitting here collecting dust, may use it on the Steyr ,something along the same lines of the stock shown here:
I would not mind have a set of 3 for cast bullet rifles. Make them a 9X57, 9.3X57, 9.5X57. Later additions might be a 7x57, 8X57 and the funky 10.75X57.
Posts: 13978 | Location: | Registered: 03 December 2008
If you are bored sometime, can you set the top action into the bottom stock and see what it looks like? Also, are there front sling studs hidden or are you going to put banded studs on?
Anyway, nice job again.
for every hour in front of the computer you should have 3 hours outside
Posts: 7787 | Location: Between 2 rivers, Middle USA | Registered: 19 August 2000
Here I thought I was the only one still building "retro sporters." Did this one a few years ago using a commercial action.
This one is a Colombian '06 and I went a bit crazy with the laminated stock that I picked up for next to nothing. Just trying to be a little different.
Speaking of something completely different, how about a Krag?
That CZ is beautiful. I have always liked the stock panels for some reason. I have an old Haenal 88 sporter with them and it is just beautiful.
In 100 years who of us will care? An armed society is a polite society! Just because they say you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you.