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Buying a "wood" gun (not a "woods" gun)
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If you do not have heirloom rifles from your past then start with Blaser R 93's.

Get some nice wood stocked recievers and a collection of barrels.

Say a 22LR, a 223, a 308, and a few of what ever you want their "final grown up barrel to be."

Then each child can have "their own" reciever, and progress up through the power scale in calibres as they grow up.

Also since each barrel can be used by a left or right hand shooter, all of your kids and your wife can shoot them.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I purchased two of the 2008 model Remington dealer exclusives Remington Model 700 CDL Boone & Crockett Series.Awesome rifles at a great price.You can find them now in the $600.00 plus range.They have laminated wood stocks,fluted barrels,X-Pro triggers,R-3 recoil pads.They come in 243,7mm-08,270,30-06,7mag,300 Win. mag,270 WSM and 300 WSM.Once there gone,there will be no more.Check them out.
Posts: 359 | Location: Corpus Christi,Texas | Registered: 19 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by Flippy:
Then Terry, he should buy one HE LIKES. That was the point of this.

I think he made it clear from the very 1st post what he wanted.
Not really. He was asking what other people thought about the guns he listed and what he should buy.

Here is his first post (condensed)
Originally posted by MikeyB:
Tell me about these guns, as well as about some I may have missed that might be in my price range.

He should go out and buy WHAT HE LIKES, not what anybody else tells him he should buy.

Pick one you like - buy it - use it. It's really that simple.

When you ask me what I think, I am bound to tell you.
If you don't like the answer, what can I say?

He ASKED for opinions, that's what he got. Wink
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by Flippy:
Then Terry, he should buy one HE LIKES. That was the point of this.

I think he made it clear from the very 1st post what he wanted.
Not really. He was asking what other people thought about the guns he listed and what he should buy.

Here is his first post (condensed)
Originally posted by MikeyB:
Tell me about these guns, as well as about some I may have missed that might be in my price range.

He should go out and buy WHAT HE LIKES, not what anybody else tells him he should buy.

Pick one you like - buy it - use it. It's really that simple.

When you ask me what I think, I am bound to tell you.
If you don't like the answer, what can I say?

He ASKED for opinions, that's what he got. Wink

Flip it around anyway you want. The title of this thread IS.

Buying a "wood" gun

Your BS selective quoting doesn't fly.

He didn't ask the 1st thing about buying a plastic rifle. You came up with that all on your own. He didn't ask what a heirloom was. The plastic rifle crowd felt he needed educated on that also.

You say he should buy what he likes, READ THE DAMN TITLE OF THE THREAD! Roll Eyes He made it perfectly clear.

I'm sure a thread will pop up soon were you can talk about your plastic rifle. Maybe you could start one and all that were actually interested could participate.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Again here is his first post (condensed)
Originally posted by MikeyB:
Tell me about these guns, as well as about some I may have missed that might be in my price range.
Originally posted by Flippy:
He should go out and buy WHAT HE LIKES, not what anybody else tells him he should buy.

Pick one you like - buy it - use it. It's really that simple.

When you ask me what I think, I am bound to tell you.
If you don't like the answer, what can I say?

He ASKED for opinions, that's what he got. Wink
Originally posted by TC1:
You say he should buy what he likes, READ THE DAMN TITLE OF THE THREAD! Roll Eyes He made it perfectly clear. Terry
Buying a "wood" gun (not a "woods" gun) is the exact title of the thread DA.

I simply told him to buy what ever freaking gun HE wants to.
He has to use it, not me, not you.
What part of that don't YOU understand? Apparently ALL OF IT.

If his kid wants it in 15 or 20 years, good deal, if not who cares?
Again, not me, not you.
What part of that don't YOU understand? Apparently ALL OF IT.

What I attempted to say was if he thinks he knows what gun his now 15 month old son wants to shoot in 20 years, he should be playing the lottery, not wasting his time posting on this forum.

Terry, maybe you should get your Ouiji board out and help him...

Oh, that's right, you ALREADY KNOW EVERYTHING!! jumping


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Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Terry, maybe you should get your Ouiji board out and help him...

It doesn't take a Ouiji board, just a slight amount of reading comprehension. Roll Eyes



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Terry, you have never been around kids have you?
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:
Terry, you have never been around kids have you?

Yes Flippy, I have two kids, one 12yrs old and another 15yrs old and their heirlooms are already in my possession. We (my kids and I) have spent lots of time in the woods. I've taught them much about hunting, shooting and fishing. They've both shot my late Fathers rifle and my Grandfathers shotgun. They've shot the rifles I hunt with that will one day be theirs. They both understand the difference between a handcrafted stock and one that's squirted out of a machine and I take the time to point out the quality that goes into a fine custom rifle. While my oldest is fascinated with my "patriot" rifles at the moment he loves my custom bolt guns and the few rare factory pieces I own. They've both seen me in the garage making stocks for rifles they will one day own.

Yeah, I've been around kids and I understood the question the poster asked perfectly. I was in his shoes not so very long ago. I started thinking ahead then and here I am now. I'm living it. Wink



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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From the list you provided the Sauer is the one to go for IMO.

Pick one up and compare it with the remmy, for example, bring it to shoulder and see if it feels right for you.

If it does chances are that you'll use it more often than not.

If you do that then chances are your kids will notice and want to use it too.

I assume then you will not let until they are "older" Wink

By the time you are ready to leave it to them they will have a burning desire to own that rifle and bob's your uncle, one family heirloom!


Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by Flippy:
Terry, you have never been around kids have you?

Yes Flippy, I have two kids, one 12yrs old and another 15yrs old and their heirlooms are already in my possession. We (my kids and I) have spent lots of time in the woods. I've taught them much about hunting, shooting and fishing. They've both shot my late Fathers rifle and my Grandfathers shotgun. They've shot the rifles I hunt with that will one day be theirs. They both understand the difference between a handcrafted stock and one that's squirted out of a machine and I take the time to point out the quality that goes into a fine custom rifle. While my oldest is fascinated with my "patriot" rifles at the moment he loves my custom bolt guns and the few rare factory pieces I own. They've both seen me in the garage making stocks for rifles they will one day own.

Yeah, I've been around kids and I understood the question the poster asked perfectly
. I was in his shoes not so very long ago. I started thinking ahead then and here I am now. I'm living it. Wink

It is great that you are making stocks with LOVE that your kids will inherit some day, I commend you for that. That is an entirely different solution than what the poster wanted, however. Matter-of-fact, he specifically did not want to restock one of his plastic rifles.

Like your sons, my daughter knows she can have any (or all) of my guns she wants some day. I have over 15 WOOD stocked 22’s she could have right now, several of which are really, really nice:
Anschutz 1415/1416 Sporter, a very nice Remington 513T, a Mossberg 144LSB, several nice target Savage’s, etc.
Matter of fact, the only plastic 22’s I have are three Nylon66’s, one of which was my step Dad's favorite truck 22 (the one she wants right now). Kind of like your son's current fascination with your "Pariot" rifles...

While the gun she wants RIGHT NOW is a plastic POS “squirted out of a machine,” it’s really not about the gun, it’s about the memories that particular gun brings back and the fun of taking a gun out that both her father , AND her Grandpa loved to shoot.

And no amount of late night whittling or buying the nicest gun one can find will replace those memories.


Definition of HOPLOPHOBIA

"I'm the guy that originally wrote the 'assault weapons' ban." --- Former Vice President Joe Biden

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I think something made by hand only adds to it's appeal as a keepsake. But, while it works for me, that's not what the poster asked. I never suggested he make a stock or have his rifle restocked. That was only a response to the question you asked and it wasn't in anyway directed to him. Please don't spin that into something it isn't.

I suggested he look at the Merkal KR-1 which BTW was in line with what the poster asked about. I personally think it's an amazing value for the money rifle. It would seem he has taken a liking to Andre's Sauer 202 though which is also a beautiful rifle and one I could hunt a lifetime with and pass down. It's not about what the kids want, it's about what he wants and how he'll be remembered after he's no longer here. If plastic is how you want to be remembered, well more power to you. It may actually be fitting.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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If you can swing it, before he quits, gather up $3500.00 and get Sterling Davenport to build a true heirloom.
Sell something, beg , borrow, steal(not from me of course, maybe your little brother Smiler )

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
It's not about what the kids want...
That's kind of what I figured when I read your first pontification, uh, post.

Like I said, she's gonna get all of them IF SHE WANTS, at a later date, anyway.

I want to be remembered as the Dad that gave her the gun from my collection that SHE wanted, not the one I chose for her or just went out and bought for her.

Apparently, that means nothing to you.
Originally posted by TC1:
It's not about what the kids want...
It's really all about what YOU want.

I prefer to be remembered as the Dad who gave up one of my, and here's the heritage part, one of my step Dad's favorite rifles for her to use. The plastic part, that's your self esteem issue, not mine.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of RaySendero
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Originally posted by MikeyB:
..... Now I've got a few guns, enough for what I "need". But I look through my collection and I see a synthetic M70, a pair of synthetic Vanguards, a stainless/synthetic M700, a stainless/laminated M77, a synthetic Savage, and a stainless/laminated 1895 Marlin. All functional guns which have been dependable and accurate.



I don't want to go through process of restocking a new rifle, so I'm looking for something that maybe isn't necessarily the finest figured piece but has some depth and warmth to it. .....

Tell me about these guns, as well as about some I may have missed that might be in my price range.


If that synthetic M70 Win is a pre-64, How about having it restocked???

Know if it was me getting a family "heirloom", that's what I would want!

Posts: 1786 | Registered: 10 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Flippy:

Like I said, she's gonna get all of them IF SHE WANTS, at a later date, anyway I want to be remembered as the Dad that gave her the gun from my collection that SHE wanted, not the one I chose for her or just went out and bought for her.

Apparently, that means nothing to you.

Those are called gifts not heirlooms. Just more proof you never understood the original question the guy asked. You just don't get it and I don't think you ever will.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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My Savage Classic is a better piece of wood and nicer rifle than my new Ruger Standard.
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Originally posted by MikeyB:
I'd like to buy something to pass down to my son someday...and since I'm both torn with indecision and blessed with a generous time frame, I turn to you, AR community, to help me on my quest and provide enlightening insight and petty argument along the way.

Tell me about these guns, as well as about some I may have missed that might be in my price range.
Originally posted by TC1:
Those are called gifts not heirlooms. Just more proof you never understood the original question the guy asked. You just don't get it and I don't think you ever will.
Terry, you are arguing the same point as I am. This IS going to be a gift.
I apparently understand the premise of the question better than you.
A few others have figured it out also, read on all knowing one:

Originally posted by TerryR:
A gun becomes an heirloom because of the stories that it tells, not because of the way it looks. If my Father left me a rifle that he had used on many hunting trips, or hunts, I would treasure it regardless of it's looks.
Save the money and take you Son hunting.
Originally posted by bucko:
An heirloom in my opinion is something that mattered to the person that owned it.
It is about giving your son the best you ever had, the one you would not part with for money, but only for love.
Figure out which one you like the very best and give him that one.
Otherwise it is not an heirloom, it is just another gun that he will fool himself into thinking you actually cared about.

Heirlooms are not about the object, they are about the spirit that has been put into them.
Originally posted by bucko:
Mikey, I personally think that it really has not a darn thing to do with your son at this point.
I do appreciate your feelings however, I have a seven year old son and I know where you are at, and what it all means to you.
But honestly forget about him for now, bring him up right and give him guns that fit him where he is at in his development.
Then when the time is right, and you will know I do believe without being told by anyone except God,, give him the one you use and like the most.
And I can assure you of one thing, it won't make a damn bit of difference to him if it is wood, or composite.

What will mean something to him will be that it was his Dads gun.
He will want your tool, the one with your fingerprints worn into the stock.
And you will love watching him use it and know that that is why you bought it originally.

Don't buy a pretty wood and steel gun, as I said figure out which one you would keep if you could only have one, and that is your heirloom rifle.
Originally posted by bucko:
This is really quite simple, for something to become a heirloom, it first must be cherished.
You truly should simply decide what kind of new rifle that you are wanting to buy, because this really has not a thing to do with your son at this stage.
You want to buy a new rifle for yourself, and that is great, you also want to justify it by thinking you will be buying a heirloom for your son.
That is also great, but the thing is is that heirlooms are not bought, they are developed.

Buy the rifle that YOU want, that YOU will carry and use.
Buy what YOU like or else you will not use it, and if it is not special to you then it will just be another gun and won't have much meaning to your son either.
Originally posted by LBGuy:
in my mind, a rifle becomes a "heirloom" only after it has served its' owner over a period of years, and has the scars to prove it. if the rifle you select is to be an heirloom, you are going to have to hunt with it, lots of hunting with it. to the point that it becomes your primary rifle. after time it will take on the "heirloom" persona. until then, it's just another rifle in the safe.

heck, just get any wood stocked rifle you want and keep taking her to the woods. every time your son looks up at you when you two are on the hunt, have that same rifle in your hands. then, in your sons mind (which is far more important than what you think), you will have a "heirloom", and I bet he will want it.
Originally posted by .366torque:
I have to agree with bucko & LBGuy. When your son sees you lift the rifle with confidence and sees the animals fall, that will mean much more than cosmetics.
My dad shot a pump action 270 for a long time. Everything thing hit ended up in the freezer.
Dad is still with us but the rifle is gone.
The younger brother traded it away, what a tragic mistake!!
Originally posted by enfieldspares:
Plastic guns are disposable and have no soul. You have the right idea.

Can't agree with that at all. I still wish here in UK we could own such as a "plastic" stocked 7.62mm L1A1 SLR (FN-FAL to those in USA) made by say BSA or Enfield. And all the Webley pistols and revolvers I ever owned, bar two, were "plastic" gripped.

That which makes a gun an "heirloom" is something else that has nothing to do with the figure of the woodwork. Indeed most Purdey and Boss guns have very plain woodwork compared to modern tastes.

As to any Weatherby? They are just too soul less to ever be an heirloom IMHO.
Originally posted by ozark hunter:
Pick your favorite and have it restocked, you choose the wood, style and its made to fit.
Originally posted by Steve Latham:
Whatever you leave in the rack when you leave should please him/her, The gun/ guns will evoke memories of you, thats the main thing! Cool
Originally posted by raybass:
+1 with bucko and the guys
Originally posted by rugeruser:
FWIW, the heirloom that was passed to me was my Dad's SMLE.. nothing fancy, but it was his favourite rifle both at the range and in the field... of the rifles I own at the moment, there are two that my young bloke has his eye on... my Dad's SMLE (because of its history), and my Ruger that's seen many years of hunting as a 270, and has recently been rebarrelled to 6.5 Swede... he's used them both, and while we have a pre 64 M70 Supergrade in the safe, he has no attachment to it.

The Ruger has scratchmarks and a lot of dings in the stock, but these are the result of it being used as a hunting rifle - not a safe queen...
Originally posted by bja105:
What if you have more kids? Better buy a few. I have a daughter(7) and 2 sons (2 years, 2 months.) So I need 2 man size rifles for my boys and a little one for my daughter. Plus I need a man sized rifle for my future son in law. I want more kids, so I better prepare. What if we have Octuplets? I'm prepared!
The bad news, I only have one decent shotgun. Crap.

My rifle theory. Heirloom rifles for the kids will have belonged to one of the grandfathers, or will be built by me. I'm working on a couple 1903 Springfields. I'm also working on a Mexican Mauser for my best friend's son.

Its also important that I hunt and make memories with these rifles. I also need some pictures to pass on with the rifles. Pictures of me. Its a shame how few pics I have of my Dad, who died before his grandsons were born.
Terry, do you see a common thread in this thread?

MikeyB is asking what GIFT he can buy for his son. A gift he is going to use for the next 15-20 years and then “pass on” as an heirloom. bsflag HOGWASH!

If it were a gun he already wanted, he already would own it!!

Apparently, I ain’t the only one who feels this way.

And yes I understand what he was trying to say, and I understand his original question, unfortunately, he is trying to figure out which gift his son will want in 15-20 years.

Like I said before Terry, your apparent lack of self-esteem should not influence this guy’s decision.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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It doesn't matter how many people said to buy a plastic rifle. That's not what the guy asked. Most of the people understood that.

And the thread comes full circle. Here it is again. You couldn't understand it the first time but what the hell, we're just re-hashing covered ground.

I don't understand what is so hard to understand about the post. The man wants to buy a nice WOOD stocked rifle, hunt with it probably for a very long time and then pass it down to his son one day with all the memories and love that goes with it. For some strange reason and it seem's to come from plastic rifle fanatics who believe that he has to make a choice between a wood stocked rifle and going on a hunting trip with a plastic gun. I seriously doubt this is the case. I would bet the man can buy a nice wood stocked rifle and still take his son hunting with the rifle he just purchaced. Better yet, he could sell off some of his plastic rifles and still go hunting. After all, they are disposable rotflmo

I'm sure glad I never inherited a plastic gun. It would make me wonder if I was ever loved at all.CRYBABY


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot. The guy made no mention of buying a plastic rifle. He expressly stated he wanted to buy a wood stocked rifle. I guess it's just too much for you to take in.

Also, you don't understand the difference between a gift and a heirloom so it's really pointless to contiune this with you.
Roll Eyes

I don't have a self-esteem problem, just a low tolerance for Ass Clowns like you.



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Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
He expressly stated he wanted to buy a wood stocked rifle.
Yes Terry, to give as a gift.
A used gift, but a gift none the less.
You probably have a government job...

Like many said, going out and buying really nice a rifle to give as a gift and simply using it does not make it an heirloom.
If he wants to try and attempt this then he should go out and buy the rifle of HIS dreams, not yours, not mine and not his kids. It has to be YOUR MOST FAVORITE RIFLE.

The level of your stupidity is astounding if you think you can build or go out and buy a heritage rifle.

Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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No moron. One more time. Reading comprehension is fundamental to participate in an Internet discussion.

The man wants to buy a wood stocked rifle for himself to hunt with through his life and then pass it down to his child when he's no longer able hunt with it or dies. He wants to buy a quality rifle that he would want to use for the rest of his life or hunting career which ever may come first. He wants a rifle that he actually cares about, not some plastic disposable no class gun you keep talking about. Like it or not, that's what a heirloom is. He must acquire the rifle before it can become one and asked for suggestions. Suggestions for a WOOD stocked rifle. He could do the same with a plastic rifle but decided that's not the way he wants to be remembered and he made that point perfectly clear.

No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Guys is this not just about the most fun you can have with your clothes on??

(When I was a kid my father used to tell me that God hated a coward, I finally realized he has even less use for a fool.)
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Originally posted by bucko:
Guys is this not just about the most fun you can have with your clothes on??

For a while, I've grown bored with it though.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Originally posted by TC1:
Also, you don't understand the difference between a gift and a heirloom so it's really pointless to contiune this with you.
You can't even stick to your own words. I must have hit a sore subject or pushed one of your many buttons.

Havin' too much fun with this moron... Big Grin
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Originally posted by TC1:
For a while, I've grown bored with it though.

Yeah, so you say...
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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No moron. One more time. Reading comprehension is fundamental to participate in an Internet discussion.

The man wants to buy a wood stocked rifle for himself to hunt with through his life and then pass it down to his child when he's no longer able hunt with it or dies. He wants to buy a quality rifle that he would want to use for the rest of his life or hunting career which ever may come first. He wants a rifle that he actually cares about, not some plastic disposable no class gun you keep talking about. Like it or not, that's what a heirloom is. He must acquire the rifle before it can become one and asked for suggestions. Suggestions for a WOOD stocked rifle. He could do the same with a plastic rifle but decided that's not the way he wants to be remembered and he made that point perfectly clear.

No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.


Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1: it's really pointless to contiune this with you.
What credibility do you posses?
AGAIN, you can't even stick to your own words.
Make sure when you jump up and down you do it AWAY from your CPU.

The vibration can cause physical drive errors.
Posts: 1700 | Location: Lurking somewhere around SpringTucky Oregon | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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No moron. One more time. Reading comprehension is fundamental to participate in an Internet discussion.

The man wants to buy a wood stocked rifle for himself to hunt with through his life and then pass it down to his child when he's no longer able hunt with it or dies. He wants to buy a quality rifle that he would want to use for the rest of his life or hunting career which ever may come first. He wants a rifle that he actually cares about, not some plastic disposable no class gun you keep talking about. Like it or not, that's what a heirloom is. He must acquire the rifle before it can become one and asked for suggestions. Suggestions for a WOOD stocked rifle. He could do the same with a plastic rifle but decided that's not the way he wants to be remembered and he made that point perfectly clear.

No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Since your reading skills aren't up to task either this one is for you and Flippy.

No moron. One more time. Reading comprehension is fundamental to participate in an Internet discussion.

The man wants to buy a wood stocked rifle for himself to hunt with through his life and then pass it down to his child when he's no longer able hunt with it or dies. He wants to buy a quality rifle that he would want to use for the rest of his life or hunting career which ever may come first. He wants a rifle that he actually cares about, not some plastic disposable no class gun you keep talking about. Like it or not, that's what a heirloom is. He must acquire the rifle before it can become one and asked for suggestions. Suggestions for a WOOD stocked rifle. He could do the same with a plastic rifle but decided that's not the way he wants to be remembered and he made that point perfectly clear.

No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Since your reading skills aren't up to task either this one is for you and Flippy.

Flippy and I read fine, and I believe you just proved my point. Perhaps you'd be happier in the political forum where personal attacks are a way of life, instead of a gun forum where you have to share opinions with others that may not agree with your point of view. Big Grin Big Grin

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cobra:
Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Since your reading skills aren't up to task either this one is for you and Flippy.

Flippy and I read fine, and I believe you just proved my point. Perhaps you'd be happier in the political forum where personal attacks are a way of life, instead of a gun forum where you have to share opinions with others that may not agree with your point of view. Big Grin Big Grin

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Back at ya Roll Eyes

No moron. One more time. Reading comprehension is fundamental to participate in an Internet discussion.

The man wants to buy a wood stocked rifle for himself to hunt with through his life and then pass it down to his child when he's no longer able hunt with it or dies. He wants to buy a quality rifle that he would want to use for the rest of his life or hunting career which ever may come first. He wants a rifle that he actually cares about, not some plastic disposable no class gun you keep talking about. Like it or not, that's what a heirloom is. He must acquire the rifle before it can become one and asked for suggestions. Suggestions for a WOOD stocked rifle. He could do the same with a plastic rifle but decided that's not the way he wants to be remembered and he made that point perfectly clear.

No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.


Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Anybody recognize the second one from the left?

That's the blank that was used on the The Silver-Lining Scholarship Rifle.

The one on the far left will be used on the neatest Mini Mauser ever built. Shane Thompson did the metal work and James Anderson is doing the stock.

The one on the far right I sold to a fellow AR member and is about half way finished. It's being built by Dennis Olsen. I saw some pictures of it last and it's absolutely stunning!

The one in the middle is for sale if anyone is interested. It's $1400 and worth every penny.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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No matter how many way's you try to spin it that's what this discussion is about. Stop acting like a 10 year old. The man ask about buying a wood stocked rifle. How many have you suggested he buy? None, that's right, none! So STFU and get with the program. Either contribute something useful or shut your damn mouth.

Hmmm, I think you've got the market cornered on that one. You're entertaining, I'll give you that much. If you don't play nice with the rest of the chilluns, you'll have to find another sandbox. Nobody likes a potty mouth. shame Big Grin Big Grin

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Back at ya Cobra Wink


Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Here is one of mine. I had it built 7years ago and have used it on many hunts. It's a 300 H&H built on a M70 action.

Nice rifle



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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For a factory rifle one of these might make a nice choice. It's a 1952 Mannlicher-Schoenauer. For me I'll never use it enough to claim it an Heirloom but I'm sure many others have.



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Back at ya Cobra Wink

Nawww, I made my point. Carry on.....after all, it is a free country, you are perfectly within your rights to play the fool. Au revoir mon ami. wave pissers

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cobra:
Originally posted by TC1:
Originally posted by cobra:
Read the guy's original post again. Slowly this time. One thing should become painfully obvious, You're an idiot.

And what would that make you for keeping this going? Roll Eyes

Back at ya Cobra Wink

Nawww, I made my point. Carry on.....after all, it is a free country, you are perfectly within your rights to play the fool. Au revoir mon ami. wave pissers

You fallen into your own trap. Who's the fool? You're too easy rotflmo


Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
Posts: 6315 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Terry you do some beautiful work that is a fact and anyone would be proud to own one of those rifles so I can see your point.
But damn man this has indeed gotten childish and does nothing positive for your work.

(When I was a kid my father used to tell me that God hated a coward, I finally realized he has even less use for a fool.)
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