Moderators: Paul H
Ideal 3-Gun Battery
One of Us
Picture of Alberta Canuck
posted 08 October 2003 09:28
Actually, two 3 gun batteries.
First is for North American Hunting, second for Scandanavian & Eastern European Hunting.

Which cartridges would you choose, in which rifles? All sporting game, including birds, and survival situations lumped in together...

Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 08 October 2003 09:47Hide Post
From what I have already:

Beretta 390 12 ga
Remington 300 Ultra Mag

That's it. I'd hunt everything in NA with those two. If I was "surviving" in bear country, I'd load the 12 with a 500 gr slug.

I guess I could add a 375ish gun for that role, or a trusty AR-15 for varmints...
Posts: 898 | Location: Southlake, Tx | Registered: 30 June 2003Reply With Quote
posted 08 October 2003 09:55
250-3000: 22.5" Douglas featherweight barrel on 722 action. 1-10" twist. 2.5-8x scope. Stock would be a lightweight piece of AAA grade claro.

7x57: 22.5" #2 Douglas barrel on 721 action; 1-9" twist. 2.5-8x scope. Stock would be a lightweight piece of AAA English.

9.3x62: 22.5" #4 pac-nor barrel on model 70 action (push or CRF). 1-12" twist. 1.5-6x scope. Stock would be McMillan pre-64 Monte Carlo.

All would be fitted with Leupold QR rings and bases, and would have open sights.
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One of Us
posted 08 October 2003 10:11Hide Post
6.5x55 cz & leupold 3-9x40

9.3x62 cz & leupold 2-7x32

.458 Lott cz & leupold 2.5x compact can load with 45/70 bullets and then could load up 500 gr woodleigh's if needed.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
posted 08 October 2003 10:26Hide Post
22LR (Marlin 39)
30-06 (Brno ZG-47 w/2.5x8 Leupold in Talley rings)
12 Gauge (Remington 870)
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posted 08 October 2003 10:56Hide Post
6.5/7/8mm on a Brno 21 or 22.

9.3mm on a M98 or M-S.

12 Guage on a Benelli or Mossberg auto.
Posts: 2036 | Location: Roebling, NJ 08554 | Registered: 20 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JLHeard
posted 08 October 2003 11:16Hide Post
Ruger 10/22

Winchester Model 70 .338 Win Mag

Remington 870 12ga 3.5mag.
Posts: 580 | Location: Mesa, AZ | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of WyoJoe
posted 08 October 2003 12:04Hide Post
Originally posted by Alberta Canuck:
Which cartridges would you choose, in which rifles? All sporting game, including birds, and survival situations lumped in together...


Ithaca Model 37 16 ga.

A .300 mag on a Mauser action shooting only my handloads.

A Ruger 77/22 in .22

I have never hunted out side of the US but seeing how you asked for a 3 gun battery for Scandanavia and eastern Europe I would add to the above:

A .243 built on a Mauser action

.50 cal. muzzle loader

A .458 wildcat built on the .404 Jeff. case also on a Mauser action

With these round I could hunt the world. I would hate to be limited to only the above because there are so many other rounds that look good. How could someone hunt in Scandanavia and not use something like the 9.3X62, 9.3X64 or even the 9.3X74?

[ 10-08-2003, 03:05: Message edited by: WyoJoe ]
Posts: 1172 | Location: Cheyenne, WY | Registered: 15 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bad Ass Wallace
posted 08 October 2003 12:31Hide Post
Front turret from the USS Missouri;
To quote from one of your admirals "No other weapons system in the world can deliver 40 ton of HE on a target the size of a football field from 50 miles away EVERY MINUTE!

Wonder what a full broadside with 1800lbs of black powder would be like? [Roll Eyes]
Posts: 1785 | Location: Kingaroy, Australia | Registered: 29 April 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 08 October 2003 15:22Hide Post
.416 (any .416)

But since I only hunt big game in Alaska and I am a "one gun hunter," I am perfectly happy with my .338WM.
Posts: 2448 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
posted 09 October 2003 00:58

7X64 Brno ZG-47 mauser with a 3-12X50 and a 1,5-6-42 in Tally mounts

9,3X62/64 Brno ZG-47 mauser. with a 8X56 and a 1,5-6X42 Swarovski. Talley mounts

12ga Sbs. round action shotgun and a set of double rifle barrels in suitable caliber [Eek!]


[ 10-12-2003, 15:19: Message edited by: JOHAN ]
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posted 09 October 2003 01:02Hide Post
.222 Remington

.375 H&H

12 guage

Should cover both continents as ammo for all three is available worldwide.
Posts: 1519 | Registered: 10 January 2001Reply With Quote
<allen day>
posted 09 October 2003 03:37
I'd pick a twelve or sixteen gauge shotgun, a scoped bolt action .22 LR, plus a .300 Win. Mag. with a 3.5-10X scope. This battery will do it all in North America as well as in Europe, and do it in a walk.


[ 10-08-2003, 18:41: Message edited by: allen day ]
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
posted 09 October 2003 08:08Hide Post
So far, I think everyone who responded is batting 1.000 - - I'd be happy with any one of the batteries listed.

If I had to pick just one combo out of all suggested, I'd probably go with Fla30-06...a .22 RF, a .30-'06, and a 12 gauge. It's the least romantic and esoteric trio, but it should work for darned near everthing, assuming ample hunter care and bullets appropriate to the game.

(But I might susbstitute a .300 Mag or 8 m/m of some variety for the '06, or............)

Anyway, well done, y'all...

Posts: 9685 | Location: Cave Creek 85331, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Cariboo
posted 09 October 2003 08:42Hide Post
Originally posted by fla3006:
22LR (Marlin 39)
30-06 (Brno ZG-47 w/2.5x8 Leupold in Talley rings)
12 Gauge (Remington 870)

Close to my own ideas. LoL

The guns I use the most are my Marlin 39 in .22, a M-70 in .30-06, and a Browning BPS in 12 gauge
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
posted 09 October 2003 09:46
My trio would be my .257 Wby, my .358 STA, and my 10 gauge SP 10 shotgun. I think I could survive anywhere with that combo. [Wink] Good shooting.
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 09 October 2003 12:23Hide Post
Without trying to sound elitist . . .

25/06 M70 Classic or pre-64
.375 H&H M70 Classic or pre-64
12 ga SxS (preferably Ruger Gold Medal)

unless I was trying to "survive", then a drilling in 7x57 and 12 ga with plenty of slugs.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wstrnhuntr
posted 09 October 2003 14:23Hide Post
If I had to dump all but three, that would probably leave me with a m98 257 AI, a 1903 Springfield 06 and a 12 ga pump. But of corse that would leave me without a 22 lr, 223, 8X57, 308, 7mm.......

Naaa! Three isnt enough.. [Razz] [Big Grin]

[ 10-09-2003, 05:32: Message edited by: Wstrnhuntr ]
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
posted 09 October 2003 18:13
My choice is:

AR15 with .22lr kit (preferably .22lr upper for accuracy);.338 Win Mag and .416 Taylor on FN Mauser actions.

Good Shooting!
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one of us
posted 10 October 2003 10:01Hide Post
Marlin 22 mag for various garden varmints.
12 gauge shotgun (I prefer Rem 11 87)
338 Win mag in Ruger M77 with 2x7 scope
(I have a dozen other guns, but these are the ones I always seem to use)
Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
posted 10 October 2003 11:22Hide Post
I would choose:

a bolt action .22 lr, OR ( if allowed an O/U 12 ga/.22 lr)

a Mauser actioned 375 H&H

a Remington 870 12 ga, (if the O/U rifle/shotgun is allowed, then the 870 would be replaced by a rifle chambered for 308!)

This battery would do for the whole world, either way! [Wink]
Posts: 14634 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: 08 June 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 11 October 2003 09:36Hide Post
Originally posted by Alberta Canuck:
Which cartridges would you choose, in which rifles? All sporting game, including birds, and survival situations lumped in together...


M16 in 223 (self-defense, ALL non-dangerous game - and even them, ammo commonality/availability);
22LR semi-auto, maybe Marlin takedown (all small game up to and including small deer, cheaply);
Winchester CRF 30-06 or 308, with a hard case and iron sights for when that glass breaks (big meat, longer shots).

Sport hunting is no fun when you're dead, so for me the survival part comes first.
Luckily, that ain't my life! (Knock on wood!)
Posts: 2000 | Location: Beaverton OR | Registered: 19 December 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 10 October 2003 23:59Hide Post
If I had to choose, I'd pick:
1) Beretta 390 12ga
2) Ruger 77 MKII .243
3) Ruger 77 30-06
My wife would be get a good laugh, since I already have these, watching me try to decide what to get rid of. It would be like watching her throw away shoes.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 11 October 2003 13:35Hide Post
Fun topic!!! [Big Grin]

For me:

Colt/Bushmaster HBAR 16" flat-top - 223 Rem
Weaver V-10 2-10x50mm

Win Model 70 Classic SS - 300 WM
Leupold Vari-X III 3.5-10x40mm

Benelli SBE 24" barrel - 3 1/2" 12 ga

For my son:

Ruger 10/22 SS - 22lr

Marlin MR-7 - 270 Win (family hand-me-down)

Rem 870 - 12 or 20 ga

[ 10-11-2003, 04:40: Message edited by: Nebraska ]
Posts: 1346 | Location: NE | Registered: 03 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Duckear
posted 15 October 2003 18:10Hide Post
Ruger 10/22 in 22mag
Model 70 in 30-06
Remington 870 12 gauge

Not perfect for everything, but you could use it for everything!!

And to finish it all out:

Ruger Single Six 22LR/mag
Smith & Wesson .357

[ 10-15-2003, 09:14: Message edited by: Duckear ]
Posts: 3116 | Location: Southern US | Registered: 21 July 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 18 October 2003 18:27Hide Post
I live in Alaska and my 3 gun battery is

1 Sportview High Standard 22 rifle
2 Rem. 11-87 semi-auto shotgun
3 Rugar M77 300 win mag
Posts: 27 | Location: los anchorage AK | Registered: 16 October 2003Reply With Quote
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