Yes, a lot of difference. The 9.5 case has less taper and a wider shoulder. If you are considering using 9.3 brass for a 9.5, you will have to fireform the brass before moving up to stronger loads.
Just got my copy of cartridges of the world. The 9.5x57 is definity straighter sided and broader shouldered, I suppose for head spacing purposes. It doesn't say if it is based on the 8x57 case but sure looks close. The 9.3x57 and obselete 9x57(.35 calibers have a tough time) are based on the 8x57 case with only the neck diameter being different between the two.
Needed to relax a bit today, so I went to the range and put 30 rounds of 9.5 thru a M-S 1910 carbine. What a pleasure, even with just the iron sights. Still shoots dead-on at 100 meters.