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Budget Obendorf Custom Mauser
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Picture of wildcat junkie
I've had a collection of parts lying around for several years. They included a VZ500 intermediate length LR M98 action.

A rough shaped, semi-inletted European Walnut stock in the classic Obendorf style.

An exceptional M98K take off barrel.

I had the contour turned to my spec's by Dennis Olsen.

And, a few other odds & ends.

It ain't really finished yet. I still have a few more coats of oil to rub in & the "cold blueing" will be replaced by a "rust blue" job after hunting season ends.

Here's what I have so far.

This image added to post. It shows the Dakota Arms (rear) sling swivel stud inletted into the toe of the stock.

Here's a shot I took in camp on a recent New York "Early Bear Season" hunt.

See post #2 for more info & range results.

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I didn't want to load the 1st post up W/too much info so I'll post some details, load data & targets here.

I mentioned in the 1st post that I had used an "exceptional" M98K "take off" barrel.

Here's a bit more on that subject.

About 7-9 years back I bought two M98K take off barrel graded as "very good to excellent" from Numrich.

One of those barrels had the best looking rifling I had ever seen in ANY barrel. There were no tool marks in the rifling. It looked as though the barrel had been lapped. The chamber was polished & the throat was very short allowing a COAL of just 3.032" W/175gr Sierra Pro Hunter bullets. Indeed, even W/Nosler 200 gr Partitions, the COAL is a mere 3.132" W/the ogive .010-.015" off the lands.

Another thing odd about that barrel was that there was no serial# or other markings on the barrel save for the nuneral "1" stamped on the ring just ahead of the threads. The barrel was complete W/military sights & the blueing showed the "C" ring cut-out for the extractor so the barrel had been on an action @ some point.

I returned the "average" barrel that was shipped W/it in hopes of getting another "sweetheart" barrel like the one mentioned previously.

I sent the resultant barrels they shipped me back several times (they were paying the shipping) & I guess they finally got fed up & sent a barrel that was, at best, suited for a tomato stake. I retured that barrel too & asked & received my money back.

I think I paid something like $40 for the barrel I ended up keeping.

After getting the gun capable of shooting, I referanced some "Quick Load" data I had for 60,000 PSI loads W/Vv N550 behind Nosler 180 gr BTs & 200 gr Partitions.

I reduced the loads 10% & worked up loads to about 5% under the listed charges when I approached the velocities predicted @ 60,000 psi. About 2830 fps for the 180 BTS & 2730 fps for the 200 Partitions.(velocities corrected to the muzzle from chronograph readings taken @ 15')

Perhaps the reason I reached the "target velocities" @ the reduced charges was that the brass I formed from once fired CMP "06" cases was a bit on the "small" side. Bolt lift was good, primers were not overly flattened, no ejector slot marks & the loads seemed to shoot well from my improvised rest @ 60 yds off my back deck.

My trip to the range the following day was quite impressive. (to me anyway)

I had loaded some "plinking" loads W/the 175 gr Sierras over 49 gr of IMR 4064 crossing the cronograph @ just under 2700 fps.

These loads were grouping in the 1 1/4" to 1 1/2" range @ 100 yds. I was quite pleased seeing as how this rifle was fairly light weight @ 7 1/2# W/a 3-9 X 40 Leupold VX-II & a barrel mounted swivel stud that is not what one would normally mount for maximum accuracey.

When I loaded her up W/the 180 gr Nosler BTs, I was happy to see the average group size shrink closer to the 1" range.

Here was the best group W/the 180 BTs for 3 consecutive shoots W/O cooling starting W/a luke warm barrel.

Was I happy? You bet I was!

I shot another group W/O cooling the barrel & the group opened uo about 1/2" so the barrel is good for @ least 3 shots consecutively, & even W/ 6 fired W/O a cool down, it still has plenty of "hunting accuracy" for 300 yds or so.

I let the barrel cool while I walked out to the target & back. I fired 2 rounds W/the 200 gr Partitions & could see the holes nearly touching. I immediately fired a 3rd shot & went out to retrieve the target.

Here is the group I found when I reached the target.

Subsequent trips to the range have confirmed that the accuracy W/the 180 BTs is good, but this sucker just loves the 200 gr Partitions & out to 235 yds, (the maximum range @ the club) the 200 gr Partitions shoot flatter than 180 gr BTs due I'm sure to the much better BC of the 200 gr pills.

Sighted in 3" high @ 100 yds they print about 1" high @ 200 yds & just a bit low @ 235 yds. The groups @ 235 yds are all under 3".

I am really tickled W/the way this gun looks & shoots & it "carries" very well in the woods too.

I wonder, given the odd condition & performance of that barrel, if it was a "sniper" barrel?

Now, I want to try some Nosler .323 200gr "Accubonds"!

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of A7Dave
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Very, very, nice! Maybe I missed it, but did you re-chamber it to 8mm-06 or just leave it in 8x57? I bought a VZ-24 barreled action that I can't bring myself to rebarrel since the bore is perfect!

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Nice, I especially like the stock. That straight grained walnut is just nice enough to make a great looking stock & not be too gaudy and will most likely remain stable, too.

I load the 200 gr. Nosler Accubonds for a Buddy's 8x57IS and he loves 'em. They shoot excellently and the terminal perfomance is super.

Is that a Butterfly safety?

A matter of taste but IMO for 100% classic Teutonic fashion that barrel looks pretty naked at the muzzle end w/o a barrel band front sight to compliment the entire package.


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Originally posted by A7Dave:
Very, very, nice! Maybe I missed it, but did you re-chamber it to 8mm-06 or just leave it in 8x57? I bought a VZ-24 barreled action that I can't bring myself to rebarrel since the bore is perfect!

The "intermediate length" LR 98s are built on the small ring length & have a magazine box that is in the neighborhood of 3.235". The VZ500 action is the comercial equivelant to the M48 Yugo. In fact, the front receiver ring has Yugoslavia stamped on the underside.

These actions, compared to the "standard length" M98s already have the bolt stop moved a bit to the rear as well as the front ramp being a bit steep. They are .250" shorter than the standard length, but are only .090" shorter in the magazine box. There is not room to lengthen them to "06" length.

Besides, there is not much to gain by going to 8mm-06. I had an 8mm-06 Ackley Improved & it would best the results I'm getting from the 8X57 IS by only about 150 fps.

I do have a "standard length" action & stock that had an 8mm-06 AI installed, but the barrel was turned too thin & it would "walk" the shots as the barrel warmed. I have a 98/29 (29") barrel that will allow a heavier countour when cut & tapered to 24 3/8" & it will be the next project. Since I already have the dies, it seems like a worth while project. The action also has a 1904 Portuguese Mauser (hinged floorplate) trigger guard that is lengthened as well as having the sides milled @ the proper angle for the A. I. case taper.

I also have another "standard length" action W/a 29" Persian Mauser barrel that I will have cut, rechambered & tapered to 26" for an 8X68S. I also have a 2nd 1904 Portuguese Mauser trigger guard for that project.

I think that will make a nice trio. 8X57 IS, 8mm-06 A.I. & 8X68s.

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gerry:
Nice, I especially like the stock. That straight grained walnut is just nice enough to make a great looking stock & not be too gaudy and will most likely remain stable, too.

I load the 200 gr. Nosler Accubonds for a Buddy's 8x57IS and he loves 'em. They shoot excellently and the terminal perfomance is super.

Is that a Butterfly safety?

A matter of taste but IMO for 100% classic Teutonic fashion that barrel looks pretty naked at the muzzle end w/o a barrel band front sight to compliment the entire package.

That is a Bueler (type) wing safety made by Timney. I heated & bent the wing @ a slight angle front to rear angle to clear the LOW scope mounting. It tucks right up against the eye piece bell W/just enough protrusion for easy manipulation.

Yes I agree that sights would be more appropriate in the asthetic sense & I am torn between leaving the barrel clean & installing a "band" front sight & a simple rear leaf.

W/the comb as high as it is, I don't know if open sights would be practical.

I also hesitate to do anything that might change the (IMO) outstanding accuracy I'm getting from the current set-up.

As far a the stock "stability"?

I glass "pilar bedded" the front receiver ring/recoil lug/rear bridge area leaving a .015" gap @ the rear of the tang to allow for recoil W/slight relief between the front ring & rear bridge via packing tape used when bedding for clearance. I also "tight" bedded the 1st 3" of the barrel leaving the rest of the barrel W/a .015" free float. I used .015" pattern maker's wax covered W/1 layer of packing tape for clearance @ the rear of the tang & free float section. I also made the rear pilar tube W/ample clearance for the rear action screw.

I had to add a lot of "glass" in the trigger guard area as the inletting was a bit sloppy. The trigger guard is pretty much "skin tight".

One has to put a good bit of pressure on the stock/barrel to get it to pop free & it takes some coaxing to get the trigger guard free of the stock. The action/stock bedding is "snug as bug in a rug".

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by A7Dave:
I bought a VZ-24 barreled action that I can't bring myself to rebarrel since the bore is perfect!

IMO, leave it 8X57 IS & load it to "European (adult) pressure levels.

If you like, I can snail-mail (my scanner is on the fritz) you some drawings of the barrel contour. I calculated a constant radius starting from the last "step" leaving just enough clean up for a small radius @ the chamber area. There is no true "taper, but rather a short 4" or so parallel section @ the muzzle, sweeping in a constant radius to the chamber area.

Dennis Olsen did the barrel to my spec's for a very reasonable price & returned the barrel in less than a week. This was in the "off season" so right now, the "turn around" might not be so quick.

I would check the throat W/a bullet of your choice to see if the COAL @ .015" off the lands will fit into the magazine box. If it does, leave it 8X57. If not, then rechamber it to 8mm-06, but dont expect more than about 50-75 fps increase in MV & a given pressure.

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I don't know all the ins-n-outs of sporterizing Mauser actions, but I must say that as low as you have that scope mounted, you must have done something right!

That's the lowest I've ever seen a scope mounted on a Mauser. I imagine that it is due to not only your safety & bolt handle alteration, but to careful scope selection as well.
Posts: 539 | Registered: 14 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Wow that's lovely!

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Originally posted by BECoole:
I don't know all the ins-n-outs of sporterizing Mauser actions, but I must say that as low as you have that scope mounted, you must have done something right!

That's the lowest I've ever seen a scope mounted on a Mauser. I imagine that it is due to not only your safety & bolt handle alteration, but to careful scope selection as well.

I actually have a standard length 98 action W/"super low" Leupold rings that clears a Kales 3-9X42 scope.

That required a 3 position M70 type safety & a Harris bolt handle welded very cloe to the bolt body W/the bolt handle thinned to about 1/4".

EDIT: The original VZ500 bolt handle profile would have required high rings so I altered the bolt handle by cutting the "butterknife" handle, sectioning out perhaps 1/4" of the stub & welding it closer to the bolt body.

I started out W/"medium" Leupold rings on this action & the bolt handle/safety had ample clearance so I tried the set of "low" Leupold rings.

W/the "low" rings, the bolt handle would just barely kiss the lens cap so a took a bit off the bolt handle, re-bent it a bit & now everything clears.

There is perhaps .030" clearance between the safety & eyepiece bell but the safety locks the bolt & protrudes enough so that it is easy to flick off.

I forgot 1 detail in the original post.

I inletted a Dakota Arms sling swivel stud in the toe of the stock.

I will edit the original post to include this picture.

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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really nice! However, I think the bottom metal would look nicer if the extra screws were removed and the holes welded up and polished.
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:
really nice! However, I think the bottom metal would look nicer if the extra screws were removed and the holes welded up and polished.

Did you happen notice that all the screw slots line up? (every screw in the gun in fact except the bolt release) are "north/south" oriented)

I'll have to get on that bolt release screw.

That took a bit of "machine work" W/a safe file & a drill press on the back sides of the action screw heads, (I just got lucky on the lock screws) but I think it was a lot sexier than welding up the lock screw holes

Posts: 2440 | Location: Northern New York, WAY NORTH | Registered: 04 March 2001Reply With Quote
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That's a very pleasing setup and look. I like the stock lines.

I have 2 - 7x57 - 20" barrels, I think they also have a "1" stamped on them and came from RSI?

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