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.41 and .44 magnum real world velocities
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Picture of Redhawk1
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Originally posted by Whitworth:
You need to be in better communication with your partner George, as he is the one dragging trophy animals into this thread. I personally don't give a damn what you think, or what you hunt. Those little hogs handily outweighed that bear you shot recently as do you. If that bear was 206-lbs, you must weigh 400......... You don't ever know what will come around, but it is you that ultimately decides the fate of the animal and it is your judgement that comes into play and your trigger finger.

I also recall some time back where George took jwp to task about the grizzly he shot in self defense as being small. That bear was a hell-of-a-lot bigger than what you posted -- yet, if wasn't sared enough to be left alone......

No one dragged you into this, so you can only blame yourself. You have repeatedly pissed on people here and y'all don't like it when you get it back. So, my suggesion, if you don't like what you are reading here, is not to read it........oh, and don't respond either if you find it so upsetting. Leave you out of it? Stay out of it.

Bad judge of weight there Whitworth, I am no where near 400 lb. Are you trying to insult me?
You want to make this personal?
I will respond to you if I see fit. So don't tell me not to respond.
George is not my partner, my wife is my partner, now a friend he is. But I don't feel the need to come here and defend him, he is a big boy and does just fine on his own.
But if you have issues with him, take it up with him, not me.

You always talk about how people argue on this site, you are every bit the problem. You seem to find your way into the shit every time. So you are part of the problem here. Hello....

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Redhawk -- no, you are wrong, you all nearly always start it and I don't necessarily back down. I only find my way in the shit when the two of you starting start spewing it. It's not just me who has a problem with the Delaware Destroyers.

But don't piss and moan about being dragged in, and then the next post say: "I will respond to you if I see fit. So don't tell me not to respond". You can't have it both ways.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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i sure agree that bear size is hard to judge and theres not a dammed thing wrong with shooting a 200lb bear. About 90 percent of the bear taken up here are in that class. You know me though and ill stand behind the 44 mag till i die. I have and can use about any caliber of handgun but about 3/4s of the time i go into the woods a 44 mag of some kind is on my hip. Why? because its a caliber that NEVER let me down and just about any 44 mag a guy can buy is a good shooter. I cant say the same for the 45 colt. I own and shoot a pile of them but it will never replace my 44 mags.
Posts: 1404 | Location: munising MI USA | Registered: 29 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Redhawk1
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Originally posted by Lloyd Smale:
i sure agree that bear size is hard to judge and theres not a dammed thing wrong with shooting a 200lb bear. About 90 percent of the bear taken up here are in that class. You know me though and ill stand behind the 44 mag till i die. I have and can use about any caliber of handgun but about 3/4s of the time i go into the woods a 44 mag of some kind is on my hip. Why? because its a caliber that NEVER let me down and just about any 44 mag a guy can buy is a good shooter. I cant say the same for the 45 colt. I own and shoot a pile of them but it will never replace my 44 mags.

I agree, nothing wrong one bit with the 44 Mag. Like I said, it was my round of choice for many years.

And yes a 200 lb black bear is not bad at all. Call most of the outfitters in the United States and 150 to 175 is the average black bear taken. 300 plus are the exception more then the rule.

Maybe next year I will take a large black bear, I don't want any of the local experts here to think I only shoot baby 200

Always a pleasure talking to you Lloyd.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Picture of george roof
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Bobby, I sincerely apologize for that remark. I was "reading into it" what obviously wasn't there. You're missing out on some good action if that's true that you don't participate, however. In fact, without bait or dogs, I'm not aware of anyplace you can actually hunt bears by hunt and stalk in North America other than Vancouver Island and some rare parts of British Columbia. In all honesty, black bears don't do that much for me as Redhawk can attest. I went on this past hunt just as company more than anything else. I just enjoy longer range hunting with long guns. Just MY PREFERENCE.

Whitworth, I didn't say anything about those cub grizzlies jwp shot and the story about how he had to shoot them in self defense didn't even come out until much later in that post if I recall. I did forward his post about his implying that he'd shot both of them to the Alaskan Department of Natural Resources (they told me that there was little they could do with undated photos and 3 hunters in camp). Now I did see a few picture of your and jwp's hogs and if Redhawk has to take heat about what he weighs in comparison to his bear, you and your 175 pound hog, you must weigh half a ton or more. (It's OK for fat people to tease other fat people but we tend to take exception with skinny asses start talking about our weight.) You owe him an apology.

RETIRED Taxidermist
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I think you guys owe this site an apology for stinking it up so much over the course of this year. George, you rarely have anything positive to add, but every post is dripping with condescention and sarcasm.

My ass is skinny as I work to keep it that way and I still weigh 200-lbs. Funny, that 175-lb hog was still bigger than your bears........ Perhaps your vision is also failing -- we won't get into your plumbing.......

I never implied that ANYONE was fat. I said that if that bear weighs 206-lbs, then that would make Redhawk1 400-lbs -- the implication was that the bear was small. The inference was yours.

BTW, jwp didn't shoot both of those bears and maybe you are experiencing some early onset alzheimers as he never said that he did and those two bears were still WAY bigger than those cubs y'all shot. Maybe you should target Yogi and not Boo Boo next time........

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Picture of Redhawk1
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So now you are calling us liars?
I hope you are not insinuating that my bear did not weigh 206 lb or that Georges bear was not 241 lb.
They were weighted on a digital scale at the butcher shop. How many bears have you shot? You don't know one thing about bear, your lack of experience is showing here.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Picture of Whitworth
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Originally posted by Redhawk1:
So now you are calling us liars?
I hope you are not insinuating that my bear did not weigh 206 lb or that Georges bear was not 241 lb.
They were weighted on a digital scale at the butcher shop. How many bears have you shot? You don't know one thing about bear, your lack of experience is showing here.

You don't know much about anything and it shows all the time yet it seldom stops you from spewing. Why don't y'all go piss up a flagpole.

Oh, and if the shoe fits........

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Picture of Redhawk1
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Originally posted by Whitworth:
Originally posted by Redhawk1:
So now you are calling us liars?
I hope you are not insinuating that my bear did not weigh 206 lb or that Georges bear was not 241 lb.
They were weighted on a digital scale at the butcher shop. How many bears have you shot? You don't know one thing about bear, your lack of experience is showing here.

You don't know much about anything and it shows all the time yet it seldom stops you from spewing. Why don't y'all go piss up a flagpole.

Good one Whitworth. My guess you have shot zero bear... So your actual experience with judging bear size is nil.

Without JWP and BFRshooter, you are not much.
I may of had my problem with JWP, but a least I respect his hunting accomplishments and bfrshooter seems like a very experienced hand gunner and hunter. You on the other hand are a wannabe.

You are the one who started this mud slinging about trophies and calling us lairs.
I am done with you and this thread. So post away wannabe. Roll Eyes

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
Member of the Delaware Destroyers
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I never claimed to shoot bear you asshole and I guess you are an expert now that you have shot two or three. I am not the only one who thinks you are inflating the weights of those bears, particularly the narrow-headed, underdeveloped one you shot. So that makes me a wannabe? Now, you think you are hurting me by calling me a wannabe, but I am considering the source, you half-wit. Wannabe! Now you are reaching! dancing You're not done with this thread because you always say that and you cannot stand not getting the last word in.

You may respect jwp and bfrshooter, but I can assure you the sentiment is not mutual. Keep spewing, you are again exposing your lack of knowledge, intelligence, experience, shall I keep going?


"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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well, while i think the .475 linebaugh is a great round i don't think it's the benchmark. the benchmark is either gonna be the biggest and baddest which is the 500 smith, or the first big bore which i'm having a hard time figuring 45 colt versus 44 mag but would go with the 44 as it was loaded to powerful velocities before the 45 colt was.

that said, you don't stop a charging anything without a cns shot. it makes some people, at many levels, very uncomfortable because it means two things. 1) most need to be a better marksman should they encounter a charging animal. 2) they don't need the big boomer they think they need. you won't stop a bear intent on killing you with a 500 smith in the chest anymore than a 44 in the chest will do it AND a 44 with the right load will do it just as well. it really pisses off those that think they need an ultra big bore but in that situation that's when you don't. it really really pisses off those that think they need a 500A2 to stop a charge when in reality i'm better off with a 44 mag and the understanding I NEED A CNS HIT TO STOP THE CHARGE. in that respect i'm never worse off with a pistol than a rifle if i'm competent to perform the aforementioned action of a cns hit with my pistol. the reason the famous quote "a pistol is what you use to get to your rifle" was penned by someone that couldn't shoot his pistol worth a damn. AND i'd take a 44 mag on a charge over any 30 caliber rifle.

it's nice to know there's some people out there (here) that understand you're not outgunned with a pistol, you just have to know how to use it.

and........btw, there's been several accounts of 600 nitro's not reaching the brain on frontal shots on an elephant and instances where a 454 casull and 475 linebaugh have (over 4 ft of penetration on both after going through the brain!!!). i'm sure a 500 linebaugh or 500 smith would've done the same as well and so would a garrett hammerhead 44 mag as well. interesting.
Posts: 559 | Location: texas | Registered: 31 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Yup, you need to put in the time to be proficient with a handgun. I have seen plenty of instances where big-bore handguns out penetrate big-bore rifles. I have seen this in my own testing.

The reason I feel the .475 is a benchmark is that aside from the .45s, it was the first notable big-bore (over .45 caliber) -- and we are talking 20 years ago. The .500 Smith is a recent phenomenon.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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yeah, i understand, i consider the big bores to be above 40 caliber for pistols and i consider the 454 casull, the 475 linebaugh, the various short 500's to be all essentially the same level so to speak, whereas, i consider the big smith's to be in almost another class as i do the 45/70 and 450 marlin out of the bfr or encores. each to his own i guess, but i do get your point.
Posts: 559 | Location: texas | Registered: 31 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of george roof
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Whitworth, on any other forum where you and your two buddies weren't so chummy with a moderator who hasn't a clue about decorum, you wouldn't be able to act as if YOU owned the site. You, jwp, bfr, and hitman have made this your little coffee klatch that when ANYONE doesn't agree with your pontificating, THEY are the problem. You ought to look in the mirror or ask some of the other people here who've seen your dog and pony show awhile before YOU start asking someone to apologize for anything.

BTW, I never shot a piglet either nor plastered a picture of its guts laying all over the ground in a classless act that says more than words.

RETIRED Taxidermist
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Originally posted by george roof:
Whitworth, on any other forum where you and your two buddies weren't so chummy with a moderator who hasn't a clue about decorum, you wouldn't be able to act as if YOU owned the site. You, jwp, bfr, and hitman have made this your little coffee klatch that when ANYONE doesn't agree with your pontificating, THEY are the problem. You ought to look in the mirror or ask some of the other people here who've seen your dog and pony show awhile before YOU start asking someone to apologize for anything.

You don't seem to have many friends anywhere you go, George. Have you ever asked yourself why that is? Is it your bubbly personality? Or your dogmatic pig-headedness? There you go with your self-righteous indignation again. So predictable. You're the one who suggested I apologize, when you and your little buddy have been the source of most of the argumantation on this forum.

You complain incessantly about the state of affairs here, so why not just leave if you are so unhappy? Are you a masochist?

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Ok guys its time to take a breath. These forums are for talking about guns not calling people out. ALot of good people come on here and look and theres also anti gun people that read these forums to get ammo for there argument. We should try more to act like intellegent gentleman that a bunch of radicals looking for a fight. Both sides of this arguement come from people that DO contribute good stuff to this forum and both sides occasionaly get carried away. I come here to share my experience and knowlege and have my opinions. If someone doesnt agree so be it. EVERYBODY has differnt opinions on about every subject and sometimes there both right in there own way. Lets lay this one to rest and shake hands and get back to guns.
Posts: 1404 | Location: munising MI USA | Registered: 29 March 2002Reply With Quote
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if you have a .41 caliber wildcat based on a .454Casull it isn't a .41GNR it is a .41GNR#2. The .41GNR is a wildcat based on the .44RemMag case. Up until two years ago I had both a RSBH duel cylinder 5 shooter in .41GNR and .41RemMag and a 14 inch Contender in .41GNR#2 both from Reeder Custom Guns. In fact my RSBH is pictured on his special guns page. It is the first one Gary posted to that page so it is all the way at the bottom. The RSBH is living in CO and the Contender is still in my safe but belongs the son#1 now. I also had a .410JDJ Contender which is a full length .444Marlin necked to .41 and BTY I have been here since 2000. been through three site crashes and never did get my post count back. Was crawfish then still crawfish and now back to crawfish and IIRC you were the person that I got into a heated discussion about poaching???? Poster was Redhawk. If I'm off point apologies.

Love Those .41s'
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Wow, I thought there were several posts on decorum?
Redhawk and George, I have known Whitworth for some time now. We hunt together and shoot together. He is a fantastic shot and I don't think either of you could hold a candle to him off hand at 100 yd's or any distance you choose. You are both welcome to come and shoot.
He is as good of a hunter as I have ever met, is cool and composed and most important he is not a greedy hunter. I have had to holler at him to shoot a doe because we have too many deer. That took days to convince him.
I expect he would hold his ground against a 1000# bear with his revolver too. Hunting with someone will teach you more about a person then any other thing you can do with them and I would have whitworth with me anytime, anywhere.
The same goes for other friends I have met on the sites that live close.
I only had to change ONE thing with whitworths thinking when I first met him. Don't look for the highest velocity a gun will shoot. Back down, work up to the best accuracy and never worry if it is 50 or 100 fps less then the gun can do. I have seen his shooting instantly improve to fantastic from just decent.
Sorry guys, he CAN hunt and shoot and is a super guy to be with.
I have hunted with people over the years that ground on my nerves after one day. There are people right in my little town that will never be invited to hunt.
On the other hand, I have had friends either long gone or living in another state that I will NEVER forget and think about them all the time. Those that I could hunt with for a month with nothing but humor, fun and more important, just getting along with. Whitworth is one of them.
What none of you understand from this long distance bickering, is a persons attitude and you are pushing buttons you should stay away from.
I am easy going and will do all I can to let the person I am hunting with shoot first or shoot the biggest animal and I give them good hunting spots. Hunting is NOT competition!
I don't know if I could hunt with some of you!
You do not prove to me that your attitude is worth messing with.
Posts: 4068 | Location: Bakerton, WV | Registered: 01 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Good post, well said. thumb

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
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I wasn't going to chime in but since BFR so eloquently supported Whitworth, I figured it might be a safe time for some hopefully constructive criticism.

Whitworth, bringing trophy size and personal body size into the thread was out of line. You seem like someone who tries to take the high road, but that showed some poor judgement (as well as some inexperience with bear hunting) least to this bystander. dvnv
Posts: 114 | Location: CA | Registered: 05 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Redhawk1
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Originally posted by crawfish:
if you have a .41 caliber wildcat based on a .454Casull it isn't a .41GNR it is a .41GNR#2. The .41GNR is a wildcat based on the .44RemMag case. Up until two years ago I had both a RSBH duel cylinder 5 shooter in .41GNR and .41RemMag and a 14 inch Contender in .41GNR#2 both from Reeder Custom Guns. In fact my RSBH is pictured on his special guns page. It is the first one Gary posted to that page so it is all the way at the bottom. The RSBH is living in CO and the Contender is still in my safe but belongs the son#1 now. I also had a .410JDJ Contender which is a full length .444Marlin necked to .41 and BTY I have been here since 2000. been through three site crashes and never did get my post count back. Was crawfish then still crawfish and now back to crawfish and IIRC you were the person that I got into a heated discussion about poaching???? Poster was Redhawk. If I'm off point apologies.

crawfish, I have a 410 GNR not a .41GNR or a .41GNR#2.

41 GNR. This one developed back in 1979 and released it in 1980. It is a 44 Magnum necked down to 41.

41 GNR #2. This one is a 445 SuperMag case necked down to 41.

410 GNR - is a 454 Casull case neck down to 41.

Also crawfish, I have no idea if we got into a heated discussion on poaching. But if you were poaching, I probably did get hot about it. I don't condone it at all. But I don't recall if I ever did.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Originally posted by dvnv:
I wasn't going to chime in but since BFR so eloquently supported Whitworth, I figured it might be a safe time for some hopefully constructive criticism.

Whitworth, bringing trophy size and personal body size into the thread was out of line. You seem like someone who tries to take the high road, but that showed some poor judgement (as well as some inexperience with bear hunting) least to this bystander. dvnv

Okay -- again I will preemptively state -- as I always do when the subject of bear hunting comes up, that I have never shot a bear. I have never pretended to, or suggesed that I have -- NEVER. I have never misrepresented myself in this manner, nor will I. Go back and look at the posts that I have participated in on the subject. Also, if you go back and read what I wrote, you will see that George Roof distorted my commentary. I merely stated that if that bear was 200+ pounds than Redhawk must be 400 -- that was a comment about the weight of the bear relative to the man next to the bear. I said NOTHING about his girth and it seems as though this is a touchy subject to some here as it was entirely misconstrued. So, go back and read it and you will see. It was Roof that began with the insulting of the trophies, not me (trophies that oink and squeak). Should I have risen above the fray? Certainly, but show those two guys the same outrage with their commentary. My only poor judgement was getting involved in the "discussion" to begin with.

I am sick of these two running roughshod over people on this site. I know there will be a fit of self-righteous indignation now, but I expect it.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Originally posted by bfrshooter:
Wow, I thought there were several posts on decorum?
Redhawk and George, I have known Whitworth for some time now. We hunt together and shoot together. He is a fantastic shot and I don't think either of you could hold a candle to him off hand at 100 yd's or any distance you choose. You are both welcome to come and shoot.
He is as good of a hunter as I have ever met, is cool and composed and most important he is not a greedy hunter. I have had to holler at him to shoot a doe because we have too many deer. That took days to convince him.
I expect he would hold his ground against a 1000# bear with his revolver too. Hunting with someone will teach you more about a person then any other thing you can do with them and I would have whitworth with me anytime, anywhere.
The same goes for other friends I have met on the sites that live close.
I only had to change ONE thing with whitworths thinking when I first met him. Don't look for the highest velocity a gun will shoot. Back down, work up to the best accuracy and never worry if it is 50 or 100 fps less then the gun can do. I have seen his shooting instantly improve to fantastic from just decent.
Sorry guys, he CAN hunt and shoot and is a super guy to be with.
I have hunted with people over the years that ground on my nerves after one day. There are people right in my little town that will never be invited to hunt.
On the other hand, I have had friends either long gone or living in another state that I will NEVER forget and think about them all the time. Those that I could hunt with for a month with nothing but humor, fun and more important, just getting along with. Whitworth is one of them.
What none of you understand from this long distance bickering, is a persons attitude and you are pushing buttons you should stay away from.
I am easy going and will do all I can to let the person I am hunting with shoot first or shoot the biggest animal and I give them good hunting spots. Hunting is NOT competition!
I don't know if I could hunt with some of you!
You do not prove to me that your attitude is worth messing with.

bfrshooter, that is good you take up for your buddy. You know him personally and hunt with him, so that makes you take his side every time. Understood.

But you don't know George or I and you have NEVER seen us shoot or anything. Yet you tell us Whitworth is a much better shot and blow roses up his ass. If you don't know us or have seen us shoot, how in the hell do you know what we are capable of?

As you know Whitworth, I know George, and I would trust him with my life.
But I damn sure am not going to say he's is a better shot then you or Whitworth or anyone else that I have never seen shoot.
I don't need to come here are talk George up to make in some kind of shooting god.

You talk about pushing buttons, well I guess this is a one way street here. You all don't have a problem pushing buttons. So take you own advice.

As I see it, I was not in competition here, your little buddy Whitworth was the one casting stones about trophies, and calling people he does not know liars. I take being call a liar very personal, especially from someone that does not know me what so ever. I have no reason to lie, a 206 lb bear is not a big trophy by any means, but it is a trophy in my book. How many bears has you buddy Whitworth taken with a handgun.

So before you give George and I your little lecture, you may want to give your buddy Whitworth the same advice.

As far as me having the right attitude, I have hunted all over, and I have met a lot of fellow hunter, and never had I had one problem with anyone. I have received letter and e-mails from people I met in different hunting camps, and we still keep in touch with each other. So don't judge me by what I post here. You don't know me.

As far as hunting with you, I doubt it would ever happen anyway's.
I already have the select guys I hunt with, and we have a blast no matter where or what we go after. I don't need to come shoot with you all either, what do I have to prove? I am an accomplish handgun hunter, I doubt I would benefit from shooting with you all. Seeing how I can't hold a candle to either of you.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Posts: 3142 | Location: Magnolia Delaware | Registered: 15 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Quote: "So don't judge me by what I post here. You don't know me."

What in the hell are we supposed to judge you on? This is all we can judge a person on when it comes to forums on the internet. Out of BFRShooter's entire post, you pulled out the segment on my ability to shoot and it bothered you that he suggested that I shoot better than you. What, are we in primary school?

One other question. How many bears did it take for you to declare yourself an expert bear hunter?

You guys have cooked up so may arguments that it is laughable that you act as though you have been personally insulted when you get a little of it back.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Originally posted by Whitworth:
Quote: "So don't judge me by what I post here. You don't know me."

What in the hell are we supposed to judge you on? This is all we can judge a person on when it comes to forums on the internet. Out of BFRShooter's entire post, you pulled out the segment on my ability to shoot and it bothered you that he suggested that I shoot better than you. What, are we in primary school?

One other question. How many bears did it take for you to declare yourself an expert bear hunter?

You guys have cooked up so may arguments that it is laughable that you act as though you have been personally insulted when you get a little of it back.

Read my post again, I addressed a few of his remarks. I really could care less if you are a better shot than me. Hell I never even seen you shoot, so what do I know of you shooting ability? Does that make you a better person or some kind of King shit of turd island?

Please show me where I ever clamed to be a bear expert. I never claimed to be a bear expert anywhere, but I have killed several of them, and I know from experience, bear are hard to judge as far as size. And other bear hunters have said the same thing. So I do have a little more experience in bear hunting than you, which does not really count for shit in my opinion.

If you don't know bear or have not been around bear, how in the hell are you going to tell me what my bear weighs? Were you there or are you a bear expert that you can tell a bears weight by a picture?
Why not call the outfitter. here is his phone number. (207) 455-8405, ask for Pete. But I am sure you will call him a lair also.

As far as getting it back, I don't have a problem if you want to take personal shots at me, or not agree with me, but calling me a lair is just not sitting well with me. One thing I hate more than a crook or anything else, is a lair, and you call me a lair. I doubt it we were in the same room you would say that, I really doubt it.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Whitworth, your fairytale is falling apart. Now someone we don't know and never met has told you that you owe an apology. You simply are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. When you and your cronies come on here and make off the wall comments, that's supposed to be irrefutable truth being spoken, but then when we challenge it, it's us "who I am sick of these two running roughshod over people on this site." Like YOU aren't doing the same thing contiuously although you seem to be sanctioned to get away with it.

I don't recall either of us ever being a self acclaimed "expert" at anything, but anytime whe challenge you or your personal buddies to anything, you accuse us of saying that. I don't know if I've ever been truthfully accused of ever "distorting" anyone's commentary. If you used words you didn't mean or said them incorrectly,they're still the only viable evidence I have to deal with. I can't read your mind either.

This whole pissing contest started weeks ago when you KNEW that both Redhawk and I had jwp on "ignore" to tone down some of this rhetoric. Yet YOU copied and pasted his posts under your name EXPRESSLY NOTING that you were doing it so that we would see it. So get off your throne and flush behind you. You're as much a "problem" on this site as anyone is.

And BTW, I celebrate your fondness of shooting hogs. They're a damned menace to wildlife and destroy habitat. I'd like to see all of them slaughtered before they destroy all the habitat necessary for the species I enjoy hunting to survive.

Now, I know YOU need the last word, so I'll just put you on "ignore" temporarily so as not to be intimidated in replying any more. Then you can ask Hitman to lock the post so everyone can see how terrible the "Delaware Destroyers" really are. LMAO.

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You feeling froggy, Alex?? Big Grin Same room? I am sure you would show me one hell-of-a-lot more respect than you do from the safety of your keyboard. I never called you a liar, but I think that scale needs to be checked. I also NEVER claimed to know more about judging bear size than anyone else on this site, so get off your damn high-horse. I also heard from a friend, a Canuck who has taken lots of black bear and he felt that bear (he saw your video on the Reeder site) went about 100-lbs. So, it's not just my perception that your bear looks small, and surely nothing would have been said had George not so deftly opened this line of discussion up.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Originally posted by george roof:
Whitworth, your fairytale is falling apart. Now someone we don't know and never met has told you that you owe an apology. You simply are incapable of seeing the forest for the trees. When you and your cronies come on here and make off the wall comments, that's supposed to be irrefutable truth being spoken, but then when we challenge it, it's us "who I am sick of these two running roughshod over people on this site." Like YOU aren't doing the same thing contiuously although you seem to be sanctioned to get away with it.

I don't recall either of us ever being a self acclaimed "expert" at anything, but anytime whe challenge you or your personal buddies to anything, you accuse us of saying that. I don't know if I've ever been truthfully accused of ever "distorting" anyone's commentary. If you used words you didn't mean or said them incorrectly,they're still the only viable evidence I have to deal with. I can't read your mind either.

This whole pissing contest started weeks ago when you KNEW that both Redhawk and I had jwp on "ignore" to tone down some of this rhetoric. Yet YOU copied and pasted his posts under your name EXPRESSLY NOTING that you were doing it so that we would see it. So get off your throne and flush behind you. You're as much a "problem" on this site as anyone is.

And BTW, I celebrate your fondness of shooting hogs. They're a damned menace to wildlife and destroy habitat. I'd like to see all of them slaughtered before they destroy all the habitat necessary for the species I enjoy hunting to survive.

Now, I know YOU need the last word, so I'll just put you on "ignore" temporarily so as not to be intimidated in replying any more. Then you can ask Hitman to lock the post so everyone can see how terrible the "Delaware Destroyers" really are. LMAO.

I am flattered to be on your ignore list. I am in good company, George. I can't see the forrest for the trees? Why is it that so many pile on you when you respond to others' posts? Haven't figured it out yet? Is it your sugary personality? Go away, George, and don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way out.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Originally posted by Whitworth:
You feeling froggy, Alex?? Big Grin Same room? I am sure you would show me one hell-of-a-lot more respect than you do from the safety of your keyboard. I never called you a liar, but I think that scale needs to be checked. I also NEVER claimed to know more about judging bear size than anyone else on this site, so get off your damn high-horse. I also heard from a friend, a Canuck who has taken lots of black bear and he felt that bear (he saw your video on the Reeder site) went about 100-lbs. So, it's not just my perception that your bear looks small, and surely nothing would have been said had George not so deftly opened this line of discussion up.

Show you more respect, I doubt it. So you think I can only talk big behind my keyboard, think again. But I am not going to keep going back and forth with you on how tough you think you are. I am not impressed in the least. But you and I both know, if we were in a room together, you would have second though's about questioning someone's integrity.

Funny shit happen when there is nothing between people but air.

But back to my bear, the scales were calibrated, thank you very much. And tell your Canuck buddy he is full of shit. Or better yet, tell me who he is and I will tell him myself.

I can show you a 100 Lb bear, my first bear taken with my 500 Mag was 100 lb, and my current bear is no where close to that small. It is what it is, no need for me to make it bigger than what it was, what do I have to gain from making it bigger. I don't have anything to prove. Hell if it was 150, 175 or what ever, it is what it is. But it was 206 and I can't change that.

And yes you did call me a liar, when you say my bear did not weight what I said it did.

If you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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You're an unarmed man, Alex, stop talking smack, okay? You don't know enough about me to even go there and we will leave it at that. You are obviously very provincial. Integrity? Oh, you two have displayed a boatload of that, haven't you! Your posts read like a commedy. You can call Cabelas and tell him he's full of shit if you want, I will PM you his number. You have nothing to prove? Sounds quite a bit like I've touched a nerve and you are trying your hardest to prove it. Again, you are a living contradiction.

This is my last post here as I attempt to rise above the sewage that has been dumped into this thread. Feel free to have the last word -- see, you said you were done with the post about 5 responses ago and again, you were true to your word. Integrity? Don't make me laugh.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Now someone we don't know and never met has told you that you owe an apology.

I figure you are talking about my post to Whitworth. For the record, I think you and Redhawk1 owe the board an apology. I doubt my thoughts will have any influence on either of you, so wasn't going to waste my time...but since I think you mentioned my post I am setting the record straight.

I enjoy reading dissenting views but see no need for them to turn into mudslinging. It takes 2 sides to make it happen and your are certainly on one of those sides. dvnv
Posts: 114 | Location: CA | Registered: 05 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by dvnv:
Now someone we don't know and never met has told you that you owe an apology.

I figure you are talking about my post to Whitworth. For the record, I think you and Redhawk1 owe the board an apology. I doubt my thoughts will have any influence on either of you, so wasn't going to waste my time...but since I think you mentioned my post I am setting the record straight.

I enjoy reading dissenting views but see no need for them to turn into mudslinging. It takes 2 sides to make it happen and your are certainly on one of those sides. dvnv

I never quoted you, dvnv. Confused

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Whitworth: I know you didn't...It was George I was addressing. dvnv
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Picture of Bobby Tomek
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Redhawk1, in a response to Whitworth, wrote:
You are the one who started this mud slinging about trophies

I must correct you, Redhawk1. The bit about the trophies was initiated by george roof when he posted the following:

"There are a few people who come here with trophies that don't oink or squeak."

Things went south from there, but if you are going to bring it up, be sure you "credit" (blame) the right person...

Μολὼν λαβέ
The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri

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hammering you know who i agree with in this post? Its the man whos classy enough to let the other have the last word.
Posts: 1404 | Location: munising MI USA | Registered: 29 March 2002Reply With Quote
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A nice guy came here with a decent question. He got a few decent answers and the shit then hit the fan with the few that will never agree with anything whether it is right or wrong. The first post turned into a circus. I suppose the guy went elswhere for answers and I don't blame him.
How three guys can destroy a fine site for others is beyond me.
Yes, Redhawk, George and Me_plat are responsible for all the friction here. Know it all book and dictionary readers with almost no experience in the field unless led back and forth by a guide. I could lose them instantly in any forest. They need "Depends" if the animal gets too large!
None any of them has shown any knowledge of reloading, accuracy, hunting, killing power, or any other aspect of what this site is about.
Their only purpose is to show how smart they think they are and to dispute whatever else is said even when facts back up the posts.
I am willing to bet that I could turn all of them loose here where there are tons of deer and all would go home empty handed.
Oh hell, a fawn might walk close to one of them!
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I certainly don't need to get in the last jab. That's not my style. But I am also not going to sit back when something wrong is intentionally posted.

That, too, is not my style... hammering

Μολὼν λαβέ
The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri

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Redhawk1 as I lay in bed last night is relaized that your post had a 0 in back of that .41 and in deed that is a .41 in a 454 case. I was in the process of having Gary make me yet another cylinder for my SBH in .410GNR when I had to pass all my guns on to others. I had gone so far as to purchase 500 cases from Starline. I gave them away on the Ruger site as a Karma. Sorry for the jump in and no I'm not a poacher.

Love Those .41s'
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