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Who still makes Forster style bullet seating dies?
One of Us
posted 06 December 2007 06:04
What I'm looking for is the benchrest seating die with the "side window" where you load the bullet into a holding collet and the shell rises and lifts the bullet and collet to the seating stem?


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posted 06 December 2007 06:14Hide Post is a good place to start. I know there are others also but can't re-call their names right now

Best wishes, Bill
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posted 06 December 2007 07:15Hide Post
That is called a Vickerman die.
RCBS makes a competition die that has the side window.
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posted 06 December 2007 07:31Hide Post
Hey A D

RCBS makes 2 styles of seater dies that have the side window like you describe

The Competition Seater

And the Gold Medal Match Series Seater which may only be available in a few calibers.

I have 5 or 6 of the Competion Seaters and only one of the Gold Medal Match. The difference is that the Gold Medal Match has a floating seating stem and the floating collet fits over the neck, shoulder and part of the case body. The Competition Seater floating collet only fits over the neck and shoulder.

I prefer this type of seater and do not notice a big difference between the Competition and the Match Series.

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posted 06 December 2007 08:26Hide Post
WOW, that's what I call an overwhelming response... with PICS even....

I was going to ask what is the alleged difference between the Gold medal seater and the comp seater, but it looks like even that is covered...

Except why for a what is aparrently a different bushing adds $60 to the priceSmiler

Vickerman is the name I was looking for and for some reason what came to mind was the forster dies.

The other big question is why didn't I just search on Midway?



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posted 06 December 2007 17:19Hide Post
I used Vickerman seaters for two different calibers years ago, one for 22's and the other for 25's. Somewhere along the way, they disappeared, never to be located again.
But, Vickerman is still in business. I saw their ad in Rifle magazine in this month's issue.


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posted 06 December 2007 22:18Hide Post
As far as I know Forster still makes them... I have one for 30-06 & 338WM and would not trade them for any other brand... so why not Forster?
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posted 07 December 2007 05:56Hide Post
I use the Vickerman in 22,24.25,26,28,and 30.
I realy like it. I just bought the die body with one insides then got the innards, snd shelholders for whatever I needed. Below is the link to them.


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posted 07 December 2007 06:48Hide Post
Hey A D

Forgot to mention that you can buy one Competition Seater you can buy more inserts in different calibers to fit

There are those who would misteach us that to stick in a rut is consistency - and a virtue, and that to climb out of the rut is inconsistency - and a vice.
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Posts: 2750 | Location: Houston, Tx | Registered: 17 January 2005Reply With Quote
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posted 07 December 2007 09:12Hide Post

then you really only have to buy it ONCE, just get a set of inserts for it.


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