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Use a premium bullet - TSX, Accubond, Trophy Bonded Bear Claw, Swift A Frame, Failsafe, Scirrocco, Partition Gold, Partition, Interbond, or Northfork (whatever floats your boat, or I should say, whatever punches your paper) - shoot em through the shoulders under ~200 yards and through the heart/lungs at longer distances. MHO


There are those who would misteach us that to stick in a rut is consistency - and a virtue, and that to climb out of the rut is inconsistency - and a vice.
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Posts: 2750 | Location: Houston, Tx | Registered: 17 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Posted 04 May 2005 20:24 Hide Post
I have a short story to share

have a short story to share about a deer that I thought was an unkillable deer.I was with my buddy hunting a smaal strip of timber and a nice buck ran out twards my buddy it was heading to an open field when i got there my friend was propped against an old piece of farm equipment the deer was about 300 yards and comimg to a stop. He stopped and my friend shot it behind the front shoulder that deer ran about 50 feet and stopped and looked back broadside. He shot again and again we heard the bullet hit this time he jumped in the air and took off for the timber as I was watching thru my scope I could seethe impact of the bullet. he ran and ran and ran,we had snow and the whole day to get him we tracked him into a draw 30 minutes later . My buddy saw him move at 50 yards and shot at his neck as that was all he could see.sounded like a good hit when I got over to him he was baffled he had been hit 3 times and still going strong.We kept going and cought up again this time he was weak and in a ditch he did not make over when he tried to jump it.This time he hit it in the juglar and the deer was finished. Get this were both were shooting our favorite rifles in .270 cal that deer had been shot 4 times and not a bone was hit the first 2 shots were between the spine and the top of the lungs between the ribs both times. I to this day believe that deer would have survived those 2 shots the third shot in the neck definately slowed him and of course the 4th nailed him but I never thought you hit something that many times and not hit bone. It just seemed that you could not kill him. But it just goes to show that somtimes what apears to be a fatal shot is not! Inour case it appeared to be 3 fatal shots that were not.I have alway shot for arm pit and never lost one hit there yet.Neck shots I wont take unless there is some shoulder in there to hit in case I pull a bit and if adeer is facing you a high neck shot can be a very easy target to graze If you dont have a good rest.just my story to share.

I brought this out of the arcives to see if any one else has a simular story.


If it cant be Grown it has to be Mined! Devoted member of Newmont mining company Underground Mine rescue team. Carlin East,Deep Star ,Leeville,Deep Post ,Chukar and now Exodus Where next? Pete Bajo to train newbies on long hole stoping and proper blasting techniques.
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My experience has lead me to develop a theory - deer shot in a rib will often drop at the shot and die quickly because of 3 main factors - the bullet expands immediately on hitting the rib and the wound channel is bigger and there is greater internal trauma. At the same time the rib bone fragments enter the lungs like shrapnel and lacerate the lungs & cause massive damage and thirdly the hit on the rib transfers shock to the spine and paralizes the animal momentarily, causing it to drop on the spot. I have never read of such an analysis / theory in the hunting magazines.

I have lost deer in very dense wet bush where tracking is impossible because all sign looks fresh and visibility is as little as 2 feet because of thick fern cover here in New Zealand. That particular animal was hit in the arm pit with a 243 95 gr Nposler BT at 10 yards and it jumped up and ran. 10 yards behind the animal the bush was splattered for a radius of 5 to 6 feet with bits of blood, tissue, skin, etc. I guess that deer was lying dead within 50 yards but I could not find it even after searching fro 3 days. The terrain was very hilly with lots of guts, gullies, swamp etc. as well as this vegetation & fern cover.

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popcornSince the time I started this thread (7 years ago) and now my combination preference for animals up to the size of mule deer has become a 6.5mm moving a 160 grain Hornady 2600 fps. To me this would be a shade marginal for elk but would likely perform well on them also.

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Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Or you could just use a rifle big enough to do the job if you dont have the perfect shot. That wild cat 22 Varminter is just what it says a VARMITER, not a deer gun. Thats all we need is a bunch of dead deer in the bush because someone shot it with a girly gun and it was wounded bad enough to kill it eventually but the hunter never found it.
Posts: 33 | Registered: 25 May 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by richyb:
Or you could just use a rifle big enough to do the job if you dont have the perfect shot. That wild cat 22 Varminter is just what it says a VARMITER, not a deer gun. Thats all we need is a bunch of dead deer in the bush because someone shot it with a girly gun and it was wounded bad enough to kill it eventually but the hunter never found it.

Frowner10-4 load and clear. oldroger

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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This was a case of making a mistake before you left the house. Surely any old infantry rifle with factory ammo would have been better than what you shot those animals with.
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