I going to begin loading some handgun ammo; Specifically 45 ACP for now. I have been loading and reloading rifle and shotgun shells for approaching 50 yrs. I know how to do it. What I do not know anything about is this Starline brass that seems very available. It is a couple bucks less than Remington fodder. What is the scoop on it? I am not going to be shooting for competition but will likely load +P pressures. Your thoughts on Starline quality?
Posts: 3256 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 January 2009
I like starline brass a great deal. I don't see the sense in separating either. However, be aware that there are cases with small pistol primers instead of large. I am not sure what the reasoning was, but I think it was something to do with non toxic shot or something. I simply throw the small ones away when I get them.
Auburn University BS '09, DVM '17
Posts: 609 | Location: Selma, AL | Registered: 16 January 2005
Starline brass is very good stuff; at least all I use is, sometimes thicker and last longer. Yes, brass sorting among 45 ACP brands is like sorting out the most virtuous whore.
Posts: 17580 | Location: USA | Registered: 02 August 2009
No reason at all to load +P loads for practice. My practice ammo is all cast round nose, loaded with enough powder to reliably blow the slide back all the way on my stiffest sprung 1911, and that's it. I've got practice ammo in the can that's been reloaded so many times you can't read the head stamps anymore.
Starline does make a good product. However I have enough 45 brass to last a lifetime. That is true about the SP primer pockets that Federal started out with. I can't believe that it saved them that much money on production but when I'm loading on my Dillon 650,just one case can ruin my day.
No reason at all to load +P loads for practice....
Of course there is! If you are practicing for SD or hunting you want to use the serious load, not some powder puff stuff. Not only to get used to POI and follow up shots, but to prove that the load is reliable in your pistol.
If all you want is a bang and resulting hole in the paper, then any cheap concoction works.
Posts: 677 | Location: Arizona USA | Registered: 22 January 2006
Originally posted by SFC Hulka: If you are going to use range pickups, just toss the AMERC - nothing but problems reloading them. You may also run into small primer brass too.
Posts: 939 | Location: Grants Pass, OR | Registered: 24 September 2012
I too have a lifetime supply of .45 acp brass (like a 5 gallon bucket +), but I can't help picking up more every time I go to the range. I also don't sort my pistol brass before loading, and those SP primer pockets in some .45 brass are a pain in the a$$ with my Dillon 550 press. Every time I get a SP .45 case I crimp the mouth shut and throw them in the scrap bucket.
NRA Endowment Life Member
Posts: 1647 | Location: Boz Angeles, MT | Registered: 14 February 2006