Just got a new Remington sps varmint 22-250 1-14 twist. new to reloading for the 22-250 and was looking for a place to start. Will be target shooting and groundhog hunting with the rifle.
Originally posted by Donald Nelson: Just got a new Remington sps varmint 22-250 1-14 twist. new to reloading for the 22-250 and was looking for a place to start. Will be target shooting and groundhog hunting with the rifle.
I'm surprised when this subject has been raised before how many shooters have independently come up with 35 to 35.5 grains of 4895 -- either brand -- under a 55 grain bullet. This recipe is about all I've shot in every .22-250 I've owned for the last 40 years or so.
Posts: 13334 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
FYI-Back in the early 60s, using reformed 250-3000 brass, a compressed load of surplus 4831 ( 41 gr.) was the load no matter what bullet was being used. With the Barnes' 70 gr. bullet it took a fair number of mule deer. Not the ideal powder but it was what I had and it did just fine. The reformed 250-3000 cases held a full grain of powder more than today's 22-250 cases. When I got a little more affluent I bought some 4350 and packed it in a little tight. roger
Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003
I have an old (bought in 1976) duplicate of your rifle. I have tried various powders, but keep coming back to IMR4064: 36gr w/ a 55gr Vmax or Speer SP.
Member: Orange Gunsite Family, NRA--Life, Varmint Hunters' Assn., ARTCA, and American Legion.
"An armed society is a polite society" --Robert Heinlein via Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC
Caveat Emptor: Don't trust *Cavery Grips* from Clayton, NC. He is a ripoff.
Posts: 479 | Location: Medina, Ohio USA | Registered: 30 January 2010
I shot a bunch of 55 grainers using 41.0 grains of H414 thru mine.
If it cant be Grown it has to be Mined! Devoted member of Newmont mining company Underground Mine rescue team. Carlin East,Deep Star ,Leeville,Deep Post ,Chukar and now Exodus Where next? Pete Bajo to train newbies on long hole stoping and proper blasting techniques. Back to Exodus mine again learning teaching and operating autonomous loaders in the underground. Bringing everyday life to most individuals 8' at a time!
airc h-380 gots it name from bruce hodgdon using 38 grains of the then military surplus powder in his 22-250 behind a 55 gr bullet. it's accuracy gave the powder it's name.
i use the same powder charge of aa-2700 behind either 50,52,53 or 55 gr bullets. i hear many factory's use the same powder.
Posts: 5038 | Location: soda springs,id | Registered: 02 April 2008
Over the years, I have learned that the 22-250 is pretty catholic in it's choice of powder. So much so, that when I am cobbling up some practice ammo or fire forming, I have used it to "clean out" partial cans of powder that I have sitting on the shelf from failed ventures.