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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
posted 11 May 2005 05:22
They need help sterilizing!!!!

Cats Overrun Shopping Centres And Offices

Sunday Times (Johannesburg)
May 8, 2005
Posted to the web May 9, 2005

By Nicole Matuska

'This whole problem is so vast. It could blow up into something big. In fact, I'm sure it will'

JOBURG's feline wildlife is thriving. According to SPCA branches, cat shelters and vets, the city and its surrounding suburbs are seeing feral cats multiplying in places like shopping centres and office complexes.

"If there were a decrease in the population, we would be seeing a decrease in the calls," said Samantha Berger, founder of Kitty Haven, a rescue and rehabilitation organisation.

Instead, Kitty Haven has gone from receiving one to two calls a day two years ago to five to 10 calls a day this year. The Joburg SPCA receives roughly five complaints about cats a day and Friends of the Cat gets 20 calls, which it says is many more than it got five years ago.

For Adele Joffe, founder of Friends of the Cat, things are out of control. "This whole problem is so vast, I can't keep up with the massive amount of phone calls," she said. "It could blow up into something big. In fact, I'm sure it will."

Berger agrees. "I've physically seen more colonies at every office complex. I can't afford to sterilise all of them."

Feral cats can either be born wild or be domestic cats that have reverted to being wild.

According to Warren Baleta, director of the Feral Foundation, in seven to 10 years one female and one male cat can indirectly be responsible for the birth of 400,000 cats.

Cat "colonies" can be found throughout the Joburg area in places such as malls, office complexes and factories, and around restaurants, hospitals and golf courses.

Tara Hospital in Sandhurst currently has a population of roughly 80 feral cats on its premises. Wendy Blott, head of nursing at the hospital, noticed a problem five years ago.

"These cats just found their way to the hospital and of course, after a while, they started to multiply and then it got out of control," she said.

Blott called Friends of the Cat, who sterilised the cats, returned them to the hospital premises and now feeds them. The cats now keep the rodent population down.

The biggest draw for cats is usually the food. "Feral cats especially like complexes, where there is food," said Dr Remo Lobetti, Wits branch chairman of the South African Veterinary Association.

Colonies can range from 20 to hundreds of cats. They survive on scraps fed to them by people daily.

"Many carry viral diseases, feline leukaemia and feline Aids," said Dr Platzhund of 702 Talk Radio.

Although these diseases can't be transmitted to humans, these cats pose other problems. They break into buildings, trigger alarms and leave messes.

The organisations stress that the only way to tackle the overpopulation is to sterilise cats.

"I've seen people shoot and poison and remove their feral populations but that won't get rid of the problem," says Baleta. "You get rid of one feral and another will take its place. You need to sterilise the cat and return it where it was."


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posted 11 May 2005 06:20Hide Post
Oh gee, I always thought a purpose for hyenas would arrive one day, and now it has!


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If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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Picture of N. S. Sherlock
posted 11 May 2005 06:47Hide Post
Ballistic tips sterilize them pretty well.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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Picture of claybuster
posted 11 May 2005 07:55Hide Post
The hell with sterilization,,,carpe diem,,,Kill'em all!!!!!!Clay
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Picture of johnch
posted 11 May 2005 08:38Hide Post
I sujest sterilization with a 223 or 22 hornet.
They should market a full flegded cat killing safari. gunsmile
No limmit ,food gun bearer,reloader,spoter ect.
Maybe even have bait stations for those that want numbers.
The whole 9 yards.

Bet they could make big bucks
Always trying to help the third world with bullets.


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Picture of 8MM OR MORE
posted 11 May 2005 10:01Hide Post
Ann, over the years I have used many different cartridges and gauges in my relationship with cats, and while a 410 does a great job and a 270 can be downright impressive, I have never found a cat yet that was able or willing to go back to the field as a hunter. They just didn't seem to have the spirit anymore!! Perhaps I should just work on my marksmanship?

I volunteer to keep trying, how's that?

Sacred cows make the best burgers.

Good Shooting!
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posted 11 May 2005 20:16Hide Post
Typical Govt. BS! Make it illegal to kill cats and difficult to own firearms and create a dangerous situation. Then expect someone else to find a solution and clean up the mess.
A very famous and equally wise American patriot once said,"The Govt. governs best, that governs least".
I DO NOT volunteer to help them out! thumbdown derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
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Picture of Old Elk Hunter
posted 13 May 2005 02:18Hide Post
If the cats are over running the shopping malls then set up rifle rental stands. Sell CB caps so the shooting wouldn't disturb the other shoppers. You'd have to provide a leak proof bag with each rifle rental and a bio-hazard disposal container. You could give Mall Merchant discount cards out based on the number of crats whacked at the mall.

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hog Killer
posted 13 May 2005 02:59Hide Post
Just put up a sign. FREE BUSH MEAT Remember this is Africa, no Bio bags nedded, just a shopping bag.

Hog KKiller

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