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93 Civic
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I work 2nd shift at a 24/7/365 job. About 3 yrs. ago I was heading home on X-mas eve at Oh dark thirty. I was busy watching the sky for Ol'Saint Nick, when my headlights revealed an animal heading in my direction at a high rate of speed.

He was about 75 yds ahead and to the right of me and on a obvious collison course w/ the Civic. I punched the gas and braced.

Soild hit and satisfying thump.

Then it stuck me. Years ago in basic training a DI would always scream at us, " I'll cancel your Christmas!". I had did just that. Cancelled the poor crat Christmas. No fun little toys and catnip for you. Laughter and mocking of DI carried me the remaining six miles to home.
Posts: 13 | Registered: 15 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Rooster! I do hope you where yelling HO! HO! HO! At the point of impact! allways remember it's the little touches in cat HIT&RUNS that count the most!It's like hunting deer! it's not the kill as much as the challange of the Stalk that matters nut roflmao

all times wasted wot's not spent shootin
Posts: 569 | Location: Flinders Ranges. South Australia | Registered: 26 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of 45LCshooter
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I hit one within the last 3 months. It came pouncing out of the tall grass along the side of the road out into the open, apparently trying to cross the road. Made it half-way across my left tire when I heard a satisfying thump-thump and saw it arching back toward the side it came from with its front legs, rear legs flopping behind it. I would have pulled over to end its suffering but traffic was bad and it ran into tall grass. I had my double that I shoot clays with, but too many motorists. It was a rather disappointing kill for me...sorry I mentioned it.

All that's gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost.
--J.R.R. Tolkien

Never express yourself more clearly than you can think.
--Niels Bohr
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Picture of Old Elk Hunter
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Driving the BLM roads miles from anybody. Absolutely no traffic. See a small critter on the road. Turn on megawatts of offroad lights and the critter freezes. Its a cat! A warm but exited feeling comes over me. A cat in the road with no witnesses. The warmth flows from my head down to my clinched fingers on the steering wheel. Time seems to stop. Everything is in slow motion and my senses are at their peak. Thump! A half mile further down the road I shut off the high wattage lights and just enjoy driving through the country at night.
A peaceful calm sets in and I know the night is good.

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of N. S. Sherlock
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Isn't that something? Two out of four posters describe being attacked in their cars while minding their own business. Durn Cats!

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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