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The picture below represents the hazards attendant with great zeal and little experience. Bunch of loonies from Palm Beach came up for the weekend, staying in a house across the creek. Party Animals apparently. Rich kids. They wouldn't admit much but I think they were trying to corral crats in the wee hours without a guide. Eeker I mean, all they had to do was ask and I woulda told 'em about the big ol' burn pit hole out there! thumb But Nooooooooo, they be from the big city and know it all. Least they did until about 3:32 AM, when all the laughter stopped, and the music was turned off. roflmao

"Nope", sez me, "I just put that 4X4 sticker on my truck so's the girls would think I'm cool, it's really 2WD. Sorry I can't help." If they'd nailed that orange tabby I probably woulda hep'd 'em out. Damn city slicker punks. Mad

It all goes to show the need for Crat Whack University or some such. And don't ever bring a Yuppie Mobile to do a Ford/Chevy/Dodge's work.


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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4x4 lets you get stuck in worse places !! Big Grin Roll Eyes
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Picture of claybuster
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In febuary a kid in a hummer was driving the asateauge beach at night with his girlfriend,,,rolled the thing,,,then the tide came in and drowned them both,,The girl was found drifting 10 miles from the "accident" site,,,no joke,,,Clay
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Damn, Dan. That looks so familiar, I'm feeling itchy already. Where is that from your house?
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They ought to call those vehicles Bummers instead of Hummers. All they are mechanically is a Tahoe with a square body. Hell I could convert my Tahoe into one by running into a few brickwalls straight on. You ought to introduce them to the local Shot-a-puke Club. Would need a big shovel afterwards or a couple of hungry crocs.

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Where is that from your house?

That is directly across the street from my front yard, took the pic from my driveway by the well pump house. What is not obvious is that the thing only has 2 wheels on the ground. A cosmic confluence of circumstance that will likely remain unique in the perp's life. Big Grin Such baubles they leave around here! Even better is all the outboard lower unit parts they leave on the oyster bars. Why at low tide an enterprising fella can do okay just collecting aluminum scrap! roflmao City Slickers are a generous lot in a left handed way. Wink

OEH, I like "Bummers" but wouldn't recommend you modify your Tahoe like that. People would automatically think your IQ 20% lower and that you never whacked a crat in your life. JMO


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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They gang and I go out into the mountains around here and enjoy similar stunts.
Your not really off-roading unless ya bury one up to the door handles.
If one is on its side,this is a sign of a successful outing.
A large fire,consumption of mass quanities of beer and firearms discharging top off the evening. wave

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PLEASE.NOTE!!!!!!!! Mad

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Posts: 569 | Location: Flinders Ranges. South Australia | Registered: 26 January 2005Reply With Quote
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1. Is being bogged in a salt lake the same as driving into a burn pit hole? 2. How much slack should an Aussie get if he whines about a load of roos in a bogged truck? What if he is otherwise a crat whacker of good repute?

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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DoK, rest assured we only have enough memory left to remember the good ones! Your story shall live on for years, nay, decades! thumb Everybody has stories in the closet, real men drag 'em out for show and tell. Big Grin Why once years ago I shot a hole in the floorboard of a 1960 Ford Fairlane 500. While I was in the car. It was really really LOUD! Eeker It was also dad's car. Best bit of body work I've ever done in my life. roflmao And fast too! Never knew a 20 ga. could make that much noise. bewildered

NS, I think we should give him just enough that he can't hang himself. Wink


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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I remember the day I came home from school,,and my dad was there to greet me waving around a baggie full of bb's he had dug out of the walls of my bed room Eeker He did'nt buy practice makes perfect sofa I've allways thought that he should be happy I never took out the window Big Grin He dogs me to this day about that.Clay
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If they thought I had never whacked a cat then perhaps I could blend in. Better to scout out the cat whacking opportunities. You should have stripped that POS H2, set it afire, and claimed that some terrorist did it. The owner is obviously too stupid to know the difference.

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Is being bogged in a salt lake the same as driving into a burn pit hole? 2. How much slack should an Aussie get if he whines about a load of roos in a bogged truck? What if he is otherwise a crat whacker of good repute?

In answer to question (1) Nothing compares to Getting bogged in a salt lake.As they are bigger than Burn pits &(2) Lots &lots. jump

all times wasted wot's not spent shootin
Posts: 569 | Location: Flinders Ranges. South Australia | Registered: 26 January 2005Reply With Quote
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There you have it folks. Our Aussie cat wacking bud of good reputation says "Nothing compares to Getting bogged in a salt lake." Not even a mention of getting out of said lake. It was more than roos was loaded. eh?

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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OEH, I hadn't considered the option of urban cammo in using an H2. Probably because I don't have the jingle to waste on such a contraption. I recall your comment about stripping it and giving the remains a ride on the Blue Diamond Express, I was too flabergasted to consider such chichanery at the time. If ever the chance arises again... gunsmile

Dok, do y'all have those pesky little biting gnats on the salt lakes? We call 'em No Seeums.


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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I gotta figure out how to post pics.I run 48x66x25 tires through the worst of muck,,,,hauling close to 30k of liquid,,,,I feel the truck bog,,,,and put it to the floor,,,,hardly scratching the turf looking through the rearview mirror,,,,,
Posts: 2119 | Location: woodbine,md,U.S.A | Registered: 14 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Nothing compares to Getting bogged in a salt lake." Not even a mention of getting out of said lake. It was more than roos was loaded. eh?

Clay the methord of getting out of a Salt lake is as follows.First trudge back to Camp (in the hope that's it's just a bad dream!)Then after esveral hours of restless sleep get up & relise .Yes that is your Tojo in The Lake (with close on 1.2 tonnes of Roos on board about thirty)By this time it has reached close to 40c & the Nights profits have been feeding the local Blowfly population& putting it mildly are that ripe they are ready to resume bounding off.Nils legs heads & entrails (Yes they bloody well stank)
You then contact Another shooter whose camp is within 60kms of youse & ask if he could possibly give you a hand as you have a slight bit of Tojo trouble (being very vage as to the problem over the radio).When he arrives (after the normal plesantries that occur after finding another shooter in this predicement)He will finaly wipe the tears from his eyes & stop choking long enough .To ask why you havent used your jacks to lift the beast up out of the mud & build a set of tracks out behind your wheel ruts with stones? .As the Romans built roads like this for hunderds of years.(This is followed by another out burst of laughter at his own wit!)
At this Juncture of time dear reader the temtation to Trottle him will be great but you will resist!He will then out of the kindness of his heart agree to tow you out under the condition that you not only wade out again to conect the tow chain& winch cable but you will also unload the Roos whilst he sits &watches as he has a very boring life and needs the entertainment. Mad.So after unloading said decomposing corpes (& your entire stomach cotent ,including some of your stomach lining.Im convinced of that ) He spends about 15mins towing you out! See it's easy.When you know how !Imust admit seeing the funny side now but it was a subject that colleages & family,got a lot of mileage out of for a fair while!As it's normaly me thats going to get someone out of a jam. Big Grin Ps the Lad is ridding our place of cats faster than A Nun running thru a Nudist colony!His tally is 18 to date Mine is a Mere...30 (but I'm shooting surronding properties)& 150 Foxes have fallen prey to the hornet in the last.Fortnight (god you've got to love the locals not shooting or baiting foxes for a couple of years) Big Grin

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Well D.O.K.,,,Aside from your misfortune of getting stuck,,,It sounds like you're having too much fun!!!!! beerWhen I get a pic. of tonka,,you're gonna drop your jaw,,tires as decribed above,,3208 cat diesel going out to an allison auto 5 spd,,then through a 5 spd stick=25 forward gears Cool we pulled a drilling rig with it one day,,Had to chain a tractor to the bumper to keep the front end on the ground enough to steer WinkClay
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Hey DoK, that was a super description of getting out of a salt lake. I can see that your mates down under do you just like many of ours here up over do us in certain suspect situations. Perhaps they give us a lot more crap though, (rednecks, you know). Regards, ned

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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DoK, mebbe if you coulda got those 'roos to all jump up in the air at one time you wouldn'a have to unload 'em. Ever try tranquilizer darts on 'em? Keep 'em fresh that way too. thumb roflmao


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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Originally posted by claybuster:
In febuary a kid in a hummer was driving the asateauge beach at night with his girlfriend,,,rolled the thing,,,then the tide came in and drowned them both,,The girl was found drifting 10 miles from the "accident" site,,,no joke,,,Clay


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Ever try tranquilizer darts on 'em? Keep 'em fresh that way too. thumb roflmao

Funny you should mention that DD I already do but it dose'nt seem to be working. Or maybe I'm doing something wrong? A 52gn speer out of a .223 is classed as a form of Tranquilizer isn it? bewildered!

Oh my apologies my wife just explained to me what I'm using is an equilizer,not a tranquilizer Red Face Oh dear my appologies to all the Tree huggers out there who were looking at me in a new light Red Face (Ah well Shit happens gunsmile

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The 5.56 brings tranquility to many.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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D.O.K+Ned, jump Nice work Mark,,I was off on the milage of the drifting girl,,,But been a few months since hearing about it,,was in the area that weekend,Clay
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That is not an uncommon occurence. When Toylet Landcruisers first came out the same thing happened in Manitoba to a friend of my sister and her Teacher. They rolled over most gently into a ditch filled with water, got trapped in the vehicle and drowned. No damage to the SUV and not a mark on the victims. Anoth total tragedy and no one ever seems to learn from them. derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
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The subject of being bogged is not amusing to some. DoK a question? Did you have your load of roos in a Toylet landcruiser, as Derf calls them? or in summat else?

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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Yes N S It was (& still is )A landcruiser Modified Stainless steel tray though in acordance with health regs.Once on My best night ever carried 60 Roos av weight of 36 kilograms.Ended up comming in at a 2.5 tonne load (sraped her across every Cattle grid I came to)Could'nt see the Tray or Racks for Roos.Bloody good nights work that one thumb

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If yer gonna hang one up, might as well do it right......

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If yer gonna hang one up, might as well do it right......

Well! Sir it happened like this...... eek2

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PT, thanks for the pic! Now when somebody sez, "I bet you don't know how to balance a tank on it's turret in a puddle!", I'll wink and say "Yeah I do, and with 6 crats under the hatch too!"


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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Looks like a southern version of the Arizona memorial. Lets all bow our heads and say a few words for PFC Jones. We can't get the tank turned back over so this will be his eternal resting place......

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Never seen a tank do that But one time I watch a Sherman do sideover rolls because of an idiot at the tiller bars on a hill. Boy did he get yelled at by the mechanics! Big Grin derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
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