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Map to your house
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Picture of worriedman
Was made aware of this today. For those of you with kids especially, i think you will find this interesting, sorry for the cut and paste.

Google has implemented a new feature wherein you can

type someone's telephone number into the search bar

and hit enter and then you will be given a map to

their house. Everyone should be aware of this!

Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked.

Before forwarding this, I tested it by typing my telephone number

in My phone number came up, and when I clicked on the

MapQuest link, it actually mapped out where I live. Quite

scary. Please look up your own number. Read below

for details. Think about it--if a child, ANYONE

gives out his/her phone number, someone can actually

now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The

safety issues are obvious, and alarming. In order to

test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: Type your phone number in the

search bar (i.e., 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you

want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private

information, simply click on your name, the telephone icon or the

"Phone results" link next to your phone number.

Removal takes 48-hours. If you are unlisted in the

phone book, you might not be in there, but it is a

good idea just to check. If your number does come up

if you hit map, it will show you a direct map to your

house... Please forward on to friends and family!!!

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." Mark Twain
Posts: 742 | Location: West Tennessee | Registered: 27 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of johnch
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I just put in my number and it spit out my address and a map .
Very scary.


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Picture of Hog Killer
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Hey guys, they just made it easier, a reverse ph book (listing ph #s then name and address) and map quest will do the same thing.

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Well I am one pissed off puppy! Mad I note that google allows one to disconect, MapQwest and Yahoo do not. Angry emails delivered already. I'm gonna whup some ass over this one..... Mad Mad Mad

Thanks for the heads up on this though! thumb


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of CDH
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My home number is unlisted, and it didn't find me. It did find my parents, so I guess it works.

Get an unlisted $1 a month I have ever spent!

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Posts: 1780 | Location: South Texas, U. S. A. | Registered: 22 January 2004Reply With Quote
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This does not seem to work north of the border. Chalk up another nail in the coffin for the land of the more or less free!
You guys really could use another revolution to help educate your Govt. officials. derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of worriedman
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I am not one to cut and paste, but felt like this needed to be out there. Like you DD, I am taking every step I can to get mine off these list, what a crock!

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." Mark Twain
Posts: 742 | Location: West Tennessee | Registered: 27 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I typed in my number and it pulled up my name and city but not my specific address.
Posts: 470 | Location: Texas/NYC | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of CDH
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I am taking every step I can to get mine off these list

Unless I am badly mistaken, if you are listed in the phone book, your number is public domain and you have little recourse. If they take your number out of their system, they do so out of the goodness of their heart. Good luck!

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
Posts: 1780 | Location: South Texas, U. S. A. | Registered: 22 January 2004Reply With Quote
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That's correct, it's just a database built from the information that's readily available in any phone book. It just adds another dimension by linking with a map software.

It won't work with unlisted numbers and with cellular phone numbers, because they aren't listed in a common format like a phone book.

But, with sufficient contacts at a telephone company, this information is accessible, too.
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Must be a State side thing, l just tried it over this side of the pond and got nothing Smiler

Posts: 386 | Location: Displaced Yorkshireman | Registered: 16 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Old Elk Hunter
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I tried it and it also pulled up my wife's name. I quickly chose the skip me option. I know this is all public information, but it doesn't need to be so easily accessed.

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of claybuster
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It's been out there for a few years,,,,I cleaned that crap up as soon as I got wind of it,,,,Clay
Posts: 2119 | Location: woodbine,md,U.S.A | Registered: 14 January 2002Reply With Quote
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For many years now, even before cells became popular, there have been companies that produce cd,s with this information. Delorme is aone that comes to mind. A box of about 6 cds had regional peronal data, like address, city etc. If you knew a name and state, or better, city. you could get a pho ne number etc.
The whole thing is mind boggling. It is why I originally gave up my land line and got a cell.
I have already gotten soliciting calls on it. I know where the power switch is, though, and I use it liberally. I got the damn thing for MY CONVENIENCE, not anybody else's!

Put your nose to the grindstone, your belly to the ground, and your shoulder to the wheel. Now try to work in that position!
Posts: 122 | Registered: 06 November 2004Reply With Quote
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No don't! It's a grand idea! roflmaoEvery town should have a Cath, Unter or three IMO. Especially in Georgia, 'cause there's a lot of unruly pussies in that state.

Another option is to use "Service, Internal Revenue."


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Or maybe Lup, Fou. I thought of others but they are mostly filthy! Big Grin derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of LDHunter
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Get used to it... No privacy anymore.

If you know the county someone lives in you can look up any and all property they own (unlisted numbers or not) along with addresses and usually get an aerial view, building sketch, what they paid for it, copy of deed with signatures, ssn off deed... etc. All online... thumbdown

Like I said. Get used to it... bawling

btw.. Reverse phone number lookup and mapping has been available for about 8 years on the net as far as I can remember.


Posts: 2494 | Location: NW Florida Piney Woods | Registered: 28 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I am pleased to report that it dose'nt work in AUZ yet. But as I do'nt trust my gov as far as I can throw em .I've got my phone under a different name & my Busness phone links to a empty garage that I store stuff in when I'm not working away from home

all times wasted wot's not spent shootin
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Message deleted.
Posts: 444 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 07 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Good points, and I shall explore the Trust thingy with the next home purchase. For that matter I think I shall embrace this invisibility thing far deeper than I do now for crat whacking. After I fall off the edge of the Earth I shall report back with helpful tips. Never considered the need for a new type of cammo until now. Call it Busy Body Cammo, the new accutrament on the information age. If I'm lucky it will do double duty in the crat hide as well. Wink


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of N. S. Sherlock
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Best thing to do is invent a large number of names. Always fill out product warranties with totally made up info. When you get so much junk coming in confusion will reign. Cousin Tom was a true blue democrat in a small town. I made a $10 donation to the state Republican committee in his name and sent 10$ to Fr. Milligan's orphan ranch and poor Tom was getting so much crap in the mail that his neighbors started hissing him in the supermarket! But I had fun.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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