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Picture of Aspen Hill Adventures
To reduce to local varmint population.

Last night I flipped the porch light on to see how much snow was coming down. Instead, there sat a large possum on top of my BBQ.


No one touches my BBQ, especially varmints. I had just grilled some pork loin a few hours prior. This ugly critter took the memory of fine grilled meat straight away.

Anyway and fortunately for me and the ugleeee possum, the Critter $#itter was leaning against the wall right there by the door. Unbelieveably the possum watched me unlock and open the door, click off the safety, aim, and fire.

Hollowpoints did not let me down as usual. The said possum expired very quickly.

BTW- only a dusting of snow. Smiler


Posts: 20064 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I've been told, that sweet potatos go real well with possum. Big Grin Waste not, want not. sofa

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Ann , if I ever get up your way for a visit,remind me to stay away from the grill.

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
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One must obtain permission to use the grill. Once granted, you will live through the experience. I promise! Long as you don't burn anything that is meant to be eaten.

I don't like sweet taters either...

BTW, that critter did serve some use for an up coming training class at work. Smiler


Posts: 20064 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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No one touches my BBQ, especially varmints

You'd make a fine Texan Ann! And yes, that is a compliment!

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Ah, you missed an opportunity for fine Southern cooking! Around here they are listed on the menu as filet of roadkill. I have been very surprised at times what it takes to kill one of those tough critters. Put a broadhead through one and it just hissed more. Went back in the house and got my 458 Win Mag and inserted a 500 grain factory round. No more hissing.

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Did you replace your divit?

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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We have opossum “issues†at our house. They cross the back fence at night like a shooting gallery only we live in town and the only shooting I can do is with my pellet pistol which is severely underpowered for such duties. Anyway, one night on of the opossums decided to descend the fence and check out the back yard. Our loveable little mutt instantly turned into a vicious killer right before my wife’s eyes and grabbed said opossum and started shaking vigorously. Wife screams “kill it†and I went to rescue the pooch (who didn’t look to me like he needed rescuing) and told my wife to bring me the shotgun. I pulled the mutt off the opossum and my wife hands me a baseball bat saying the gun would attract the police. Well, I whacked him a good one with the bat only to discover that all the tilling I had done in the back garden had cushioned the blow and instead of a dead opossum, I had one imbedded in the ground and doing the flop. This of course horrified the wife who starts in screaming kill it kill it poor thing’s suffering so I commence to swinging the bat like crazy, blood’s flying and my normally loving wife is staring at me in horror like I’m an axe murderer. I finally got the said opossum dispatched (who knows, he might have gone for the grill) and disposed of the evidence. I think I’ll look into getting a suppressor.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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Bill, Bill, Bill, shame

Have you learned nothing from this on-line school of knowledge. 22 CB CAPS are the answer, in a bolt or lever action rifle. thumb There is no need to go to the expence, time and trouble, of getting a supressor. For the price of the transfer stamp, you can get a new 22LR and a brick of CB caps. With enough left over to take the wife out to dinner.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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A hoe is pretty good too. Most any of the sophisticated methods developed right here on the SGF for cat control and field tested by real experts, not magazine writers, will do just fine.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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Thanks for the advice Hog Killer. I think my wife has reconsidered her objection to firearms usage in the back yard. Been wanting to add a new .22 anyhow. The old Marlin needs a bolt action pal.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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I have by the way, learned a great deal on this forum. I wish I had been so informed at the time. Managed to save the grill though.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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Originally posted by N. S. Sherlock:
A hoe is pretty good too. Most any of the sophisticated methods developed right here on the SGF for cat control and field tested by real experts, not magazine writers, will do just fine.

Might as well get the magnum size hoe. The big eye cotton chopping type. It is large, heavy, and has a very strong handle. A second option is the mortar mixing type w/two holes, not as heavy, but does have a strong handle.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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The only good possum is a dead possum.

Same for skunkolas, woodchucks, mice, rats, moles, foxes, beavers, coyotes, feral crats, feral dogs, racoons....

You know the drill.


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Once granted, you will live through the experience

Dad Gum It , boys. Smiler
She gets my stamp of approval.
Ann is truely one of us. thumb

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
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billhilly66 , Welcome to the Cabal.
Sounds like you would make a good hillbilly.We got alot of em 'round here,but few show such a high caliber of solid will and virtue.
Careful around the 'Grill'. Smiler

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
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We had a passel off hillbillies where I came from in OK too. Thanks for the warm welcome. As for the will and virtue, well I couldn't take the risk of that ole opossum getting to my grill and had to use whatever weapon the wife handed me. After witnessing the whole thing, I think my wife would now rather hand me a gun like I asked for and take her chances of maybe having to explain to the neighbors or cops. (Shot?? no, we didn't hear any shot. Might have been those darn kids with their firecrackers again.)

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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Does the enthusiasm for this man's posting show a need for a possum forum???

Posts: 1297 | Registered: 29 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I took another one last night rattling around the grill. Apparently I have a huge influx of these nasty critters due to spring like temps making their way to the great white north. I heard another one take off as soon as I shot this second fiend.

I'll be waiting for it tonight. Mad


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We should just accept possum "things" here. Isn't diversity wonderful? And besides I would sooner grab a cat than a possum if it came to THAT.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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I for one have had poor results using ho's for bashing possum. They are ungainly, heavy, and the do not cooperate at all, usually making a lot of ear splitting noise in the process.

Billy, you were giving me flashbacks of the Wild Bunch! Or was it Alice's Restaurant? bewildered Great way to start the day! Big Grin


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

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Originally posted by DigitalDan:
I for one have had poor results using ho's for bashing possum. They are ungainly, heavy, and the do not cooperate at all, usually making a lot of ear splitting noise in the process.

Dan, you gotta try to find one of them skinny crack ho's. Preferably one with teeth. BBBruce should be able to help you out. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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Are you trying to get everyone in your training class a possum to work on? bewildered If so, you might want to use some different weapons. You know, wound comparision etc. Eeker

Hog Killer

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I still recommend a baseball bat. I have been told that steroid use helps but can't vouch for that personally. Well, gotta go. I have been supeonaed to testify before congress.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
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Well, I did get one with a nightstick in Memphis, Tenn. in 1967 during an *ss freezing midwatch. Hung it by its curled frozen tail on the front doorknob too.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
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Havent seen many possums running round latley but as an earley easter present to my self i got a new savage mark2 .22lr bolt action. But i dont care what you say your not a close quaters combat master with any varmint untill you have killed your first rattle snake with a 2 foot machete like me. Dunno what come aver me but i had not ammo and the machete was at hand. Any way good shootin for you ann and if the possums was stupid nuff to get its greasy paws all over a womans grill and look down the end of a barrel he deserved to die.

Well polish my balls and serve me a milkshake!
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Hey there critter,,,have'nt heard from you in a while.Yep machete's are rather handy implements of destruction to have around,,,much cheaper than chainsaws that can be destroyed with a single pull of the cord,,Your employees really need to work at wrecking one,,,,But even that can be done Mad I've strangled,kicked,whacked with a pick axe,shovel,1/2"x24"wratchet extension,baseball bat,hickory stick,and gigged,things to thier death,,,not to mention everything I've shot,,,but not a thing with a machete,,,,and I have one in my work truck and my personal truck,,,I need to put that on the to do list,,Clay
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I am waiting for more possums. I fried up a batch of home grown chicken liver for dinner tonight. Sure puts them soggy store bought ones to shame!

Anyway, I am sure to draw in some nasty looking varmints tonight with the pan middlings I put outside. I saw some rabbits out there fighting already. They weren't after the liver juice but are out there.

Hope to plaster another possum or two before I turn in tonight.


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Ann, if you will scare the next one, he will fall over in a faint. Pen it in your rabbit hutch, feed sweet corn for about 10 days to clean out the possum. Borrow billhily's bat and tap the possum smartly, then scald and scrape him like a hog, put it IN the grill. You have been letting some fine eating go to waste!

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." Mark Twain
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Miss Ann, perhaps use "corn fry". Right tackre for Mr. Possum is frippin stick. Rittre sinker to herp cast, no ret get up tree or you never catch. Sometime Tai Po use possum his restaurant, not cat, people no terr difference. Li never do this, Tai Po weak man.
Posts: 137 | Registered: 24 January 2005Reply With Quote
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DL roflmao
You hit on the head that time roflmao
I like a surf rod but most all will do on possum roflmao
I see you got evaperated like DOA did. Does that hurt much?
Hi Anne
Back To The Stove
Turtle Cool

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Welcome back Turtle, good to see ya. As always, the band plays on...... Wink


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Ah.... DlagonRady. I see you stirr tly to Fry fish shame. Now you go after Possum not Pussy Confused. You need Stlaitin out you mind again. You need to get you bowr of mirk and sit quiet as mouse. You keep tlying and you may get rucky roflmao
Well ?? That accent Confusedwhere does it come flom Confused
BTW Hi Danoe Wink
I tie Fries at My Bowl
Birman Razzer
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POTKB! jump


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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