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Best place to sell trophy heads
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Where is the best place to sell trophy heads ? I am out of room in my cabin.
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Northman56751
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You could try Lolli Brothers in Missouri. They have auctions from time to time. Not sure if you'd get much though, things seem to go pretty cheap.

Also, you could try your local Craigslist and/or Facebook, if you're on it. Many towns/cities have local groups (sell and swap, etc.) where you can post your items for sale. I would think that you would get the most money by posting on those..........

Brett Mattson
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Your trophies are worth very little to anyone except you. As suggested contact Lolli Bros. I intend to do that at some point as nobody I know wants a houseful of our trophies.


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2 cent on the dollar, if your lucky.

Posts: 2086 | Location: Seattle Washington, USA | Registered: 19 January 2004Reply With Quote
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The greatest bargain that I ever saw was a tanned skin that a lady bought at a church sale . She paid 25 cents and then gave it to a taxidermist to get it cleaned. He eventually sent it to a furrier who restored it to beyond beautiful.

I had to tell the taxidermist that it was a freaking … snow leopard .. No idea of age but obviously taken when the British Empire was at its peak ..
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Ive sold some Zebra skins at SCI over the years for about $700 to a $1000, just put them on the table in Dallas and somebody always bought them, but that's been 15 or more years ago, I was their selling hunts and the zebra made nice decoration, I actually didn't intend to sell them but did..I also sold a Buffalo bull head at SCI to a guy who just bought a bar named Safari or something like that...but trophys are hard to sell and don't bring much when your trying to sell them..Ihave a number of them that I will probably end up donating to Sportsman Whse or Cabellas..Elk horns seem to sell pretty good btw and you might contact some taxidermist, from time to time they need a cape of some kind, I sold a Sable cape and a couple of buffalo capes to a local taxidermist.

Ray Atkinson
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When I moved from CA to GA, I put all my stuff in storage until I found the right property. I still had too much to shoehorn into the great room. I tried to sell stuff on Craig’s List and in the local newspaper. No luck even at dirt cheap prices. I ended up giving away a full body mount warthog and Steenbuck and shoulder mounts of kudu, blue wildebeest, gemsbok, nyala, impala. Good luck with your sale but don’t get your hopes up....

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Check with a local college biology department if you plan on giving away. You can get a tax credit also.
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Originally posted by Northman56751:
You could try Lolli Brothers in Missouri. They have auctions from time to time. Not sure if you'd get much though, things seem to go pretty cheap.

Also, you could try your local Craigslist and/or Facebook, if you're on it. Many towns/cities have local groups (sell and swap, etc.) where you can post your items for sale. I would think that you would get the most money by posting on those..........

I tried to sell a Boar mount on my local FB sellers forum but FB removed it as not meeting their "Community Standards". I am in Southern California.

Posts: 1858 | Location: Southern California | Registered: 25 July 2006Reply With Quote
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I just saw a cape buffalo that looked awesone for $600 .Thats a bargin in anyone's book .Moose and elk seem to sell for pretty deciebt to restaurants .Africa stuff is kinda iffy to sell have to find someone that wants it .If I had my Alaska place finished I would fill the walls with heads .Furs have dropped to the bottom lately.I wish I had gotten the eland with the kudu.I like Africa heads just my little cabin is full of deer heads .I just mounted my biggest buck trying to find a place for him .I move around to three places so it's hard to really have one big house for just me and all my stuff .I have a giant pile of deer antlers gotta do something with those too !
Posts: 2543 | Registered: 21 December 2003Reply With Quote
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There is a sporting auction in Steep Falls, Maine that specializes in that sort of thing, including estate sales. They have 2-3 auctions every year. I attended my first this spring. Whitetail mounds typically go for 100-125 unless they are exceptionally large. I saw an exceptional full body Bongo go for only 1000 dollars. You can sell your collection here, but will get little back compared to how much you spent. The exception seems to be mounts that have been done by people of note in the taxidermy community, and there are few of those.
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Picture of Big Wonderful Wyoming
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I had really nice winter full rug wildboar skins that looked really nice and made money on them on ebay.

Selling taxidermy on ebay is really hard.

I sold two wildboar shoulder mounts that I never liked the looks of with the way the guy finished the mouths. I had about $850 each in the work, and I think I got $200 each out of them on ebay.
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I had no luck trying to sell a few trophy on Craigs List
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Picture of Duckear
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I would try to trade for store credit at a local gun shop

Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
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Try Texas Roadhouse, they have a
bunch of heads on display.

There's been quite a demand for
bare antlers of any kind or size
by the pound. Do a search.

I have some of Dad's no one wanted
except me when he died. Uncle had
a bunch too, he died in Jan. Don't
know what the kids have or will do
with them. Sold his guns right away.
Likely plumb cheap.


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George L. Dwight
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Where are you located?
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Picture of Bud Meadows
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When my wife and I moved to a 1600 square foot condo from a 4000 square foot house, I had to reduce my number of deer shoulder mounts from 11 down to 4. I listed them on Craigslist Chicago and sold all seven mounts from $250 to $350 each. Every buyer was Asian. One Japanese lady, a Chinese guy and a Korean graduate student. I even sold several deer racks at $20 each. My Craigslist sales paid for a big chunk of my first African hunt in 2012. The 4 mounts I retained were a 167 2/8 P&Y 12 pointer, a 160 P&Y 10 pointer, a 29 1/8” spread 4X4 Mulie and a 25” spread 5X5 Mulie.

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Bud: Those Asians very likely ground the
horns up to enhance their sex lives.


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George L. Dwight
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George: At first that’s what I thought. The Korean graduate student was getting a Masters in Fine Arts and when I asked him why he bought the mounts he stated that he thought deer were the most beautiful animal and he wanted the mounts as models so he could paint portraits of the bucks. The Japanese woman was a stunning young lady in her 20’s. When I asked her why she said she was redecorating her condo and thought the deer mounts would be a unique decoration.

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Posts: 1388 | Location: Lake Bluff, IL | Registered: 02 May 2008Reply With Quote
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I have a pile of Cape buffalo horns, elk horn, deer horns, and whatever that I don't know what to do with but not ready to part with them as yet...I quite mounting game years ago and have the results piled up in the barn, basement, shop, need more sheds to store them in for sure...

When I reach 90 or maybe a 100 i-Im going to pile it all up in one great mound, set it on fire, bring out my large comfy chair, drank a bottle of high dollar Tequilla and smoke a cheap ceegar and watch'er burn.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Unfortunately that's what we will all need to do, Ray.

My kids hunt too so they have their own.

The pile of mounted sheep will be spoken for by the kids but the rest of the mounts are only worth the weight of the horns and antlers at auction.

At the moment, I have about 40 mounts that will be disposed of in like manner some point.

Sad but true

Posts: 2270 | Registered: 27 October 2011Reply With Quote
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I’m one that’s never mounted a game animal, I just keep the memories. I do have several revolver grips made from elk antlers & knife handles made from deer antlers. I don’t wear rings so I gave the elk ivories to family that wanted rings made. To each his own. Like you guys my wife downsized when we retired. Too much house and too many possessions can become a burden in your old age.
Posts: 104 | Location: Alaska & Florida  | Registered: 21 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Cut the deer, elk antlers into dog chew toys.

I see them going for a 4 inch long piece 5 to 8 dollars depending on the dia.

A hundred inches of antler could be worth 100 or more dollars.
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When I reach 90 or maybe a 100 i-Im going to pile it all up in one great mound, set it on fire, bring out my large comfy chair, drank a bottle of high dollar Tequilla and smoke a cheap ceegar and watch'er burn.

That's a good idea!
Posts: 1858 | Location: Sinton, Texas | Registered: 08 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Penetrater
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Thers a place in Texas,, Taxidermy king, they do 2-4 auctions a year, 1000 or so mounts over a day or two,
Posts: 135 | Location: oklahoma city ,oklahoma ,usa | Registered: 10 October 2007Reply With Quote
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Ill invite ya'll over, bring horns and your favorite who shot John alcohal, we;ll drank,smoke and tell great lies..Give me a few more years..I ain't ready and still on this side of the dirt..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Originally posted by bwanajay:
When I reach 90 or maybe a 100 i-Im going to pile it all up in one great mound, set it on fire, bring out my large comfy chair, drank a bottle of high dollar Tequilla and smoke a cheap ceegar and watch'er burn.

That's a good idea!

I'm liken it!!
Posts: 124 | Location: Hickory, PA | Registered: 13 May 2015Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bud Meadows
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My Dad died 10 years ago at the age of 91. His proudest trophy was a massive 8 point buck he shot in the 1950’s and had a full shoulder mount done. The buck just missed making the Boone & Crockett book. This was before the practice of using styrofoam forms and the taxidermist literally “stuffed” the skin using wood shavings. The end result was a gigantic rack perched atop an undersized head and shoulders. With age, the tanned skin started to crack and separated from the rest of the mount. I offered to have the mount redone using more modern methods but Dad would have none of that idea. When he died, my sister was the executrix of his estate and she knew how much I valued the memory o that buck. I’m in the process of doing a European Mount of that buck and will proudly display it when I’m done.

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Posts: 1388 | Location: Lake Bluff, IL | Registered: 02 May 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of JBrown
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Originally posted by Bud Meadows:
My Dad died 10 years ago at the age of 91. His proudest trophy was a massive 8 point buck he shot in the 1950’s and had a full shoulder mount done. The buck just missed making the Boone & Crockett book. This was before the practice of using styrofoam forms and the taxidermist literally “stuffed” the skin using wood shavings. The end result was a gigantic rack perched atop an undersized head and shoulders. With age, the tanned skin started to crack and separated from the rest of the mount. I offered to have the mount redone using more modern methods but Dad would have none of that idea. When he died, my sister was the executrix of his estate and she knew how much I valued the memory o that buck. I’m in the process of doing a European Mount of that buck and will proudly display it when I’m done.

It's nice to hear of the splitting of an estate that doesn't bring strife among those left behind.

It's also nice that you're doing a euro mount on your dad's buck.


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
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Honestly, I plan to build a bonfire and burn the mounts I no longer can display. I just don’t want my memories in someone else’s house, restaurant or whatever.
It will be a sizable fire…
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I sold a nice black bear rug, elk, mule deer, antelope and whitetail and cleared $ 1500.00. Note, I live in Missouri and delivered the animals to Lolli Bros. myself.
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I ran across this while searching for something else. Not a recommendation, just passing info. Good luck!


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It's against the law to sell Trophies here in AK other than a few exceptions. I'll be keeping mine!
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I refuse to cut up a half dozen whitetail antlers from 170"-200" for dog chews! But that's about all they sell for around here.
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Picture of Labman
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See my response to another post on the same subject. I've been to numerous gun auctions in Southeast PA. They often have some taxidermy for sale at these auctions. The auction house I recommended always seems to get higher prices at their taxidermy auctions.


Tom Z

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My buddy and I have bought some stuff from these guys. They tend to have the best selection I have seen.

Also if anyone has a Bull Elk or wolverine in the Midwest that they can donate to our Sensory Safari We would appreciate it.

We have a trailer of taxidermy that we take to blind schools and groups, as well as other schools, county fairs and cabelas.

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Redding Auction in Gettysburg, PA sells trophy collections. They do a pretty good job of it.
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Agree with Lowgun, Redding does taxidermy a couple of times a year, in with the guns. NOT the best prices, mean what we want, but what the market will bear. I just saw a place last night, If I can find it again, had some stupendous prices on things, but not deer, or hogs. The rarer, BIG Canadian moose and B&C size Caribou, et., bringing good bucks.
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Here's a place that sells taxidermy stuff, in addition to other items. Lists a number of just horns, et in

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