Moderators: Whitworth
Re: Hog shot placement
one of us
Actually 308, one of those 10% was shot through the throat. It was my longest shot on big game to date, 250yds or so. I shot it with a Factory load 30-06 150gn BT. It hit behind the 'jaw' and severed the major blood 'veins'. the pig ran about 20yds, hit a fence, bounced off, reversed course ran 40yds and was dead. Weird, but true. capt david
Posts: 655 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 11 January 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of tiggertate
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Killin' hogs is probably the only thing on this whole forum I have done enough of to feel reasonably expert. 150-200 a year during a 4 year culling/hunting operation and hundreds more autopsied at the slaughter house shot by others.
Captn' David nailed it. Anywhere along an imaginary line from the ear hole to the eye socket. Even if you shoot a touch high and graze the forehead the brain is so close to the surface it gets hit and the hog drops (though it may need a finisher just for humane reasons; I don't think a lobotomy like that necessarily stops the pain).
I prefer the ear hole or just below it. If you happen to have a good German #3 reticle on a scope you can also center the head in the area between the ends of the heavy wires and get a brain shot every time in moonlight conditions. Sometimes this technique shoots a liitle low into the upper jaw area but at night ranges we had bone shards penetrate the brain every time. Drop like sacks full of rocks.
This assumes a still hog and decent rest, though.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of vapodog
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Bob...this "pig" was shot in Florida.....the photo was emailed to me as a Christmas message for fun hunting.....
Here's what I was told:
The fellow in the pictures is Larry Earley. He lives about 30 miles from Orlando, in the very rural community of Okahumpka, just off the Florida turnpike in Lake County, Florida. He has 20 acres of land and on it, a few cows and
horses. Mostly it's pasture land that is fenced with woods surrounding him. He is neighbored by a larger cattle ranch. His neighbor has complained for several years that wild hogs had been raiding his cattle feeders and salt licks. Last month he saw what he though was a cow in
his pond and went to see if it was stuck in the mud and would have to be pulled out. When he got close enough to realize it was hog, the thing made a charge at him. He had driven his truck down to the pond and carries a pistol in it. He got his handgun and when it came at him
again, he shot it twice and killed it. Wild hogs in Florida usually run from 100-400 pounds with a 400 pounder being a monster. Because this one had been feasting on grain for several years, it had grown to mamoth size. When Larry took it to the processor it weighed in at over 1100 pounds! The meat has no wild taste, as it was grain feed and the Larry
is quite the hero. He has fed many firefighters and provided the homeless shelter in downtown Orlando with a couple of meals.
Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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