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Are you through? He ignored the last shot you took at him and I would expect you to give him the same courtesy. You can debate him or anyone else here as much as you like, but without the personal insults. Please take it offline if you have something you want to tell him. "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
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Huntincats, I may disagree with him, but I truly hope that isn't the case. Nobody deserves that... | |||
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huntincats-You may want to check out 24 hour campfire. I think you'll find you fit in better over there. Here on AR, while folks may disagree with each other, they know when to draw the line and tend to show respect and common courtesy. There is simply no place -- and no need -- for the type of vile, personal insults you have been dishing out. Bobby Μολὼν λαβέ The most important thing in life is not what we do but how and why we do it. - Nana Mouskouri | |||
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Moderators, For the most part I appreciate your tolerance. I for one believe Randall to be a man of integrity and honor. He may not be your cup of tea, but he says what he means and means what he says. He does not vacillate nor change with every wind of doctrine. Whether I agree with him or not, I admire a man that will state what he believes and come hell or high water, stand on his convictions. However, for the last year I do not believe the person who logs on as huntincats has initiated a post in either the american big game hunting forum or in the hogs forum. The only thing I've seen from him is to dog CHC and to make insults that are both vile and personal in nature. In my soon to be 12 years here I've never asked that someone be banned. Not even DaMan. I'm not asking that huntingcats be banned, but it sure would be nice if you would admonish him to the degree that you would revoke his privileges to post in the ABGH forum and the Hog's forum should he continue to dog CHC. Best GWB | |||
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One thing we can all agree on is that the pig problem in Texas has got out of hand. A lot of very interesting discussion. Lots of pro's, lots of con's. Lots of different views. All this by a very diverse group of hunters, land owners and one a-hole. "We Don't Rent Pigs !" | |||
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Yes, I know but God told me to find something I could be good at and there might not be a whole lot of competition for the job. God knows I have worked at it. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Actually CH, that remark was meant for your fan club............ ![]() "We Don't Rent Pigs !" | |||
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Yes, I sort of figgered that, but I would just as soon see that little chapter of my time here on AR brought to am end. The man is entitled to his opinion and I don't have to respond to his nonsense. I enjoy this site too much and I can't change anyone's opinion of me, especially people I will never actually meet face to face. Besides, all my real close friends call me an ass hole and some of those folks have known me for close to 50 years and they except me for who and what I am. Some folks however want to show their good Christian upbringing by passing judgment over others simply because of words typed onto a computer screen. I can't remember the exact line in Die Hard Two I believe, but the black colonel told the Bruce Willis character something along the lines that Yes he was an asshole, but he was McClain's kind of ass hole. I knew what you were getting at swifter, no offence taken. Hell even Lora uses ass hole and you dumb son of a bitch as terms of endearment toward me, and we will be celebrating our 21st. wedding anniversary this August 29th. I know me for what I am, and my real friends know me for what I am, and we are all comfortable with it. ![]() ![]() ![]() Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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I have not met you.....but I believe you are a man worth knowing. ----my respects. Alex | |||
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Haven't read all the replies on this post, but what would happen to the pig population in Texas if you removed all the automatic feeders? | |||
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Interesting concept. I can only hypothesize from my observations and have no idea the accuracy of these hypotheses. Were all the automated feeders to be shut down, and I will explain why that won't happen, is that the pigs, being omnivores would simple turn to agricultural crops/native vegetation/ground nesting birds and even deer fawns as a food source. There would possibly a movement toward preying on sick or injured livestock which would include cattle trying to give birth. An unwanted effect/effects of shutting down the feeders, and this is why it won't happen, is that much or most of the deer herd in Texas has became dependent upon the supplemental feeding that takes place. Not saying that is a good thing, but it is the way it is. Possibly removing the access to the supplemental feed would provide a supplemental food source for the hogs due to the deer weaking due to the loss of the supplemental feed. Also, other species benefit from the supplemental feeding, wild turkeys, quail, dove, rabbits, squirrels, javelina and in some areas of the state an expanding black bear population. It can be pretty amazing the number of species that benefit from the spin feeders, not just hogs and deer. I have even witnessed coyotes picking up corn at the feeders. Personally, I feel that shutting down the supplemental feeding would actually have more negative effects on every species except the hogs. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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I have tried to upload a video I captured of a coyote eating corn by my trap. That is the third one I have seen doing so. Maybe the same one and he has been a regular since I started souring corn with cheap wine. I have a couple of bobcats that frequent the trap I guess looking for rats and rabbits eating on the corn. I fully agree that running feeders year round has benefits to all wildlife, not just deer and turkeys. CH, getting back to last evening, I think that there is a little bit of A-Hole in all of us. I try to be careful about when, where and how I turn it loose though. The next time I go to Seymour, I will let you know. Heck, I may even buy your lunch. I have to get. I have another big pig I have been trying to find and it is geeting late. "We Don't Rent Pigs !" | |||
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I believe that is an apt concept. A wise old friend of mine once said that, "Each of us have a little larceny in our souls, it is just that most of us never act upon it". Curmudgeon/A-Hole/Horses Ass and probably a few other terms concerning human nature apply to all of us. From experience however, all of us are highly thought of in our own normal socio-economic peer group, our families and close friends and associates, because they see us for what we are. Their opinions of us are based on actual interactions, good or bad over time. From my point of view, and I see this on every internet forum/chat room/bulletin board on the web that I have ever looked at, but people that form a judgment about another concerning that individuals character WITHOUT having any real time interaction, with that person is truly missing out. In spite of how some of my responses are interpreted, I never judge anyone until AFTER I have actually met and interacted with them. I have met some really great folks over the years off the various websites and unfortunately, I have met a few that were as big a jerk in real life as they came across on whatever site they were on, but that happens in everyday real life, you meet lots of great folks and you will meet a few not so great. My philosophy, is enjoy and cherish the good ones, respect the bad ones for at least being a human and able to have/form opinions, and accept the fact that no one will ever be universally liked by everyone they come in contact with. ![]() Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Randall, think of it this way...my daughter has a graduate degree in psychology and a close cousin of mine is a psych professor at Texas Tech. They both talk about the six years old study. In it, they painted a box green on one side and red on the opposite side. They then help up the box and asked the children what color the people on the other side of the box could see. Up until six years old, the children said the other people saw the same color as them and not the reverse color. It was not until six that the children recognised that what other people saw was not the same as what they saw. They often tell me that some day I will make it to six. ![]() Larry "Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading" -- Thomas Jefferson | |||
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I understand what you are getting, personally I maintain the concept, as Capstick stated in the audio tape I have of his, of being a Professional Small Boy. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Dallas still lookng for offers even though they have a trapper. Sounds like most governments, they want something for nothing, if they can get it. They want more "abatement". http://cityhallblog.dallasnews...t-for-the-city.html/ | |||
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Just to keep things interesting, I read on another forum where some scientific type projects that the pig population in Tejas will increase by a factor of 5 over the next 5 years. No quote of info to back it up, but interesting nevertheless. GW The possibilities for disaster boggle the mind. | |||
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guess I need to get busier. ![]() Best GWB | |||
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The hogs are not a problem in Texas. If they were Texas ranchers would let responsible hunters hunt hogs for free or a very low tresspass fee. That is not the case. velocity is like a new car, always losing value. BC is like diamonds, holding value forever. | |||
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Ridiculous-some one always wants something for nothing. Haven't you read the thread? | |||
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Guess the Texas legislature should start a certification program maybe call it ;;;;;; CRAP Certified Responsible Annihilation Program Just like having a CHL, the hunter could be certified that he his responsible, pay for a CRAP license, inusrance and say a $50,000 bond should he shoot my bull or leave a gate open or get lost and die and his relatives sue me. He could pay to do a continuing education course each year. Then pay a slight tresspass fee to pay for the monitor and gps that would be attached to his person, that would record where he was, whether he was whapping off, tapping his mistress or actually hunting, how many shots he fired and how many times he missed. If he missed too much, more MCE. Yeah that's the ticket. Come on down to my ranch. (in essence of full disclosure, I'm now a lessee, no longer a landowner thank goodness) Best GWB | |||
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Geedubya, I think you may be on to something! Squatch We Band of Bubbas N.R.A Life Member TDR Cummins Power All The Way Certified member of the Whompers Club | |||
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If you have any money, which seems unlikely, then by all means run right out, buy a ranch, put your time and effort into adapting it to your vision of what is should be AND THEN invite all hog hunters who CLAIM they are responsible to hunt for free. Don't worry about anything, they claim they're responsible. About typical of those who don't do it to tell those of us who do do it, how we should be doing it better to suit them. Are you from the government? xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere. NEVER, EVER book a hunt with BLAIR WORLDWIDE HUNTING or JEFF BLAIR. I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process. | |||
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I know a farmer who owns several thousand acres scattered across two counties. he used to let me and some others go in and shoot pigs when he saw they were attacking his corn. In 2010, someone went down a waterway after a heavy rain and left some serious ruts with a four wheel drive. Most waterways are thick in Bermuda grass and very seldom cut. That keeps erosion to a minimum. He knew who did it by the tracks and asked them and of course they said they did not and knew nothing about it. That was the end of hunting there and it was free. I run into him a couple of times a month, Heck of a nice guy, hard working farmer, but he won't let anyone hunt anymore. Being a responsible hunter and being responsible on someone's land are two different things, IMHO. When I was a kid, I took my granddads tractor up into one of his pastures after a rain. When he got back home and found the ruts, he wore my azz out. After it dried up, he made me take a shovel and fix his roads. I still won't go out into anyone's pasture after a rain. "We Don't Rent Pigs !" | |||
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Wow. In response to the first part of this I have always found Texans to be some of the most civil, polite, considerate, responsible and friendly folks about. Were looking at a ranch North and east of Dallas about and hour and a half just because we like the folks in Texas. Heck we can get twice as much bang for the buck an hour east of Springfield MO but we find most, not all, but most there being a fight looking for a place to happen. We have life long friends/couples from TX we met at parties years ago come stay with us during calf roping events here in Vegas. I would have no problem with the fellas here on AR coming out to my place once situated for an un-escorted hog hunt. Many of you have chatted with me on the phone or via email and I have always found all to be quite civil, responsible and well mannered gents. As far as responsibility goes most would not be on this forum if the were presently employed by a financial institution with an inordinate amount of responsibility thus elevating them to a monetary status to entertain African Safaris. Let me just mention a few fellas I have corresponded with in the last few weeks on AR. A farmer, a rancher, a doctor, a local counselor that owns his own law firm. None would ever think of leaving gates open, shooting fence post, or not be able to tell the difference between a calf and a feral hog hence shooting the calf. Charging by "the pig" will not make one more responsible only help fund a different agenda. i.e. a frivolous night of inebriation. I would never charge someone that's for sure. I have no problem selling non applicable, non essential firearms related support items in the buy/sell section but I would not charge to shoot a pig or even a deer....... If I can just get one of my homes up in tie-dye ![]() On another topic, Barbie has been eye oogling three Great Pyrenees puppies, and three Border Collie cow dogs. I'm wondering if we can feed them spit cooked pig? | |||
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How many who don't want to "deal" with irresponsible hunters will take government funds ie. taxpayers $$, to deal with or be compensated for their problems. NRA Benefactor TSRA Life DRSS Brno ZP-149 45-120 NE | |||
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Not many--- | |||
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I agree, the "big" problem doesn't look so big when they want $100+ for the privilege to "help" them. Shovel ready..... but hangin' on | |||
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Just exactly WHY should land owners be expected to not want to recoup a little from the damage the pigs are causing? The amount of damage being caused is not the same, state wide. No land owner I know of is going to just let ANYONE loose on their property, HOPING, that those folks act responsibly. After a "hunt", the "hunters" go home, leaving the land owner on his own to explain WHY gates were left open/dead pigs were found on properties the hunters were not supposed to be hunting and the list goes on. Plus, if you have never hunted that area or property before and you don't see anything or get any shots, you are going to bitch like a little girl. What about all the feed the rancher puts out in his/her feeders that helps keep the hogs in the area? What about the time and fuel the rancher is out taking hunters from one property to another trying to get them on pigs??????????? Is it the land owners fault if the pigs do not come in at a time when the hunter can get a shot? What about those cases where the land owner/guide gets the hunters on to pigs and the hunters miss. Is THAT the land owners fault? What about when the hunter shoots and wounds a pig and it is never recovered, is that the land owners fault? Land owners have the right to expect a little compensation for the damage pigs do to their property. Very few land owners are going to allow folks they know nothing about access to their property. Hogs cause damage, a hunter getting hurt or trespassing on to a neighboring piece of ground causes a lot more damage. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Randall, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that some folks just like to argue, bitch and stir shit. Folks that have never run a business, met a payroll dealt with emplyees and customers either can't or won't understand what a business owner deals with. I'd be asked, how many folk you got working for you. I'd answer, about half, seems the rest are working against me. What's the old saying, I thought I wanted a job, turns out all I really wanted was a paycheck. Been there done that. Folks that have never owned land usually don't understand the costs involved. Between 2000 and 2007 I paid all the bills for our 160 acre "place" in the country. A house on blocks, a trailer, two wells, electricity, maintenence on the houses, a/c wells and taxes. Cost me near $1,000 a month, and it was just a place that was enjoyed on the weekend from time to time. Just like the current situation here in these United States, you've got makers and takers. Makers don't want anything from anybody but to be left to their own devices, cause they have the confidence and the fortitude to make it on their own. Takers on the other hand always want something either subsidized, at a reduced rate of for free. Better yet, get paid for doing nothing. I was paying $1k per month out of my pocket. I had one particular brother and his wife that would go up there, let the dogs swim in the lake, then let them come in the trailer ( a custom 5 bedroom double wide we put say $50K improvements in)lay on the sofa, ticks an fleas to boot. I'd come up and the windows would be open, screens off and the A/C blowing and set on 68 degress. The well would be on at the lake so they could raise the water level. Other times I'd come up and catch folk I didn't even know that had come across our fence. I'd ask them who gave them permission to come on the property. When I ask themt to leave they would say , who are you to tell me to leave. I started packing a side arm and tell them I wasn't so bad but my fifteen friends might be a little more persuasive. They would kill our tame ducks and geese. Shoot holes in our john boats. During the eighties we'd come up and find that all the windows had been broken out doors broken down and drug parties/orgies had taken place. Even burnt the house down once. And we only owned the place since 1961. I can't imagine how some folks that have had ranches in their families for generations feel about letting some asshole yahoo(s) violate their land with their presence. That's the way I see it. If that gets your knickers in a wad, tough shit. GWB | |||
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Very well said. Where's that diplomatic GW? xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere. NEVER, EVER book a hunt with BLAIR WORLDWIDE HUNTING or JEFF BLAIR. I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process. | |||
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CAT, I was being diplomatic. I'd probably get bounced again if I said what I really thought. Best to you and yours my friend. GWB | |||
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You are painting with a pretty wide brush there, my friend. We are NOT all like that. | |||
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Doubless, Sir you are correct, not all hunters are like that. I am using a very wide brush. The reason I do so, is because from experience, you have to go thru quite a few hunters, BEFORE, you find the good ones. Even then, in the heat of the battle, even the good ones mess up from time to time. I really do appreciate your statement and you make a very valid point. However, until you are the one dealing with the hunters and trying to keep them on the straight and narrow, it gets really stressful trying to convince some folks that a closed gate needs to be kept closed even if your only going to be in the pasture for "Just A Minute Or Two". Ever noticed how open gates work like a magnet for cattle and horses, not to mention 19 head of buffalo. We have two groups that have been hunting with us for 4 maybe 5 years, enjoy having them down and setting around BS'ing with them, and they still do things that make us scratch our heads. For many landowners, all it takes is one screw up to get that farmer/rancher to close their properties off from hunters. But, you are right I am using a really big brush. Perhaps that is wrong of me, but as Robert and I are both hunters, we enjoy having people hunt with us and not just because of the $$$$ it brings in. We have met some really good people, but sometimes hunters, even those that have their heads on straight will do something that just leaves us standing there scratching our heads. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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GW and Randall, very well said. Larry "Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading" -- Thomas Jefferson | |||
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Hogs ain't skeered of zombies either: http://www.kxii.com/home/headl...etery-208421361.html | |||
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