It is always amusing when Americans are making statements about optics for low light/night hunting.
Usually it boils down that Leupold is just as good as any top class Europeean Scope.
If I was a rich man, I would love to invite a couple of the most anti-European Scope bashers to sit with me on a starry night over frozen hay fields
Many of my countrymen hunt pests at night with spotlights, legally, but once the light is on the quality of the scope becomes much less important.
That's pretty much spot on 100% the truth. European 'scopes are capable of being used during ALL hours that hunters in Europe may legally hunt.
And that does mean siting up at night, at 2.00am, 3.00am etc. under a moon for wild boar. Nobody I know that does this "professionally" with paying clients uses other that European glass.
These guys buy the best irrespective of price either high price or low price. They don't buy on name, or brand, they buy on what works. And that isn't, at least for the boar, Leupold or Redfield or Burris.
If you don't shoot other than daylight hours then any good USA optic will perform, for real purpose, as good as any European telescopic sight.
If you NEED that night time moon light performance then USA 'scopes are not the "go to" of choice. If you don't need it and shoot in daylight hours only then they are pretty much as good.
But as Sambarman says if you LAMP then, here in UK, a lot go for the Leupold VX 'scope as over a lamp or spotlight these are the best combination of performance and price. In Austrlia I rhink the professional kangaroo shooters used to favour the Nikko Sterling Nighteater? The Nikko being "Made in Japan" the story goes but Australian designed?