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An Elephant On LSD!
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The acts you contemplate are patent animal cruelty punishable by jail time.
You are out of line, propping up a logical fallacy.
DuggaBoye indicated no such belief.
There is no excuse for this Walterism of logic, unless you are Walter.
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Originally posted by 465H&H:

Do you honestly believe it isn't cruelty for someone to let their horses starve or for a man to douse a cat with lighter fluid, then set it alight to see how fast it can run? If so then you have been desensitized by your work for the drug companies and that makes my point better than anything I could come up with.


As posted elsewhere on AR:

"My pets are treated with kindness , my family's stock well cared for.
I in no way ,however equate them with humans nor rights associated therein."

Labeling as Inhumane or cruel any acts with respect to animals in research and
ascribing criminality with respect to acts of violence against animals assures the end of hunting as killing in hunting ensures a violent act in itself.

Animals are in no manner humans;
if one subscribes to so-called humane treatment of animals, one's hypocrisy as to hunting and killing is blatant.

Shredding tissue breaking bone , inducing shock with blade or bullet is non-injurious, non-painful, non-killing in someway I have missed?

If one can be comfortable with ignoring the hypocrisy ,that is one's choice.

I am not comfortable with the hypocrisy.

I hunt, I kill--animals--and you?
(And wish to continue to do so.)

On a different note:

Were society to show a mere fraction of its worship for human rights as it does for "animal rights",--

"what a wonderful,wonderful world it would be"

Think about it.

"Good Night and Good Luck."

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Originally posted by DuggaBoye:
Originally posted by mrlexma:
Originally posted by DuggaBoye:
Originally posted by mrlexma:
Makes me wonder if acid was the real reason that Dumbo could fly.

Probably more the acid taken by those beleiving they saw Dumbo fly. Wink

You are way out of line.

I have seen Dumbo fly.

And I can assure you that I have never dropped so much as one tiny little tab of acid.

Peyote perhaps?? Wink

May I remind you that this thread is about an elephant on LSD.

How on earth you have managed to twist that into an insinuation that I now use or may have used peyote is beyond me.

I posed my speculation regarding Dumbo based solely upon the stated subject of this thread, namely that there is at least one recorded instance of an elephant, namely, Tusko, having an unusual (and unfortunately fatal) reaction to LSD in the early 1960s. Put aside for the moment that Tusko apparently did not take the LSD willingly (although that seems highly doubtful to me and in my view warrants further inquiry).

All I meant to suggest was that Disney's elephant may have been aware of the unfortunately fatal Tusko LSD case, and that Dumbo may have nonetheless convinced himself - as many humans have done, especially if they are celebrities (as Dumbo clearly was and remains to this day) - that he, Dumbo, as a famous pachyderm, was invincible and that he could drop acid without having a bad trip.

It is unclear to me how the taking of LSD, which generally causes the subject only to think that he can fly, could have, in Dumbo's case, induced and enabled said pachyderm actually to fly. But mark my words, that infamous anti-hunter, Walt Disney, was definitely involved!

And of course this was the psychedelic '60s we are talking about. Who knows the kinds of seedy, long-haired, hippie drug pushers that hung out in Dumbo's Southern California neighborhood? I am certain that LSD could be bought right on the Disney back lot in those days. Just watch some of the movies they made back then - The Love Bug, about a Volkswagen named Herbie that had a human personality; 101 Dalmations, about a bunch of spotted, talking dogs; and last but not least the lovely story about the perfect English nanny, Mary Poppins - WHO COULD FLY USING AN UMBRELLA!

Coincidence? I think not!

And allow me, please, to protest further. My conjecture about Dumbo's drug use was entirely rhetorical in nature, which is to say, it most assuredly did not require - much less invite - any kind of an answer.

Yet you felt compelled to respond. And as your answer, you shiftily shifted the topic to humans and LSD use - and then, ultimately, and far worse, you slyly insinuated that I may be or was at some time a user of peyote.

We can go round and round and I assume never get to the answer to that question. Even with the kind of sound and scientific peer review that you seem so scornfully to disdain. I must surmise, however, that this back and forth is becoming Warrior and GSC-esque, and most likely boring, to the remainder of the community. But will that stop you?

I frankly doubt it. It hasn't managed to stop you yet. You, like many internet fencers, seem to have a driving need to get in the last riposte, no matter how boringly slow and ill-aimed your counter-attack may be.

So, I am sure that you will have a further response to share on this subject. But I shall forgo my curiosity as to same, as well as any further remise. You will not have mrlexma to stab any more (on this thread).


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 14038 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RIP:
The acts you contemplate are patent animal cruelty punishable by jail time.
You are out of line, propping up a logical fallacy.
DuggaBoye indicated no such belief.
There is no excuse for this Walterism of logic, unless you are Walter.


With all due respect I was responding to duggaboye's statement as follows;

"My position may seem disturbing to you, but I reserve the term cruelty for humans, as I also reserve the term humane."

I responded with:

'Do you honestly believe it isn't cruelty for someone to let their horses starve or for a man to douse a cat with lighter fluid, then set it alight to see how fast it can run? If so then you have been desensitized by your work for the drug companies and that makes my point better than anything I could come up with.

I think my asking his responce to the two hypothetical situations above was entirely appropriate. He states above that cruelty doesn't apply to animals or the word humane. What fallacy am I propping up and why was I out of line?

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Originally posted by mrlexma:

May I remind you that this thread is about an elephant on LSD.

How on earth you have managed to twist that into an insinuation that I now use or may have used peyote is beyond me.

I posed my speculation regarding Dumbo based solely upon the stated subject of this thread, namely that there is at least one recorded instance of an elephant, namely, Tusko, having an unusual (and unfortunately fatal) reaction to LSD in the early 1960s. Put aside for the moment that Tusko apparently did not take the LSD willingly (although that seems highly doubtful to me and in my view warrants further inquiry).

All I meant to suggest was that Disney's elephant may have been aware of the unfortunately fatal Tusko LSD case, and that Dumbo may have nonetheless convinced himself - as many humans have done, especially if they are celebrities (as Dumbo clearly was and remains to this day) - that he, Dumbo, as a famous pachyderm, was invincible and that he could drop acid without having a bad trip.

It is unclear to me how the taking of LSD, which generally causes the subject only to think that he can fly, could have, in Dumbo's case, induced and enabled said pachyderm actually to fly. But mark my words, that infamous anti-hunter, Walt Disney, was definitely involved!

And of course this was the psychedelic '60s we are talking about. Who knows the kinds of seedy, long-haired, hippie drug pushers that hung out in Dumbo's Southern California neighborhood? I am certain that LSD could be bought right on the Disney back lot in those days. Just watch some of the movies they made back then - The Love Bug, about a Volkswagen named Herbie that had a human personality; 101 Dalmations, about a bunch of spotted, talking dogs; and last but not least the lovely story about the perfect English nanny, Mary Poppins - WHO COULD FLY USING AN UMBRELLA!

Coincidence? I think not!

And allow me, please, to protest further. My conjecture about Dumbo's drug use was entirely rhetorical in nature, which is to say, it most assuredly did not require - much less invite - any kind of an answer.

Yet you felt compelled to respond. And as your answer, you shiftily shifted the topic to humans and LSD use - and then, ultimately, and far worse, you slyly insinuated that I may be or was at some time a user of peyote.

We can go round and round and I assume never get to the answer to that question. Even with the kind of sound and scientific peer review that you seem so scornfully to disdain. I must surmise, however, that this back and forth is becoming Warrior and GSC-esque, and most likely boring, to the remainder of the community. But will that stop you?

I frankly doubt it. It hasn't managed to stop you yet. You, like many internet fencers, seem to have a driving need to get in the last riposte, no matter how boringly slow and ill-aimed your counter-attack may be.

So, I am sure that you will have a further response to share on this subject. But I shall forgo my curiosity as to same, as well as any further remise. You will not have mrlexma to stab any more (on this thread).


Pardon me, I can't tell if this is attempted humor or actual indignation. bewildered

I viewed your postings as humor and responded in kind ( perhaps my knowledge of the use of the Wink icon is not distinctive enough to denote a response in jest. Confused

If your current response is humor, I applaud your wordcraft. clap

If , indignation-:

Guess ,I was too bored coffee and and ill aimed BOOM --obviously I only hit an unintentional angering blow to you by a responding.

I did end my comments with respect to the portion of the thread that interested me as to the statements by 465H&H, which were about more than pachyderm hallucinations. horse

As to twisting, or shiftily shifting, I did not perceive your subliminal message as to Walt Disney and his subliminal efforts in his anti-hunting agenda. space

What was I thinking?? homer

As to being an "internet fencer", if you noticed ,I am relatively new here.( As well as being relatively to the internet community in general.) sofa

This has occurred by having a bit more free time available recently, dancing and my curiosity as to this forum, which pertains to a particular interests of mine-- Africa, Hunting and Firearms led me here. beer thumb

I am, however, used to defending a position, hammering

if that is your jist in implying 'fencing'. (actually , I preferred the Sabre training in college, knife you know slashing rather than a mere stab.)

Hopefully , the icons were used more to your approval of interpretation this posting.
I am attempting to get the hang of this non-spoken inflection thing.

BTW, nice sig line.

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Michael Robinson
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I KNEW you would try to get in the last word! Mad

Just kidding around. Big Grin

Merely an attempt at satirical commentary on how even a thread concerning an elephant on LSD can twist and turn around here.

At least no one has yet mentioned flat nosed solids or twist rates. Roll Eyes


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
Posts: 14038 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Originally posted by mrlexma:
I KNEW you would try to get in the last word! Mad

Just kidding around. Big Grin

Merely an attempt at satirical commentary on how even a thread concerning an elephant on LSD can twist and turn around here.

At least no one has yet mentioned flat nosed solids or twist rates. Roll Eyes

I suspected as much, though without the mopane fire cracking, cigar aroma wafting and the fresh palatal coating of Ardbeg, my perception abilities as to satire are greatly impaired.

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Now about those air/ tissue SF transitions------ Big Grin rotflmo

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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I apologize.
You are right, I was wrong.
I forgot about that semantic perversity of DuggaBoye you quoted.
He does not get to redefine "cruel." He has attempted this in order to yank chains here.
I agree with a lot of what he says, but cruelty is an equal opportunity thing, applies to animals as well as humans.

DuggaBoye may be a physician, but he is talking like a defense lawyer in an animal cruelty trial, and he is not even getting paid for it ... except for the jolly-on he is getting out of it. Roll Eyes
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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No apology needed. I figured you were reading things wrongly.

Posts: 5686 | Location: Nampa, Idaho | Registered: 10 February 2005Reply With Quote
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