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Hi all Just back from a elephant hunt in Kazuma. I was to hunt with Buzz but a few weeks prior he snapped his achilles tendon. Buzz sent Len Taylor. Len whom I have not hunted with before turned out to be both a gentleman and also a very good elephant hunter. This hunt was for a big elephant bull in the 60 pound plus range but failed due to early rains in Botswana. The first 3 days we saw several big bulls in the 45-50 pound range and everything was looking good, but then it rained in Botswana and within 2 days all bulls were gone. My friend came along for buffalo. One day we tracked an old dagga boy. Firstly the track led though thick gusu jess. then the track took us out in an large open plain. Here we found him sleeping. Len made a buffalo distress sound and the old bull got up. My friend shoot him 4 times with a 416 RM all hitting in the heart lung area. I thought the hunt was over but in an instant it turned out a life or death situation. The bull charged head on. Len shoot a 458 lott in it chest and I followed with a 500 NE also in the chest. This only made the bull kick out but did not slow it down. The last shoot on the video is actually two as Len and I shoot at the exact same time. Both of us hitting in the right eye. The bull went down 9 m from us. Hope you enjoy the video. https://youtu.be/sC5uGRNcQi8 Good Hunting Carl Frederik | ||
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Now that is up close and personal. It is amazing how much they can take and still keep going enough to get somebody hurt. Excellent case of stand your ground. Well done. | |||
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Excellent shooting. All of mine have been like shooting a cow and that is the way I like it. Mike | |||
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Me too. They can certainly pack a lot of lead. Have gun- Will travel The value of a trophy is computed directly in terms of personal investment in its acquisition. Robert Ruark | |||
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I have a film made by a hunter I sent to Africa many years ago..They shot two bulls, one 13 times and the other 9 times. The PHs back then were local farmers with a PH license, and in the film they were in a tree yelling directions to the hunter where the bulls were in the high grass, its pretty damn funny...BTW the hunters were shooting a 470 and a 500. fortunately the bulls took a hit that stopped them and they seemed paralyzed and they just kept shooting, some good hits and some bad hits..I also tracked a bull 2 days shot thru the lungs, and the biggest bull I ever shot had a on old wound that was a double lung shot, the scar in the lungs made the healed up lungs look like 4 lungs, and in a was of callus tissue we found and expanded .375 mushroomed bullet, that appeard to be a Swift, but wouldn't swear to it..That bull healed up and was fat and sassy when I shot him, so the wound was probably two or three years old..Yep, they can be incredibly strong at times even with proper hits, rare indeed, yes!~, but never let your guard down on one..Don't get careless and fail to apply the coup de grace finisher.. Ray Atkinson Atkinson Hunting Adventures 10 Ward Lane, Filer, Idaho, 83328 208-731-4120 rayatkinsonhunting@gmail.com | |||
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Thanks for post! IHMSA BC Provincial Champion and Perfect 40 Score, Unlimited Category, AAA Class. | |||
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Exciting hunt ! Excellent shooting. Well done. | |||
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shows the importance of being able to operate your rifle from the shoulder/firing position. "Train like you fight". When things "get exciting" you fall back on your training. The hunter "got it done" but I think it was the PH on his left that ended the show. Great video. | |||
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Excellent bit of video. Great shooting on an old warrior! On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died. If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch... Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son! - Rudyard Kipling Life grows grim without senseless indulgence. | |||
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Glad to see no one was hurt, in dealing with a bad situation. Next time may be all of you might wish to leave all these useless canons at home when hunting buffalo, and use a decent caliber that actually does kill them. I highly recommend the 375 ![]() | |||
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Typical heart shot, kick and arch the back and run like hell, rarely drops an animal. There was good presentation for an anchoring through the shoulder shot there. What is the bolt rifle being used? Seems to be trouble reloading and asking for a jam on the third reload and seemingly another on the last reload? Fortunately there was back up from others but I sure wouldn't like to rely on that rifle and shooter for it. Agree, a well shot and honest video. | |||
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Close one. Proves once again how effective head shots are. Glad everyone was ok. Would like to see up close the bullets holes. George "Gun Control is NOT about Guns' "It's about Control!!" Join the NRA today!" LM: NRA, DAV, George L. Dwight | |||
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Certainly would have been nice to put that first shot on the shoulder and slow him down a bit. Hard to say what happened with that reload without seeing it in slow motion. Might have short stroked it I think. The hunting imperative was part of every man's soul; some denied or suppressed it, others diverted it into less blatantly violent avenues of expression, wielding clubs on the golf course or racquets on the court, substituting a little white ball for the prey of flesh and blood. Wilbur Smith | |||
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PS: They WERE cows :-) | |||
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Just what one would expect from Blaser lovers! ![]() | |||
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Sort of like Shootaway! | |||
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Biebs/Saeed/Todd Williams ![]() ![]() Mike | |||
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This is a fine example of the fact that no matter what you are shooting, nor how well placed the shot, some animals become very dangerous with even the best shooting, or the size of the bullet. This is why cape buffalo are labeled DANGEROUS GAME, and is a reason to use the best bullets,from a reliable rifle, and keep shooting till the fight is OVER. Then shoot him one more time! ……......………...…...…….. ![]() ![]() ....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1 DRSS Charter member "If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982 Hands of Old Elmer Keith ![]() | |||
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That's pretty darn close. Good job! ~Ann ![]() | |||
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Nicely done! I've popped a few but like someone else posted the actual shot was like shooting an old range steer | |||
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Hey, I had a Charlias Bull trash my pickup after I shot him with a 270 behind the ear at a water hole where he watered every morning at about daylight..A few days Prior to that he had turned my horse over on top of me in the thick stuff, when I roped him. My shot that morning was at the base of the skull with a .270 130 gr. silvertip, and the bullet blew up on contact, knocked him out and I walked up to cut his throat and he looked up at me with eyes the size of oranges,and he looked like a bovine satan and bellowed, and charged I beat him to the PU and jumped on top of the cab as he caved in the door, the driver my neighbor was in the PU and popping him in the head with his 30 carbine and the were bouncing off, he tore off the fender then the door and just got madder, and Ben was crawling out the passenger side..I got my wits together as he backed off a little and was pawing the ground for another charge, and shot him in the head and that killed him, he was intent on getting us, of that I have no doubt, A bovine creature of any kind can be a source to deal with and many a agriculture person has died at the rath of a herd bull, mostly dairy bulls as a matter of fact, they watch you and if they can get you positioned to slam you into a post or wall, your toast. My neighbors grandfather was killed by a Hereford bull, If domestic cattle will do this, think what a wild bovine will will and can do on occasion. Cape buffalo seem to slam someone each year..same with Hippo, Lion and elephant..make that shot count. Ive had a full blown charge and two that started but didn't materialize, I call them half assed charges..elephants are good at bluff charges, but a bluff can become real in a mini second..A PH told me they are fake with the ears out, when they are real the ears are folded back...My response was how long does it take and elephant lay his ears back?? Ray Atkinson Atkinson Hunting Adventures 10 Ward Lane, Filer, Idaho, 83328 208-731-4120 rayatkinsonhunting@gmail.com | |||
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It is nice to see a buff charge video with a positive outcome. | |||
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Glad that it ended well. At 19-21 seconds, I see the hunter working the bolt twice without ejecting the spent cartridge with the first attempt. It could have placed him in a very dangerous situation if the charge was direct and closer. I see a butter-knife handle on the rifle. Wonder what make was it and if it had a CRF bolt. Thank you for sharing. Best- Locksley,R "Early in the morning, at break of day, in all the freshness and dawn of one's strength, to read a book - I call that vicious!"- Friedrich Nietzsche | |||
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Worked well for me on Buff and elephant
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Thanks for posting. | |||
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Good fun! Thanks for sharing. | |||
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atkinson, That's why you choose your bulls, and your horses, like you should choose your women. "Temperament and then Conformation" It's the "Conformation" that attracts you but it's the "Temperament" that determines the quality/length of the relationship. If you can't trust a bull in the yards get rid of him. He'll catch you !!!! | |||
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OMG. 32 seconds and it was like 10 minutes. Amazing how he kept coming. Glad no one got hurt. Thanks for sharing BTW Ray's story of double lung shot healed is incredible. I've heard of a deer in NZ with single lung shot healed and part of the lung still on the outer surface "When the wind stops....start rowing. When the wind starts, get the sail up quick." | |||
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I have had one run a long way with six of my bullets through his lungs. I emptied the magazine of my .458 Lott and put every bullet in him as he ran past. Luckily not towards me! They just don’t seem to know or accept that they’re dead. Yours was clearly still full of mischief when he came. Nice shooting to put him down. Congrats, and thanks for posting. Mike Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer. | |||
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That looks more like a normal reaction to any body hit.I don't believe it was a specific reaction to a heart shot.Furthermore if that buff really took a good shot to the heart area, I believe it would make straight for a safe spot. | |||
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I have taken a small mountain of buffalo. I have never had a serious incident . I have had some take some massive punishment and keep going. For example , the last time I went to Dande, I shot this bull. He ran and we followed . We hadn’t gone far when I spotted him with a lung hanging out. I hammered him again . He ran. We followed . Let me add that the second shot was a good shot as well. We jumped the bull and both the PH and I shot, both hitting him. Because of the angle, these were not the best of shots but we had no choice. We followed and jumped the bull again. I shot him yet again with my 416 hitting him well. He kept going. I was astounded. We followed. After a short distance, we saw him standing under a tree. I shot him again. He fell but was still alive. I stood there at short range and starred shooting . I do not recall the exact number of shots but I know I had to reload. He was still sitting up! Every single one of these shots was right through the vitals. F@ck this I said. Give me my 500NE. I shot him with the 500 NE right through the vitals. The buff just sat there. Finally, I brained him. The only shots that might not have ultimately been fatal were the two when we jumped him. Emphasis on might. All of the other would have absolutely been fatal. Yet this bull would not die. | |||
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Just goes to prove my point! These canons are useless for buffalo! ![]() | |||
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Two pair of shorts day. Dave | |||
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Thank you for the video. Little left to say, so I will only ask this: What was the range of the first shot? NRA Life Benefactor Member, DRSS, DWWC, Whittington Center,Android Reloading Ballistics App at http://www.xplat.net/ | |||
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Excellent video. Interesting how the PH went for a chest shot on a charging buffalo. Thanks for sharing. DRSS Searcy 470 NE | |||
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Throw as much lead as possible at the buffalo as fast as possible ![]() Mike | |||
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Saed, Also proves my point, to wit (shot placement rules). If you gut shoot a whitetail, it humps up and goes off and lies down and dies. If you gut shoot big DG, it goes on a rampage to get even. NRA Life Benefactor Member, DRSS, DWWC, Whittington Center,Android Reloading Ballistics App at http://www.xplat.net/ | |||
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I have only killed one buffalo but it was a center heart shot at about 60 yards and he immediately charged right for us where Doug Duckworth dispatched it with a head shot at 4 paces! | |||
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