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Ebola update: "Is it safe to travel to West Africa?"
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Originally posted by Opus1:

    Steve you seem all amped up about Ebola and I suppose that's not too surprising. Folks were all hysterical over AIDS before the facts sunk in and lay people became educated about the real exposure risks - don't share needles with an infected individual and avoid sexual contact with them. Today that's like a big "well duhhh".

    If you're really so concerned about "catching" Ebola, I would avoid going on a sex holiday to equatorial Africa any time soon and avoid eating any dead monkeys or bats that you might run across in the African bush.

Why are the healthcare workers dressing up like Neil Armstrong on his Moon landing to treat ebola patients and despite all the safety equipment still becoming infected if it isn't contagious? I don't buy for a minute that this virus isn't contagious as hell. I highly doubt those doctors became infected by screwing natives or sharing needles with them.
Posts: 1005 | Registered: 11 August 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of jdollar
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Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:

I think your numbers don't relate. The flu, how many get the flu annually? 25-30 million perhaps?

With a death rate of 36K, I'll take that bet any time. Ebola, 25 million get it, 10-15 million will parrish. The flu doesn't usually kill healthy Americans.

Your likelihood of dying in a plane crash is also very low, but the likelihood of
one is almost zero.

You, a man of huge international hunting experience, not many here on AR can compare to. Why do you feel the constant need to carry on and continually look for arguments and fights?

I refuse to engage you in this, I simply gave my opinion. You feel the need to push it to the rediculous extreme.

You must be a very insecure man. You need constant approval from your peers. This is meant to be entertainment, you fuck it all up. You seem to love the angst and the division. Civility is gone.

You will wait for a subject, bound to divide, you then rush to the downwind side to pile on, assuring yourself the winning side of whatever.

Take ISS for example, you and Ted have bludgeoned him to death. I have gone back and read some old stuff, all the way back to the "Elk" thread, Rich never made those claims. Give it a rest. This isn't for points and it isn't a popularity contest. Rich says and does some outlandish things. But you, you just wait...set a trap...wait for your bench to show up and pounch. You sir are a Hayena, a coward on your own.

AR doesn't allow posting of PM's yet you do it with impunity. Why?

AR has changed and not for the better. I realize many here won't understand much of this, but you do.

Good evening,


you wonder why Ted and I bludgeoned him? did he make his offensive remarks directed at your wife? did he threatened you? i trapped him? i guess i forced him to send the last round of PM's, also. some people here really don't seem to grasp the ( potential) situation. and if he sends me another threatening email, i guarantee you will see it here, too! as far as this whole Ebola scare, i think it is just overblown and nothing to worry about personally as i am not going to the 3 outbreak countries. although, being a cowardly hyena, if i was to go there i would try and be picky about what i ate....lighten up. wave

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Posts: 13244 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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If anyone is truly concerned about this I recommend you seek your information from CIDRAP. They are the most up to date and non-biased source of information on global infectious outbreaks.

"At a media briefing today, CDC Director Tom Frieden, MD, MPH, said the top priorities are providing the best care possible for the patient and identifying all people who had contact with him while he was sick.

"The bottom line is I have no doubt that we will control this importation," he said, emphasizing that US hospitals have strong infection control practices and strong core public health capacities, which include tracing of people who come in contact with patients. Frieden added that good contact tracing practices helped curb the impact of similar travel-linked cases in two African nations, Nigeria and Senegal, described in two CDC reports today (see related CIDRAP News story).

"While it is not impossible that there could be additional cases associated with this patient in the coming weeks, I have no doubt that we will contain this," Frieden said.

However, he warned that similar exported cases are likely to continue as long as disease levels are high in West Africa's hot spots: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea.

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7611 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Steve Ahrenberg
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I will say this Jerry, I have never had a cross word with Rich. As said, he says some off the charts wild stuff, never seen a cross word myself. If you torment him, he may go off, hell I don't know.

How about stop tormenting Rich?

You on the other hand seem ultra agressive, whether passively or outwardly. You picked on Shootaway to the point of embarrassment.

I just don't get it Jerry. With your experience here, you can be such a positive resource.

I will admit, when I was Chipolopolo. I was a cock. I decided when I came back, I would take the advise of my good friend Cal Pappas. When I read, I wish to learn, when I write, I wish to teach (or help). Frankly, I see very little reason to continue to log onto this site.

I don't desire the negative dialouge but won't run from it either.


Formerly "Nganga"
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    Squirrelnut - Ummmm no where in any of my posts did I even suggest that the Ebola virus wasn't contagious. So not sure where all that ridiculous noise is coming from; it's certainly not part of any "intelligent" discussion.

    In the last stages of the infection, patients are busy coughing up blood and bleeding from every orifice. The virus is transmitted via contact with body fluids and blood. So to avoid becoming infected, heath care workers are covering up. Unfortunately, the "safety equipment" (PPE) that you are seeing is very rudimentary. An N95 mask (aka standard surgical mask) does not begin to capture virons, but can capture bioaerosols as long as they are large droplets over a micron in size. I sure wouldn't want to depend on one to protect me.

    Furthermore, the PPE procedures that are being employed in the field are certainly nothing like the cross contamination procedures that are in place at a level 2 or level 3 lab facility that works with infectious pathogens. Therefore, workers in Africa are at risk of infection. This can be from poor cross contamination procedures, poor PPE and/or poor lifestyle choices.


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
Posts: 22442 | Location: Occupying Little Minds Rent Free | Registered: 04 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Opus1:
    Squirrelnut - Ummmm no where in any of my posts did I even suggest that the Ebola virus wasn't contagious. So not sure where all that ridiculous noise is coming from; it's certainly not part of any "intelligent" discussion.

    In the last stages of the infection, patients are busy coughing up blood and bleeding from every orifice. The virus is transmitted via contact with body fluids and blood. So to avoid becoming infected, heath care workers are covering up. Unfortunately, the "safety equipment" (PPE) that you are seeing is very rudimentary. An N95 mask (aka standard surgical mask) does not begin to capture virons, but can capture bioaerosols as long as they are large droplets over a micron in size. I sure wouldn't want to depend on one to protect me.

    Furthermore, the PPE procedures that are being employed in the field are certainly nothing like the cross contamination procedures that are in place at a level 2 or level 3 lab facility that works with infectious pathogens. Therefore, workers in Africa are at risk of infection. This can be from poor cross contamination procedures, poor PPE and/or poor lifestyle choices.

So I guess what are are saying is this thing is contagious as hell. And now it is here. Thanks, Obama.
Posts: 1005 | Registered: 11 August 2014Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jdollar:
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:

I think your numbers don't relate. The flu, how many get the flu annually? 25-30 million perhaps?

With a death rate of 36K, I'll take that bet any time. Ebola, 25 million get it, 10-15 million will parrish. The flu doesn't usually kill healthy Americans.

Your likelihood of dying in a plane crash is also very low, but the likelihood of
one is almost zero.

You, a man of huge international hunting experience, not many here on AR can compare to. Why do you feel the constant need to carry on and continually look for arguments and fights?

I refuse to engage you in this, I simply gave my opinion. You feel the need to push it to the rediculous extreme.

You must be a very insecure man. You need constant approval from your peers. This is meant to be entertainment, you fuck it all up. You seem to love the angst and the division. Civility is gone.

You will wait for a subject, bound to divide, you then rush to the downwind side to pile on, assuring yourself the winning side of whatever.

Take ISS for example, you and Ted have bludgeoned him to death. I have gone back and read some old stuff, all the way back to the "Elk" thread, Rich never made those claims. Give it a rest. This isn't for points and it isn't a popularity contest. Rich says and does some outlandish things. But you, you just wait...set a trap...wait for your bench to show up and pounch. You sir are a Hayena, a coward on your own.

AR doesn't allow posting of PM's yet you do it with impunity. Why?

AR has changed and not for the better. I realize many here won't understand much of this, but you do.

Good evening,


you wonder why Ted and I bludgeoned him? did he make his offensive remarks directed at your wife? did he threatened you? i trapped him? i guess i forced him to send the last round of PM's, also. some people here really don't seem to grasp the ( potential) situation. and if he sends me another threatening email, i guarantee you will see it here, too! as far as this whole Ebola scare, i think it is just overblown and nothing to worry about personally as i am not going to the 3 outbreak countries. although, being a cowardly hyena, if i was to go there i would try and be picky about what i ate....lighten up. wave

I've yet to see any evidence of Rich threatening anyone, in a PM or otherwise. He sometimes goes off half-cocked but your reaction to him seems spiteful at the very least. Rich isn't a bad guy, you should try to get to know him. We're all different than our internet personas and Rich is no exception.
Posts: 1005 | Registered: 11 August 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of Frostbit
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Originally posted by SquirrelNut:
We're all different than our internet personas

Not everyone!


Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
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Posts: 7611 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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    SquirrelNut - Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be an unmerciful bitch at times.

    But if you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further than Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. It will make Swine flu (H1N1) look like a bad hangover. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.


Just Remember, We ALL Told You So.
Posts: 22442 | Location: Occupying Little Minds Rent Free | Registered: 04 October 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Opus1:
    SquirrelNut - Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be an unmerciful bitch at times.

    But if you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further that Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.

Appreciate the response, I really do, but you have to admit ebola landing on our shores can't be good. I have zero confidence in our current leadership having the skillset to contain these threats and protect us.
Posts: 1005 | Registered: 11 August 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of jdollar
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Originally posted by Frostbit:
Originally posted by SquirrelNut:
We're all different than our internet personas

Not everyone!


+1 tu2

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Posts: 13244 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Opus1:
    Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be a bitch at times.

    If you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further that Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.

I followed that closely on CIDRAP. One little drift or mutation would be all it takes.

The great flu pandemic of 1918 occurred without the ease of travel and potential spread we have now. A couple of decades ago whenever I would meet an elder patient who was potentially old enough to remember the time the stories were quite alarming.

One old gent told me of his Father coming hone from work coughing and saying goodnight through the bedroom door. The next morning his Mother took he and his Brother to an uncle farm far away from Brooklyn where they were living. His Father was dead a day later.

His most vivid memory was that people would have "viewings" in their homes allowing family time to travel and pay respects. He said the custom in that part of New York was to have a black wreath on the door to the apartment or house so relatives could more easily find the proper location. That year it was worthless because practically every door had a wreath on it.

Up here in Alaska entire villages were wiped out except for the very young and very old. Unlike the standard flu that preys on the weak and elderly from a mortality standpoint the great Pandemic flu killed the healthy very quickly due to the immune response and cytokine storm. Basically death by drowning in your own fluid filled lungs.

Simply a matter of time before another perfect storm occurs.

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7611 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Frostbit:
Originally posted by Opus1:
    Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be a bitch at times.

    If you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further that Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.

I followed that closely on CIDRAP. One little drift or mutation would be all it takes.

The great flu pandemic of 1918 occurred without the ease of travel and potential spread we have now. A couple of decades ago whenever I would meet an elder patient who was potentially old enough to remember the time the stories were quite alarming.

One old gent told me of his Father coming hone from work coughing and saying goodnight through the bedroom door. The next morning his Mother took he and his Brother to an uncle farm far away from Brooklyn where they were living. His Father was dead a day later.

His most vivid memory was that people would have "viewings" in their homes allowing family time to travel and pay respects. He said the custom in that part of New York was to have a black wreath on the door to the apartment or house so relatives could more easily find the proper location. That year it was worthless because practically every door had a wreath on it.

Up here in Alaska entire villages were wiped out except for the very young and very old. Unlike the standard flu that preys on the weak and elderly from a mortality standpoint the great Pandemic flu killed the healthy very quickly due to the immune response and cytokine storm. Basically death by drowning in your own fluid filled lungs.

Simply a matter of time before another perfect storm occurs.

Scary stuff Jim.

With internationality mobility these days - stuff can get ugly very fast.

Posts: 13145 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: 22 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SquirrelNut:
Originally posted by Opus1:
    SquirrelNut - Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be an unmerciful bitch at times.

    But if you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further that Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.

Appreciate the response, I really do, but you have to admit ebola landing on our shores can't be good. I have zero confidence in our current leadership having the skillset to contain these threats and protect us.

If you think that will be a priority of this or any Government then you will have a huge problem while you are waiting for the help.

Do you have a disaster kit set up? Mother Nature has many a surprise. It's best to be prepared.

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7611 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of tendrams
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Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:

Your likelihood of dying in a plane crash is also very low, but the likelihood of
one is almost zero.

Not to be too pedantic, but that is not exactly true. I read an article a few years back noting, if you include ALL airplane crashes (overshot runway, landing gear failure, small plane, big plane, etc), that the likelihood of surviving a plane crash was well over 50%. Sure the likelihood of surviving the "most fatal" kinds of crashes (explosion, mechanical failure over water, etc) is almost zero, but to think that these are the only (or even common) kinds of crashes is incorrect.
Posts: 2472 | Registered: 06 July 2008Reply With Quote
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I was actually in Guinea in December when the first outbreak started.

Would not recommend going to Guinea, Liberia or SL if not needed but as someone said West Africa is a big area. Calculating the microscopic chances of getting "it" in other countries like Senegal/Nigera etc that have had a few cases of Ebola you are going to miss a lot in life.



Posts: 2638 | Location: North | Registered: 24 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Frostbit:
Originally posted by SquirrelNut:
Originally posted by Opus1:
    SquirrelNut - Actually you can blame/thank Mother Nature. She can be an unmerciful bitch at times.

    But if you want to see a terrifying pandemic, look no further that Avian flu (H5N1). If it should become a littler better at being transmitted via airborne pathways, we could see millions of body bags stacking up. That one is keeping epidemiologists up at night.

Appreciate the response, I really do, but you have to admit ebola landing on our shores can't be good. I have zero confidence in our current leadership having the skillset to contain these threats and protect us.

If you think that will be a priority of this or any Government then you will have a huge problem while you are waiting for the help.

Do you have a disaster kit set up? Mother Nature has many a surprise. It's best to be prepared.

We are prepared but I do expect my government to take the appropriate steps in the event of a potential pandemic to prevent individuals who may be harboring a lethal pathogen from entering my country.

Back in the days of Ellis Island the government understood the importance of medical screening. Not saying everyone entering the country should be subject to an examination but those entering from countries that are suspect certainly deserve added scrutiny. This is not being done because of political correctness.

We used to take public health quite seriously in this nation. The following pic is of an exam at Ellis Island in the early 20th Century.

I shouldn't have to resort to being a "prepper" in order to protect my family because my government shirks its basic duties.

Posts: 1005 | Registered: 11 August 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of Duckear
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"Is it safe to travel to Texas?" will soon be the appropriate question.


Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
Posts: 3103 | Location: Southern US | Registered: 21 July 2002Reply With Quote
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I do not believe one word the CDC or the AMA or the us gov't says about Ebola. They change their tune as the wind blows first direct contact now 3 feet.BS. You better believe it can and will be spread in an airplane or a school or any other place. If it is contained it will be great but if we see ten or twenty people infected they will lie again about how they got it.
Posts: 1396 | Registered: 24 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of cable68
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Regarding the Ebola and HIV comparisons:

Ebola is a much more robust virus than HIV; you do have to come in contact with the blood or body fluid to get either, but the virus of Ebola can survive outside the body longer, and apparently doesn't need as large of an innoculation compared to HIV. A much more casual contact with the fluids can lead to transmission, and once someone is infectious they tend to spew such fluids quite a bit.

One of our infectious disease Dr's (I'm a surgeon) saw me looking at African outfitters websites and was saying I shouldn't go to Africa because of Ebola; I was looking at a Ugandan outfitter and had to show him a map.

Posts: 1010 | Location: Texan in Muskogee, OK now moved to Wichita, KS | Registered: 28 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Cazador humilde
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This whole rigmarole reminds me of a guy when I first got on here. Does anyone remember his name? He'd always post about how unsafe Zim was; how if you go, you're gonna die. Over and over and over. Whatever happened to that guy?
Posts: 1278 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 31 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Cazador humilde:
This whole rigmarole reminds me of a guy when I first got on here. Does anyone remember his name? He'd always post about how unsafe Zim was; how if you go, you're gonna die. Over and over and over. Whatever happened to that guy?

Died in Zim!

Hunt Reports

2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
Namibia Sept 2010 - ARUB Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/6781076141
Posts: 7611 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Cazador humilde
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Bada bing. I knew that would be the response, but I had to ask.

Thanks for at least keeping it light.
Posts: 1278 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 31 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Squirrel Nut , That photo reminds me - The biggest fear of immigrants was to fail the medical tests ! Now they don't even bother !
There was a virus first found and identified in Japan . They immediately set up an international meeting in Switzerland for two weeks later . By then most of the members had the virus !! Air travel ,the fastest spreader of disease !!
Posts: 7636 | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
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A joke I saw on Facebook, those in Dallas scared of Ebola should head to Cowboys Stadium because no one ever catches anything there.

Posts: 1010 | Location: Texan in Muskogee, OK now moved to Wichita, KS | Registered: 28 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of A.Dahlgren
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Originally posted by cable68:
A joke I saw on Facebook, those in Dallas scared of Ebola should head to Cowboys Stadium because no one ever catches anything there.

ouch Smiler
Posts: 2638 | Location: North | Registered: 24 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Posts: 19248 | Location: The LOST Nation | Registered: 27 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of shakari
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Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
Ebola Update

The UK media are getting quite hysterical about it with Sky News now saying the fundis are predicting it'll hit the UK within 3 weeks..... time will tell I guess.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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We are a irrational, fearful species. If it was ever going to get as bad as our fears indicate, Western Giant Eland and many many other species may make a comeback. The truth is probably that more west Africans will die of the runs, rather than Ebola this year.
Posts: 1967 | Registered: 16 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of shakari
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The same Sky News I mentioned earlier were (this morning)reporting one person dying (of ebola) every 5 minutes in Liberia....... whether that's true or not, I have absolutely no idea....... but my guess is they're generally over exaggerating the situation because it's makes for exciting reporting.

Posts: 12415 | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Keep all this in mind when your SAA flight refuels in Dakar and 30 people board the plane for a ten hour get together on the way to Dulles!
Posts: 914 | Registered: 06 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of leopards valley safaris
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Originally posted by gunny:
Keep all this in mind when your SAA flight refuels in Dakar and 30 people board the plane for a ten hour get together on the way to Dulles!

He'll no !! It's DELTA for me

Dave Davenport
Outfitters license HC22/2012EC
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Posts: 980 | Location: South Africa | Registered: 06 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by gunny:
Keep all this in mind when your SAA flight refuels in Dakar and 30 people board the plane for a ten hour get together on the way to Dulles!

Hey, wait a minute - they walk the plane spraying bug killer on the passengers!!

I feel safe already.
Posts: 10273 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Total: 1 confirmed case
Confirmed: 1 | Probable: 0 | Suspected: 0
Deaths: 0
(Source: WHO roadmap 1 October)

I would say you are pretty safe Wink
Posts: 2638 | Location: North | Registered: 24 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of jdollar
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i am still floored that people won't go to Dallas, now or the near future.....

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Posts: 13244 | Location: Georgia | Registered: 28 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jdollar:
i am still floored that people won't go to Dallas, now or the near future.....

Not bothering me--and DSC is a long way away

I have a date in Dallas next weekend--No Probs

"The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane." Mark Twain
TANSTAAFL A unique way to own a piece of Africa.

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I'm not alarmed by any of this and will continue with my hunting plans. That said, I do have a question for those who are knowledgeable.

Global Rescue warns about contact with animals and I note that they recently put down a dog belonging to a nurse. What are the facts regarding infection of animals and cross-species transmission?

I'm not going to be eating, or even killing any, primates. But was curious about the usual game species.

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Hey, wait a minute - they walk the plane spraying bug killer on the passengers!!I feel safe already.

yuck yuck

I know it is necessary but I always dread that hosedown...

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
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Originally posted by lavaca:
I'm not alarmed by any of this and will continue with my hunting plans. That said, I do have a question for those who are knowledgeable.

Global Rescue warns about contact with animals and I note that they recently put down a dog belonging to a nurse. What are the facts regarding infection of animals and cross-species transmission?

I'm not going to be eating, or even killing any, primates. But was curious about the usual game species.



That is a great question. Here is some further information for your review:

A number of animal models are discussed in this TIME article, with associated background:
Posts: 42 | Registered: 31 July 2012Reply With Quote
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A break in the skin may not be needed as the Spanish nurse said she only touched her face with her protective glove.

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