You'll hear all about the .45-70 (especially in the Marlin Guide Gun) as the most devastatingly effective dangerous game package yet devised by man. The main ingredient needed to unleash all of this new-age magic is a special hard-cast lead bullet. A little wishful thinking doesn't hurt anything either, I suspect...
Sort of like the old Kennedy "magic bullet theory" - the wonders never seem to cease.
Yet, in the very same magazine or even on the same forum (like this one), the poor old .458 Win. Mag. gets disparaged as inadequate for much of anything other than punching paper or otherwise wasting your time and money. Never mind that it offers more case capacity that the .45-70 - that fact doesn't count. The .458 Win. lacks the nostalgia and novelty of the .45-70 Guide Gun, and because of that (evidently) these dealers of magic and their followers have deemed it unfit to be loaded with those hard-cast wunder bullets, which are far, far more effective that any steel-jacketed solid yet offered to the public.