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Pass the steak over I'm hungry, I guess I'm a murderer cause I love dead animals on my plate Big Grin
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I certainly hope this guy learns to love grass because that is about all there is to eat if you cut out all animal matter!

My wife is cooking a pot roast as we speak!

................................................................. BOOM........ holycow

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

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Ya plants have feelings to
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My problem is not the suffering of animals, it's the suffering of plants, their feelings and emotions, their longing for their offspring who are so violently eaten by both man and beast. Why, oh, why, can't we wake up and see the destruction we are doing to the universe everytime we pull a plant, eat a bean, cut down a tree to use for shelter, or drink a single glass of forbidden water that must be left to mother earth, and never used by evil man? Why, oh, why, I ask?

How can I ask forgiveness to all the harm I have done to animals, plants, dirt, water, and air? I should have never violated any of these, but yet I am so very guilty. How can I be forgiven?

It's obvious that I don't have the intelligence to look after the animals, plants, dirt, water, and air, as I am nothing more than a plague on this earth. I guess I should just do the obvious thing and kill myself.

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I had to respond.

"More meat for me."

I feel better now.
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and the purpose of this post on a hunting forum was what???? you going to quit hunting, Steve?

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It's obvious that I don't have the intelligence to look after the animals, plants, dirt, water, and air, as I am nothing more than a plague on this earth.

according to..The MATRIX... humans are just that..... Big Grin

Damien Manders anti-poaching activities & techniques.
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I agree with Wendell.
More meat for me

" Until the day breaks and the nights shadows flee away " Big ivory for my pillow and 2.5% of Neanderthal DNA flowing thru my veins.
When I'm ready to go, pack a bag of gunpowder up my ass and strike a fire to my pecker, until I squeal like a boar.
Yours truly , Milan The Boarkiller - World according to Milan
PS I have big boar on my floor...but it ain't dead, just scared to move...

Man should be happy and in good humor until the day he dies...
Only fools hope to live forever
“ Hávamál”
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Sorry, I know better but I cannot help myself. I watched just enough of that to decide to throw in the bsflag bsflag bsflag flag.

Did not notice that the man in the video looked any different than any other human. We all, regardless of skin color/place of birth/religious or political affiliation/gender or age share one common characteristic.

Just like every other meat eating predator on the planet our eyes are on the front of our head, not on the side like our ears.

Humans have been killing other species and each other for as long as we have been on the planet, either for food or protecting ourselves.

In the minute or so that I watched that clip I realized that regardless of the mans other accomplishments, no matter how great or noble, whenever anyone starts on a heart felt diatribe about not killing our fellow inhabitants of the planet for whatever their reasoning, they have lost my attention or interest in anything they might talk about.

Sorry for the rant. God gave me the ability to pick and choose what I want to kill or not kill, when I want to kill or not kill something, simply by letting me be born a predator, not a grazer or a browser.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Wendell Reich:
I had to respond.

"More meat for me."

I feel better now.

Yours is right after mine. I asked how he felt about abortion. I forgot to add, "I am pro choice: I chose to eat meat."

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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Amen to all said above. I would add that folk like Damien are in denial of the God-given right of humans to responsibly utilize the God-given resources on this planet for their needs and wants.
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...Humans have been killing other species and each other for as long as we have been on the planet, either for food or protecting ourselves.

as long as we have been on this planet....Really?
according to scripture, Humans were originally plant[non-meat]eaters.

Genesis 1:29-30 And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

..God gave me the ability to pick and choose what I want to kill or not kill, when I want to kill or not kill something, simply by letting me be born a predator, not a grazer or a browser.

Genesis 1, indicates humans were orig. plant source food gatherers,
God later gave[after the flood] humans the permission to consume living creatures.

Genesis 9:3 'Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."

Considering being vegetarian was good by God before, then there is no reason that it is not good/correct now.
ITs just that people now have the permission and choice of consuming meat.

God gave permission to eat creatures, and also said the value of unborn infants was less than that of adults,
Do people who agree with God on the former,... also agree with God on the later? ...I am sure some people do not.
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Trax you really need to do a little more research.

Humans were placed on Earth with DOMINION over all the other species on the planet, PERIOD.

EVERY SPECIES, except other HUMANS, were placed here as food for humans.

Take all of you nonsensical BS and talk to someone that gives a crap about your opinion.

I don't and your agreeing or disagreeing with me amounts to NOTHING!

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
Trax you really need to do a little more research.

Humans were placed on Earth with DOMINION over all the other species on the planet, PERIOD.

EVERY SPECIES, except other HUMANS, were placed here as food for humans.

Take all of you nonsensical BS and talk to someone that gives a crap about your opinion.

I don't and your agreeing or disagreeing with me amounts to NOTHING!

Trax is a troll.

JP Sauer Drilling 12x12x9.3x72
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
Take all of you nonsensical BS and talk to someone that gives a crap about your opinion.

What the Bible states is non sensical crap?...all of it?.....or only selectively? ... shame

The problem is people like to quote God when it suites them, and then
conveniently ignore other things in the scripture, when its suites them.

CHC is the same person who once said he has believed in God all his life,
then he came back and entirely changed the context of his statement,
saying it was only when 'he formed the ability to think independently'.
... rotflmo

Trax you really need to do a little more research.

No I do not.

God initially gave mankind a plant based diet.
Then later gave additional permission/choice to eat meat, if they so choose.

Is that really too hard for you to comprehend?

What part of Gods written word do you not believe?
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Trax, you are a waste of space.

God gave Man dominion over evey thing except other men(humans).

Your comments are pure Bull Shit.

All animals/birds/fish were put on Earth as food for Man.

You believe what you want, I know what I have read from the bible and I choose to believe that.

I am thru with this one and your nonsense.

Have a Good Day.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

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Your comments are pure Bull Shit.

So the rather simple to understand quotes I provide from the Bible are BS according to you,
but the quotes you use from the Bible you deem as somehow True!
Why such a hypocritical rationale?... cuckoo

You believe what you want, I know what I have read from the bible and I choose to believe that.

Well,if you read more of it and come to understand more of it,
you will find that your choice to eat meat does not make you superior in any way.
To eat meat, eventually became permissible,then a personal choice, nothing more nothing less.
And a persons choice to be vegetarian,is an equally fine & acceptable decision, nothing more nothing less.

All animals/birds/fish were put on Earth as food for Man.

OK ,..and... bewildered ..??... I dont recall saying mankind should not or could not {freely choose} to eat meat.

However being vegetarian is by no means an inferior choice.
If you dont agree, take it up with your GOD,
cause it is written that he said;...that having a plant based diet was just fine,..[divinely provided & approved of], by GOD.
with the later additional divine providence & permission/choice[not obligation].. to eat meat.

however like other choices God gave, are also free to remain an ignorant dolt.
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Actually, TRAX is correct (see below). But who cares? What's difference? ... and why is this such a sore point?

Genesis 9 (King James Version)

1) "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.

2) And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered.

3) Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
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But actually, TRAX, I would interpret it as being a command "shall be meat" ... and that being vegetarian is, in fact, an inferior choice, for lots of reasons aside from the Sacred Text.

Why did I even get involved in this? bewildered
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hell, you posted the topic. how esle would you get involved??

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Hello SteveGI,

Manders is far from being a weak skinny emanciated sickly looking type vegetarian.

I am confident one could load a heavy pack on him and he would run rings around a lot of domesticated pot-bellied meat eaters.
- and would out-shoot them as well.... Big Grin

An accusation was made that Manders and another SAS person in his Rhino conservation group,
are actually part of a covert spy operation.[apart from those two,there are also other western x-miltary personnel in his group]

I would be most interested to know where all the funds that support his Rhino conservation group are coming from.

To receive funds directly from a foreign Gov. would point suspicion/accusation of a spying operation.

However there are roundabout ways & methods to get around those sort of diplomatic sensitivities,
....and still get the funds you need to conduct your operations under the guise of a Rhino conservation group.
[That is not to say that the Rhino conservation org. itself is not real[and effective] at conserving Rhino.
The better it works as a Rhino conservation group the better it would be,
whilst conducting ones 'other rolls and interests' in the region.

Spec-Ops guys are predominantly free agent Mercenaries by nature, guns for hire.
[loyal to those who are providing the pay check at the time]

If you remember the Iran embassy siege, London 1980, one of SAS guys involved,
[ who became rather high profile as result, ie; body guard to three prime ministers and royal families]
also did some freelance mercenary training of rebels in Sth America.
It was causing the British gov. a bit of unwanted attention/concern,and they requested he stop doing so.

iN 2009 he was questioned about childporn on his home computer, but was bailed.
He moved to Greece and failed to meet his next bail hearing.
HE refused to return to GB - and as result became locked in an in extradition battle.
at the time of his death in 2010,an international arrest warrant still existed in his name.
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Does anybody know what this guy is taking about? cuckoo
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Originally posted by SteveGl:
Does anybody know what this guy is taking about? cuckoo

Steve there are two things that should never be argued, simply because there is no way either side will ever agree. No matter the evidence presented by one side will always be countered by the other side who thinks his evidence is the true one and his opponents evidence is false.

Those two things are religion, and politics! No matter how hard either side fights, the end will be that nothing has changed except that the two opponents have become life long enemies!

They are both right and both wrong because the bible has many conflicting passages, and everyone thinks his side is the only truth!

When the rubber meets the road there is no way to prove anything written and rewritten by hundreds of different people over thousands of years, and translated from a thousands of languages. So nothing is solved! That is why the freedom of belief is such a precious right. But that right belongs to both sides of the dispute on religion of politics.
Believe what you want, and let others believe what they want. However this only works if both sides do so!

All the above is just my opinion, and is worth what anyone has paid for it.

I will not respond further! I'm out of here!

...................... wave

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

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Originally posted by MacD37:
I will not respond further! I'm out of here!

...................... wave

Me too. fishing (gone fishing)
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By the way: do you guys know that Adolf Hitler
was a vegetarian?
Cheers, Hans
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Originally posted by SteveGl:
Does anybody know what this guy is taking about?

Those realistically aware of the amount of private army and foreign gov. instigated mercenary activities in and around Zimbabwe ,
would not be asking that question.

Why so many ex special forces/mercenaries involved in a simple rhino conservation group..?

Its a fact that there are foreign sourced mercenaries & secret operatives, parading under all sorts of convenient guises,in Zimbabwe.
[that particular SASR squadron use false passports and wear civilian clothing]

Other operative groups have been found to be parading as 'Sth African big game hunters'..or..'mining industry workers'.

When allegations were put to Manders that he was part of a covert intelligence/spying program being conducted in Zimbabwe,
he did not deny it, but instead choose his words carefully, giving a reply of highly ambiguous nature.
...saying; such allegations come with the 'job', but should not effect the conservation groups goals & activities.

A mercenary in the prime of his career, decides to give it up and follow the path of...animal conservation,
that just so happens to be in a tumultuous region of the third world where mercs are known to flock to get well payed work.
Either working for major foreign governments and/or international corporations protecting their multi billion $$ mining/business interests in the region.

Claiming to be vegetarian is an effective intelligent ploy for anyone attempting create public image-support & acceptance, for an animal conservation group/program.

...greenies,animal libers, vegetarians etc,.. generally seem to flock together.
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